
by Gordon Freeman_1

Chapter VII: Friends Until The End

Twilight appeared at the gates of Ponyville. She was slightly tired from all the commotion that happened a little while ago, but she’ll live.
“Controlling my new power isn’t as bad as I thought,” Twilight said out loud as she put her staff back on her back. “Now I have to find my friends.”             
Soaring up into the air, Twilight inspected Ponyville all over, trying to find her friends. She flew fairly high up so nopony on the ground could spot her, but low enough to where she could visibly see everypony that passed below her.
However she stopped when she saw her castle. It looked so good during this time of day that she had almost missed it while she was in Canterlot.
“I’ll go in, for all I know they could be in there,” Twilight said as she pulled out her staff and teleported inside.
Appearing right next to the map room, Twilight looked around a little and quickly saw that nothing had changed.
Suddenly, she heard voice coming from inside the map room.
“Ah’m tellin’ y’all, we need to get dis place all set up for Twilight’s re’urn home!” Applejack said out loud to everypony.
“Well I’m sorry that it appears that a certain rainbow pony is so picky!” Rarity exclaimed, sounding annoyed.
“Well I’m sorry that I’m not all ‘oh everything MUST be perfect!’ Rarity!” Rainbow Dash yelled back. Arguing started to rally up from all of them inside.
“Enough of this,” Twilight said as she walked in, pulled out her staff, and shined a bright light to make them all stop.
“What the hay?” Applejack said before turning over and seeing Twilight after her vision returned to normal. “T-Twilight?” all five of them looked at her like she wasn’t actually Twilight.
“Hello everypony, and yes, this is me,” Twilight said putting away her staff and looking at everypony. “I have turned into this because of a terrible bombing.”
All of them gasp and ran towards her. “Are you okay? How are you still here?” all of them started to ask her inspecting every inch of her.
“I must say darling those diamonds look very valuable,” Rarity said poking at her chest piece.
Twilight backed up. “Don’t touch those! Sorry, those diamonds are very important. They give my magic a major power boost, I also have one in my staff.” Twilight rearmed her staff to show everypony.
Everypony looked in awe at her. “So tell us Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said. “How did you get like that?”
“Yeah Twilight,” Pinkie Pie said jumping up to get to eye level with her. “Tell us, tell us! Then tell us why you’re walking soooooo weirdly.”
Twilight pulled Pinkie away with her magic. “So remember when I was called to Manehatten to discuss gangs getting out of hand?”
“Yes,” all of them said in unison and nodded too.
“Well while I was talking to him, a bomb went off from under his desk. The wooden shrapnel tore me to shreds and almost killed me, but guess who saved my life?”
“A, medic?” Fluttershy said softly.
“A GYPSY!??” Pinkie Pie yelled.
“No Pinkie, it was Starlight Glimmer!”
All five of them gasp. “I though’ she was crazy evil Twi?” Applejack said confused.
“Yes Applejack but Celestia caught her, and made her work for the Canterlot Medical team. They used this experiment called ‘Project Machina’ to suit me up with this amazing metal suit and basically brought me back to life!”
“Wowww,” all of them said in unison again.
“You, guys don’t think any less of me, right?” Twilight said rubbing her arm.
Rainbow Dash flew up to get to eye level with her. “Of course not Twilight! We’ve just never seen a half robotic mare before. We love you Twilight and we will always be loyal too you!”
All of them nodded and walked up and hugged her. “I love you too girls, now then.” Twilight said getting up and walking over to the map. “It’s time we get some payback on those gangs that made me this way. First stop, Manehatten.”
All of them had looks of determination and nodded in agreement. “WE’RE GOING TO KNOCK THEM OFF THE FACE OF EQUESTRIA!” Rainbow Dash yelled.
“Are you sure there isn’t a, better way of settling this?” Fluttershy said hiding behind her mane.
Twilight walked over to her and bent down to get to eye level. “I wish there was Fluttershy, but I’m afraid not. We’re going to either have to scare them so they run off for the hills, or just flat out kill them.”
Fluttershy squeaked. “I could never kill anypony!”
“Neither could I,” Rarity said next.
“Nor I,” Applejack said.
“There’s no way I can’t,” Pinkie Pie said looking down.
“Sorry to say Twilight, but neither could I,” Rainbow Dash said falling back down to the ground.
Twilight looked around her at all of her friends. “I understand completely, looks like I’ll be doing this on my own then?”
Rainbow Dash flew up to her. “Afraid so Twilight, just let me say one thing. If you are going to kill them, don’t do it for revenge, do it to save other ponies other than yourself.”
Twilight nodded. “Thank you Rainbow Dash.”
Rainbow Dash punched Twilight’s arm. “Don’t mention it Twilight, so you heading out right now I’m guessing?”
“The sooner the better,” Twilight said pulling out her staff. “I’m going back to Canterlot Castle to let Celestia know what I’m doing, then I’m going to head out to Manehattan.”
All of them nodded once more. “Good luck Twilight!”
“Thank you girls, I’m going to need it trust me. Oh and I almost forgot, where’s Spike?” Twilight said looking around.
“He’s still in bed I think,” Fluttershy said. “I had asked him if he wanted to join us here to plan out a little surprise for when you return, but he said he would join in later I guess.”
Twilight shrugged. “Tell him I said hi and I love him okay?”
“Okay! Bye Twilight!” all of them said once more.
“Bye girls!” Twilight said before her staff hit the ground again and she disappeared once more.
“Let’s hope she doesn’ get herself killed again girls,” Applejack said.