A New World, a Fearful Way

by Votederpycausemufins

ch. 35 random

“What do you mean Lea is gone?!” Matrix yelled at Angela as he tried to get up.
He had finally woken back up a few minutes earlier and wanted to talk to Lea, only to have Angela come in instead to give him the bad news.
“Matrix! You shouldn’t get out of bed yet.” Angela said, trying to keep him in bed.
“Why not? You’re out of bed.” He retorted.
“That’s because I don’t have multiple cracked ribs.” She told him. “There’s also the chance you have a concussion, so don’t think Moonlight will help you get out of here any sooner because the doctors still want to check for that.”
Matrix still ignored her and tried to leave. When she stopped him again, he asked her, “Why are you stopping me? You’d be doing the same thing if our roles were flipped. In fact, why haven’t you already left?”
“Because,” Angela said, glaring at him. “With Lea gone, and everyone else hurt in some way, I’m the only one who can help run things around here.”
Before Matrix could say anything else, Angela stuffed an oran berry into his mouth. “By the way, a bunch of the berries ripened today. That’s one we just had picked. Bluegrass already planted some of the new ones we got, so anything left is fine to eat. Just make sure there are some left.”
After Angela left, some doctors came in to do a quick check up on Matrix. After healing himself using Moonlight and learning he did not have a concussion, they agreed he could leave the room, but not to leave the building to look for Lea. Even after using Moonlight, Matrix was still sore on his chest, and also still needed some rest.
“Come on Matrix!” Blissey said as he was trying to persuade the doctors to let him leave. “If you go out in this condition, you’ll just make things worse. Who knows, maybe Lea will come back soon.”
“Fine.” He sighed. “But if she’s still not back by tomorrow, I’m going to look for her.”
“Deal!” Blissey said, glad that he would take at least one day to rest.
Matrix made his way downstairs, where he found Linoone watching Ziggs playing with Sparks. The two seemed to be enjoying each other's company, and only paused from playing when Sparks took a second or two to cough or sneeze.
Matrix joined Linoone in watching the two playing together. At one point, Sparks tried to get him to join, but he declined so that he could talk with his friend.
“So how are you feeling?” Matrix asked Linoone.
“Cruddy. I also ache all over. What about you?”
“About the same, only I bet I’m not as sore as you.”
Linoone gave a weak laugh. “Yeah. So, there’s nothing… seriously wrong with you, right?”
Matrix gave him a confused look. “No, why would there be?”
“Because it was a psychic attack that knocked you out in the first place.” Linoone weakly shook Matrix by the shoulders. “A psychic attack! Used on a dark pokemon! That doesn’t happen in nature!”
Matrix got Linoone to stop. “So? It probably wasn’t that. Must have been some other attack that I didn’t realise had happened and knocked me out instead.”
Linoone gave him a serious look. “I’m not sure. That grumpig mentioned Doctor Nurem.”
“Wait! You mean that doctor who disappeared about fifteen years ago with his son and did testing on pokemon. That same doctor?”
Linoone rolled his eyes. “No… I’m referring to the Doctor Nurem who found a cure for a rare disease. Of course I’m talking about that Doctor Nurem! Apparently what ever he did to her made her able to hurt dark types using psychic type moves. She said they still do barely anything, but they will do something.”
“And they tried to hurt Mommy too.” A voice said from behind them.
Matrix and Linoone turned to see Kya. Over from where Ziggs and Sparks were playing, there was a short cry of “Mama!” Before Sparks zoomed over to Kya. The quilava hugged the small dunsparce before he went back to play with his new friend.
“Kya! It’s good to see you again!” Matrix said rubbing her on the head. “How are you?”
“She’s got a very minor concussion and can’t see out her right eye.” Angela said as she joined the group. “She’s going to be having some problems with depth perception for a little while, but other than that, she’ll be fine. We’re lucky that it’s nothing more serious than that.”
“Which is why I want a big group hug right now!” Kya exclaimed. “It’s been too long since we’ve had everyone together, and I want to have one before anything else goes wrong.”
Before anyone could stop her, Kya pulled everyone into a big hug until she said the words no one wanted to hear. “Wait, where’s Mommy?”
When no one spoke up to tell her the bad news, it was Pryce who delivered it to her. “She disappeared this morning apparently.”
The flames near Kya’s bottom stopped flaring, and she looked like she was about to cry for a few seconds before they and the ones on her head flared to life in anger.
“They took her again?! They still want to hurt Mommy?! I’ll DESTROY them!” She yelled.
“Kya, you’re in no condition to try and find her, much less fight.” Angela said, trying to calm her down. “There are already ponies who are helping us try and find them.”
The flames on Kya’s head disappeared, but the flames near her bottom stayed lit, which was how Kya normally kept them.
“Why don’t you tell us how you got here Kya.” Linoone suggested, hoping it would get her mind off Lea being missing.
“Well, I found Sparks when we first ended up on Equus. We found a few bits here and there to get food and stuff. One time, I bought some paper and a pencil for Sparks so he could start drawing again. He was actually able to sell some of the art he made for a few more bits, so it wasn’t a waste. I remember one of the ponies I saw around here had bought something from us at one point.”
“Yeah,” Matrix stopped her. “He name is Citrus Flower. She showed us the bookmark she bought and we hoped we might be able to find you since we recognized Spark’s signature on it.”
“Well, around that time, Pryce had come up to us to look at some of the art and recognized some of it from last time we visited Mahogany Town. He had heard about this pokemon center that had been opened up by someone named Lea and was hoping it was her. Pryce took us along with him, and last night we arrived at the pokemon center. Everyone had gone into a panic because apparently Lea had gone missing and a few of the others had left a bit ago to try and find her. Pryce stayed here to help calm everyone down while Sparks and I went to find you four, which turned out to be five. You know everything that happened after that.”
“I’m just glad to see you again.” Said Linoone. “By the way Pryce, where are all of your pokemon? Haven’t you found any?”
Pryce nodded. “Woke up near a few of them, but I told them to head up north and I would find them later on. I first wanted to see if I could find anyone I knew and thought it was best for them so go where it’s cold.”
“Makes sense.” Linoone told him. “I wonder if Samuel found any of his other pokemon.”
Pryce sighed. “One can only hope.”
Matrix decided to speak up and get everyone out of this odd conversation. “So… since you Kya and Sparks are new here, why don’t I give you three a tour of the place.”

