//------------------------------// // Wasteland rescue, part 1 // Story: Fallout Equestria: Cloppenhagen chronicles. // by neoxxx666 //------------------------------// Chapter 3: Wasteland rescue, part 1. It was early in the morning when we heard the sirens, but since we were both tired from the day before, we just snuggled closer and tried to drown out the noise; it wasn’t until Gold Thread opened the door and started banging on it, that we woke up and looked sleepily at her “Amora, Sky wake up quickly!” She yelled into the room. “What’s the matter Gold?” I asked as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, Sky was just sitting up in bed, looking like she was trying to figure out where she was. “We’re about to be attacked by the Unity’s Alicorns. Quickly, get into your barding, we need to get to a shelter before the Hagen Rangers start shooting.” Gold said with a slight panic in her voice. That message woke us up a lot more and we scrambled out of the bed and headed for the bathroom. Sky turned in the door way and said “Go ahead Gold, we can defend ourselves if we have to.” The blue coated mare nodded and hurried out of the house towards the shelter. We quickly got in our barding, got our bags and weapons and walked out of the house, making sure to close the door so nopony would be tempted to sneak in and take something that wasn’t theirs. We were following a group of other ponies on our way to the shelter, when search lights lit up all over the city; me and Sky looked took a moment to look up at the sky, the sight that met us was ominous to say the least, about 12 or so winged horses with horns on their heads were flying in from the north, and they looked ready to bring death down upon the city “Sky, can I make a suggestion?” I asked my companion as we looked at the exciding, but also frightening display. “Yup.” Was all Sky could say, as most of her attention was on the magnificent creatures in the sky. I didn’t get to ask anything, before a brilliant, blue light exploded in the middle of the squadron of Alicorns, followed shortly after by machinegun fire “Run!” I cried and we ran down the street like all the other panicked ponies. We were almost at the shelter, when Sky yelled “Look out.” And pushed me to the side; looked back at her in time to see a dark green Alicorn hit the ground. The alicorn’s hide was full of bullet holes, but somehow, she was still trying to get back up; I didn’t have any intention of letting her do so, and immediately stomped her skull in until she stopped moving. I took a deep breath, just to calm myself down, before I took a step back and looked at my handiwork; the alicorn’s head had become a mess of blood, bone and gray matter, and I couldn’t help but feel a little sick, looking at it, but since I didn’t feel any special pity for the creature, I quickly shook off the feeling. The only part of the alicorn’s skull that I hadn’t pulverized, was the part where the horn was attached, I picked it up and decided to keep it as a souvenir. After stuffing the horn into my bag, I walked over to Sky and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, and said “Thanks for the save, cutie.”. “You’re welcome dear.” Sky said and gave a small smile, before we continued through the city, with the sounds of the Hagen rangers’ gun fire clashing with the alicorns magical attacks all over the city. O-O-O We were almost at the shelter, when we heard a hysterical scream from one of the alleys. We hurried down the alley, but we were too late and all we saw was a pony in a cloak, running towards the gate of the city with a foal tied to his back; we didn’t waste much time and took off after the cloaked pony, but it was running a lot faster than us and when we reached the gate, it had disappeared ”Damn it, where did he go.” I said and hit the frame of the gate with my left hoof. Sky sat down and leaned against the gate frame “Amora, I’m tired.” She said quietly. “I know Sky, I’m tired too.” I said and sat down myself; I really wanted to go to sleep, but at the same time I wanted to go after the kidnapper ‘but to get to the kidnapper, we’d need a tracking spell or a map, or something… like… that.’ I nearly facehoofed when I realized my own thought, but instead I checked my auto map and sure enough, a dotted line had formed from our location, to somewhere in what we in Cloppenhagen called the raider territories. I gently nudged the half asleep Sky awake, and said “Let’s go and find a shelter somewhere and get some sleep, and then we’ll save that kid:” Sky nodded and we started walking, and thus taking our first steps outside the walls of Cloppenhagen. We found some shelter in an old mattress wagon a mile or so away from Cloppenhagen, and got ourselves a few more hours of sleep, we then had a quick breakfast before we continued along the route my pipbuck had plotted out for us. We spent most of the day walking, only running into the occasional bloatsprite, which we quickly disposed of with the help of my baton and Skys hooves; we reached the kidnapper’s camp when the sun had just started to set, a quite beautiful sight actually, with the sun’s rays painting the cloud cover in glorious red, orange, gold and purple colors. Drake claw guards were patrolling the torch lit camp, and it was at that point that we realized the Drake claws we had fought in the stable, was not the best that the raider clan had to offer; these guys were completely covered in scales, no coat what so ever and they had horns growing out of their foreheads, the stallions had bigger horns than the mares, many of the stallions also had large fangs hanging out over their lips, giving them an even more dragon like appearance, and it scared me right to my very core, if the ones back at the stable were strong, then how much stronger were these “Those guys look even scarier than the ones we fought in the stable.” I whispered as we overlooked the camp from the hill that we had made our outlook, trying to find out where the raider had taken the foal. Sky nodded with a scared expression on her face, which I imagined I mimicked perfectly. Sky suddenly poked my shoulder “Maybe the foal’s in there.” She said and pointed down into camp, I followed her hoof and spotted a cage made rebar and razor wire, with a piece of wall on top of it to make sure that the cage couldn’t be lifted, and there was definitely movement in there, though we couldn’t see who was making the movement. I nodded, it did seem logical that they had put the foal there, until they needed him/her. We waited for the guards to pass the cage and go back to do whatever it was guards did when they weren’t patrolling, before we went down to the camp and snuck up to the cage. When we reached the cage, we saw two ponies inside, but none of them were the one we were looking for. One of them was a dark brown unicorn stallion with a gray green mane and magenta eyes, he was wearing a long, brown coat and a sun hat; the other pony was a navy blue unicorn mare with a silver mane and dark green eyes, and a bronze gear for a cutie mark; she was dressed in a body armor vest and a wide brimmed hat. I lightly tapped the bars, getting the two ponies attention, the brown unicorn immediately came over and asked “Who’re you, are you here to save us?” The unicorn mare made her way over to us and looked as hopeful as her cellmate. I took a quick look back at Sky, who shrugged, making it me who decided if we should save the two or not ‘Hay, if there is a chance for us to save a few more ponies, then I say we do it.’ I thought and said “I’m Amora Rosa, and that’s Sky Haze…” I said and gestured at my marefriend, before I continued “And I guess we’re here to help you out too.” I gave them both a reassuring smile before I asked “What’s your names?”. “My name is Zodi Gazer.” The dark blue mare said and smiled happily, probably at the prospect of being rescued. “And I’m Hoofer Hooves.” The dark brown stallion said and reached a hoof through the bars for us to shake; after shaking hooves with both of us, he asked “So, what are you doing here, if you didn’t come here to save us?”. “Well, we actually came here to rescue a foal that one of those Drake claws kidnapped from Cloppenhagen.” I explained, and Hoofer and Zodi immediately started looking a bit sick “Did you see him or her?” I asked, feeling nervous at the sick expressions on the two unicorns’ faces. Zodi shook her head and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down, and said “One of those monsters came in earlier today with that poor filly tied to his back; they had just barely untied her, before the leader came and took her to his tent, and… and.” Zodi shivered with disgust at the thoughts running through her head, and I could pretty much guess what had happened, and it made me feel as sick as the two unicorns looked. I put a hoof through the bars and patted Zodi on the shoulder and said “It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything.” Zodi smiled and nodded her thanks; I then turned to Hoofer and asked “If I can get you out, will you help us save that filly?” We could really use any help we could get. “Of course we will.” Hoofer said with determination in his voice. Zodi nodded her agreement, and then said “But we’ll need our weapons, so you should get them first; they’ve got them in the tent over there…” She pointed towards the only tent that had two guards stationed in front of it, they were both stallions, one was gray and the other violet, before continuing “And once you’re inside, look for a sniper rifle with gems on the barrel, and a set of power hooves.”