Natureshy: RotE Episode 11

by Dream Volt

Good and bad things

This part of the forest was really dark. All the forest had a thick canopy, but only here was there nothing glowing somewhere in the distance to shed some light. In fact right now if it wasn't for my glowing butterflies hovering around us we wouldn't have any light at all. I tried to be brave like Sky and Angel, who were both ahead of me, mostly out of the light of the butterflies and didn't seem to care at all. I still hadn't stopped shaking entirely, even though it had been a long time with nothing happening as I followed the icky feeling that was Discord's chaos magic.

"Uh, why did we separate again? I didn't want to say anything but now I really wish Rarity was here and…"

"Cover more ground. Wynn knows where the tomb is, so he put us on either side of it since hopefully Discord hasn't seen it yet."

"Course only we can find it, see."

I blinked. "Uh, what?"

"Listen up boss mare. You know your sister got at least a little fey in her right. It's why she hasn't aged in years."

"Yes." I said

"And obviously you got more than a bit or you wouldn't be high queen. Now that we're close it's obvious there is some serious glamour around this area and I'm guessing it's the tomb. Any non fey would have a real tough time getting through it without getting lost and confused."

"Are we really sure it was the real key?" I asked. "I mean it seems like it's silly to keep it so close by if you never want to open the door and…"

"No, the tomb door you want to open." Said Sky "Just in case anything happens you want to be able to check. I would assume the deer are capable of entering an ursa's den without being accosted much like yourself. Most others would find it difficult I imagine."

I nodded. "Oh yes, they aren't too territorial in general, but protect their den's fiercely. It was not easy to earn the Everfree Ursa's trust, but it was worth it."

"This is not good."

I blinked about to ask Sky what she meant then noticed we were very suddenly in front of a large hill covered in trees. A hill with a large stone door. A door we couldn't see too well because it was open and the tunnel wasn't well lit.

"I will do my best to find some deer. Stall him."

I blinked. "What?"

"Stall him. It doesn't matter how, just do it." Sky put Angel on my back "I imagine your lapine friend can help."

"Youse better believe it. If he was at full power there ain't much I could do, but just get me in front of him bossmare and I'll punt that patchwork palooka into next week."

"Oh my."

"I assume that was some sort of threat. Is he implying he will fight for you?"

I nodded.

"That may be for the best. You can do this."

Then Sky was off. I didn't want to go. I knew things were going to end badly. I just knew something was going to go wrong and it would be all my fault. I whimpered, but flew through the doorway anyway. I really don't want to do this, but I have to.

"Come on Shy, no worries. I ain't always been nice as I should have, but when you really needed me I ever let you down?"

"You're right Angel. I can do this."

The tunnel curved down, stairs speeding by below me. I may be the slowest pegasus ever, but flying is still pretty fast so I reached the bottom soon, another open stone door leading into a huge room. It wasn't too fancy, but it was really big with a bunch of pillars a few ponylengths from the wall of the round room. The stone of the door and the room matched, a shinny black looked like obsidian. I'm not sure if that's what it was. There was a strange mass in the center but even though it was huge it was mostly covered by silver chains. I guess there are a lot of them?

Then all the chains vanished, and suddenly the creature in the center of the room began to move. It was a huge white wolf with solid black eyes. It also had countless things sticking out of its back. Then I realized it was more into, as blood oozed out of countless wounds and they weren't just in it's back, but everywhere, and there were simply more, often larger, things in its back. Most looked like rusted scraps of metal, but a few were intact enough for me to realize they were lances and swords and maybe some other strange even larger weapons. Then suddenly the door behind me slammed shut. I jumped, leaving the ground again.

"Free. Finally Free." The creature said "The world shall once again feel my wrath."

"Wow, could you get any more obvious?"

Discord then laughed. I turned to see him on my back in the form of a jackalope with mismatched fur and those strange horns of his. He smiled widely.

"Wh-where's Angel."

"Unless I seriously miscast that spell a very small ledge in Griffany. Now you just wait right here while I talk to your dinner companion. Or is it lunch?"

