//------------------------------// // Attack with fire? // Story: Natureshy: RotE Episode 11 // by Dream Volt //------------------------------// Rarity and Trixie were glaring at Acorn. Two deer in white robes were next to her, but for the moment not doing anything. Around them were huge piles of small stones. They had all been in the air not long ago, all at once. Sky was in front of me, and both of us were a good distance away from everyone else. The area was a rocky pit with a few large rocks around it with strange runes on them. One of them was behind me. "The shocked and appalled Trixie surely must have heard you wrong." "You cannot seriously wish me to sling anything…" Rarity gave a little mostly ladylike huff. "…much less fire of all things at one of my best friends and her sister?" "Of course not." Said Acorn. "Just Fluttershy. Sky doesn't have to get in the way even if it would defeat the whole purpose if she didn't. With her armor it shouldn't even hurt her. Also the spell I cast on her will protect Fluttershy from any damage." "Little one…" began one of the deer. "Are you sure your uncle…" "This is his idea. It should all make sense soon. But here's the deal, these two will start throwing rocks every second there isn't two fireballs in the air, and one for every time you miss. They'll stop entirely if you can manage to both hit Fluttershy." "This is just cruel." Said Sky "Not really. Let me show you." Then without another word Acorn picked up one rock with her magic and flung it at me. One of my butterflies stopped it before I could even cringe. Sky stared as it flew the rock back over to one of the piles. Acorn stared at it. "Wait, you still want to be helpful after I threw something at you?" "Uh, yes?" I said "The confused and confounded Trixie still doesn't understand. If her magic will stop everything what is the purpose of this exercise?" "There are sixty seconds in a minute, and I mean each of them will throw a rock. Even Fluttershy should be overwhelmed eventually if you don't take action. If she isn't then while you fail she would clearly learn a great deal." Rairty gasped. "Wait, when you say throw a stone, you mean they're going to continue to throw the stone again and again, bringing them back like they gathered the piles in the first place. They're here because you can't do that yourself." Acorn nodded. "Obviously." "Very well, the greater and more powerful Trixie accepts your challenge. Trixie feels much stronger than she did thanks to your uncle, and she does not wish to see Fluttershy or her dear Captain Silent Sky suffer." "Silent Sky?" asked Acorn "Is the rhyming on purpose?" "Obviously." Said Sky "Oh my yes." I added. "I, think I see the point here, yet…." Rairty trailed off. "I can start a fire in a pinch but I know nothing of fire spells." Acorn rolled her eyes. "Then that just means getting you over the common unicorn hang up about fire is part of the exercise. Just let yourself try. It should come naturally." "Begin?" asked one of the other deer. "Yes, we're done with explanations." "But…" Rarity stopped when the rocks began flying. Sky batted one away, while another was caught by one of my butterflies. Then they started coming faster. Trixie cast a small ball of fire about the size of a grape. It was very fast and hit Sky right in the chest. She cringed slightly, but her armor was very good. Trixie just stared forward a few seconds for some reason. Rarity had summoned a ball of fire for a moment but it burst almost immediately. "That was too easy." Said Rarity "Far too easy." Trixie rolled her eyes. "Of course it was easy. The intelligent and knowledgeable Trixie thinks it's obvious enough. The warnings against fire use aren't because it's difficult, it is merely dangerous." "No I mean that no spell has ever been…" Rarity then turned to Trixie "Wait, how many fire spells do you know?" "Trixie knows a few, but that doesn't matter. What matters is Trixie put more power into that spell that intended. That almost never happens." "Stop this." Both then looked at Sky, and suddenly went quiet. She had to block a lot more rocks now, even though there are a lot more butterflies. I still don't entirely understand how it works sometimes, but they mostly did what I want, even if sometimes it was automatic, like blocking things. Then Trixie fired another fireball. A butterfly intercepted it and both just sorta vanished in a little flash. "The amazed and impressed Trixie can hardly believe her eyes." "Did it really just…" Began Rarity "Rarity." Said Sky "Cast now. If this gets much worse." Rarity nodded and