//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: A Frozen Nightmare // by xLapis Lazuli //------------------------------// It was a cold Winters night. A beautiful white alicorn stood on the balcony of the castle, staring out at the snow capped mountains far away. Her astonishing flowing mane looked as if the sun was setting in them, her large wings and legs faded to the color of peach and her eyes the color of flame. The alicorn sighed. "What's wrong Galaxia?" A voice asked. There appeared King Cosmos, a dazzling sight he was. His dark blue coat had a thousand glittering cold stars and his short curly mane was a nice shade of purple. "I'm worried Cosmos, I'm worried that the windigos may come back. You know how that turned out." Queen Galaxia replied. "Do not worry my dear, Clover the Clever has found a way to keep the windigos from coming back. You know how clever that unicorn is." The King replied with a smile. The Queen was just about to smile back when they heard the messenger pony fly in. "What happened?" "There is an alicorn who calls herself Queen Frigid Frost requesting to come in." "Let her in." "Of course your majesties." A few seconds later an astonishing pure snow white alicorn with a wavy turquoise and sky blue mane trotted in. On her head was a crown made of dazzling white snowflakes and her hooves looked as if they were frozen ice. She bowed gracefully and started to speak. "Greetings, I am Queen Frigid Frost and I have come to ask you a simple question." The King and Queen looked at each other with their eyebrows raised, then motioned for her to continue. "My ponies, the ice ponies deserve a land of their own." She began, getting up. The icicles hanging from her majestic hair shook as she moved and sounded like a thousand tiny bells. "I ask for your permission to build a kingdom of ice ponies." The King and Queen glanced at each other. "May we speak alone in private for a moment?" The Queen asked. "Of course." Frigid Frost said as if she were their ruler. The King and Queen started to whisper quietly for a few minutes. When Frigid Frost started to get impatient they finished their discussion. "We have made a decision." The King said. Frigid Frost's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "We are sorry but we do not approve of the idea." Frigid Frost's heart sank hearing those words. "Why? We just want a kingdom of our own!" "Please calm down. We just.. Well we don't want to.. We don't want the ice ponies to destroy the crops of earth ponies or change the weather." Queen Galaxia said softly. She snorted. "Pfft. Your worried about that? We will find a place away from your precious earth pony crops, and why would we want to change the weather? We could change the weather in our area but not yours." "Not on purpose you may not but on accident you may." The King said. "We are sorry but this decision is final!" He said his voice like steel. Frigid Frost glared at the king. "Fine! Have it your way then! I'll be back when your dead!" She roared flying out the balcony. Queen Galaxia was shocked at her words. "Do not worry my dear. Everything will be alright." Years later, unfortunately they died but under their eldest daughters rule, the kingdom prospers. Frigid Frost flew back to the castle and this time confronts the two daughters. Princess Celestia recognizes her almost at once. Their parents had told Princess Celestia of this odd alicorn but Luna was too young that time and Celestia never told her sister of this. "I want my kingdom. Now!" She yelled at the sisters. "Tia, whats she talking about?" "I suppose your parents never told you about me did they? Don't worry just ask them about me now, oh wait! Your parents are dead!" She said laughing like a mad mare. Years of isolation had made the mare blood thirsty and hungry for revenge. Celestia felt tears running down her check and though Luna was also crying she immediately stood up to face her. "Don't talk about my parents like that!" "Awh the little moon princess finally found her courage to speak up, how cute." "Don't you dare speak to my sister like that you mad mare!" Celestia spat, forgetting to be sad. "Enough of this nonsense! Give me my kingdom now!!" She roared. "No." "No?" "Thats right. No." The queen roared and shot an icy blast at the sun princess. Luna quickly jumped between them to shield her sister and the shot hit her instead. Celestia screamed. "NO!" Frigid Frost started laughing like a hyena that killed its first prey. The beautiful queen suddenly transformed, her teeth became razor sharp, her eyes as if they belonged to a cat and her beautiful hair now a flowing blue magical mess, but her wings were now razor sharp ice. "You. YOU!" Celestia yelled at her. "Now I am Frightmare Frost!' Celestia looked stunned. Frightmare took this as a chance to attack. She shot an icy blast at her that barely missed her horn. Celestia then used all her power and energy and a golden orb appeared around her, she then shot a blast at Frightmare. "No. What are you doing?! No!!" Celestia then banished her to the coldest and tallest mountain. "NOO!!" After she was gone, Celestia rushed to her sisters side who thankfully was waking up. "Don't worry sis. She will never come back, ever!" Boy was she wrong.