With a pop normal Discord was in front of Terrorlisk. The giant wolf rolled its eyes. I immediately hid behind a pillar.

"While I suppose I must be grateful for setting me free I will not listen to you abomination."

Discord shook a claw. "Tsk tsk. Didn't your mother like entity ever teach you not to use such hateful words."

He growled. "Fool. I am Terrorlisk the unstoppable, lord of malice and torment. You think I care about such things."

"Wait, not terror? Your name is Terrorlisk but you're not a fear demon?"

"What does that matter?"

Mommy always said I should try to think of the positive in any situation. The first good thing is Angel was safe. Well, safer than here. The second was so many pillars here means there are plenty of things to hide behind. Third Discord distracting it meant I had plenty of time to move, even enough to switch pillars every so often when neither was looking. Yes, there were plenty of good things about being trapped in a room with Discord and a giant monster and if I wasn't about to die I could really appreciate them. I knew it was a bad idea but I started muttering under my breath to myself.

"Please don't find me. Please don't find me. Please don't find me."

"Because Mr Bloody I was hoping for some fun, but this is going to be the most one sided fight in history." Then Discord smiled. "Though I suppose considering who's going to win it might be somewhat interesting."

"Yes, I'll crush you easily, you may have once had power godling but it is clearly gone."

He rolled his eyes. "I don't mean me, I mean the pony."

Terrorlisk sniffed the air. "There is no pony in this room. It is just us."

"What? No, she can't have escaped, I still have the key."

Discord looked around, dashed between the pillars and started doing a quick circuit of the room randomly weaving in and out of the pillars. I thought for sure he would notice me but he moved past me like I wasn't there even though I swear he looked right at me. I peeked out to look at the two of them again.

"Oh come on. She can't have left."

"She is certainly not invisible or any such thing. There is no guise I cannot see or smell through. There is no pony here."

Discord glared at him. "Listen you arrogant overgrown mutt. There is a pony here and…" Discord laughed. "Oh of course. Yes, invisibility no, but the veil of the breezies is far more than just that."

"You think the pathetic magic of those could blind my perfect nose. You foolish…"

He kept talking, but I was staring at my hoof. I could still see it, but now I could tell there was something covering me. It didn't look like anything, but I think that was the point. I was invisible. No one could see me. No pony could stare at me and babble about me being a model. No one could talk to me out of the blue without warning. No one could sneak up on me and say boo. I couldn't help but giggle.


"What was that and where did it come from?"

I immediately flew away from where I was into the center of the room, but not too close to the big scary monster. Yes, the most important thing is hiding from scary things, can't forget that. I was ready to speed off again but neither seemed to see me. I was safe. Then I realized something important. I may be safe for now but I didn't have any idea how to get out of here.

"Believe me now."

"Very well. It matters not. This room may be indestructible…"

"Just because you can't break it doesn't mean…" began Discord

"Quiet" he yelled "If I cannot break it, it will not falter. That door may be too small but with some concentration I have a way out."

"Only if I open the door again, which I won't."

They started bickering, but I wasn't really listening. It reminded me of the way Rarity and Applejack used to be sometimes. Twilight has been so good for all of us. I tried to focus on some plan to get out of here but I couldn’t help but stare at his wounds. I know he was mean, probably even evil, but he looked to be in so much pain. It was odd the blood never seemed to reach the ground, but all those wounds. How could he stand it? Then my butterflies appeared, and began pulling them out. I tried to be as gentle as possible, but he cringed each time no matter how hard I tried. It even almost seemed like the more effort I put into being gentle the worse it hurt him.

"Hah, you think this pathetic attack of yours will slay me? I have been pierced by countless weapons and their sting has only made me stronger."

Discord stared blankly at the huge wolf. "You're a moron. You don't have a working brain cell in there at all do you? Just all power and fury with nothing to back it up."

"You impudent…" he began, but paused, cringing when I pulled out a large piece of metal full of especially nasty looking barbs.

