Beautiful Lies

by Filthy Blue Shades

Schools a place to play

This bright burning light penetrated in to their collective conscious driving a knife through their front lobe wiping out all of who they were before and pulls them down under to a murky depth of clarity and happiness. The knife pulls out and all is forced back out as the light dims and they remember who they are and what they had been made to be. Pieces called Frankenstein thrown together crudely with shared misery of their equal demise and thus they were thrust in to life once again.

"Good morning."

A small pink head flowered In the shining light as she seemingly floated towards the school. Her face never broken from a simple glass eyed doll stare as she graciously lifted herself up the stares and in to the catastrophic hallway. Only then did her facade come on like a mask to parade with the fools. They all waved and greeted her enthusiastically calling out praise and doting the small girl of 4'7. She smiles and laughs all the same while praying they never see through. She thinks of how they'll feel if they knew she lied to them all this time. The worry pains her.

Pinkie leaned against the lockers pushing her glasses up and twirling her straight hair. She kinda liked this look. Black ripped tights pink tank top and a denim vest with white high tops she drew a smiley face and sad face on either side. She noticed Fluttershy and instantly felt her chest get tight. She felt herself getting heated and skated down the hallway before she had to deal with talking to such a nuisance. She slowed gradually and glided down the hall kneeling on the board to text and watch for coins scattered on the ground. She reached a dead end and waited for Blue Grass to meet her. He stared at the ceilings her eyes darting following the slight cracks and holes that littered the white plastic tiles. She snorted out a laugh as she thought of the time they and another pair hid I'm the ceiling and smoked pot for the entire day. The smell was all over the school and they thought a dead rat was in the vents. She giggles again sitting on her board. Her cheeks turned pink and she stared down the hall the fleeting feeling of being giddy slowly fading.

"What's so funny, Pinkie?"

"Remembering, reminiscing, nostalgia overload shit stick." She smiled not turning to answer her tall lanky friend.

"Okay bitch." Playful banter always broke the tension and made them more open with each other in a weird way. Blue Grass was a skinny guy with long black hair and blue sharp eyes. He always carried a knife in his back pocket. Pinkie like him for being her friend through all the changes he said he wanted to see her grow from every new experience and grow with her.

His hoodie was grey an his pants coal black. He wore ruffed up vans and rocked scars from fist fights and had a shiny scar on his side that came from a knife being dug in from the hilt. It was a miracle her survived but he doesn't believe in miracles. Miracles are for the faithful.

Twilight had an eye for gutsy fashion choices. She had a dress that cupped itself under her breasts and a bra that could barely hold her breasts together. Of course it magically worked out on the chubby girl. Her face was round and her hair was cut in layers and teased so that it all went to one side leaving one side completely visible. She loved her hair and would never think of dying it but cutting was a fun expression and she values creativity and wanted it to mature along with her mainly left brained mined. People stared yes but no one would approach. She never talked never smiled and always had the right answers. It was intimidating, but fascinating. She had depth that she threw herself in and drowned in it. She was all to aware of her flaws and imperfections that she masked it with being perfection of being quality and beauty and top health. In truth she was sick in the mind. Poisoned by her depression that was ignored through life. She blinked and saw the pink headed punk skating down the hallway. She looked forward and saw Flutter Shy the diva. She wanted to be her and live her happy easy going life. She modelled herself after her but her height and weight would never fit hers. She was petite and so small. Twilight was 6'1 and 167 lbs. Not beautiful not at all. She slinked in to class and sat closest to the window away from the crowd. A paper ball landed on her desk she stared before opening it. Her eyes remained cold as she read out the words 'fake emo slut' she simply tossed it to the side like it meant nothing and went on with her work.

Rainbow Dash caught Flutter Shy by the wrist and offered to carry her bags. Before the words left her mouth the girl flinched and pulled away.

"Did I scare you?"

"No, no I'm alright. Can I help you?" She smiled sweetly.

"Let me carry your stuff." She took it without a word and headed towards the stairs.

"Don't you have class?"



She hated making small talk. She hated this school. Most of all she hated-

"Flutter Shy!" A boy ran up to them and began chatting her up. She smiled and laugh. Was that all she could do? Can't she cry and a scream? What's her deal. Rainbow handed the other girls things to the boy and said good bye half assing a lame excuse to leave. She ran up to the roof and sat with her back on the door. She flipped open her phone case and tapped the scratched screen. It flickered to life and she began typing a message to her basketball mate Flash Sentry.

'Want to chill?'

'Right now yeah meet me by the easy hall.'

'The place with the dead rat.'

She didn't wait for a reply and headed down her legs aching from the workout she put herself through each night. She was dressed in low cut tights and a short sleeves blue shirt that clung to her body. She was the leading Victorian in all sports that school had to offer all except one. Rarity was the top of the cheerleading game. She was the most flexible most fearless and extremely positive. Her looks matched her inner self. She shined so brightly that she was a gem all her own. There was one thing that separated her from the everyday and put her in a rare class called "Pure". She was a virgin. She alway smiled at her Rainbow Dash and talked nicely about things every teenage girl worried about. Something was always off about her when she was alone. She stared at nothing and her pupils would always dilate spasmodically and she would always looked pained. Rainbow hated her only for taking the only spot she need to obtain to be acceptable. She blamed her for all the things her parents would say. Rainbow shook her head and unlocked her locker removing her basketball and running down the hallway past the laughing ball of pink and black. She made brief eye contact and the pink girl stared smiled and said.

"What are you looking at bimbo?" And they laughed again. She waited at the other end bouncing the ball hoping for any relief from her life. She sighed and after 30 minutes of waiting she saw him and meet him halfway. They exited and ran through the parking lot towards the empty basketball court. She threw the ball when they were close and immediately got thrown into a game.

Rarity calculated the Geometry problems on her slip of paper. Her head throbbed with pain but she never let it show. She acted eloquent an part of the model society she knew was fabricated bull shit. Everybody either popped pills or purged themselves. She did neither her lack of sleep let her work out for hours on end. She looked outside and saw Dash covered in sweat running through the court. She made goal after goal and Rarity silently cheered her on. Her attention snapped back to her teacher beginning another lecture. She couldn't wait for gym.

A black cloud rolled over all of them and rain started to pour hard on the asphalt. The sentient bodies all dry but soaking in the black rain staining the cleanliness of their conscious. Days like this they feel ill. Days like this the rain washes them away.