//------------------------------// // Tensions // Story: Instant Teenager // by SeasonTheWiccan //------------------------------// Now that Cue was dating, Rainbow became ever more than protective towards Cue. She set earlier curfews, wouldn’t let them kiss in the house (or under it), she had to know where they were going, and if she was gone, Cumulus had to tell Aunt Twilight where she was going and who she was going to be there with.   But even if they were on their dates, they weren’t safe from Rainbow Dash. One day, Rainbow was getting rain clouds ready for that afternoon because Ponyville was scheduled for a thunderstorm. Even though she was earning money with the Wonderbolts, she found the work peaceful, and a nice extra set of bits didn’t hurt when she was not on tour.   She was arranging a cloud when she looked down and saw Cumulus flying next to Autumn who was walking beneath her, tails flicking next to each other closer than she liked. The earth pony then said something to Cumulus that Rainbow couldn’t hear, which made her daughter blush red and giggle.   Rainbow Dash, locking into protective mother mode, flew over with a cloud for disguise and began to eavesdropped on their conversation.   “—Autumn, I understand your wariness, but I need to help Gem in any way I can.”   “I know, it’s just….I don’t want you to get hurt. I’ve heard stories about what happened to ponies who get between a couple in that kind of situation.”   “Autumn!….”   He took a step back. “Alright, got it! Calm down, Cueie. I just... I just really care about you.”   Cumulus smiled. “I do too, Auto.”   The cloud Rainbow was hiding behind began to blacken. 'Cueie, Auto!’ Rainbow thought, ‘They're using nicknames now!'   Then, to her horror, Cumulus leaned down to Autumn and locked muzzles with him.   Having possibly popped a blood vessel, Rainbow Dash stood up, and jumped up and down on the cloud making it rain hard on the lip locked couple.   Cumulus shrieked at the sudden jolt of cold water on her coat, while Autumn stood there, dazed and confused as to why the storm was only going on where they were standing. Before Autumn looked up, Rainbow Dash had zoomed away with the cloud faster than the speed of sound.   “Ah! Auto!”   He looked anxiously at his soaked marefriend. “Whoops, sorry, you okay?”   She giggled. “Yeah...I’m good.”   Autumn then saw her wet mane, dripping off water in such an elegant affair that he felt his heart race and a lump form in his throat that he was trying to swallow but it wouldn’t go down. He couldn’t speak and Cue noticed, “Autumn, you alright?”            “What?! I mean... Yeah,” He responded and sounding a bit pubescent.               Cue raise an eyebrow in his direction. “Are you sure?”               Autumn looked around nervously as his mare friend began to hover closer to him. “Yeah, just a bit...you know…”               “No. What?”           “I...I...I..." She flew up right to his muzzle, and despite his fear, all the register in his brain—or rather, a certain area between his legs that was acting up—was her passionate, beautiful, sexy—   "I gotta go!” He then took off home like a Wonderbolt.               Cumulus, dazed as well as confused, thought back on what happened and remembered a familiar sound, the sound of her mother flying away, and wondered if that's why Autumn had run off.   Cue landed on the ground and stomped her hoof. Why would her mother ruin a perfect moment for her? Why was she so protective about when it came to her and Autumn? One thing was for sure, she was going to find out. She immediately took off toward her house, anger boiling higher the closer she got.                 At the house, Soarin took note that Rainbow was a little off as soon as she walked in the house, “Rainbow, you okay?”              "Well let’s see, Cue and Autumn have couple nicknames, and then I saw Autumn CHEWING on my daughter’s face! So yeah, I'M JUST DANDY!”               Soarin facehoof. “Rainbow, she’s 18, not 8...just let her grow up and make her own mistakes if that's what you're worried about.”              Rainbow gritted her teeth. “That’s the thing! The mistakes she makes are….”              “Normal," Soarin pointed out, "they are completely normal, Dash, and you know it. You didn’t make those same mistakes at her age?”               