Natureshy: RotE Episode 11

by Dream Volt


Rarity was still repeating the same word over and over again. I think she heard everything, but I wasn't sure. Trixie said she was bored and started reading some book with odd runes on the cover, but every so often she looked up. Sky just nodded silently every so often. She always listened, closer than most ponies even, but she was always very hard to read. I had no idea why she nodded at the points she did but I'm sure she had a reason each time. The large cushions in what seemed to be a reading room of our boarding house were very comfy, so I almost fell asleep a few times. Angel had fallen asleep curled up next to me.

"I see." Sky nodded. "You've already heard this a few times, but it does bear repeating. Do not trust the fey. The glimmering court is hardly better than the shadowed. And in no way should you trust Chrysalis. I can't tell you all the ways she is lying to you, but they are many."

"Queen." Rarity slumped forward, eyes finally returning to focus. "It's just not fair. To either of us really."

"What exactly does that mean?" Asked Sky, eyes narrowing slightly. "Are you saying you deserve to be queen more than she?"

Rarity gasped and recoiled, returning upright again. "Of course not, but really, first Pinkie who while far more fit to lead a nation than expected is, well…"

"Quirky?" I asked

"To say the least. Oh you were not there for the duration but she was an absolute…" Rarity paused, and looked at Sky "…terror, yes that the best word in this case."

"You can use the word nightmare. That does not offend." Said Sky

"I see. The point is not even the princesses could keep her entirely under control. She may be capable of being responsible, but not for an entire country."

Sky nodded. "So you believe Fluttershy…"

"Is capable of good judgement, but for a shy creature like your dear sister just meeting various leaders will be stressful, not to mention that they are clearly a duplicitous lot with strange ways she can easily get wrong."

"Oh my." I started to shiver a little

"Then of course there is the matter of the sheer complexity of interactions. I mean if the nobles of the fey are anything like the Canterlot aristocracy there will be countless plots both major and minor, and you will be expected to keep the peace."

"Oh my." I was outright shaking now.

"They're far worse." Said Sky "I don't know much personally, but Luna knew something of the fey courts. They are worse in all ways, and far more likely to attempt to kill to achieve their goals. Not always each other, but something will suffer."

"How dreadful." Rarity shook her head. "This is just what I mean. Political intrigue is just not her forte, and of course there is also the matter that I doubt all the fey is pretty fairy ponies and magical rabbits."

"Yes, many were called nightmare beasts not just because they served Nightmare Moon once, but because they were terrors to behold."


I was then curled up in a ball. I had been trying not to worry. I mean it was new and scary, but it was even worse than I thought. The worst part was when I let them down it sounded like ponies, or at least pony like things, would be hurt. Then I started to cry. Or animal like things. Even if they did do it themselves being mean it would still be my fault.

"I'm such a bad queen."

"I believe we should have been paying more attention to our discussion." Said Rarity

"I agree." Added Sky

"Shy, listen up." Said Angel, clearly awake again. "You ain't even tried nothing yet, and depending on your point of view see, you might want to be a bad queen."

"Huh?" I blinked "What do you mean Angel?"

"I mean one of the more beloved fey queens is so loved cause she iced a whole city of pegasai. Then her people shattered them into tiny bits."

"Oh." I said

"Odd." Said Sky

"Yes, it's rather obvious he is talking in some manner now that I'm looking for it, and the responses are a bit more clear than when Fluttershy talks to most animals."

"So yea, that's why I said you gotta wait a bit. Also the whole point of that test is both sides were sick of high queens that didn't really have the power to keep the fey in check and just being another piece in the game so both agreed to remove the position from the equation." Angel laughed. "In fact both courts are probably gonna be real mad Whispy and Chrysalis gave you the go ahead."

"That's bad, isn't it?" I asked

"It ain't good, but the fey ain't exactly fast movers neither. They probably ain't gonna do nothing for at least a year, and probably decades. Take the time, they ain't running things so great right now but it's been running that way for centuries so it can wait."

"Oh." I sat up and hugged Angel. "Thank you Angel, you're such a good bunny."

"Yea, yea. Look, just cut it with the hugs in front of the other dames okay?"

"Sorry." I let him go. "I feel much better now. It's still scary but…"

"Just focus on yer training. That should help. The more you know about what youse can do the better."

I nodded. "Okay."

"Is he finished?" asked Rarity

"Oh yes. Right Angel?"

He nodded, and yawned. "Yea, I'm done. Now lets all get some shuteye."

"Good idea. It is late."

Rarity yawned. "I think I got the general idea that time."

"Yes, it's best I turn in too. I need to keep watch on those two, she paused, fakers tomorrow." She smiled slightly "Good, I wasn't sure if that was vague enough. I don't think they're actually going to try anything, but the queen has some plan for you and it isn't clear what it is. I can't let my guard down."

"Queen Chrysalis seems well mannered and certainly has a sense of style. It's those two ruffians in her employ that worry me."

"I wish I could explain more, but I can't. Just be alert. That's the best we can do for now." She sighed. "The best we can do."

Sky then walked off. I sighed. It was so clear she really wanted to tell me. Magic can be so scary sometimes. It's worse when it's your magic you're scared of. Rarity smiled and got up, probably heading to the bathroom. She spent a lot of time in there. I know all the things she does well enough but it always seemed strange to me. I just wash my hair regularly and brush it at least once a day but she always compliments me on it even though I don't any of the things she does. I don't think I'll ever understand fashion as well as she does.