Natureshy: RotE Episode 11

by Dream Volt


It was amazing. All of it was nothing but plants, but it still towered into the sky at least as tall as any spire in Canterlot. Of course the canopy hung over it all, but it was still amazing. It should be the darkest part of the forest I'm sure, but so much of the plant life glowed here, and all sorts of colors. There was only one small hole in the canopy that let in an obvious beam of sunlight, and we were walking toward it. There was still so much to see though. It was clear the trees had been grown into all sorts of shapes, even bridges connecting the homes together.

But the best part was the animals. They wandered about through passages clearly meant for them, and through the city streets. Rarity screamed the first time she saw a bear but he was a darling. And it was clear these weren't pets, maybe a little tame, but they just ran wild. The deer had simply made sure their city had plenty of room for all the animals. I think that cave we saw was even home to a bear, maybe even one of the ones we saw earlier, but Rarity didn't want to stop and look. It did make sense not to keep Wynn waiting.

"I must say I'm enjoying your city immensely." Said Rarity "So much detail into the, well carving isn't the right word is it?"

"Most certainly not." Added one of the deer escorting us.

"And I especially love the glasswork. Truly deer are the masters of delicacy with their magic. However I would like to get this trek over with because it is taking all I am not to sprint into some of your lovely shops and look around."

Most of the deer giggled, but the one that didn't spoke. "Elder Wynn will have to give you permission to roam freely, though I expect he shall, and then there is the matter that Equestrian currency is not accepted here."

"It's not? But it is the gold standard and Princess Celestia…"

"We place not the same value on gold as you do. It is that simple. As diplomats and guests of the Elder you will be given some coins." Then she smiled. "Of course you will find us a generous people and you may find yourself unable to spend them."

Rarity laughed. "That is an idea I quite enjoy. Though I can be quite generous myself, and very persuasive."

The deer looked like she was about to say something, but suddenly they all stopped, and just stood there. I was a little confused, but then I looked forward and saw why. It was a short set of steps that led up a wide short hill. I slowly walked up them. On top of the hill was a huge meadow, the sun shining down on it. It was covered in flowers of all shapes and sizes. It looked like no two were the same. Behind the meadow was a huge tree with no obvious entrance like most of the others. It's branches were so big and stretched so far I think it might be the real source of most of the canopy.

Wynn was standing in the middle. He was a white stag with huge antlers, and every inch of him literally glowed white. He was also really, really pretty. He was strong and much more thickly built than the does that escorted us, but his face was so feminine and his stance was so like Celestia it was strange. Also his white mane was really long, though his antlers kept it out of his eyes. As I slowly totted up to him it was also clear he really was taller than Celestia, just like she said he would be. But as big as he was he also had oddly light features all around, not just his face. How could a stallion, or buck, be so amazingly pretty?

"Welcome. It is truly a pleasure to see you both." Then he laughed. "Though I cannot believe Sunny has any doubt now that I've met you."

"You call her Sunny just like Luna?" I asked

"Yes, I picked up the habit from Celestia's sister herself. So, what do I owe the pleasure of your company exactly? Sunny wasn't clear, though I can guess her true motives now."

"Huh?" I asked

"Well your majesty…" began Rarity

He shook his head. "No. We have no king, and no queen. Call me Lord if you must, or Elder, but I am no king."

Rarity blinked. "Ah, well. Elder Wynn. Celestia has sent us in her place as she must deal with more pressing affairs of state but assures you…"

"That Pinkie Pie is not out to conquer the world in her name. I know. Most of the others clamoring for attention are just using this as an excuse. The details matter but inevitably they hope to win some sort of concession from this."

"Do you know Pinkie Pie?" I asked

"Oh yes." He laughed. "She visited us when much younger, somehow reaching the city without aid, and possibly without even passing though the outer edge of the forest at all."

"That does sound like her." I said

"I doubt there are two pink ponies that act in such a way." Added Rarity

"She learned about our parties and festivals, a few recipes, then moved on. She was a delight to have here and hopefully will visit again."

Rarity began to drool slightly. "Oh the delectable dishes that mare can cook. I always knew she was a good chef but common muffins and cakes are far from the extent of her capabilities. I can't believe what I've been missing."

"They are very good." I said. "So, um, we've told you. Now what?"

Wynn laughed. "Well now I tell you why Sunny really sent you here. Clearly she has decided you young Fluttershy need training. I believe she wishes Rarity to attempt to learn what she can as well."

