//------------------------------// // Ch6: Sparks Fly // Story: SpiderMan 2099: Equstria's Future // by MonsterCat2212 //------------------------------// "WAHOO!!" SpiderMan screamed, this was one of few good days for Miguel. He defeated FlipSide and could rest easy, Raven was still on the loose which still nagged at him. SpiderMan was free, he was alive! SpiderMan landed in front of Twilight's house and opened the door, the unicorn greeted him and pulled up a chalk board. Today Twilight was going to educate SpiderMan on the history of Equstria and what the nation has been through. SpiderMan felt as if he was being watched he looked behind himself to make sure and no one was there, SpiderMan shrugged the thought off and listened to Twi. "Venom 2099?" Raven asked, the name peeked his curiosity and he grabbed the jar examining it. The scientist began to explain that this Venom was found in the dragon kingdom and was the source of the multiple killings in the land. Raven did hear about the killings and thought it where the ponies trying to send out a message but Raven knew that they wheren't that extreme. The scientist also said that if worn by a host with pure hate and venom in there mind it won't burn them from the inside out. Raven wanted someone who hated SpiderMan to bare the suit, someone worthy. Then a dragon entered the room it was the same dragon that SpiderMan fought first appearing in Equstria, his name was Xever and he hated SpiderMan. "You dare so your face here failure!" Raven shouted ready to blast the dragon to oblivion but was stopped by the scientist, the scientist whispered that Xever could be used as there Venom he had the perfect hate for SpiderMan and is a skilled warrior. "Very well are you a here for the experiment." Xever nodded and Raven smiled, throwing the jar at Xever the glass gar hit the ground shattering unleashing the symbiote. It ran for Xever bonding with him, his wings turned into black bone and his face had white mixed with black on it and his teeth where even sharper than before. Xever's claws sharped and he so did the talons on his feet, on his chest a white egg laid there connected to multiple cords that had formed around Xever's body. Venom was formed. Xever had the mind and body strength to quickly control this creature and made it his ally in this war against SpiderMan, Raven looked at Xever and pointed toward the window "DESTORY SPIDERMAN!!" "RAGHHHHH!!!" Venom screamed, the dragon jumped out the window and began to use his tendrils as webs to swing around with. His destination, Ponyville. "And so Spike banished Sombra from existence and saved the Crystal Empire, any questions." SpiderMan was baffled that there was an entire kingdom made out of crystals and that Spike the baby dragon saved the day. "Yup let's see if you top that mister superhero HAHA!" Spike exclaimed, SpiderMan snorted and told Spike about the time he saved the multiverse from these vampires called the Inheritors and how they killed multiple SpiderMen and Women through out existence. Spike shuddered and shut his snout making SpiderMan smirk, SpiderMan turned back to Twilight how was know taking about the Wonderbolts and how they where formed. Suddenly a giant bolder crashed through the roof, SpiderMan pushed Twilight out of way and held the bolder in the air. "A little...help!" Spidey screamed as Twilight used her magic to raise it and place it on the ground. Spidey saw a note on it that read 'if you ever want to see Rainbow Dash again meet me at Town Square now.' SpiderMan checked everywhere for a name but no luck, it was winter time and it was a bad time fo a battle but if Rainbow was in trouble he had to listen. SpiderMan dropped the note and jumped through the roof and swung toward the Town Square. "Where is she...no" SpiderMan said, looking in the sky he saw that Dash's wings where held together with a black goo and she was hundreds of feet in the air. Getting ready to shoot webbing toward the cloud SpiderMan was kicked in the chest by a shadow, SpiderMan was smashed into a building, SpiderMan looked at the shadow saw what it was. "Venom!" SpiderMan screamed, Venom's face moved and shifted revealing his face to be none other than Xever. "My revenge is near!" Xever said. "YOU! I KICKED YOUR ASS!!" Xever screamed to the top of his lungs his face being covered by the symbiote. Venom shot a tendril at SpiderMan, the tendril grabbed his ankle and flung him into another building, Venom then shot another tendril this time grabbing his neck. SpiderMan shot webbing at Venom's eyes and grabbed the tendril pulling Venom toward himself, once close enough SpiderMan punched Venom in the jaw making the monster loose his grip on SpiderMan's neck. The hero coughed a few times and regained his breath, "this power is amazing!" Venom screamed absorbing the webbing. Venom than with amazing speed kicked SpiderMan's jaw and head butted the hero, SpiderMan was dazed and dizzy. Venom saw his moment and punched SpiderMan into the Town Hall. Spidey could hear Rainbow Dash cheering him but Spidey couldn't take this enhanced Venom, SpiderMan lifted the a giant wall piece and threw it at Venom, the dragon/alien swatting the projectile away. "This is nuts!" Spidey screamed trying to uppercut the alien but was punched in the ribs by Venom. Rainbow Dash was crying at the site of her friend being beaten, SpiderMan looked at the mare and saw she was crying she was worried about him. SpiderMan used his last bits of strength to raise himself from the dirt, Venom walked over to him and kneed him in the forehead, the monster also grabbed SpiderMan by the head and smashed his face into a wall. SpiderMan couldn't take much more of this, 'where's Twi or AJ, shock I'll even take Rarity!' Venom then shot webbing in Spidey's eyes and unleashed a series of punches kicked and ended the fight by slashing Spidey's cheek making a giant scar on his right cheek. That was it SpiderMan fell unconscious. Venom looked at Rainbow Dash who was crying her eyes out and smirked, Xever wanted to finish SpiderMan but Raven wanted him alive along with Dash for a more sinister plan ruin SpiderMan's reputation in Equstria! SpiderMan was thrown before Raven alone, Raven grabbed the hero by the chin and smiled looking deep within his eyes. Raven then threw SpiderMan into a wall not enough to make it shatter though, SpiderMan grabbed SpiderMan's chest and began to punch SpiderMan in the face at half strength. Raven wanted SpiderMan alive for him to watch his death. Once Raven was done with Spidey he called his guard and said, "take him to the rainbow bitch." Rainbow Dash was still crying and it didn't help that SpiderMan's body was in the same cell as her, she grabbed the hero's head yanking his mask off and placed her forehead on his crying her heart out. "It can't end like this. I never even got to tell him how I feel!" Rainbow screamed placing SpiderMan on a prison bed, Rainbow Dash placed a cover over him and kissed his forehead. Raven won the battle....