"I mean I could work with that, but seriously, how can you not realize?"

"You are the idiot not I. I am…"

He then fell over. Oh my, he looks so weak. He's panting heavily. It was odd though, he looked better when he had all those things in him. The butterflies were even closing his wounds, the blood flow slowly ceasing. Then I realized what the symptoms added up to.

"Oh my. He's going into shock."

"How, how are you doing this? I am invulnerable. I am unstoppable. I am…"

"Monumentally dense." Discord shook his head. "I suppose I have to explain about Demons now." He sighed. "Imparting knowledge really isn't my style but…"

"I'll do it." I then looked down. "Well if it's alright with you. I like my monster books. They have so much useful information. Demons and angels are creatures of pure metaphysical concepts, mostly emotions and other things relating to civilization and intelligent creatures, they can take many forms and…"

Terrorlisk screamed. "Ah, make it stop. Make whatever horrible magic you're using on me stop. It's unbearable."

He looked both better and worse. He seemed frail somehow, maybe even smaller. I was trying but there wasn't much else I could do. I think I made a mistake. I hated to see anyone suffer, even if logically I know he can't help but be bad and can never change, I still feel sorry for him. I did the only thing I could, and hugged him best I could. He gave one final scream then vanished with a shimmer of light, ash falling to the ground. I just stood there as some of it slowly covered me.

"Ugh, even more disappointing than I dreamed. Yes I'm glad to see him gone, but still far from an entertaining battle or death."

"Oh my."

"Yes, dead." Discord was around me, not quite touching, grinning. "You killed him. With your merciless mercy you ended the life of…"

I smiled. "Oh, I get it now. Though you can't really kill demons, just weaken them enough they can no longer remain on this plane. He might be back, but if he managed he'll be much weaker."

"Wait, you're not upset?"

I shook my head. "No, it's funny really. Dash said I should just start niceing any monsters I meet to death, but I never thought it could work."

"Yes, yes. Fascinating."

Discord was sorting though the various metal scraps my butterflies had scattered on the ground as they pulled them out of the demon. Truthfully I wasn't sure how I felt about this at all. Demons should be nothing but bad, but I really did want to help him. He should be okay but I was a little worried anyway. Then I realized something. Discord wasn't paying any attention to me at all, and I'm pretty sure I'm visible now.

"You were willing to kill all of them?"

"Probably?" Discord laughed. "You'll have to be more specific."

"The deer. My sister. My friends. Everyone in the forest was in danger, and all the animals too. Because if I hadn't stopped it…."

"Sounds about right. Where is that blasted thing? Not my style, but you know, desperate times and all. Honestly I was hoping to keep him trapped here for eternity. He would be so wonderfully mad I'm sure, but he might have got out. So what?"

I closed my eyes. It took all of us together to fight him before. Everyponly else was so good at being brave. Dash and AJ never even thought about being scared, and Pinkie didn't seem to even really understand the concept. Rarity was always so calm too. Twilight could get really scared, but mostly it was things involving other ponies, especially disappointing others. She worried. That was one way she was like me. It took all of us, but I thought of not just my sister and Rarity and Trixie, but all the nice deer he was willing to just let die, especially Wynn and cute little Acorn. I glared at him.

"I'm going to stop you."

Discord laughed. "Oh please?" he looked up. "What can you even do?"

I looked down. "Uh…"

"That's what I thought."

"No, I can do a lot, it's just, well…"

He looked up again. "Stop wasting my time. Just spit it out. What could you even possibly do to me?"

I suddenly had an answer. It was a good answer, and it might stop him. It might be enough to make him stop. It might make him stop without violence. It might at least stall him. It might scare him. I know it scared me. Besides, it was the truth.

"I don't know." I looked down. "See, I've always been afraid."

"I must commend you on the completely off the wall tangent my dear. I had such low hopes that your mumbling would be even the slightest bit more interesting than the tedious task of shuffling though this mess you made. Go on, I'm sure you'll disappoint me soon enough and be more boring than…" he shuddered. "Sorting."