"I hoped that might be the case." Said Rarity "But is there really nothing else we are to do during our visit?"

Wynn nodded. "Without a doubt. Sunny knows this too. We are a race that looks at things in the long view. We have long known this could happen in Griffany, simply that it didn't. Also as I just said I know Pinkie, even if not too well."

Rarity then put a hoof to her chin. "But why did the princess not simply tell us this?"

"Who knows? Most likely it is a political matter. If you are here as ambassadors there is little anyone can say, but if you are here to be students that is entirely different."

"It is?" I asked

"Yes. Just in Equestria itself there are countless unicorns that wish to come here to study. The only one currently living that has is Twilight Sparkle, and she left of her own free will out of frustration with our methods."

"That doesn't sound like Twilight." I said

"I must agree." Added Rarity, brow arched

"I believe her exact words were, how can you study a subject without books or writing?"

"That on the other hoof..." Said Rarity trailing off

I nodded. "So there are really no records of your magic at all? Just like they said?"

"Your friends in Whitetail were correct yes. At least there is no record of words. Important things must be recorded, but also protected. What Twilight could not accept is that our method involves looking to the past only once you truly understand the present."

"It would surely have to be more than that." Said Rairty

"She's a very good student." I added

"Yes, and that was the problem. Our methods run contrary to everything she knew. I said she simply wasn't ready to learn from us, but now I think she never will be."

"I'm sure she can do it." I then smiled

"Yes." Rarity nodded. "In fact Twilight has been branching out a great deal lately. Even studying earth pony and pegasus magic. I believe…"

"No, I think that she will never be ready because she will not have to be. Because you will teach her in your own way and she will learn from her friends better than I could ever dream to teach her."

"Oh." Rarity and I echoed.

"I assume you brought all your things?"

"The earth pony at the inn near the edge of the forest said he'd hold our bags for us until the deer collected them later. Is he right?"

Wynn nodded "We have selected some guest quarters for you. It's very lovely, a former tree shaper's house who decided she can do better now, and has."

"Ah, and the very idea of destroying such a work of art…" Rarity shuddered slightly "…is unthinkable…" She looked at one of the tree homes in the distance with smile on her face, and her eyes seemed to sparkle "…so it remains."

Wynn nodded. "Yes. I think this is enough for our first meeting. Now I will introduce you to my niece and your guide Acorn."

A young deer then came into view. She was all leg and still covered in spots. Her antlers were tiny little things with only one point each that barely stuck out of her mane. It was long and silver and had a little white flower in it. I hadn't seen her until stepped forward, but wasn't sure why. She was short but not short enough to completely hide in the flowers, even lying down. She then smiled. She was adorable.

"Hello, it's nice to meet the both of you. I'll be your guide for the duration of your stay. I believe it will be two weeks this first time."

"First time?" I asked

"Surely you don't think a week is enough to teach you all that needs to be taught. In fact in the beginning Acorn herself will do all the teaching herself."

"But she's so young." Said Rarity

"I'm likely older than you, but as Fluttershy knows that is something we never discuss."

"Yes, it's very rude to question a deer on their age." I said "They once told me even at the beginning they age a little slower than normal, eventually stopping entirely."

"You mean they really all are immortal?"

Wynn shook his head. "Our aging stops, but other than a few exceptions we still die just as easily as any pony."

"The few exceptions are more akin to the way pegasai are far more resilient to lightning and other similar differences between ponies." Added Acorn

"Oh, I see." I nodded

"Yes, I think I get your point." Then Rarity laughed "In truth I am boggling at the very thought of immortality, while I continually forget I have been lucky enough to gain it myself." She blinked. "Most likely. Moonfire is right, it isn't the sort of thing that the sane rush to test."

"Yet it is all but certain you are truly undying." Said Wynn "Just remember, that there are various ways that very gift can be a curse, most directly when dying would be far kinder than continuing to suffer the pain. Yet anything can be endured, and you are unlikely to ever have such a problem."

Acorn sighed. "Sorry, but my uncle can be quite pessimistic at times. Come now, let me show you where you'll be staying."

Then she walked off. I shuddered a little thinking about what he just said, but when I heard retreating hooves I even took to the sky to catch up with Rarity. The deer always looked at me funny if I left the ground, and they considered it really important to touch the earth with bare hooves as much as possible, but they never really said it was outright rude. Once I caught up I still folded up my wings and just walked behind Acorn right next to Rarity.