Rainbow then remembered, how at 18, she had gone through a phase where she pretended to be Goth for a stallion who was also Goth and she thought was cute. She had worn chains, black makeup and tied and teased her still multicolored hair up so she would fit the part. At first, she seemed to be hitting it off with him until he placed her in the friend zone and went out with another mare.   She was so adamant on being something she wasn’t to get what she wanted and it turned against her. The same mistake Cumulus made at 13, when she was told by Gem at the time that she wasn’t pretty enough for any colt to go out with. In turn, this depressed Cue to the point where she tried to dye her hair like Rainbow’s by herself and it turned into an ugly shade of brownish green.   Rainbow rear flopped on the clouds and she sighed, "Yeah, you're right...”   Soarin chuckled. "Least you don't do anything drastic?" He was meet with no response as Rainbow nervously grinned back. "What did you do?"   Rainbow snapped to attention. "What? Nothing!"   "MOM!"   Soarin beamed. "Looks like we're about to see what, 'nothing,’ is.”   As soon as he finished that sentence, the door swung open and vaporized into thin air. Through what had once been cloud door, stormed in a fuming and soaked Cumulus.   "Spying on my date? Then you make it rain on us!" She raised a hoof at her agap mother. "Don't think I didn't know it was you!"   “You forget how intelligent she is Rainbow,” Soarin said trying to ease the tension.   Rainbow glared at him then turned back to Cue. "Okay... So it might have been me—”   “Why Mom? Why would you do that to me?”   Rainbow held up a hoof. “Hun, let me explain…”   “Did you know that he ran off afterwards? Who knows if he even wants to talk to me again. Thanks… a lot! Thanks for scaring off my first coltfriend!”   Rainbow began to run her hooves through her hair. “I’m sorry for overreacting, Cumulus. I wasn't... Trying to spy on you. I just saw you two kissing and...I thought of you...well…”   Cumuls raised an eyebrow. “Thought of me what?”   Rainbow dash scratched her neck. “Well, with you two being together so much and all…”   Cue’s eyes widened. “You think we’re gonna…”   “YES!" Rainbow Dash blared, causing the whole house to shake. "And I’m being cautious! You could get taken advantage of or end up with a foal and he won’t take responsibility for it or…”   “Is that the kind of stallion you think he is?!”   Struggling for breath, Rainbow said, “Cumulus- ”   “No! You know what? We've been friends for life! He'd never try and take advantage of me. And if I got pregnant, he'd be there for me! Now, hearing that, what do you think of him now? Because if you don’t like it, we’ll do it right in front of you just to show you!!”   As the effect of Cumulus’ words sank in, the room became deathly silence. But before the silence could be broken, Cue flew stairs to her room crying as she slammed the door shut.   “Well, that went well didn’t it?” Rainbow said sarcastically.   Soarin continued to read his paper and shrugged. “She’s a teenager, and she feels that you don’t approve of Autumn.” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “I do, it’s just the whole hormones thing!” “If it happens, it happens.” He flew over and placed a hoof on his marefriend. “Just let her make her mistakes and let her grow.”   Rainbow dash moaned and leaned into Soarin. “Okay, okay…” “Good.” He began to rub her back. "Wanna go out to eat and let her cool down?”   Rainbow Dash blankly said, “Sure.”             Meanwhile, back on the ground. Autumn kept running until he was somewhere within in town. By then, his erection had gone down, and he felt like he could breathe. Though, the more he thought about it, the more he felt silly about it.   'Okay, so I would want to... Do it with her? What stallion wouldn’t with somepony as beautiful as—Well there's her mom of course... Still, would she even want to? And what if she said no or—'   He was cut off as a purple pony ran up beside him.   "Hey, Autumn!" Gem said, speaking very fast. "Mind if I hang around you?"   "Wa—" he said before he saw Bit off a few blocks away glaring at them. "Of course," he said without breaking his glare at the jerk. Which seemed to be enough to get him to back off.   "Thanks," she said with a relieved sigh as she rested her head on his shoulders.   As the situation he had been put into dawned on him, he nervously asked, "You doing okay?" While he had been cautioning Cue on helping Gem, the last thing he was going to do was leave her along if Bit was possibly stalking her.   