. I nodded, and soon we were sneaking towards a large rock near the tent, and once there, we observed the guards for a moment “So, got a plan to get past the guards?” Sky asked once we had made sure that none of the other guards came to that area of the camp. “As a matter of fact I do.” I said and started undoing my saddlebags. “And what is this plan exactly?” Sky asked as she watched me, as I put my saddlebags on the ground. “I’ll lure them over here, and then we’ll dust them.” I said as I started undoing the clasps on my barding, giving my marefriend a little show as I undressed. Sky looked worriedly at me and put her hooves on my shoulders, and asked “And what if they attack you instead? I don’t want to lose you Amora.”. I gave her a reassuring smile, before I gently removed her hooves from my shoulders, and said equally gently “Don’t worry too much about it, if they’re desperate enough to kidnap a foal and rape her, they’ll be more than willing to follow a nice little flank like mine.” I placed a small kiss on Skys forehead and asked “Ready to show those guys who’s the most dangerous ponies around?”. Sky took a deep breath and seemed to find her more adventurous attitude once again “I sure am, but if you get hurt, I’m gonna give you such a spanking.” She said with a cheeky grin and gave me a quick nuzzle, before I went out from behind the rock, and started trotting towards the guards. Once I was near the border where the darkness met the light of the camp, I slowed down and started putting a little more swing into my hips, trying to make myself look a little saucier. I was apparently doing a pretty good job, because the guards immediately turned their heads towards me when I entered the camp “Why, hello there boys, care to help a lonely scratch her itch?” I asked in my most sultry voice and gave them a good look at my assets, while I looked back at them and fluttered my eyelashes for good measure, just so they couldn’t possibly be in doubt about what I had in mind. The guards immediately nodded and I beckoned them to come with me, which they did like two obedient and horny dogs ‘Bucks are so easy when they haven’t had sex in a while.’ I thought to myself as we walked out of the camp It was pretty easy to lure the two monster guards back towards the rock, all I had to do was swing my tail to and fro, so they could see my genitals and they followed me, no questions asked. Once we were past the rock, I stopped and lifted my tail while I looked back at them and smiled, giving them the impression that I was ready to be taken “He, he, he, we’re gonna have a good time, little cutie.” The gray guard, who was the bigger of the two, said with a fanged smile and that rusty voice that I had first heard in the stable, and it sent shivers down my spine. He started to approach me, and his, for a good word, huge stallionhood standing at full attention, and I couldn’t help but feeling frightened at the thought of him plunging that thing into me. The gray guard was standing right behind me, and was ready to mount me, when I heard the blessed sound of Skys nova surge rifles charging and her angry voice saying “Hey bucks, get your dirty hooves off that filly now.” I breathed a sigh of relief as the gray stallion moved away from me to face my savior. The violet stallion snickered and said to his comrade “Looks like we’ll have both wings and legs tonight, we sure are lucky, huh.” His voice had a lighter tone to it, but that just made his voice sound like a piece of metal that was being scraped against another piece of metal. “Certainly looks like it.” The gray stallion said and licked his lips, as the two calmly walked towards my marefriend; Sky stood her ground, waiting for the opportune moment to attack, but she was also shaking lightly out of fear of the two monsters, and I knew I would too, since I had felt the same fear just seconds ago when the gray guard had tried to mount me. I suddenly realized that the two guards weren’t paying attention to me: they apparently thought that I would just stand there like a good little mare, while they overpowered another mare; no way in hell was I going to any such thing. I snuck up behind them, and just as they got ready to jump on Sky, I lifted both front hooves and gave the two guards a hard kick to the balls; they stood still for just a moment, before they fell to the ground with a pathetic whimper ‘Well, I guess these guys do have a weak spot after all.’ I thought to myself with satisfied smile on my lips. My action evaporated any fear sky had felt for the two stallions, and she instantly stepped as close as she could to the still whimpering monster ponies “Say goodnight pussies.” She said and fired her weapons right in their faces, reducing them to pink goo; she then turned to me and said “Well, that went about as good as it could.”. “Yeah it did, but I doubt that it’s gonna be that easy to take down the rest.” I said as I walked over to my barding and saddlebags, and slung them over my back, I could put it on properly once we were inside the tent. “Wow, this is quite the storage they got in here.” Sky commented when we entered the tent, and I very much agreed with her; the tent was full of shelves, filled to the brim with everything from weapons, to saddlebags that still looked full, and various other things that the Drake claws had taken from their prisoners over time. I put my barding and saddlebags back on, before we started looking for our new allies’ weapons. It turned out that the sniper rifle and power hooves had been stashed away in the back of the tent, but that just gave us the opportunity to raid the shelves for anything useful, such as ammunition and explosives, which we found plenty of, both in the saddlebags and lying loosely around on the shelves, I even found something I had been looking for, a pair of magical energy rifles; they were both damaged, but I took them anyway, Serge could probably fix one with parts from the other for a small payment. I immediately put the power hooves in my bags, but took a few seconds to admire the rifle; it was a dull black, most likely to reduce the chance of others locating the shooter in combat, it had a white dove painted on one of the sides, and rows of gems, set in a spiral pattern, was embedded into the barrel. There were four slots on the top of the weapon where spark batteries could be inserted; I assumed that the slots represented the number of shots it could fire before needing reloading. I snapped myself out of my admiring, and slung the rifle over my shoulder and we were soon sneaking back towards the cage. O-O-O “Oh thank goodness you’re back; I was worried you’d been killed.” Hoofer said with a relieved look on his face when we returned. “Nah, all we needed was a bit of Amoras feminine charms and a bit of my firepower.” Sky said and leaned casually against the cage bars. “Yeah and a good kick to the balls.” I snickered as I handed the rifle and power hooves through the bars, along with a good helping of spark batteries. I waited for the guards to pass again, before I snuck to the front with a bobby pin and my screwdriver at the ready; it luckily turned out that the lock was such a crabby model, that it almost sprung open the second I inserted the pin ‘Hurray for shitty locks.’ I thought with a smile on my lips. I got the cage door open, with the help of Zodis and Hoofers levitation magic. We did this, because not only was the door heavy, it had never seen anything that remotely looked like a drop of oil, so it screeched and squealed no matter how it was moved, and we knew that if we made too much noise, then we’d have the entire camp on us in no time flat, but we managed to get it open without making too much noise “So, what now?” Hoofer asked as he attached the power hooves, getting ready for action. “We still have that foal to save, so that’ll be the first thing we do.” I said and pulled out my gun. “Oh goddesses damn it.” Zodi said angrily behind us. We looked back to see that the navy blue unicorn had opened small lid on the side of her rifle “What’s the matter Zodi?” I asked and walked over to her to get a look at what had agitated her. “Those bastards have broken the focusing gem in my rifle, and I don’t have a replacement.” Zodi said and pointed into the small compartment. I looked inside the rifle, and sure enough, there was a yellow, cracked gem inside. I almost immediately reached for one of the rifles on my back, but decided against it ‘What if only one of them has a working gem, then they’ll have no use to me, maybe if…’ I grabbed my pistol and held it out towards Zodi and asked “Could you use this as a replacement?” I figured that if both rifles had functioning focusing gems, I could always transfer one to the pistol; if not, then I’d have a functional rifle and until I found a replacement gem, I could use Dandelions bloom as a sidearm. Zodi grabbed the pistol with her magic and examined it for a moment, before she said “I think I can rig my rifle to work with the gem, but I need time and a screwdriver.”