"Mommy said I was a happy baby not afraid of anything, and maybe she's right but I don't remember that. I know I don't remember not being afraid."

"And there we go. Didn't take long at all. Where is that stupid thing?" There was a clang as Discord threw one of the weapons behind him.

"Daddy tried to help, but it didn't matter. First came the nightmares, and in response he got me the mental training to resist them. It helped the most, but when I was awake I was still afraid."

"Wait, what?" Discord stopped rummaging for a moment.

"Then there was being afraid of a monster in my closet, and in response daddy gave me my first monster book. I think it really just made things worse."

"Okay, so at least your stupid sob story isn't completely dull."

"Then a kid pushed me and I did nothing in return. I still don't know why that little goat was so mean."

Discord laughed. "Ooo, good one."

"Good one?"

He frowned "Ugh, it wasn't even on purpose? You really are pathetic." He then started sorting thought he blades again

"Sorry. Daddy saw it and started teaching me about combat. I didn't like it until mommy and he both started teaching me martial arts. It was fun training with them at first but then I hurt somepony in a tournament."

"I doubt that."

"I'm very strong you know. Well, for a pegasus. Lots of earth ponies are stronger. It's probably because I have a better earth affinity. That's why I have so much trouble with flying too."

Discord laughed. "Ah, the poor little pegasus should have been born an earth pony. It just hits you right here." He then burped. "My mistake. Donkey cuisine is not for the weak of stomach let me tell you."

"I was good too. I've mastered three forms of martial arts, and was pretty good at Hanedo too. Not as good as Dash, and of course daddy was better since he's named after it, well the Equestrian version is a little different but it's almost the same thing."

"Ugh, what are you blabbering about now?"

"Steelwing combat training. All pegasai can learn it, even if most don't. It's…" I looked up. "I'll just show you."

I then focused and spread out one wing. I walked up to one of the pillars nearby and with a single quick motion cut the pillar. It wasn't that deep but it was really noticeable, a little gash missing.

"Twilight figured out it uses air magic to both strengthen wings and create a cutting edge if we want it." I was smiling, but then sighed. "But in the end I was still afraid. More afraid than ever in some ways. That's when it really began."

Discord was now sorting though the pile considerably faster, all five limbs grabbing and shortly thereafter throwing them away. Why was he going so much faster?

"Where is it, where is it, where is it?"

"I was afraid of what I could do on top of all the other things out there to be worried about. I'm so afraid I might break something. I tried to keep practicing at least but I kept hesitating, even when there wasn't another pony opposite me. I kept worrying about hitting something too hard and so I barely put in any force at all. I don't think I can break bones anymore, but I'm still afraid to try because I just might."

Discord didn't reply for once.

"Then came the stare. I could never control it, but it seemed whenever I really needed it, it would work. I think there are a few more little things daddy or Dash, or even mommy tried to do to help me. Things that should make me more safe somehow, but it doesn't really matter."

Discord briefly laughed. "Well at least that makes no sense."

"It was ponies too though. Talking to them, buying things, dealing with them looking at me all the time. Daddy and Dash tried to help, but for a while I just couldn’t. Dash used to do all my shopping for me. She complained but never even suggested she wouldn’t do it. So for a long time it was just me and Dash and my parents."

He stopped sorting again. "Yea, yea. Boo hoo." He said, his voice sort of hollow. "You're pathetic, what else is new."

"It didn't matter what I did I was still afraid. It didn't matter how prepared I was, or how much more capable I was, or any other logical reason. I was still afraid. I felt like nothing could change that, no matter how dangerous I might be."

"Yes, clearly you're an unstoppable engine of destruction." He stopped sorting for a second "Though it would make so little sense if you were." He smiled at that.

"Then came Twilight. I knew Rarity and the others but I didn't spend much time with them. I didn't even spend all that much time with Dash. Then it all changed."

"Yea, yea, your life was amazingly lame, and then little miss star butt made it slightly more interesting, even if you're as boring as ever." He gave little growl. "This should not be this difficult to find."