Gem lifted her head up and nodded. "Mostly and... Ew, why are you all sweaty?"   He crossed his eyes to see his mane was still wet. "Long story. Short version, Rainbow Dash saw Cue and I making out and dumped a cloud on us."   "Oh my," she chuckled. "What, did she think you were also going to buck her?"   Autumn turned his head.   Gem’s eyes widened. "Oh Celestia! Did she see you two about—"   "NO!" He shouted, only to have the block look at him. "Um, I mean..." He scratched his neck.   If he was going to have a talk like this, Gem would have been the last pony he wanted to talk to. On the other hoof, even if Dandelion was around, she would have merely been his second last option.   Gem weakly nodded. “Yeah. Have to cross the park to get home. And it help alot if I didn’t have to go alone.” Atuam closed his eyes and nodded. “Lead the way.”     Back in the clouds, Cue continued to toss and turn in her bed as every few minutes she would throw her head into something and scream bloody murder.   Why couldn't her mother just let her be. So what if she want to have... Sex with...   After hours of screaming, the full effect of it hit her; Did she even want to have sex with Autumn. At least not right now away. Sure, she had almost done so before, but she was also drunk. If they did it, she'd make sure to remember it... Whenever that would be.   While he never said it out loud, it often crossed her mind that he would eventually give her hints he wanted more. Like when he would run his tail over her hind, nibble her ear, though he hadn't tried anything more, yet.   But what if that changed? What if he did bring it up, and what if she said no? Would he not want to date her anymore? As much as she knew he probably wouldn't do that, she couldn't deny that anything was impossible.   She had to get some air. Either by herself, or hopefully she would hear someone she knew while she headed out. Right now, she just couldn't be here.   With one last stretch out of her bed, she opened her wings and flew off.     Autumn walked in silence with Gem for awhile, not sure what to say. What could he? He just admited that he was thinking about possibly doing it with his marefriend…   He blinked.   No, this was more than any marefriend, this was Cue! …And he was talking about a possible sex life with her to a mare who had bullied him most of his life right after she had gotten out of an abusive relationship, and whom he had urged Cue to be careful with to being with?   Why was he hanging out with Gem again?   "Not much of a talker?" Gem eventually asked. Ending the silence. “So you wanting to take the next step with Cue, or what?”   Autumn started to gasp for breath. “It’s… It’s none of your business!”   Gem lowered her head. “Yeah… it isn’t.”   Autumn blinked. “Oh, Gem, I’m sorry!” He held out a hoof. “Look, I really mean you don’t have to worry about it. I mean, I know—”   Gem glared at him.   “Sorry… You clearly have something to say.”   Gem then lightened up and chuckled. “Well, I can see why Cue likes you so much.”   “Yeah, she really is something.” His eyes dropped as he tilted his head down. “The last thing I’d want to do is ruin...” He then looked up when he heard Gem mumble something. “Something wrong?”   She ran a hoof on her head. “Bear with me, I’ve never done this before.”   Autumn raised an eyebrow and took a little step back. “Um… and that would be?”   Gem gritted her teeth. “Trying to be a nice pony and give helpful advice.”   Autumn sighed. “Oh, that sounds fine.” After he said it, a little bell in his head rang, “Um… should I worry?”     Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Cue had just touched down on the ground, when she immediately heard a welcoming voice.   “Hey, Cue!” Dandelion shouted. “What’s up? Aren’t you suppose to be on a date with Autumn?”   “I was,” Cue said as she reached out a hoof to confirm it was her friend. “then my mom had to ruin it.”   She heard Dandelion intake a deep breath. “What? She caught you two having sex or something?”   Cue felt her cheeks flare up as her friend gasped.   “Wait… did you two actually—"   “No!”   Dandelion clicked her tongue. “Well, that’ fine, I guess.” There was a moment of silence. “Wait, did you want to?   