//------------------------------// // Princess Mi Amore Cadenza // Story: Natureshy: RotE Episode 11 // by Dream Volt //------------------------------// Cadence poured me some more tea, still looking at the rainbow overhead. Oddly she had a slight frown on her face. This was really odd because of what she was saying. She was also wearing sunglasses for some reason I couldn't guess, but I didn't want to say anything. Maybe her eyes are sensitive. I'd just feel so bad if it I embarrassed her. Especially when she's being so nice. "Yes, the rainbow one is most impressive indeed." Cadence nodded. "Truly such a powerful, and if redirected potent, shockwave is truly worthy of me." "Yes, isn't Dash wonderful?" I gave a little smile "I suppose at the very least I need to remember her name, don't I?" she sighed I blinked. "What?" "Nothing of import really. Hmm, in fact you love all your friends." "Oh yes, they are my best friends, and mean so much to me." "Thus you certainly would want to talk to them every day at the very least?" I was sipping my tea but stopped. "Well yes, obviously but…" "I suppose anything else was a long shot anyway, wasn't it? Perhaps they could even be useful in the long run regardless of how things turn out." "What?" Before she could answer Dash came in for a landing, knocking off Cadence's sunglasses. She tried to grab them in her magic, but Dash got them first, pulling them out of her incomplete hold on a moving object, and put them on. Cadence was staring at me wide eyed. I was nearly sure her eyes weren't green, just like her magic wasn't, but I wasn't sure. I was almost sure about the slits but I can be forgetful sometimes. I was now really curious if it meant something the blood flutterponies had the same eyes. But I wasn't going to say anything to Cadence. I so hate confrontations, and I'd feel especially silly if it was something everypony but me knows. So I just sat there. "Seriously princess, these are not really part of your look." Cadence was staring at me wide eyed. "Uh, Dash maybe you should give those back." I said "Eh, come on princess, you don't really need these, do you?" A big grin crossed her face. "Maybe, not. Maybe not." She shot Dash a brief glare. "It's still beyond rude to take them from me. How dare you…" she looked in my direction then turned back and smiled again. "But I suppose in the end it matters little." "Uh, Dash maybe…" "Since you've gone to the trouble of exposing them, what do you think of my eyes?" Dash raised an eyebrow high enough to see over the sunglasses a little. "They're nice I guess. I dunno. I don't think about that sort of junk." She turned to me. "And you Fluttershy? What are your thoughts?" "Uh, they're, well, nice?" I smiled She then started laughing. It was a little scary actually. If it wasn't for Cadence's nice voice I might have been worried. Cadence was such a nice pony with a voice to match. She would never do anything bad.