Beautiful Lies

by Filthy Blue Shades

Bits and Pieces

The sun was barely peeking over the orange horizon as it rose. The sky was painted swirls of bright and dark blues and white wisps of clouds danced with it. She sat on a haystack and stared at the lovely scene. Her hat rested on her thighs. She was a strong girl with a beautiful body from years on the farm. Her long legs thick with muscle but soft to the touch and her small feet rough and worn with callous. Her skin was tanned and her long blonde hair was tied in a low braid and pinned in a bun. Her freckles littered her face and chest and gave her trademark grin a certain spice all it's own. But of course she had no time to see her potential for beauty or the fashion world. She had work and family. She jumped down once she saw the pink haired girl riding her board towards her. They said hello both with wide smiles. Pinkie was one friend she made but today she looked in a rush. Must be late. She waved good bye before heading up the less traveled orchard path. It was covered with plant life and branches and the wrong footing could make you snap your ankle. AJ paid no mind to the danger and did as she did everyday. She picked the apples and tended the trees while Granny did her things with Apple Bloom. When AJ asked why she simply got,

"Stop yer fussin' about; Ah need her to help me."

She sighed and sat down overlooking their home. It was big and quite roomy with a tender homelike feeling and the smell of apple pie drifted through the cool air. She blinked sleepily and felt herself nod off.

"Big Mac!"

"You ain't worth my time." She was shocked. It has been months since he left. Didn't he miss them?

"Apple Bloom had her innocence stolen from her while you slept peacefully. You wonder why she never touched you? Because I let her touch me."

"Apple Blooms a liar. You have to understand she doesn't want to work on the farm." Why was she saying these things?

"I ain't speaking to you." He turned and his eyes were pitch black and he skin rotten. Fire rose around her eyes and licked away all except his piercing black stare. She heard her name being chanted over and over making her ears hurt before the fire became too much.

She awoke from the heat coming from the sun and the call of her name, Granny needed her. She walked in her overalls dirty and her pant legs rolled up to her knee. They use to belong to her brother before he ran. She could still smell him. She walked towards Granny who beckoned her towards her. Apple Bloom stood behind her. The young girl looked ghostly pale in the shadows. Her eyes looked hollowed out and for a mere few seconds she thought she saw nothing but black holes. Feeling spooked she fled inside and helped Granny Smith tend to her cooking.

She bit into a ripe green apple and shivered with the sour sweet taste that dribbled down her throat. She thought over her dream mulled and pulled it apart bit by bit. She dreamt about that conversation they had in the barn so long ago before he left the farm. After a week it became persistent and played over and over again. It's been 10 months since then and Apple Bloom's birthday was coming up. Apple Jack didn't know wether to be proud or cry. Granny set three plates down on the table and ladled chicken noodle soup with rice on them. She turned and studied the portions. Apple Bloom was so bony now her meals are only getting smaller and Granny's bigger. Apple Jack waited til she left and gave her younger sister food from her own plate. Granny and Apple Bloom came back and they sat down to a quiet dinner. She stared at her sister who dogged down every bit of food on her plate.

"You girls are going back to school tomorrow. No ripe apples are here yet so y'all can have your fun." They both looked at their grandmother and then at each other. Apple Bloom smiled. It's been so long since she had seen her friends. They washed their plates and rushed off to bed. Apple Jack hopped in the shower deciding to wash off the dirt. She washed her hair and enjoyed the cool feeling after the confusing day.

"AJ! Wake up!" Apple Bloom shook get older sister. She was up earlier but she couldn't help it. She was going to school again. Her sister rolled over and smiled at her sitting up. She walked out and waited for her to get dressed. She herself was wearing a white tanktop and a black tiered skirt with leggings. Her long red hair was down and her bow was on the side. Apple Jack stepped out her blonde hair was down too and she wore shorts and a black top with her hat on. They walked down together and Apple Jack poured a bowl of cinnamon and flakes for each of them. She handed her sister the milk and are here without. Granny wasn't up yet so they wanted to splurge a bit and enjoy a belly full of something good. After breakfast they started to walk down the dirt path and on to the sidewalk towards the school.

"You ready?" Twilight asked Fluttershy. She towered over the girl obviously but she never let her get intimidated. She smiled up at her her eyes soft and vibrant.

"Of course." 3 girls walked up to them all with a different look on their faces. One bored, one smiling and bright the other arrogant but friendly. Until today they'd never would have all spoken to one another like this. They looked like a rag-tag group all from different spectrums of society. The emo the punk the captain of the cheerleading team the jock and the princess to top it off. People turned to look and gossip. Fluttershy would dispel any rumours obviously, maybe she'd say the principal wanted them to be friends with her because she's a positive influence. Was she really that devious? Her small lips turned up at the corners and her calm eyes overlooking the birds and other tiny creatures littered about. Maybe.

"Hey Apple Jack!" Pinkie called over a pretty farm girl just few inches shorter than Twilight. She smiled and waved before looking over the group.

"Mighty fine meetin' y'all! My names Apple Jack." Hellos and nice to meet you's were murmured before they went silent. Before any one could speak again the bell rang and every one moved inside. Apple Jack felt out of place. She didn't know where to go or what her classes had even been. She stood staring in all directions in the big school. She was grabbed by Pinkie and pulled along with the rest of the gang. They entered a room arranged with eight chairs in a circle with a decent bit of space. One girl was seated with her purple hair all pulled to one side, she'd seen her outside with the group. AJ wondered if she was a model. She sat next to her but the purple girl didn't turn her head. She sat and said nothing for a while. She watched Pinkie walk around the room and pull out all sorts of boxes and eventually a ball. She began to toss it at the door while she sat on the floor. The rainbow haired girl seemed annoyed but said nothing and turned back to the window. She looked at each girl and then at the boxes Pinkie had previously set down.

"Why are we here?" She turned to look at them and saw them look at her with the same expression.

"You don't know?"

-Lunch/Gym the day before-

Lunch finally rolled around and Rarity was helping herself to some strawberry's. the loud speaker cracked and Vice Principal Luna spoke firm through the speakers.

"Will the following girls report to my office-" she listed off eight girls Rarity being one of them, she stood and trailed down the office. Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie were already there. She felt the tension that threatened to burst and stood a few feet from them. The both talked with venom in their words but she couldn't hear them. She didn't look as Vice walked out and scolded the girls before beckoning them in. She didn't realise the others had been there. They probably wanted to avoid the problems as well. They each took a seat except for Pinkie who leaned on the door. Luna handed out an envelope to each of them.

"Has Apple Jack been here at all day?" They all shook their heads. Rarity looked around. It was an odd group she had to admit but they had a vibe that they could have been best friends some where that they probably would have been close and had all sorts of adventures. She pushed that aside as Luna talked.

"You've all been asked to join a program specifically for girls with low self esteem. Now I know how could any of you girls be selected? We have had teachers study you and full out papers accordingly all of you have some thing attacking you silently that needs to be dealt with. So please try the first session and make yourselves happy." She smiled and dismissed them Pinkie being the first one out and skating down the hall way. Rarity wasn't sure what to think about this she didn't hate herself or maybe she did and just didn't know it? Maybe she's what the others should be modelled after. That's it. That has to be it.