The tour of Trixie's magical magic train!

by Sir lightning blade

Twilight: Combat 101. 2!

Cast: Twilight sparkle, students are all played by the CMC!


Twilight walking in a Teacher's uniform, and showing several clipboards and signs this time!
Twilight “good afternoon class, and can anyone tell me what class I am?”

All three CMC are raising their right hoof! Twilight pics out sweetie Bell.

S.Bell” You are an arch-mage, a upgraded class mage where you have the ability to charge up your magic allowing you to cast spells that cost more than you normally have in storage, at the cost of your stamina make you likely to be exhausted much quicker after combat!”

Twilight smiled upon this statement, and replied”excellent each race has their own series of classes, today we are only covering the three main races will cover half breeds and other species races later! First off the unicorn classes of magic users: Trickster,Arch-mage, Mage,Sorcerer, & Cleric. Then comes the Earth pony's magic using classes:Dark Knight,Valkyrie, Elemental Binder, & Alchemist. And finally the Pegasus classes:Dark Flier, Holy warrior, Druid, & Storm master.”

Then Twilight begins drawing out several shapes and explaining the classes”okay let's cover the most commonly type you will see even when you're not in combat, when it comes to magic! A Trickster, Dark Flier are similar class types, there known as Jack of all trades classes, in reality they can take multiple setups and realities the only differences are a race and some of the extra perks. A Trickster can create items and tools, to help out with their spellcasting, either by creating chemicals to increase their energy, items that reduce the cost of other spells, or create magic from different other classes abilities. For example some tricksters can even create spells based on the other classes primary abilities, so long as they can only use the class skills from the tree of unicorns. They cannot access the same listings of a Earth pony last tree or of the class tree of a Pegasus.”

Taking a deep breath she continues on her details”a Dark Flier, is also capable of dipping into many of the other classes, but unlike the trickster cannot create spells based off of the class basic abilities, and they still have to take lessons off of the other classes before they can even perform those techniques, in other words if they take the class technique of a Druid ability to summon creatures, they should also take the class lesson of taming creatures.”

Then she proceeded to draw out the signs for the Earth pony's”The commented Earth pony will most likely encounter, is an Elemental Binder, one set master in performance often be branching into fire, and wind, and sometimes water depending on how the use Ice. Rarely do they do Earth style in performance. Some of the other entertaining classes could pop up as well but there more variety areas, like the Bard but that technically is a different type of class, while they can use magic there more listed as a support class, using the songs and uplifting tricks to boost up their friends.”

Scoot:” So pinky isn't a magic class, she could have Fool me one with all the stuff she pulled out of nowhere.”

Twilight”will talk about the Fool class later! We're focusing on the magic classes who primarily focus on magic, you're not talking about the melee classes nor are we talking about the support class is just yet!” Looking a little grumpy.

She continued “now we are going over some of the other classes, a good example of a alchemist is Zecora, and knowledge of chemicals concoctions and potions based plants, and manipulating things to their fullest. Although do not be mistaken she is actually not a alchemist I checked, I'm exactly sure seems to have a different set of cultures that so I have no clue what her actual combat class is. But it is a good example for you Apple bloom.”

Apple bloom smiled, as Twilight continued upon her tales” Dark Knight & Sorcerer, are also quite similar, they take to the concept of magic was fighting fire with fire, or to be correct fighting dark magic with dark magic, often succumbing to the darkness of their own magical usage. They are the last remaining remnants of the lost classes, the only lost class that isn't lost they are just often kept under heavy moderation now, they are the only ones who have the knowledge to un-curse items. The Sorcerer is a well-known example shown by King Sombra, a Dark Knight has a lot more spells heavily in chanting his weaponry, to fire his spells for him, often he has magical swords that will shoot being's death, instead of using the sword as a actual melee weapon. Both of the type of also wear heavy armor, while diminishing their mobility they are a lot more durable than most of the magic classes. Cleric & Valkyrie are the extremely where classes but are also extremely similar, they are known as the heavenly healing class, clerics are actually taught in a branching college school after graduating from Princess Celestia school of gifted unicorns, even if you dropout for any reason you can still go there actually, underneath certain work permits, for example if there is a war you are automatically enlisted as a healer, even if you did not graduate from the gifted school. Clerics are taught in using weapon healing, which is a form of magic that uses weapons to heal one's injuries instead of causing injuries, which does bring up some interesting jokes from some ponies.”

