A Frozen Nightmare

by xLapis Lazuli

The Plan

Its hard being a princess if your always wandering the halls of your castle alone with nothing to do.
But its even harder to be the daughter of an evil mare.

Princess Winter Solstice is a beautiful sparkling light blue mare with wings of clear shiny ice that were floating slightly above her back. She has a white muzzle and her long white mane is done in a side braid encrusted with crystal clear blue snowflakes. The tip of her horn has a slight darker blue tint to it then her fur and her cutie mark is a single snowflake. Her hooves are dark blue and her legs are white and fade to simple white dots. Winter also has very pale light blue eyes.

Winter Solstice frowned as she trotted through the silent ice halls of her castle. "Well this is a bore." Winter mumbled. She looked through the nearest frosty window at a tall ice tower. Winter sighed. "She's always there, planning her escape. Why does she have to be evil?" She asked herself.
Winter flew away from the window and flew towards the throne room. Two frozen pillars greeted her. It was a beautiful icy room with tall steps leading to the giant throne of dark blue ice. Magnificent see through ice windigo statues were beside the throne. Above the throne and attached to the wall was an odd circle that had swirling images of the Aurora Borealis inside it. It was an Image Orb. Very rare, Image Orbs can show you whats happening in a certain place though you can not hear the voices or sounds.

Frightmare Frost stood staring at the Image Orb and looking out at Ponyville.

"Well. The windigos have visited me and they tell me that it is time. I will be off soon." Frightmare Frost said, not talking to anyone in particular.
"But what about me? I'm not staying here am I? I'm going with you right?" Winter asked.

Frightmare Frost was a bit startled, she turned around looked at her as if Winter was something disgusting on the floor, making Winter wince. "No of course not. When did you get that idea?"

Winter Solstice's heart sank. "What?" Winter's sadness and surprise was replaced by anger.

"But you said I could go! Remember? Remember!!" Winter said, flying up.

"Oh why would you come. I always hated how you weren't an alicorn. You should be happy your an alicorn now, I spent so very long wasting my time on trying to find a spell that would make you an alicorn. Then when I became my true self, I made you wings of ice." She snapped.

Winter gasped and winced at her tone of voice. She flew away, far away outside and sat on the mountain side near a frozen pond.
She looked at her reflection on the ice and sighed. "Not all princesses have to be alicorns you know." She said quietly to the pond.

"Wait. I'm not banished, and I could sneak out once Frightmare Frost leaves! This is a great plan."

Winter's eyes gleamed.

" I will escape."