//------------------------------// // Later on // Story: Promise me you'll come back? // by Dr Equinox //------------------------------// Hello! You know the drill : Don't own nothing but my own creations.Forward! It has been so long after that wondrous night. Many months in fact. All through out those months though, Luna would always have a smile on her face. She had thoroughly enjoyed the time she could spend with her savior from the stars. It did sound a little cliche but she did not care because that's what she saw him as. A savior, from the loneliness. She and Him had learned very much about the other. For instance she learned that he came from a world that was completely different from hers. He came from a world in its prime in technological advances. He explained that the rectangle shaped flat metal on his wrist was a multi-tool, demonstrating this point by using a variety of functions. He showed her nearly all of his belongings through his brief stays, which included his multi-tool, his strange goggles that could see a many of things, his otherworldly clothes ( still on him obviously), and many more devices. She was amazed beyond compare by what he considered normal. Thy truly from different worlds, in all senses of the term. But saddly it was not always amazement that followed in his appearance there. She could count no more than a handful ( not hoof full) of times when he would visit sad about a loss he suffered. There was once a time where he had come to her and gave her a bone crushing hug, sobbing on her shoulder about losing one of his closest friends due to the resistance they were using to fight against there government. The loss had hit home and had shaken him to his core. He said her name was Sam , although she was known as spitfire in the resistance. She was one of his closest friends and died with next to him on the battlefield. He had to watch his closest female friend die in his arms. It horrified Luna that such things could happen to a man like him, but did not surprise her. Even in the paradise of her kingdom had there been wars. After that day he had come even more frequently. Rather than see her about twice a week, he would see her four times a week. She had asked why and how he kept coming back so fast. He told her that she helped deal with all the craziness. That made her smile. She had found a best friend and he had found his. Then came the unfortunate period of time when she would not be getting visits from her dear friend. Day after day he did not show. Week after week and yet no signs of her human. She had not seen him for two weeks and three days when he showed once again. But he was different now. Gone was the usual cheery demeanor and the lights that used to burn so bright that they would block the sun were so dim that they could be called pure darkness. She ran over to him immediately and hugged him hard. He returned the hug with the same intensity. Though she knew not what happened she had noticed something different. His whole right was gray and seems to be made of iron or steel. When went to observe he lifted up the sleeve for his arm. What she saw made her gasp. His whole right arm was seemingly replaced by this metal counter part. Luna knew what the metal skin meant. This was now no longer the arm he grew up with. It was a replacement. What had happened to her poor little human? The two talked about letter that night after all her duties were finished. He told her that they were winning, they had breached the capital. They they were one step away from victory. "They all knew it would be a tough fight" he said " but we were ready. We knew we would win this and that it would take many sacrifices to achieve victory". So they did, they stormed the Capitol and he lost his arm due to an I fortunate mine place by the capital. His comrades stepped on one near him and it blew them both away quite literally. Then he woke up on an operating table with his good friend Dr.E working on his new arm. Then after a few days of testing out the arm he was fit for travel, so he came there. The arm looked surprisingly accurate for a prosthetic. It looked as though someone made his old skin gray and full of lines separating the different plates protecting the arm. It was stronger than his other, even though both were fairly muscular. He was not a skinny man, not at all. In fact he stood a good four or five inches taller than her horn. He was very pale , had brown eyes and had short cut curly brown hair. He wore his usual gear which was mainly his armor suit. It looked familiar to a knights suit but much more advanced. Beneath that only he could tell as he only ever showed his skin, other than his face, once, when showing his arm. There was a helmet but it was folded inside the suit. There was not much to say after that. Together they just sat beside each other, looking at the stars. He turned his head towards Luna and was going to say something g until he noticed the timer on his wrist. He only had a few minutes left. Quickly he turned to her and gently grabbed her shoulders P.O.V- PATRICK 'Only a few minutes left Patrick, might as well get it out now' I thought. It had been nagging me in the back of my head to tell her but I just couldn't. I couldn't change us like that. But now it seems I have to.whatever lets go for it. I gently moved my hands down her arms(?) to her hooves and gently grasped them, raising them to chest level. She blushed a little and looked at me curiously. Those eyes of hers nearly put me in a trance before I snapped back to it. " Luna I have been meaning to say something to you and now might be the las time I get to say it." She looked at me curiously and tilted her head slightly. " Thou- you are leaving again? So soon?" She asks. I've been trying to get her into modern speech and I think it's working.enough about that though, not important. "Unfortunately yes, and there's a chance I might not be back for a while. Since that's the case I want to admit something I've wanted to for a while now." This time I've brought myself closer to her by scooting myself coward on my knees. I got close enough to where I could feel her breath against me. She was blushing profusely now.and stuttering. I think that's just plain adorable. "D-Does this confession have a need for such close proximity?" She stuttered out , seemingly lost in my eyes as I am in hers. "I think it the only way I could ever say it.i hope your prepared for it cause I have to go rigt after it and I'm going to hate myself for it." She looked confused now, still blushing though. "I do not understand, what is-" she said but I silenced her with a finger blocking her mouth. I smiled warmly at her. She returned a quizzical look and tried to speak but I silenced once again. Though this time I used my lips. She opened her eyes wide and let out surprised squeak. It was a blissful moment for both as they reveled in the kiss, but it was over as soon as it began. With her looking disappointed she looked up for an explanation but got sad eyes. "I need to go now but I'll be back" He said somberly "Do you prom else you'll come back?" She asked with hope in her eyes. He flashed her a toothy grin. "I promise. I always do." And with that he was gone.