CMC snickered probably guessing that twilight was pulled a couple of a pranks, in school!

“But the Valkyrie have a different set. They are given in knowledge on the subject of magic Ruins and writings, using complex symbols around the ground or on targets to heal others, but both of them have the capabilities of using magic that is often used for healing also do injury, for example spells that can normally be used to fight off infections, they can also branching out into a much more dangerous version of said spell. For not all antivirals exist within nature, in order to fight the disease will have to counter it another disease. This will often figure out its weaknesses and strengths, as such both of the healing classes learn how to unleash diseases onto things that they've already coded fight other diseases.” Twilight proceeded to explain.

Sweetie Bell”though basically if you fight a cleric or Valkyrie make you sicker while fighting off other things.”

“Exactly sweetie Bell two points! Also a cleric has the ability to cast a healing field, although this is a much more draining process, the more serious the injuries the longer it will take, and the more energy it will take if they are totally devoted to the idea of becoming the higher classes, they will be given even more lessons to it but they will have to be fully committed to the class. Now let's turn to the more well-known magic class Masters.” As twilight change the signs on the chalkboard.

“ Arch-mage, Mage & Storm master. That while the arch mage is also a upgraded version of a mage, it can also be listed as the one of the few upgraded classes that you can take before studying the base class, which as stated previously start off with you learn how to charge your energy. Gathering your mystical energy, as well as the energy around you to channel a powerful attack. Also both mage and arch mage's are built on repetition, other words the more times you cast the spell the cheaper and more control you get over the spell based on practice, for example at my skill level right now I can teleport all the way across the town with literal no effort, or I can teleport to small locations without any problems. But mass teleportation on both levels is still complicated, so don't expect me to teleport everyone to the Griffin Empire anytime soon.”

CMC looked a little depressed on that concept but as it often answer why it took a long journey for them to travel, and why twilight still often took the train, I mean she could Fly and teleport why would she bother taking the train, it's now explained that it still tasking.

“A Storm master on the other hoof, is yes Scootaloo.”

Scoot” Is that the class that rainbow dashes!”

Twilight”no, although rainbow could be considered that at first glance, but actually rainbows more of a physical type.”

Scoot” Then let's move over to the physical type shall we!” More focused on learning more about her favorite ponies combat style and learning anything else about the magical classes.

Twilight quickly replied”But don't you want to learn about fluttershy class? Because after I explained the storm one I could explain the Druid!”

Scoot”No I'm going to be like my idol I need to learn her style!”

Twilight rolled her eyes, at the very impatient pony but she didn't want to omit that she hadn't started writing up the lesson plan for the physical classes just yet, and was hoping to get some other friends to actually help out with the lesson. Instead she went right along and ignored Scootaloo.

“Will go over the physical classes tomorrow! Now a storm master, can manipulate and multiply the number of clouds, with relative ease and also use a series of energy based actions to generate the elements, capitalizing on speed, but also leaving smoke trails, and while rainbow will be studying some of the similar abilities, that is not her primary focus. Rainbow will be soon coming up to becoming a branch class, also known as a dual class, I will explain those much later!” She replied starting to get a little bit frustrated at the one Pegasus that was supposed to be learning this stuff.

Twilight proceeded to show several drawings, and point out one of her cute past mistakes after studying the classes she finally realized this situation “now as I was about the state my good friend Fluttershy, is a Druid class studying and understanding nature, and making great deals of friends with animals, and until recently after much more research I learned that sometimes a Druid with high skills, and exposed to the right stimuli can learn are able to learn beast form, where they take on the traits of the animals that they have a very strong attachment to, and they can access this ability at any time which I'm going to have to do a double check on shy later, as I think I gave her the ability to channel bats pacifically vampire bats, thankfully her are focus on fruit's or I would be really worried.”

All of a sudden the CMC were starting to pack up their gear, and began shouting”Cutie Mark vampire hunters!” And twilight quickly proceeded to stop them, they know they weren't going to actually kill flutter but who knows what they would actually do! Especially considering sweetie Bell has been constantly being a little bit of a priority maniac quickly! Which is actually in the Dual classes which she was going to get to after covering the main classes!

End of class!