//------------------------------// // Ch7: The Final Fight // Story: SpiderMan 2099: Equstria's Future // by MonsterCat2212 //------------------------------// "Amazing work dealing with SpiderMan Xever" Raven said, Venom smiled a toothy grin. "When do I get to shed pony blood!?" Venom screamed, Raven liked his sense of death. "Now. You will take SpiderMan's form and destory the remaining Elements! Go and take my side as my general!!" Raven screamed. At his words Venom took the shape and form of SpiderMan and smiled underneath his black mask, Venom then swung out of the building and made his way toward Ponyville. In the Cell... SpiderMan's eyes opened a light blinding him, Miguel felt around his face for his mask but didn't feel it. Miguel saw on the floor his mask was there dirty and torn, Miguel grabbed the mask seeing that the eye was torn. Miguel looked through the hole and remebered the battle between him and Venom aka Xever. SpiderMan placed the mask over his face and also saw that Rainbow Dash was sleeping, he heard small whimpers and Rainbow crying and remeber what Venom did. SpiderMan then remebered how he defeated Venom in the first place, by using NOISE!! SpiderMan punched the stone wall down with his fist an alarm going off waking Dash, the mare hugged SpiderMan on site crying in his arms. SpiderMan held Rainbow Dash in one arm and began to swing out of the dragon kingdom, by the time the guards made it to the scene the two criminals where gone. "SPIDERMAN WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!!!" Twilight screamed. She saw Venom not slaughter ponies but burn down house, destory the Town Hall, and smash Rarity's house. The unicorn fired mulitple magical bolts at the imposter SpiderMan, the alien dodged and grabbed Twilight's throat ready to choke the Element of Magic. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! The imposter SpiderMan screamed in pain as he felt his symbiote leave his body, "TURN IT OFF TURN IT OFF RAGGGHHHH!!!!" Venom screamed in agony, suddenly he was hit with a rainbow streak that bounced off him and landed on a building. The streak was Rainbow Dash and standing beside her was SpiderMan. "HOW ABOUT WE TURN YOU OFF!" SpiderMan screamed jumping off the building punching Venom in mid-air. Venom actually felt that punch and crashed into the destroyed Town Hall, SpiderMan than felt a wound beginning to reopen. SpiderMan ignored the pain and kept fighting. "THIS TIME I WON'T FAIL MY FRIENDS! NEVER AGAIN!!!" SpiderMan screamed gripping Venom by the head and punching him in the face at full strength twice, SpiderMan than grabbed the cords that held the egg and ripped them out of Venom's body. "I LOVE MY FRIENDS THEY'VE DONE SO MUCH FOR ME YOU WON'T RUIN THAT!!!!" SpiderMan shouted making Xever's symbiote leave his body, "no don't leave me!!" Xever said trying to grab his symbiote, SpiderMan shot webbing at the alien leaving it place for Twilight to grab it with her magic. "Please don't kill me I'll talk PLEASE!" Xever screamed. "Ya know Venom if I can call you that I don't care if you do talk..." SpiderMan raised his fist in the air. "I want you to scream!!" SpiderMan than began to beat the everliving shock out of Xever, SpiderMan grabbed Xever's tail and flung him into a building. Rainbow Dash watched the whole thing cheering SpiderMan on. "YOU KIDNAPPED RAINBOW DASH!!" SpiderMan said stomping on the dragon's belly. "YOU TRIED TO KILL ME AND STEAL MY IDENITY!!" SpiderMan grabbed the dragon's snout and punched him directly in the nose making Xever scream in pain. SpiderMan than punched Venom in the face once... "Please stop..." Twice... "PLEASE!!!" SpiderMan was about to deal the third strike put stopped himself, looking at the black eyed and blood covered dragon SpiderMan felt as if something was inside him turning him into a monster. SpiderMan backed away from Xever, looking at the terrified ponies he felt cold and nervous. SpiderMan looked at his supposed number 1 fan AppleBloom who was still in shock that she got to get a gimplse of SpiderMan, the hero than turned toward the Mane 6 who had no idea what they just witnessed. Twilight still had the alien that was trying to dive after Xever but was stopped by Twilight's magic. "Guys it's not my falt I.." "EVERYPONY RUN!!!!" Twilight screamed the whole town scrambled for there homes locking there doors and turning there lights off. SpiderMan was alone. SpiderMan felt a hoof touch his back and looked to see Rainbow Dash staring him intely in the eyes, SpiderMan smiled and laughed at the thought he was alone and had a nice peaceful walk out of Ponyville. "Dude you did it you saved Ponyville you saved Equstria!" Rainbow Dash said. SpiderMan looked at her and said, "did I, or did I end the first chapter in my crazy adventures here." Rainbow Dash stayed silent listening to what the human had to say. "I mean now I'm probable a fugitive. I have no home, no friends, no food, and no way to get back to 2099." In this moment Dash grabbed SpiderMan's head and pulled up his mask. The cyan mare than pulled SpiderMan into a deep kiss, the feeling was sudden and werid considering that muzzle's and mouths wheren't made for each other but the two made it work. Rainbow Dash pulled back and looked into SpiderMan's eyes, he was the only one for her. SpiderMan grabbed Rainbow Dash by the hips and began to swing toward her house, the rush of wind was all but familiar to the mare. Once they reached Rainbow Dash's house the two lovers walked into the building and began new lives together, a love that nothing can stop. Not even Raven. The End...