Beautiful Lies

by Filthy Blue Shades

Endless rivers annunciate painless wails

Pinkie sat on her bed with her legs folded beneath her. Her thin pink brows furrowed in deep concentration as she stared at this puzzle. 1000 pieces made up this puzzle and out of all of them she only had 576 pieces put together. The rest was left jumbled in the lid. She added a single piece to complete the face-cloud that was overshadowed by an unfinished sun and moon. Pinkie didn't care about the picture more so completing it was her objective. She had a few finished boxes all made of 1000 pieces. Kittens puppies sky's and water beaches and happy spring flowers all of them under her bed.

Rarity was sitting in front of the mirror her hair pulled up in a bun. Her eyes held heavy bags as insomnia reclaimed her mind. She'd have to inform the doctor about her predicament. These pills were suppose to prolong sleep and stop her night terrors. She stared in to her eyes studying all the marks and blemishes that accented her already flawless appearance. There was only one thing to do on nights like these, she pulled out her blue yoga mat and turned on her radio to a volume suitable for this hour.

Twilight walked through the park her mind was empty and she could feel the breeze on the back of her neck. Her hair was in disarray and held under her cap. She cut through the thick forage of plan life and hopped the fence heading straight for her home. She took walks to quell her needs of wanting to be alone of wanting to just disperse in to a colourful drop of water and be washed away in to the storm drains. She wanted to just die.

Rainbow held on to her bat and swung hard at the ball that was flying towards her. She hit every single one but still she couldn't stop this anger deep inside her. She had hit 3 homeruns a few left fieldes and and no fouls yet she couldn't be proud of her self. All these sports and friends but still no satisfaction no acceptance at home they always she should strive to be better. Whats better then this? She thought. I'm awesome Im looked up to and respected and I'm loyal to my crew. What do they want from me. The bat fell to the ground and he slumped against the fence and fell in to a deep sleep as her face became slick with tears.

Apple Jack carried crates of apple cider to her grandmothers kitchen. She cared for her and her siblings she knew but yet she wondered about her parents and her you get sister. Something had always been off with them. Granny said it was their mind. That something lingered in them that couldn't be cured. We stayed home a lot and missed school a lot. Social workers use to come and Granny would scare them off then she'd turn to us and tell us "There ain't nothin wrong with working on the family farm. Y'all got that youngins?" And we nod and she's give us our shared morsels before sending us to bed. My auntie use to say Granny touched Macintosh when he was AppleBlooms age. I didn't understand really but I always felt scared when her touch lingered on my shoulder. Big Mac had run away not to long ago he was 19 and I was going on 17. AppleBloom was turning 13 in a matter of months. Lately I hear her at night sobbing but I don't know what to do so I call her a liar when she tells me those horrible things. And I see the pain in her eyes and bags that become darker each week. She eats less and stopped cleaning herself. Granny would say "Ain't right for a girl like you to be dirty." And bathe her for hours. She would come out scrubbed raw and she'd stare with empty eyes. But it's all nonsense. Granny loves us.

Fluttershy sat in her tree house with the blanket pulled tightly around her. It smelled of sugar and cinnamon. She was a petite girl with flowing hair and a doll face that held dark secrets. Her hidden skin was cut in many places. Scars and long gashes wrapped around her belly and upper thigh. She wrapped coils of barbed wire around her. She blamed herself for her home and every night slept here since no one would look for her. A self harmer had to be alone she was dirty and needed attention. That's what her dad said. He said she was a liar and worthless. He held all contempt on her for her mom running off from them. He kept to himself and drank himself to sleep. They use to have good days and they would abruptly end when he saw her scars accidentally. He would beat her and leave again to drink. They stopped trying and avoided each other. Her stomach growled and she was full of pain but she forced herself to sleep.

School was tomorrow and they had an army to face.