//------------------------------// // Twilight: Combat 101. 3 melee classes! // Story: The tour of Trixie's magical magic train! // by Sir lightning blade //------------------------------// Cast: Twilight sparkle, students are all played by the CMC! []][][][][][][][[]] As Twilight began to go over melee classes: Earth pony's: Guardian, Monk,Warrior,& Heavy Blade. Unicorn: Paladin,Steam Gunner, & Shadow Warlock. Pegasus classes: Berserker,Adept Rogue,Ninja, & Treasure hunter. Her first act was covering the Earth pony said she didn't know what Apple bloom would be interested in, I mean the closest thing that was to her sister was the Guardian class or the monk, as it was very hard to tell a applejack strength was tailored to that or was she a heavy Blade, I mean applejack was always using rope/whips to combat, not weapons that are generally having to be wielded by Hooves in one Hoof. But then again applejack is incredibly strong and could probably win several arm wrestling matches with stallions! So she basically covered by explaining everything! Twilight” I'll start off by explaining the Guardian, the most common choice of jobs that the earth ponies of the Royal guards use. They have usually the effects of boosting up the defense of others, encouraging the enemy to focus their attacks on them, and stabilizing their armor to take on heavier blows than usual! While having a few splash damage attacks, they have mainly one-on-one combat tactics, focus on encouraging the opponents to focus on them. Then comes the Monk, meditation and patients okay maybe your sisters not a monk trained in the ways of physical combats, no weapons other than their bare hooves, and with great meditation they can channel the energy of the magical field to fire energy waves similar to my magic attacks, but that takes great concentration and meditation! And meditation requires patience!” As she showed off several diagrams. Apple bloom replied”are you saying that my big sister is brash and inpatient?” Twilight replied”No one of the many qualities that your sister has is being stubborn, and having a hard time accepting when she's wrong. Now as for the class warrior, are trained in a great variety of weaponry, but have limited knowledge on how to repair their equipment in combat, and they can't carry too many weapons into combat as well, Another favorite for the Royal guard. And finally the Heavy Blade, known for wielding the heaviest weapons, and even having the capability of dual wielding weapons that cannot be dual willed in normal circumstances, often sent in to intimidate the opponents because when you see someone welding to gigantic Claymore's your average Griffin will reconsider combat! Even a full-grown Dragon can hesitate on that subject!” Unknown to the girls, watching from the windows was Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara! Twilight moved over to talk to Sweetie Bell over the classes, even though deep down she knew exactly which class that Sweetie Bell would be more interested in which was deafly not based off of Rarities although twilight wasn't sure what was Rarities class! Because Rarity rarely had to settle a battle with fisticuffs. Twilight”Now before I start listing the one you're obviously going to choose I'm going to list the other two! First off the class that my brother wields, well used to he finished his dual class training but less focused on basics before you start learning Re-class work. Paladin heavily works on light base magic, creating shields and barriers, and enchanting thing their weapons at the power of Luna's lights or of Celestia lights or when you start out as a Paladin you must choose which Princess you must devote your ideals to. Although my brother was a rare exception. And I guess since there's more princesses now there's more varieties of Paladin types? Wonder what my Paladin type would be?” As she started calculating things in her head which took her to a dreamland, when sweetie Bell shouted! Sweetie Bell“ Twilight get on to the next class before I start experimenting again! And maybe not accidentally start changing ponies into vegetables.” As Twilight quickly snapped out of the situation” right, next comes the Shadow Warlock, trained in the art of the shadows, magic to coat them in darkness, to wield weaponry to dissolution their opponents, pulling information from their opponents thoughts, and once a while learning a mind control if that's actually reasonable! Granted there are rules against how my control works and how it doesn't work, and only tell a ponies to certain things based on their normal moral compass. They have focused on channeling their magic into creating weapons, while hiding into shadows, giving them the ability to cast darkness to other targets or to themselves making them unable to be seen in the light of day even. Also there pretty fast and good for taking objects back to their proper owners, without other criminals figuring out they had reclaimed the stolen materials.” Doing her darndest not to teach the kids to steal, She got enough slack for actually teaching kids how to poison there teacher and big Macintosh! As Twilight then pulled down the actual sheet”but I know the real class you're wanting, considering you're acting like a little pyromaniac, and order to get to that tree you have to start somewhere the melee class part of that tree is Steam gunner, so named because you're always gunning for a fight and you're always steaming. Primarily wielding weapons with range, but can also will close range weapons, the Steam gunner uses magic to fuel their skills, adjective fueled by their primal emotions, if they feel cold they will be covered in ice, if they feel anger they will be quite warm, and usually they are taught to be angry a lot more.” Sweetie Bell smiled and said”Sweetie smash!” Leaving Twilight to be worried about what she just explained. Then Twilight proceeded to bring out the charts for Scootaloo to teach her about the different classes. “ Berserker are heavy physical melee attackers, given the option to use a vast variety of weaponry, but rarely use it, some say that the steam gunner's and berserker's rival on whose rage inducing, even though a steam gunner enhances their attacks with magic surrounding their actions based on their motions. The berserker as variety of physical physical host range combat actions, able to cause crippling damage, and do a variety of other actions!” Twilight replied with a chart showing off a rainbowDash enjoying wearing the berserker helmet, then she changed the chart to show a different Rainbow in a different costume! This time Rainbow was dressed up in a Ninja outfit looking very much similar to subzero, only with the striking blue areas being actually rainbows actual coat! As twilight began to monologue about this particular class, figuring the only method of getting's Scoot to pay attention is to show off rainbow in different outfits. “The ninja & the shadow warlock share similar combat expects, but are strikingly different later on, the ninja has a variety of clouds that they can use to hide from their enemies, while also channeling the elements from them to create unique actions, preferring to hide in the shadows while throwing said objects, rarely engaging in close range combat! Known for their speed and again they can retrieve information, but instead of picking the volts of your mind they can only pick the volts of your living room.” And there was a new chart that showed up showing Derring-do! Well actually was Rainbow dash in her nightmare night costume! Twilight“the Treasure hunter as the name implies, navigates and studies ancient tombs, when the few classes that is able to learn a Rune magic, requiring great amounts of studying, some dual classes are only allowed to study this type of magic. But the treasure hunter rarely uses this type of magic, but specializes more in disabling the type of magic, as implied they explore ancient tombs in areas that are often protected by this type of magic! Using their abilities to control the weather to help them in their journeys!” Scootaloo”COOLLL!” As her eyes were swollen, with excitement as they were three times the size that they were usually were which was creepy and scary at the same time! And then Twilight pulled out the final chart! Revealing Rainbow dash, in a rather unique type of leather armor. “And for the final physical melee class, Adept Rogue a true jack of all trades class, but primarily focused on three trades at a time, able to master all weapons but only can wield three at a time, three different types of weaponry based on three different classes, a good adept rogue will practice two physical weapons and one mystical, like Rainbow or like Rainbow practice two mystical and one physical combat weaponry system! While only being able to wear light armor for quick and speedy access and having high agility, they're known for their quick and action skills! That will be all for today! Tomorrow I will cover, the support classes and I have visual aids this time! As the girls began to walk off leaving their twilight time, out the back door the gigantic huge castle! But harder to be stealthy on as diamond and silver spoon watching, eager to bring more students into watch! End of twilight's lesson plans!