. I nodded and dug into my saddlebags, finding my screwdriver, and Dandelions bloom; after handing the tool over, I popped a clip into the ornate gun and turned to Sky and Hoofer “Alright, let’sh save that filly.” I said and cocked the gun; Sky charged her rifles and Hoofer pushed the brim of his hat up a little, before we trotted out into the light of the camp to begin our toughest fight yet. The camp guards took one look at us, and immediately let out a feral roar, which alerted the entire camp to our presence, and soon we were facing 8 pissed off Drake claws, including a dark red one who was larger than the others, and who I believed to be the leader. I took a deep breath and asked “Sho, you guysh ready for thish?”. “Nope.” Hoofer said and cracked his neck. “Not at all.” Sky added, turning to face a green monster mare that was slowly approaching her. “Well in that cashe, let’sh give them the fight of their livesh.” I said and my two companions started their attack. I went into S.A.T.S to get an overview of the situation; three of the monster ponies were attacking Sky, while two others were attacking Hoofer, which left me with the last two raiders, one red and one gray, and the dark red leader ‘Okay first I’ll get rid of the helpers, and then I’ll take care of the leader.’ I thought as I lined up the shots. I then released the spell and let my shots fly, but got quite the surprise when the dandelion markings on the gun lit up, with a blue light when the hammer slammed down on the bullet casing; the next thing I saw was the bullet leaving the barrel with electricity crackling around it, and when it struck the gray monster raider. The bullet flattened against the monster’s tough hide, and I heard a sharp crack when the electricity was released from its metallic vessel, making the raider wince visibly, as powerful as the shock looked, it only made him stop for a few seconds before he was back up and running towards me again. ‘By the goddesses, this gun is enchanted, awesome.’ I thought to myself as I released the rest of the shots into my two attackers. The second and third shot had the same effect as the first one had, but the fourth shot penetrated the red raider’s hide, and he fell over, spasming as the electricity seared his flesh and stopped his heart; a quite gruesome sight, but I didn’t have time to think about it as I still had one more of the monsters to take care of. I dropped the gun and drew my baton before stepping to the side, and bashing him over the head with it; even with his thick hide, he still put a hoof to his head to ease the pain, which gave me the opportunity to turn and give him a solid buck to his side, sending him sprawling onto the ground, though that was mostly because of smack I had given him over the head, since my buck weren’t that strong, at least not by earth pony standards, but they had gotten me out of a pinch every once in a while. I was about to walk over and finish the job, when I heard what sounded like a mix of a small cannon and an energy weapon being fired at the same time; I then saw a red and white flash, and the next thing I knew, the guard turned pink and glittery before falling into a pony shaped pile of glittering ashes. I turned to see Zodi standing on top of the cage, with smoke coming from the barrel of her rifle; I could only see one battery in the impressive weapon, so I guessed that the crystal from my gun couldn’t handle more than one shot, and had to cool down before the next shot. I smiled and gave the sniper a quick salute, which she returned. As I turned to face the leader, I looked to my comrades to see how they were fairing; sky had eliminated two of her three opponents but was having trouble with the last one, who was wielding a sledgehammer with almost deadly precision, forcing my marefriend to jump around, to get out of the way of the potentially deadly weapon. Hoofer was still taking care of his opponents, but that wasn’t what caught my attention, it was the way he was doing it; he was standing on his hind legs, using his front legs to parry and hit his opponents, his stance and the wide, powerful swings he used, reminded me of pictures I had seen of bears and Ursa majors in books, back in the stable’s library; if I hadn’t remembered that I had the leader to deal with, I could have watched him for hours, but instead I picked up my gun and loaded a fresh clip, just to be on the safe side, before I focused on the leader, who for some reason hadn’t moved an inch since we started our attack, he just stood there and looked at me like I was a bug, ready to be squashed by him “Okay mishter, ready to get your assh handed to you?” I said as I readied myself to charge at him. The leader simply chuckled; at least that’s what I assumed he was doing, because it sounded more like hoarse coughing, rather than laughter “Then come at me little one, so I can violate you, before I kill you.” He said, his voice made me feel like someone had doused me with ice water, but I stood my ground, the thought of the hurt filly in the tent keeping me from turning tail and run. ‘Alright, this is it.’ I thought as I charged at the dark red pony, knowing that I had to get close to him in order for my bullets to penetrate his hard skin; however, I quickly regretted my decision to use a frontal attack for this opponent, because I got close to him, he opened his mouth and sprayed me with a blast of fire. I screamed and leapt to the side as the flames singed my hide ‘Well, that was very stupid.’ I thought and unloaded a couple of rounds into the leader, but the bullets just flattened against his skin like they had with the other raiders; but fortunately the electricity still stunned him for a moment, thus giving me a little time to think of a way of incapacitating him. Suddenly I remembered, I already knew of one sore spot that these monster ponies had; I quickly turned tail and ran between the tents, getting out of the leader’s sight “What’s the matter little one, not too brave now that you have seen my power!” The leader yelled after me, following up with another round of his icy laughter. As I hid in the shadows, I watched him slowly advance on my friends before hurrying around the tent so I came up behind him. ‘Okay, this is it. Bullets, don’t fail me now.’ I thought and galloped towards the big, dark red pony, he was apparently only focused on my friends, because he didn’t notice me until I jumped and slid under him; I quickly twisted around and gelded him with a couple of bullets. The leader fell to the ground, screaming in agony while blood squirted from where his family jewels had been; I got back up as quickly as I could and walked up so I could look the leader in the eye, while I pushed Dandelions bloom to his temple “Die you fucking child moleshter.” I said coldly before I put a bullet through his skull. He thrashed around for a few seconds, while the electricity surged through him, frying his brain; I then holstered my gun and took a few deep breaths to calm myself, before I walked over to my friends, who had dispatched of the last Drake claws “Everypony okay?” I asked. “I’m okay.” Hoofer said as he sat down on a rock. “Me too.” Zodi said and ejected the spark pack from her rifle, before sitting down next to Hoofer. “Well I for one could have been better.” Sky said and showed off her left wing, which was hanging limply beside her body. “Oh my gosh.” I gasped and hurried over to my marefriend, and started examining her wing “Oh my poor little Sky Haze, who did this to you?” I asked as I carefully felt around the obviously broken limb. “It was that last Drake claw bastard, ih, she got one lucky shot and, ow, now my wing’s broken.” Sky said, wincing every time I pressed down on the sore spots of her wing. I nodded before I stood back up and said to her “I’ll fix you right up, but I want to check up on the filly first, is that okay?” Sky nodded, understanding that the foal might be off worse than she was; I gave her a quick kiss on the mouth, before I walked over to the leader’s tent. I was about to walk in when I remembered all the weapons I had on me and how I must look with my singed hide, so I left my gun, baton and the two rifles at the tent flap, no need to come in and scare the poor thing by looking like I had come to kidnap her myself; I then brushed myself off, opened the tent flap and walked in. Extra: Raider territories: The part of the area between Cloppenhagen and the surrounding settlements with the Cloppenhagen crater in the middle is known as the raider territories, this is where the ponies who doesn’t want civilization has banded together to rob the area of its riches. Some has banded together in large groups, of which the largest are the Gold strikers, the Drake claws and the Devilfish, while others are in very small groups that robs lone ponies, or small groups or the occasional trader. This part of the territory is also home to a large population of ghouls and zombies, you may be lucky and find some friendly ghouls, but they are most likely to attack as soon as they see you. Drake claws: Sometimes called the scourge of Cloppenhagen, as they are some of the most dangerous raiders in the area; they have become this dangerous because they use a concoction of taint and dragons blood to mutate themselves into half pony, half dragon hybrids, though it takes several doses to become a full hybrid. They have extremely hard skin that even magical energy weapons have difficulties penetrating; they can spit fire and their hooves are very sharp. They breed their own dragons so they always have a fresh supply of blood. When a prisoner is taken, they are converted, and often end up joining the gang as a result of the stress the mutation puts on one’s mind.