“This is a nice building you have here.” Pryce stated when they finished.
“These beriffs are rery juicy oo!” Kya said around one stuffed in her mouth. “Bu ee sill need a eeano.”
“Well where do you suggest we buy a piano for you Kya?” Angela asked.
After swallowing her berry, Kya replied, “Maybe there’s a music shop in town.”
“Fine! When we find your mom, talk to her about getting a piano! Deal?!”
“Kay kay! Oh! That reminds me! Back in the first town Sparks and I ended up in, I met this really nice pony who played piano and he taught me new songs!”
Matrix could swear he saw her eyes start to sparkle. “Enough about pianos, we’re trying to each choose something that we’ll probably always wear that can have a translation spell cast on it so everyone can understand us. Angela just chose her’s not too long ago and Linoone and I are still looking for our own.”
“We could cast it on my everstone bracelet, and Sparks can probably make something for himself. Let me ask him! Sparks!” Sparks looked up from what he had been doing to see what his mom wanted. “They want us to have stuff to wear so ponies always understand us. Do you want to make something for yourself that they can use for that?”
Sparks smiled at the idea. “Neck liss!”
“You want to make a… necklace?” Angela asked him before Kya tried to push her away.
“You’re gonna need string, right? Anything else?”
“Wood ‘n pencil!” Sparks told her.
“What kind of wood? Big, little, thick or thin?
“String thingy chip size!”
Kya turned to Linoone. “Do you think you can find what he needs?”
“I… guess? I can find the string and a pencil, but I’m not sure about the last thing.”
“Oh,” Kya said, rubbing the back of her head. “He wants a piece of wood about the size of a guitar pick. probably a little thicker than a normal one if he’s gonna be wearing it everywhere.”
“Then yeah, I can get those.” Linoone said as they reached the front door.
He double checked that she didn’t need anything else before opening the door. Standing on the other side of the door was none other than Quarry Arrow. Before having any time to react, he fell to the ground in front of them, revealing Copper Star standing behind him.
“AND STAY DOWN!!! Oh, hi guys! I saw him running towards here and I came to stop him! I hope you don’t mind!”