Equestrian Earth the MMORPG

by Chaotic Note

[April Fools 2015] Chapter ₯₰Ω Part 11vity - The Final Chapter

A Chaotic Production presents...

The Born of Blood Arc

Chapter ₯₰Ω Part 11vity – The Final Chapter

50th's Theme Song - Heil Urf

It’s been 18 months since Twilight Sparkle and friends have started their training with the Coders to defeat the evil Virus that plagues the land of Equestria through its citizens. With their newfound powers over the domain of the cyber world, the final showdown at Midnight Cathedral can finally begin!

It was a nice, rainy night and all things were still at Midnight Cathedral, headquarters of the nefarious Dr. Virus Dofeminshimer when all of the sudden, the front pearly black gates were KICKED open by Applejack’s incredibly strong leg muscles with all its curvy muscle beauty. The apple poni hoisted her trusted battle hamaxe, its solid gold surface and red trims gleaming underneath the castle torches’ purple flames. Behind here were the rest of the Friendship crew and the leader of the squad: Twilight Sparkle.

In the eighteen months of training, Twilight Sparkle has achieved Alicornhood and the knowledge to defeat the Virus that plagues the vidya game called Equestrian Earth. With a mighty bellow, she called out “DR. VIRUS DOFEMIN– WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS! COME ON OUT!”

Immediately a flood of shadowy beasts and players in dark, spiky armor stormed from the side doors and into the main cathedral hall, massing into rows and column formations with the beasts at the front and the players in the back lines. They then charged forward, all of them shouting their battle cries, which were matched evenly by the Friendship crew’s.

Twilight, with her magic, easily swept most of the enemies, erupting purple explosions from underneath their feet and tearing up the cobblestone floor. Applejack and Rainbow Dash sprinted towards the frontlines, pounding, slashing, and stabbing any mangy creatures and enemy players that came across their path. Pinkie Pie hopped, skipped, and jumped across the battlefield, causing massive mayhem across the grand hall with her many explosives and throwing knives, along with her pair of hand claw gauntlets which sliced enemies up like butter. Rarity and Spike, together, bombarded the enemy forces from afar with their gem meteors, arrows, and diamond dynamites.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was fiddling with her oversized harp and thought it was unnecessary to contribute to the fight since her friends were cleaning house nicely. Plus she was a bit of a coward still.

With most of the enemy troops wiped out, Twilight Sparkle and her crew made a beeline for the main throne chamber, where their main adversary awaits them. Reaching the final, towering doors at the end of the cathedral hall, Twilight summoned out an oversized sword – its length of a fully grown bullworm drake and its blade composed of solidified twilight light – out of her horn and swung it downward in the middle, opening the grand black doors.

“Okay Dr. Virus! We’re here for you!” Twilight shouted.

In the far back of the throne room was a large throne, its seat’s size easily able to accommodate a sleeping grown dragon with some room for stretching. However other than that, there was no sign of their evil foe.

“What the hay?! He’s not here!” Rainbow growled, stabbing her spear’s tip into the floor. The spear’s edge easily went in five inches before Rainbow forced her arm to stop. “Did that coward ditch the place?”

“Ah don’t know, Rainbow, but that jerk probably seems like the type to flee with his tail tucked between his legs,” Applejack commented.

“Search the room. There must be a sign as to where he may have escaped,” Twilight ordered, eying the throne with suspicion.

“I’m afraid that won’t be necessary, my dear, for I am still here!”

The gals and dragon readied their weapons, wildly aiming everywhere. The deep, dark voice bounced off the walls in an echo, making it hard to determine the source. Twilight stood upright and twirled her Staff of Starswirl around before slamming its butt on the ground, the tome catalyst’s words of Oblivion glowing dangerously red.

“Show yourself, Dr. Virus! Where are you?” Twilight shouted.

“No need to shout. Just look at what’s directly in front of you.”

Twilight blinked and suddenly a horrifying sight was beheld before her! A green human with no face, dressed in a sharp suit and wearing an unnecessarily large sombrero hat made out of–

“OOOOOHHH! Is that a sombrero made out of tortilla chips?” Pinkie loudly inquired.

The strange green human reached upward – prompting most of the heroes to swiftly point their weapons at him – and snapped off a piece of the strange hat. He then dipped the broken chip inside the sombrero’s rim and pulled it out with a hefty serving of guacamole and refried beans. He popped the snack into his mouth, which snapped into existence as soon as his lips were open. Twilight could of sworn his face was devoid of features but now it has a pair of thin lips, which were a tad bit lighter shade than the rest of his green body.

“Okay that’s pretty cool way to snack, I’ll admit,” Rainbow said, “but you still gotta die. Sorry about this.”

Rainbow leapt forward with the spear, gripping shaft two-hoofed with the intent to kill. However all she met was solid ground, causing her to tumble like a floppy pancake. Just a few steps in front of her was the green human, humming cheerfully as if nothing happened.

“What the– How did you do that?!” Rainbow said, her muzzled angrily scrunching.

“Be careful, Rainbow! This guy doesn’t play by normal rules,” Twilight advised, staring at who was apparently their foe with beady eyes.

“Well I wouldn’t say that. More like bending the rules,” Dr. virus said, making air quotes with his fingers. “You see, I’m pretty damn tired of being not included in with you ponyfolks, so I decided that you ponies should be included with me!”

“You mean brainwashing them into worshiping you and turning them against their family and friends? That’s twisted and disgusting, Dr. Virus!” Twilight growled, leveling her staff head towards his head.

“Oh please, as if that’s such a big issue. And call me Anon by the way!”

“Dr. Virus, Anon, what-the-Tartarus-ever! We’re stopping you in your tracks right here, right now!”

Anon raised his hands upward, palms open. “Okay, okay I give. But first allow me to dedicate a tribute to you all for reaching this far.”

“And what could that be?” Rarity said with a doubtful tone.

Suddenly in his hands, out of thin air and accompanied by a white flash, Anon held a guitar. “A friendship song from my people!”

Twilight’s eye twitched. “What on ear– ”

Suddenly an obnoxious, loud noise of bubbles popping and guitar playing entered her ears, causing her to drop her weapon and muffled her ears. However her hooves proved to be utterly useless like her grandmama’s kidneys. Judging by her companions’ reactions, it seems they all hated the sudden song. That Anon’s shrill voice, the irritating bubble pops, and suddenly there were showerheads everywhere, showering hot water on everything?!

“Holy Celestia, make it stop!” Twilight shouted.

“Will singing along make you feel better?” Anon inquired.

“NO!” Twilight and her friends all shouted.

“How about taking your clothes off?”


”NEVA GETTING NAKED IN YA SHOWERS!” Anon scream-sang gleefully. He then nodded his Stetson hat towards the heroes. “Good job, you passed the test.”

“HEY THAT’S MAH HAT!” Applejack shouted, although couldn’t move to grab it as the song was tantalizingly stunning and horrifying.

”You can have it back later!” Anon grinned before continuing the song.

Twilight and her friends all groaned in agony, lying down in the pools of warm water and soapy bubbles. With a deep breath, Fluttershy muttered, “Worst boss fight ever.”