sent a fireball forward. Except it wasn't a ball, it looked like a gem. A crystal made of fire shooting through the air. I had a really bad feeling about it. Then there was a great gust of wind and the fireball and all the rocks were blown off course. Acorn just nodded and the two deer briefly stopped. She then looked over to where the small but deep looking hole in the ground where Rairty's spell hit. "Okay, that was way better than I expected." Then Acorn cringed "Way better." "That was a truly new spell, wasn't it?" asked Rarity "I don't know enough about fire magic to say." Said Acorn "Was that me?" asked Sky "Did I really…" "Summon the wind itself while rooted to the ground as in tales of old? Duh. You two…" she looked at the deer mages "…can leave by the way. This lesson isn't over, but we don't need to actually throw dangerous spells at each other anymore. Also Rarity's was more dangerous than I was counting on." "Trixie just realized something, couldn't Sky have just let them though. Wouldn’t that have ended things quicker?" "Only once you both started casting." "Also I'm sure she barely even thought of letting her get hurt. I was willing to take this further originally, but that spell of yours Rarity is not just heat, but cutting force. Also it will cut though magic as well. Amazing for the spur of the moment." "You mean she really just made that spell?" Everyone stared at Trixie for a moment, but she just looked away and let out a little wuff of air. The two deer had gathered up some of the small rocks, but instead of throwing them they formed them into two statues, one looking like Sky, and the other me. Then they swiftly left. Deer are so graceful. "Oh, good idea. I guess that's why they're the mages and I'm still just some silly fawn, huh? Okay, same idea as before, but ten times less dangerous. Sisters on the defensive, but this time only statues, while you two throw fireballs at them." "You couldn’t start with this?" asked Sky "Maybe I could have, but the real threat of pain, even if limited, was a good motivator. Doesn't matter now though." She laughed. "Anyway, come on, we aren't done here. I want so much fire in the air the sisters have to work together to win. Go." Trixie threw the same little fireballs, but very quickly they were far more numerous. Rarity though just sat there, not trying to hit either statue. My butterflies didn't seem to be doing nearly as well, and there weren't as many of them. "Good Trixie, and obviously Fluttershy you might have to try harder since I think some of your magic is always in reserve to protect you." "Does it really have to be fire?" asked Rarity "For today at least. It might be better if you tried something different though." "Different you say. I wonder…" Rairty trailed off, and then suddenly her hair was an inferno. Acorn fell backwards when that happened. Then the inferno built and a whip of her hair lashed out, demolishing the statue of me outright, the butterflies in the way were just gone. They tried so hard too. Acorn shook her head and stood up. "Never mind. Seriously, you've really never even tried fire magic, have you?" "Of course not. It makes sense for the world's greatest magic scholar or a showmare to learn to set things on fire, but I make dresses. It just isn't necessary." Acorn smiled. "But learning any magic can be useful. Even though it might not seem like much I think we can move on. Though ideally Sky would get a lot more practice with her new trick but…" She then spun around. "Ooo, idea. Don't really need to be here, but whatever, it's still good." "I'm going to hate this, aren't I?" asked Sky "Nah. It's super simple. All three of you, yes you too Fluttershy, will throw as many rocks as you possibly can with your magic. At the remaining target obviously." "And I try to blow them away. That is simple. Too simple. I won't hold Fluttershy's training back." "It won't. Though maybe we could use more rocks and reinforcing the statue might be a good idea." "Allow me." Rarity then walked near the statue, and lit her horn. With a flash it changed from common stone to a huge black diamond shaped like Sky. Acorn just stared at it for a moment, then started stomping off in a huff. "Excuse me, I have to go yell at uncle Wynn. If you have trouble finding enough rocks ask somedeer for help. If they can't help themselves, they can help you find someone who can. Also it won't do any good unless you all push yourselves." Then she finished stomping off. I let out a slight giggle. I immediately felt bad, but I just couldn’t help it. She looked so cute storming off like that.