Promise me you'll come back?

by Dr Equinox

Arriving again

This is just something I thought up one day. Be peaceful and don't forget : Dr.Equinox knows all. Remember that well.

It had been yet another long night court, fully of snobbish nobles and ponies that couldn't figure out the basic mathematical equation without hiring a mathematics professer. Truthfully she hated it. She hated it all. All those stuck up morons, all the drama, everything. Ever since her return, the world seemed different to the moon goddess. Even that title she hated. She did not wish herself to be an alicorn, or a co-ruler of an entire nation, or to be revered by her subjects as a "Goddess". Her sister and she were not goddesses but merely beings who have found an immeasurable amount of power and could contain and use as they please. She despised all of it... All of it besides one thing.

Her visitor of the night.

You see, our little princess here has been incredibly lonely during her time as a ruler. Not only could she not talk to her own sister very often, but naught a soul of her people even wanted to talk to her. They saw her as the monster she once was. This had discouraged any unneeded communication from her. This only increased the distrust the people had against her. The one person who should would nearly drop all things to even get a chance to talk to was a strange one. I did mean 'Person' by the way, for this be no ordinary creature. It be a human.

This human had miraculously appeared on her balcony many moons ago. She had encountered it whilst she was preparing to raise the moon. The two beings did react like rational beings and merely tried conversing with each other as to gather knowledge of ones appearance and another's place of home.The introduction was awkward and, even more so ,was the conversation after. The two did eventually figure the basics out.

They had introduced themselves with the human being called patrick and the princess being called Luna. The reasons of his sudden appearance was questioned after that. It turns out that the human was currently helping a dear friend out with one of his many experiments. Learning this, she noticed that his clothes seems to have small tears in them, some even nearly four inches long, along with scars accompanying the mans body as well. This lead her to believe that he had been used in many experiments and to question why he was so willing to do something that had the potential to seriously Injure or kill him. He responded, saying that he had owed his friend his life ten times over and counting.

Before she could delve deeper into the subject, she remembered the main reason she was out there. She quickly apologized to Patrick and quickly walked out to the edge of the balcony and proceeds to amaze as she raised the moon. When she turned around the man was staring quizzically at the sky as though he had never seen a moonrise. When confronted about this he responded "Back from where I'm from that's not really natural". Luna became confused and asked "Then how doth thous people ever see the change of times?". He simply said" the celestial bodies do it themselves. This had shocked her greatly.

Unfortunately it seemed that time had enough of this phase of the day and Luna was signaled to roam the dreamland, making sure that even the most resentful of ponies had good dreams. This, along with Patrick lifting up his left arm and looking at a square device on his wrist, had showed that it was time for them to be separated we from one another and to do there respective duties. For Patrick it was returning to his home place, no doubting that his good friend was anxious for home to get back, and for Luna to roam the world and cure many of there nightmares.

She asked when he returned, if he could at all. He replied that he would soon enough. Unsure about his reply she asked to do one thing:

"Promise Us Thou will come back?"

He seemed to be contemplating within himself as he tough of an answer. When he thought of one he replied.

"Normally I never promise things I don't know I can keep."

This disheartened the princess.

"However, you are just interesting enough to make me reconsider."

Her eyes shimmered with hope.

"So thou doth promise us that he will come back?"

He smiled back at her.

"I promise."

Then, in an instant, he was gone. Just disappeared from space right in front of her. There was no flash of poof of smoke, just an gone. This left our princess to do her duties to her ponies. So she focused her magic and entered the dream world.

All the while with a smile on her face, for she knew that he would come back.

... And that he did.