SpiderMan 2099: Equstria's Future

by MonsterCat2212

Ch3: Redeemption

"NURSE!!" Twilight screamed in the hospital. Everypony there turned there attention to her, quickly switching there eyes to SpiderMan. The hero was nearly broken but not dead, Nurse Red Heart quickly came to Twilight's call seeing the hero see enveloped his body in a magical aura and carried him to the emergencey room the door slammed behind her.

"Twilight why are you so worried about that...thing" Rainbow Dash asked her worried friend, Twilight turned her gaze to the cyan mare and said "if it wasn't for him you or AppleJack wouldn't be here!" Rainbow Dash played in her mind the fight between her friends and the dragons. Once she was on the ground with her wings nearly broken she did remeber a substance touch her arm and saw a web looking strand hit AppleJack's leg, her eyes widened once she figured out SpiderMan did save her.

1 week later...

"Rainbow Dash you don't have to go back to hospital this late at night. Besides visting hours are over" AppleJack said.

"You may not have a dept to this alien, but I do" Rainbow Dash walked back to the hospital and noticed it was about 10:00 P.M at least, she quickly increased speed making it to the hospital, Rainbow Dash's wings where still broken and had one more week to go before see can fly again so she was grounded. Rainbow Dash reached the hospital and enetered and walked into room B3. Upon enetering she saw that the window was broken and a note was left on the hospital bed. It stated, To anyone who gets this letter your little research rat has escaped. I do not intend on returning back anytime soon, if you see me just look the other way. Writen by SpiderMan. Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, she quickly dashed out of the room and onto the street to see nopony was on the street but her. Rainbow ran over to Twilight's house and pounded on the door. A groan could be heard as Spike opened the door, Rainbow Dash pushed Spike out of the way and shouted Twilight's name. The unicorn fell out of bed, groaning she walked down the stairs to see Rainbow Dash jumping in worriedness.

"Rainbow Dash..what are you doing here *yawn* it's like 10:05 in the night!" the unicorn said.

"Twi he's gone! SpiderMan's GONE!" Rainbow dash screamed, Twilight gave her friend a confused look, "SpiderWho?" the purple unicorn asked. Rainbow Dash sighed.

"The human IS GONE!" Rainbow Dash shouted. This woken Twilight's energy grabbing her saddle bag she placed in a few medical supplies and scrolls, Rainbow Dash jumped up and down in impatience. "Spike you stay here just in case the human comes back ok" Twilight said turning to the baby dragon. Spike gave the unicorn a thumbs up and fell back to sleep. Twilight rolled her eyes, Rainbow Dash grabbed the unicorns hand and ran out the door the search was on.


" AH shock I think somethings still broken" SpiderMan said to himself bending his back, SpiderMan heard the popping noise of his back and the pain disappeared. "That's better. Now if I still had my commutation device I could contact Lyla, but I only needed that durning the whole Inheritor problem so I'd have to contact Peter. Even then I left it back in 2099!" SpiderMan silently cursed himself at his situation. *Crack* the sound of someone or something stepping on a leaf was heard, SpiderMan quickly got in his defensive stance and sniffed the air. He could smell sweat, lots of sweat. SpiderMan then looked behind himself to see a pink pony jumping up and down with a marshmallow white unicorn mare, looking back in front of himself he then saw the same cyan mare and farm pony he saved from Raven's dragons. SpiderMan then looked out of the corner of his eye a pale yellow pegeus hiding behind her mane.

'Shock my life. Wait are they threats if they where threats then my spider-sense would have went off, maybe there friendly'SpiderMan got out of his stance and let the ponies approach him. The purple mare was first to speak. "Hi my name is Twilight Sparkle what's your name?"

"SpiderMan." Everypony but Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash confused.

"Dashie how'd you know that" Pinkie Pie asked preforming cart wheels around Rainbow. "He left a note on his hospital bed saying at the end 'Writen by SpiderMan'so that's what I assume his name is."

"My darling I must meet your tailor. These cloths are amazing, the way the light blue flows there it is genius!" Rarity stated, SpiderMan payed her no attention as she examined his suit more. "Alright SpiderMan meet Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, FlutterShy, and AppleJack. We're all friends if you haven't noticed."

"You don't say" SpiderMan joked.

"SOOO your a human" Rainbow Dash asked sitting on her flank. SpiderMan opened his mouth to speech but he shot a web strand at Rainbow and pulled her toward him, acid fell on where Dash was she wiped he sweat from her head. SpiderMan put Dash down and turned his head to see...Scorpion 2099.

"YOU!!" the monster screamed, SpiderMan's eyes widened as the monster shot acid at Twilight and AJ, Spidey quickly reacted shooting two web lines at the ponies and pulling them away from the acid. "Shock Kron the Scorpion! How did he get here!" SpiderMan thought out loud running after Scorpion. The beast reacted and swiped its tail at SpiderMan, Spidey quickly put his hand on the tail and spun horizontally toward Scorpion. Reaching the creature SpiderMan punched Scorpion in the jaw, not effecting the beast Scorpion grabbed SpiderMan with his tail and slammed him into the ground. Letting the spider like hero go he ran after the ponies.

"NOO!" SpiderMan screamed jumping up but was punched away by Scorpion's claw hand.

"RAAAGHHH!!!!"Scorpion roared. Twilight grabbed the creature with her magic but wasn't fast enough to notice Scorpion's tail wasn't enveloped, Scorpion immedently used his tail and hit Twilight away making the unicorn loose her grip. Rainbow Dash attacked Scorpion giving the monster jabs to the face and a flip kick to finsh, the monster contered by grabbing the cyan mare by her tail and threw her at SpiderMan. Miguel's eyes widened as he ignored the pain and jumped in the air to catch Rainbow Dash. The human broke the mares fall but Miguel wasn't so lucky, his back soon hit a wall as he looked up.

"SHOCK! NOT PONYVILLE!" SpiderMan dropped Rainbow Dash gently and looked at her impatient "you ok" he asked.

"Ya I'll be fine-" Once Rainbow said that SpiderMan shot a web strand and began swinging toward Kron.

"Damn it Alchemax! Why do they have to try to create another SpiderMan! Wasn't FlipSide enough!" SpiderMan saw that the mares where able to stun Scorpion and let go of his current web line, SpiderMan shot another at Scorpion's chest the beast noticing and pulling the web launching SpiderMan forward. SpiderMan's spider-sense rung and he back flipped over Scorpion evading his attack, SpiderMan then saw Scorpion spit out acid and reared back dodging the projectile. SpiderMan signaled the girls to head toward Ponyville, they hesitated but looking at how focused SpiderMan was on Scorpion they listened and ran toward town.

"Kron listen to me! Give me time I might be able to turn you back human, just give me-"

"MAYBE, MAYBE, MAYBE I WANT TO BE HUMAN NOW RAGGGGHHHH!!!!" Scorpion lunged after SpiderMan multiple times, Spidey dodged everyone and once Scorpion was tired it was all over. SpiderMan punched him in the jaw and used both his fist to bash his head into the ground, grabbing Scorpion by the neck SpiderMan headbutted the monster and finshed his combo off with a jaw breaking uppercut. With Scorpion no longer able to stand his body began to disappear the same way Miguel's did when he first came to Equstria, Scorpion looked up at SpiderMan and said, "more will come" leaving the universe of Equstria. SpiderMan thought about what Scorpion said and was frightened, more where coming his deadliest enemies where coming to Equstria.