Strange Turn of Events

by ipodman

This concerns you all as well.

After a few minutes she rolled up and sealed the scroll. She picked up the scroll and her horn glowed brighter and then the scroll was gone. Well that was cool, I thought to myself. She walked over and sat again on the opposite of side of the couch.

“Alright, please continue….” She had forgotten my name.

I stopped her by saying, “It’s Stephen, but I actually thought of a better name. One more fitting for were I am. Silver Lightning” I felt sill saying it, and blushed slightly.

“okay, Silver Lightning, please continue.” She said with a smile.

“so before I explain what I remember about coming here let me explain humans a little. Oh yeah that’s what we are called were I come from.” I proceeded to tell her about humans, our history, and all of our many problems. She was extremely interested in our history, but I was unfortunately not the pony to ask about that sort of stuff. I explained to her that I was more interested in math and science. Taking a deep breath I went on to tell her about my shitty life, all the way up to the white flash. When I had finished I looked the floor sadly and we both sat in silence for a few seconds.

She spoke first, “So you have no memory of what happened?”

I felt useless for not being helpful. “None.” I said sadly looking away.
She thought for a moment. “W-well ste- er Silver Lightning I know a memory spell, I could give it a try if you’d like.”

“Really? You would do that for me?” I said sheepishly. I was not used to people being nice, or even decent to me.

“Of course, its not trouble really. I can tell you have been through a lot.” She rose from her side of the couch and stepped in front of me. I was extremely nervous, but I trusted she knew what she was doing. She closed her eyes and focused as her horn began to glow. She bent down and touched it to my forehead. Instantly all of my memories came rushing back to me. I felt my self falling, blacking out for the second time today. I vaguely wondered who was screaming.

When I came too, I remembered everything. I had died. I had been in a car crash. I could remember the worst pain I had ever experienced when the other car hit me. Tears began to stream down my face. I thought about my little sister. How I was all she had in that world, and how painful this would be for her. I had let her down, and I could never say I’m sorry, or that she would be okay. I started sobbing, and I didn’t care at this point.

I felt a hoof gently begin to rub my back. “Shhh, Its okay. Shhh, It will be okay.” I looked up to see twilight. I threw my arms around her and sobbed into her, not caring anymore.

“I failed her. I was all she had and I never got to say I love you one last time, or even say good bye.” I held her even tighter, and sobbing even harder.

“You didn’t fail her Silver.” She said. I looked up at her, tears streaming down my face. “I experienced your memory when I used that spell” She winced when she thought about it. “…and from what I learned about those hanging green lights by looking at some of your other memories, he had no right to go.” I buried my head into her neck again, crying softy. She continued to rub my back. “Shhhh” she cooed. “I’m sure she knew you loved her.”

At that moment Spike and what I knew to be the other Elements of Harmony opened the door and walked inside the library. Their happy chatter stopping abruptly when they say us. I had never been so embarrassed in all my life as I looked away from them, tears still streaming down my face.

Rarity was the first to speak. “ Umm, soo sorry for interrupting darling. We’ll just be going” Twilight broke the hug, and I sank back into couch, trying to calm myself down so I wouldn’t embarrass my self anymore than I already had.

Before the others could speak Twilight spoke up. “No girls, this involves you all as well.” The all stopped and turned around, with very confused looks on their faces.

It was Applejack who spoke up next. “Ahm sorry sugercube, but jus how does this concern any ah us?” I stayed curled up on the couch no longer crying, while Twilight explained everything. At the end of the sad story the girls, including spike, had begun to tear up.

“Ahm so sorry Silver.” Applejack said. I curled up tighter in response.

Twilight spoke up next. “I wrote to Princess Celestia shortly after Pinkie Pie Brought him here.” She looked over to the clock, it was just past 11 am. “She should be here around 7 this evening.” I had finally calmed down, so I rolled over and rubbed my eyes to try and dry them.

Taking not only me but the whole group by surprise Rainbow Dash spoke up next. “Hey, I know what will cheer you up! A once in a lifetime chance to fly with the greatest flier in all of Equestria, me! Rainbow Dash!”

“ I, I uh. Well actually I-I d-don’t k-know h-how, I c-cant really f-fly yet.” I finished looking down even more embarrassed. “some Pegasus I am huh” I said looking up, managing a small smile.
Well I tried going with the advice i was given. so hopefully this one was some better flow to it and was an easier read. at some point I will be going back and rewriting the chapters before this so they are all the same.
Be sure to give tons of feedback! its the only way I can ge better for you guys!