"It was so scary, not just because it all started with Nightmare Moon, but interacting with so many new ponies because Pinkie always invited me to parties, and having to face monsters, and all the other things I've done since." Then I smiled "But for once I was less afraid."

"How can it be so hard to find one sword with a glowing blade?"

"It was hard, but it was worth it. Dash and daddy always told me I should be more assertive. Sky said it sometimes too. I could never manage. I was too weak. Too pathetic. I thought I couldn’t do it." I sighed

An especially loud clang interrupted me for a second.

"But then it was all of them. And it wasn't just words. Dash and my family tried but they knew me. They knew what I was like. But Twilight didn't, and she didn't let the others think that way either. She didn't just know I was capable, but assumed I would use that capability. That I wasn't pathetic. That I not only could I do it, but would." I smiled

"Aha." Discord stopped to point at me "I knew you were playing me. Nopony can be that good and pure. I knew you were just messing with me. Teasing me." He flew in close to me. "Well you're not going to get away with it."

"Oh, yes. I'm so sorry about that. I really did think I was hopelessly pathetic, but apparently I'm not that bad. Well, probably. I mean I should believe my friends don't you think? Even if I still feel weak and helpless. I always do."

Discord's eyes went wide and he went back to looking.

"So it all began to change. I was scared, but happy. Then the big things started to change. We are the elements. I have all this power. Then there was the tree, and now on top of that I'm high queen of the fey."

He stopped sorting to look up at me, one eyebrow raising so high it detached from his face, falling to the ground with a strangely loud clatter. "You have got to be kidding me?"

I shook my head. "Why would I do that? But in the end this is all so new. I've learned about my magic some, a whole lot this week, oh there is also how sometimes I seem to just be able to order creatures to do what I say and they have to do it."

He rolled his eyes. "Far less impressive than it sounds. I assure you it wouldn't work on me in the least."

"But every day it seems like there's more. I didn't even know I could turn invisible until a few minutes ago. It's terrifying."

"So what?"

"So my full answer is I don't know what I can do to you but it's a lot. My answer is thanks to my friends and this new power I'm afraid of everything else a little less every day. But there is one thing I'm more afraid of than anything and every day it's worse. I've always been afraid, and always will be."

"Ugh, a logical connection. Yes the tangent did meander a bit aimlessly, but hardly up to my exacting standards for chaos."

"You should be afraid because I don't know what I can do to you, and that scares me. But it should terrify you, because I try to be nice, but I also want everyone else to be nice. And one thing Angel taught me is sometimes the only way to teach someone to be nice is to punish them. Right now I know I need to punish you."

His eyes went wide and then he was tossing the weapons about so fast he was cutting himself. I felt bad now. I knew it was true but it was always so hard. I knew he couldn't just be allowed to go free, but I didn't want this. I also really didn't want to fight him. I really wasn't sure what I was more scared of, fighting him or finding out what I'm really capable of. Then he was back to normal, smirk on his face, a small sword in one paw. It was glowing faintly and grew brighter with each second. Discord laughed.

"Of course. It only glows when fed the blood of its master, and now that's me." He twirled it in his paw. "Now it's time to get my revenge. You may think you have the upper claw now, but you just lost."


"For that nonsense in the maze. No one resists me. I am Discord, lord of chaos and how dare you of all ponies be the one to best me."

"But you…"

"Took a shortcut?" He rolled his eyes. "Of course, but that wasn't the game. You were supposed to fall on your own. Be corrupted mainly by your own weakness, with just a touch of my magic as a shove. But no, you're too good for that. You don't even react at all. This time I won't fail. This time there is no deadline to get in the way."

Then he stabbed me in the chest. I was really confused for a number of reasons. First I didn't think he'd do something so sensible. Second it didn't hurt at all. Third the second the pommel reached my chest he and the sword vanished. Then I felt sleepy. I was even more confused as I lay down for a nap but I just couldn’t help it. I was suddenly so very tired. I yawned and closed my eyes.