//------------------------------// // February 22nd // Story: Closet Pony // by DouglasTrotter //------------------------------// >>>February 22nd, Time: 3:09 AM<<< "A person doesn't appreciate what they have until it is lost." Now that I've encountered these three, I see that quote doesn't apply to just humans. Apple Bloom's mind had put off the notion of her being stuck here, possibly the same for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. The three of them made the best of what they could. Last night brought those thoughts back to the three of them. Each time I got up to check on Apple Bloom, she seemed to be crying. The tears refused to stop. Though Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo act mature, I didn't understand their childlike nature until now. Their situation must be horrible. They're so far away from home yet so close to it. I'm running on fumes here. In all, I may have gotten three, maybe four hours worth of sleep. It sucks, but I will have to take a step or two back. There's nothing I can do right now since Apple Bloom needs to work this out of her system. Better shut down the laptop and force myself to get some sleep. I'll be of no use to them if I can't keep my eyes open. ----End Entry---- >>>February 22nd, Time: 9:05 AM<<< *Note: Copy and Past translation from Scootaloo's entry for my personal notes* Things have been really off today. This stallion thing isn't himself, and Apple Bloom isn't much better. I'm just glad she's willing to be the mare-in-the-middle for us. I can't understand what the stallion says, and Sweetie Belle can't seem to talk with him. Not to mention this 'fancy talk' is starting to get on my nerves. Can't Sweetie Belle speak something else beside it? Whatever, at least she can talk. I have to use this thing on my head. This stallion got really mad at Sweetie Belle and me. We tried to explore a bit, and he shoved us out of some room. Sweetie Belle snuck back inside though. When I went in, it seemed like a mare's room. The closet had a bunch of weird clothes in it; they're way weirder than his stuff. Anyways, that's what Sweetie Belle said. I got close to one of the corners, and then he walked in on us. The stallion started yelling something. We bolted for the hallway. Rainbow Dash would have been impressed with my speed. Anyways, this stallion put a lock on the door so me and Sweetie Belle couldn't get in again. Apple Bloom said something about the room being one for a family member that passed away. That's all she overheard from him after the stallion clammed up. Dang, *audible sigh*, this thing is beeping at me. I guess these "batteries" are out of "juice" from what Apple Bloom said. Hey, can't we try for a bit longer -- *End Translation Notes* ----End Entry---- >>>February 22nd, Time: 9:35 AM<<< I guess the battery needs a longer charging period. An overnight charge from my phone's adapter yields about thirty minutes. A little over eight hours for a thirty minute talk time, sounds like a rip off from a crappy cell phone carrier plan. In my heart, I know it's wrong I yelled at Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Still, they should have known better. If a person shakes their head from side-to-side at something, it should be a universal idea that means don't do it, don't go there, and/or generally meaning no. Of course, I'm dealing with kids, more or less. I need to make sure I don't get too frustrated. I've fiddled with the ropes in my room, and they still refuse to move. I don't drink, so I wasn't inebriated. My meds don't cause drowsiness, hallucinations, or any weird side effects, so that's ruled out. What happened? ----End Entry---- >>>February 22nd, Time: 2:23 PM<<< There's no getting around what just happened. The password to the cablebox was found, and my parental lock was disabled. I wasn't thinking. I saw a different channel, and I just didn't think about things. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, or all of them somehow turned it to the national news. It seems an "incident" occurred. This person, probably having who knows what in their system, took a hostage, and fought back against the authorities. The hostage didn't survive. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle saw the whole news report. I came back inside, having gone outside to check the pool and yard to see how much work needed to be done, to them staring at the TV. Sweetie Belle's mouth was wide open. Scootaloo covered her eyes with her wings. "Ce qui s'est passe," Sweetie Belle said through a quivering tone. It took several minutes to register what had happened before I darted to the table, grabbed the remote, and turned the TV off. Scootaloo lowered her wings. Sweetie Belle closed her mouth. Apple Bloom's eyes fixated on me. Soon, all of them starred at me. It hurt. It hurt me to see their eyes so full of terror. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo leapt off the couch. All of them bolted passed the dining room. They galloped toward my room, as fast as their hooves could carry them. "Get away! Ah swear to Celestia Ah'll plant a hoof so hard against your skull it'll ring like a bell if ya come any closer." Apple Bloom shouted. She stood between me and her friends. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo continuously yanked on the rope pieces. "This place is horrible! Why did that stallion do that?!" The ticking from the clock on that cabinet in the room with my laptop became inaudible. I sat on the floor. After what seemed like eternity, the three calmed down. I offered them a chance to return to the living room, but they refused. "Why did he do that?" Apple Bloom said. Due to Apple Bloom's history lesson on Equestria, I knew there were "good" and "evil" individuals in Equestria. The most evil individuals were locked away in a place called Tartarus, however, I wasn't sure, until today, if these three fillies had ever heard or witnessed anything like what they saw on TV. How could I explain this situation to a visitor from another world? Even worse, how could I explain what occurred young minds like theirs? It's wrong to lie. It's worse to lie to a child. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo seemed to relax when Apple Bloom calmed down. All of them faced me. "I apologize if this is vague, but what you saw is a complicated mess. Humans, what I am and what those were on TV, in general are complicated creatures. Also, just like there is good and evil in your world, there is good and evil in our world." I said. I tried my best to formulate a reasonable train of thought, words being hard to come by. Sure, it's not hard for me to tell another adult, another human adult my feelings about our species. To tell these three kids, these three fillies how I feel about us, what we have the capability to do, and what happened, that's something I wasn't sure I could do. I didn't want to sugarcoat things either. Apple Bloom, probably sensing my struggle, placed her right hoof on my hand and said I didn't have to say "anythin'" about what happened. "Apple Bloom, I'm sorry. I didn't... I didn't want you to see that kind of stuff, or your friends. I don't want you to hate humans. I don't want you to hate me." "Have you --" Apple Bloom said. "No," I said with a soft firm voice, "I haven't done something like that to anyone, ever." "Souhaitez-vous jamais faire cela?" Sweetie Belle said. I had a slight idea of what Sweetie Belle said. Apple Bloom's translation confirmed it. The unicorn filly asked if I would I ever do that? Or, more to the point, could I ever hurt someone? I believe it's wrong to take a life. On the other hand, I believe it's wrong to stand by and let someone else take a life. I'm just a hypocrite. "I promise I will protect you and your friends, Apple Bloom." I said. Apple Bloom talked with her friends, and they nodded at me. We moved to the family room, and I re-programmed the locking code for the cable box then turned all of it off. "I will answer whatever questions you have to the best of my abilities. For now, let's not dwell on what happened? How about we order out tonight? There's an Italian place nearby, and we can order some spaghetti and breadsticks." I unplugged the cablebox and disconnected the HDMI cable as well. This is what I get for using the TV to entertain them. It's a good thing I'm not a parent. Though my watch said all of that unfolded twenty minutes ago, I can't help feeling like its later than that. In all honesty, it feels like that happened two hours ago. Whatever, I gave my word. I've got my keys, my wallet, and my cellphone. I guess we'll see how "good" these three can be while sitting in the car while I run in to get our food. To see a bit of our world, beyond what that stupid news program showed them, it may help take their minds off things. ----End Entry---- >>>February 22nd, Time: 8:14 PM<<< The crisp night air of this nearby park is rather nice. I'm also glad the sun set about 7 pm. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle can enjoy a bit of peace. In all honesty, watching these three play, it feels like I gave a genuine smile in a long time. I just hope that news report doesn't tarnish their view of humans. I've brought my laptop out, for once. As I look at the sky, part of me wonders about that world they call home. It would be exciting to see their world. I could leave this miserable little mudball of a planet. Though I say that, I'm not sure if I could fit in with their societal norms. Apple Bloom did speak about various races of ponies mingling together, giving a brief mention of other creatures. Being under the rule of princesses -- ponies that may be immortal -- isn't something I would enjoy though. I mean, who's to say those ponies aren't watched over with a heavy eye. If they foul up, a merciless judgment is handed down. It seems my cynical side is still intact, despite the smiles I'm giving the three. ----End Entry---- >>>February 22nd, Time 10:25 PM<<< "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it." This time I kept my mouth shut. I know that rope moved. It almost wrapped around my leg and tried to tug on me. The second rope remained limp. What is the cause of this? I wanted to bring Apple Bloom into my room and show her what's going on, but I didn't want to hurt her again. She and the others have been through enough. I'll keep this to myself, and perhaps see if I can replicate things. There has to be something more to this weirdness. ----End Journal----