Cue found herself stammering. “What?! No, I mean… it’s Autumn and I… I…” she felt on her hunches. “Oh Luna. Mom and I just had a heated chat about this. And now I’m doubting if I’m ready! I mean, what if I’m not! And… what if I’m not, and he breaks up with me—”   She felt Dandelion lift her up. “Two things, one, let’s go some place a little quieter to talk about number two.”   Cue nodded. “Lead the way.”     A pair of bowling pins fell down into another strike as Soarin checked off the score card and complimented, “We should try to talk about you daughter’s love life when we’re on tour and I beat you in one of these matches.”   Rainbow Dash snorted at her coltfriend, “Not helping.” She then took a seat on one of the chairs.   He looked between Rainbow Dash and his bowling ball, and decided to sit down next to her. “Hey,” he said as he started to wrap a hoof around her. “I know you’re angry—”   Rainbow Dash jumped up from her seat. “Who said anything about anger! I’m not upset, and I am not, angry!” she landed down right next to him and pressed her face next to him. “Do I look angry?!” she backed her head off and gave her infamous ‘rage face,’ which hadn’t aged with the rest of her well.   In a bold response, Soarin leaned in and gave his special somepony a deep kiss. Which (to his relief) she decided to kiss him back.   “Okay,” Rainbow said with a dreamy sigh. “Maybe a little—”   Soarin raised an eyebrow. “A little?”   Rainbow Dash blew a piece of mane out of her mane. “Okay… so a lot angry and…” she crossed her arms and threw herself back on the chair.  “and I…I” she began to tear up. “I don’t want to be a grandmother yet!” She burst into tears and cried into Soarin’s embrace. “I don’t want her to grow up! And I don’t want her to leave me!”   “Oh… There, there.” He said as he rubbed her back as he glared down a group of finely dressed ponies staring at them. “First off, as much as you’d want her to be your baby forever, you just can’t. I mean, would you want to still be living with your parents right now?” He felt Rainbow shake her head. “Thought so. Second, she’s a smart girl. Even if they—” He felt Rainbow squeeze his neck harder. “Which I’m sure they won’t!” He continued once she loosened her grip, but continued to hold onto him. “But if they do, she’ll use the proper protection and birth control.” Rainbow sighed and let go of Soarin, “You’re right,” she said as she wiped away a tear. “It’s still hard to believe my little girl is almost all grown up.” Soarin chuckled. “I know. But you’ll always have me! She punched him. “Shut up, you hot stud.” They then continued to make out for several more minutes..   “You still alive in there?” Gem asked as she waved a hoof in front of her face. It had been an hour later, and she had just gone into details about all the things mare liked in sex, the importance and best ways to hint without pressuring, and any other thing Gem thought may have been important for the poor colt to know about the opposite gender.   Autumn blinked. “What?”   “We were talking about you wanting to buck Cue, and why that’s making you nervous.”   “Oh… Right.” His eyes derped.   Gem sighed. “So, do you have any questions?”   “Well… Actually, there has been one thing about all this I’ve been worrying about.” “Oh?”  “Well I...I mean…I” he scratched his neck. She snapped her hoof. “Come on, I just told you the best positions, I don’t think anything you can ask will be—” “What if I’m no good enough for her?!” There, he said it. Now he could only watch as Gem made fun of—   Gem started laughing. “If that’s what you’re worried about,” and raise her rear in the air, “you can always give me a test drive.” She winked at him. “No one’s looking.”   Autumn’s eyes widened as he jumped back. “Wh… NO!” He began to walk away when he felt Gem tug on his tail.   “Sorry!” she sighed and rubbed her head. “I didn’t really mean it. But…” she cooed, “I am happy to see Cue has a very Loyal stallion.” She lowered her head. “I bet you would also worship the ground she walks on, and do anything to make her happy, even if you had to put her needs ahead of your own.”   Autumn beamed. “Yeah. I really…” He trailed off and looked at the glooming Gem. “Oh, Gem, Gem, no!” he hesitantly made his way closer to her as he noticed she was on the edge of crying. “Hey, I know Bit was a jerk towards you, but that doesn’t mean you won’t find a stallion who will treat you right.”   Gem turned her back on him. “How would you know?” She sniffled. “After the way I treated you, the only reason you're even talking to me is because it’s what Cue would want you to.”   She had a point there. Though, it wasn’t going to stop him from trying to lift her spirits. “Well, yeah. But… that’s not the pony you are now, right?”   Gem sniffled and turned to face him. “No…”   “Well… If you keep living in the past, and just let him keep hurting you, then you’ll never find your… perfect stallion.”   Gem lowered her eyes. “Is that supposed to be your proud motivation speech?”   He grumbled. “It’s the best you’re going to get out of me, okay? I’m not good at these.”   Gem paused for a moment, then began to burst out laughing. “Autumn, Cue is one lucky mare to have you. So do me a favor,” she placed a hoof on his, “treat her well. Whether you take the next step or not.”   He nodded. “Sure thing.” He was then taken aback when Gem gave him a hug, but soon lightened up and hugged back.   “Also, if you finish first when doing it, I will devote my time to ruining your life.”   Autumn gulped. “I’ll keep that in mind.”       “Ready to talk?”   As they sat on a park bench, Cue finished up her shake. “I suppose.” She sighed. “Though, I don’t know, I guess I just wonder…”   Dandelion raised an eyebrow. “Wonder what?”   “Well… I….” Cue rubbed the back of her neck, “what if Autumn wants to take things to the next level, and what if I say no?” She slumped into her seat. “But… What if I say no, and what if he  doesn’t want to be my coltfriend anymore?”   Dandelion chuckled, and Cue gave her a glance.   “Sorry, sorry! I suppose the whole thing with Gem has really got you on edge.”   Cue kicked the dirt. “Maybe a little.” She shook her head. “But… It’s Autumn, right? But, I…” She felt a hoof touching her own.   “Hey,” Dandelion informed, “first off, that boy’s been in love with you since day one. Ever since he’s laid eyes on you, he’s been smitten. All he ever talked about when he was alone with me was, ‘how beautiful she is, how wonderful she is, will I ever have a chance with her, oh no, she’s falling for that stallion.’ She stuck out her tongue. “He was really adorable.”   Cue chuckled nervously. “Yeah, I still can’t believe I never realized he had a crush on me till he asked me out.”   “Well there—”   “I guess I always thought you two would end up becoming a couple.” There was an audible silence until Cue eyes widened. “Wait… Did you ever—”   “What! No!…” Dandelion bit her lip. “No. Even before you came along, I never really liked him like that…”   Cue raised an eyebrow   “Okay, so maybe there was a brief moment before you. Berfie!” Dandelion placed a hoof on her best friends shoulder. “I knew you were always going to be the one for him. Besides, I have Sound Check right now.” She sighed dreamly. Plus,” she blew a raspberry, “you are so adorable when we’re alone and are smitten by him.”   Cue gave her a friendly punch. “Shut up.”   The two friends laughed like little girls for awhile till Dandelion said, “But seriously, if you're not ready, you could deny him till your married, or even years after you married, and his feelings for you aren’t going to change. And even if it does for some reason, well, then I’ll buck his brains out.”   Feeling better, Cue added. “Thanks, Dandelion.” She sighed. “Though, now I need to face my mother.” She placed her hooves on her forehead. “Oh I acted like a brat in front of her.”   “Oh, honey,” Dandelion patted her back, “sadly, I don’t have any advice for you on that front.”   Cue lowered her eyebrows. “Thank’s a lot, Dandelion.”   Dandelion shrugged her elbows. “Hey, she’s your mom, not my mom. The best you can do is say sorry, and go from there. All I’m good for is telling you how to or not to buck my best friend.”   “Best frie–” Cue’s face burned bright red. “Hey!”   Dandelion burst out laughing as Cue eventually joined along.   Rainbow and Soarin came home to find Cumulus gone, so they figured she’d left to Dandelion’s which was Cue’s normal routine for when she was this upset. Rainbow then went into the living room and eyed the photo books on one of her bookshelves. She sighed and pulled out the one that said ‘Baby years’ on the binding, she opened it to see Cumulus’ first birthday with cake and frosting all over her face while she looked curiously up at Rainbow who was holding the camera.   Rainbow gently brushed her hoof over the picture, remembering how she was squealing and demanding more cake. Rainbow then began to cry a little, she turned her head away from Soarin to hide it. “Rainbow, you don’t need to hide from me.” Rainbow then looked at him with tears streaming down her face, she then hugged him tightly as she continued crying. “Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” “What if she doesn’t come home though because of our fight?” Soarin peeled her off of him to look at her, “She will.” He then wiped her tears away as she smiled, she looked at the photo album again, “Would you like to see her pictures?” Soarin smiled, “I’d love to.” Rainbow picked it up and took it over to the couch as Soarin followed, she then opened it and began to narrate. She pointed to a picture of her and Cumulus sopping wet in a small inflatable kiddy pool with Rainbow’s house in the background. “Her first swim...she was about a year and a half. She wouldn’t go in cuz she was too scared so I had to go in with her.” “She was sorta timid back then wasn’t she?” “Very is a better way to describe it she couldn’t ask any of her Aunts for something to eat without feeling like she was being rude.” “But still, she’s a sweet girl.” “A bit more daring too…” Soarin rubbed his chin. “I wonder where she learned THAT from?” Rainbow gave him a playful nudge and they both laughed. Rainbow then saw Cue’s first Hearth’s Warming picture where she received a teddy bear that Rainbow had bought from a Wonderbolts fan store. Unknown to everypony else, it was the same bear Cue still slept with to this day. The colorful wrapping paper surrounded her as she squeezed her bear tightly. Rainbow still looked at the image when she asked, “Is this going to change anything for us? If or when she does...do it?” Soarin wrapped his hoof around her and said, “It won't. You’ll still be mother and daughter, no matter what obstacles come knocking on your door.” The sound of an open door brought Rainbow Dash out of her daze. When she turned, around, she saw her daughter walking in with a sullen head. As she entered, Cue momentarily glanced up in the direction of her mother, and Rainbow Dash stared back. "Hey." Cue directed her eyes to the floor. "Hey, Mom." Mother and daughter stood in silence for a moment. Soarin then got up from the couch, “I’ll be outside, I think you two need to be alone.” When he walked past Cumulus, he put a hoof on her shoulder and said, “Take it easy on her, please?” Rainbow Dash nodded. “I will.” Soarin went outside with a smile and gently shut the door behind him. Rainbow and Cumulus tried to find the right words to fix what had happened earlier; both came up with it at the same time. "Mom—." "Cue—." They both said at the same time. Then, before one of them could say anything,  Cumulus flew towards her mother, and embraced her in an apologetic hug. "Sorry I've been such a brat." Rainbow dash hugged back. "It's alright. I just didn't mean to snap at you. I just—" "Worry about me?" Cue pulled back to roll her eyes. Soon, they both bursted out laughing. "Yeah, I'm afraid I do." She then pulled her daughter into a tight hug.          “Maybe a little too much?”         “I know, I know...but the topic of being physical with your coltfriend is something we need to discuss.”         Cumulus moaned. “I thought we had this conversation already.”         “That was before and this is now.”         Cue then sat down beside her and Rainbow took Cue’s hooves in hers.         “Look, I just need to know...do you love him?”         Cue nodded. “Yes.”         “Are you sure he’s the only one you’re going to be with?”         “Yes.”         “Has he ever...hurt you?”                  “No!”         “He’s never hit you?”         “No.”         “Has he ever tried to-”         “Mom! This is Autumn Leaves...not Shiny Bit.”         Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Right, right...Now, to talk birth control you have options. Do you want the pill or the shot?”         Cue thought on it for a moment, then answered. “The Pill.”         Rainbow Dash’s gulped. “Are you planning on using any other forms of... protection?”         “I would ask him to use a condom.”         Rainbow let out a sigh. “That’s good.”         Cumulus rolled her eyes. “I think I’m good. Thanks for everything.”         “Cue, just…” she rubbed Cue’s back, “Just don’t shut me out, please. I’m your mother, I still wanna talk to you.”         “I know Mom and I will...I’m just not gonna give you the gory details.”         “And let’s keep it that way,” Rainbow Dash booped Cue’s noise. “How about this, don’t ask, don’t tell. Sound good?”         Grinning, cue nodded.“Yeah.”         “Also,” Rainbow raised a hoof, “don’t jump into it okay? I want you to at least think this over because this is a really big step.”         She thought back on her conversation with dandelion. “I know, Mom, and I will.”         With one last relieved sigh, rainbow said, “Good, let’s go.”         Cue raised an eyebrow. “Where?”         “The doctor, so we can get you a prescription.”         Cumulus smiled, but, hoof in hoof, followed her mother out.          Two weeks later, after having talked it over with Autumn and agreeing that they wanted to take the next step, both were in each others arms as they were making out on Autumn’s couch in his apartment. He shared this apartment with his band mates who were out at the local night club for the evening. But Autumn decided to stay back because this was the date they were finally going to take the next step.   Cumulus thought back onto their early days as Autumn kissed her neck, when all that seemed to matter we're finding their cutie marks. Anything she thought about them just being friends when Autumn had given her comforting words when she felt down, and when they danced at the grand galloping gala went down the drain when he asked her out.   'Oh,' Cue though, 'what a fool I was for not realizing his feelings for me sooner.'   She was brought out her daze, as she felt a hoof slide onto her back.   At the feeling of her body twitch when she thought about taking a move, he quickly pulled his rear leg back and broke off the kiss.   "Sorry... Sorry," he stuttered as he looked down. "To far? I don't... I wouldn’t want to do anything you weren't ready for."   Cue, though unable to actually see him, looked at him as she started to blush. "Oh... It's not that. I mean..." She sighed, knowing this was the moment as she felt his hoof in hers tighten. "I really do love you Autumn, and…” "It's okay." He cut off with a long sigh.   He then placed a hoof on Cue's face. "If you don't want to do it now, I'm... Okay with it. Be nice, I admit, but... I'd much rather see you happy than myself. If I got to wait, I'll wait forever for you." He then pulled her into a hug as he rested his head on her shoulder. "Trust me, Cue, just being here, with you, in my hooves, is all I ever wanted."   He was meet with a pair of lips on his.   Giggling like mad, she said, "Then let's make this a night to remember."   His eyes widened. "You... You sure? I don't want to press—"   He was silenced by Cue's hooves. "I'm on pills, and I trust you keep a condom around somewhere?"   "Yeah."   "Well go get it, and hurry back. And don't take to long." She kissed him back and then winked, and Autumn hurried off.   A moment later, everything set, he kisses his beautiful mare while she laid there.   "You... You sure—"   "Ask me that one more time, and you can spend the rest of the evening on the bottom."   His eyes widened, then smirked. "Alright."   She held his hoof. "I'm... I'm just sorry...that I didn't realize your feelings towards me sooner—" this time, she was cut off by a pair of hooves.   "Hey, we're here now. And if you're ready, that's all I care about."   She chuckled like a lovesick fool. "Then make me yours, lover boy."   Autumn saluted. "Yes, ma’am."   With one last deep breath and one last kiss, he raised himself on the couch, and swung a leg over Cue's back.     Hours later, the young ponies, laying on a roughed up couch, holding each other tightly under a blanket as they continued to pant.   "I... I do good?" Autumn asked after their afterglow died down.   Cue chuckled stupidly as she held her lover in her hooves. "You did... Amazing." While she didn't have any other comparison (since her first was a blur), she wouldn't have done it with any other stallion than him. "You're the only pony I could ever want." She let out a yawn.   "Um... Well, Cue, you want to speed the—" he was cut off as he was wrapped tightly by her hooves and wings, which soon was followed by her gentle snores.   Autumn chuckled idiotically as he grabbed a nearby unoccupied pillow to turn the lights off.   Once done, he rolled over so neither of them laid on top of each other, kissed Cue on the forehead, as whispered, "Goodnight, Cumulus."     Meanwhile, outside, a pair of blue eyes glanced at them, before they quietly slipped into the night. All the while, he kept saying to himself as he panted from his own recent releases, "Soon..."