//------------------------------// // Places were explored // Story: This Little World of Mine // by EtherCreation //------------------------------// The collie person stared at them blankly eyes piercing the beautiful sky as the stars danced around the world they were on. The faint smile from earlier has faded to a poker-face and does not help with their problem. If the so called "First Brother" was toying with them then it was not funny...not funny at all. Then as if the collie had come back from the dead he inhaled an excessive amount of oxygen that probably shouldn't exist on a planet that doesn't have an atmosphere. "Hey there." his tone was smooth and more mature compared to the cat from earlier. And where did all that oxygen go? The sisters wave with no vocal response. "...oh wait I'm forgetting something. Crap I forgot to prepare for this." the collie shuffles around the landscape and snaps his fingers for realization. Pawhands on the ground a clear and transparent fluid slithers forward, when the sisters look down on this fluid they had realized it was water! This water was simultaneously solidifying, using the solid ice like a ladder and then solidify to add on to the structure. Chunk after chunk of ice was layered to forge something quite grand in their opinion. Combined with the beautiful, luminous sky it was a little thing of beauty. More or less the vast planet sized snow ball had transformed into a refractive garden, each part of the garden splitting the light into varied colors of the visible light spectrum. The ice-shaped vegetation didn't have any specific arrangement to their color but still it was rather impressive. If the two estimated the pattern of the refractive garden it would be the shape of an eight pointed star, where in the middle was a fountain that streams clear water. The collie was pondering on how to enhance further their hospitality,"Hmm...do you need anything?" "You could at least be less clueless." spat Luna. Wow, talk about cold. "Well, my name is Glacies...and uh, I'm sorry for seeming so clueless." Glacies rubs his shoulder. A container of some sort sprouts from the ground, and the collie takes out waffle cones...not made of ice and opens the container to find vanilla ice cream. If you compared Celestia and Luna during this moment, Celestia would be the crazy one fangirling and Luna would just smile and lick her lips. Reason why, because Luna back then secretly hid all the ice cream and ate them when no one was looking. The lunar sibling liked most kinds of ice cream so none were exactly her favorite...also it's the reason why she hid all of them driving her older sister insane. Scooping out the ice cream he offers both to them which in return the Solar Princess snatched it out of his pawhands with her magic and seemingly inhaled the desert while Glacies and Luna watched with poker faces. Then Glacies said something, "Wait a minute, do you know Kirby?" Celestia finally stopped smacking her lips, "...who?" He paused, "Nothing...it's not really important." And he continues, "So how is it like in the outside world?" Their heads reared at the collie, completely dumbfounded by his question. Glacies lifts his pawhands in defense, he really wasn't kidding. Well, at least it was somewhat relevant...from their perspective at least. Judging from Genesis and Glacies their body language contains some child-like innocence that you usually don't find in others. Even though Glacies is, they guess, a teenager he held that innocent curiosity within his eyes. And so began a long lecture of the history of Equestria...it was so boring that the author didn't want to write anymore of this sentence and get it over with. Even the collie was blankly staring at them completely distracting himself for the time being. Finally when their mouths didn't move at a snail's pace he nods in appreciation for the long unecessary words they spent on him. "Oh so that's what the world outside is like." he says in awe. "But you don't have a moon in the sky? So it's really dark out at night?" "Correct," says Celestia. "Even though there are stars in the sky it is not enough to light the ground beneath our citizens." Glacies seemed deep in thought. Wondering about something was what he aimed to do. Then an exhale came out resulting of a large ball of water in the atmosphere, gathered up by tiny tendrils of liquid and frozen together by ice magic. The now frozen ball of water orbited around the icy world they inhabit on with a timelapse of it circling around and around. Though faint, the second planet was blasting wind on its surface resulting a gentle breeze on the one they're on. "This...is what humans call a natural satellite." the teen collie traces his pawhands on the planet. "These smaller than average planets orbit around bigger ones. Some can even interact with the planet they orbit around. They are also called moons...the humans had one moon orbiting their planet named, Luna." The young alicorn was slightly flushed. A moon with her name, seems rather fitting. "Is there a way we can obtain a...moon? It seems to be the solution to our problem." Luna eyes the frozen moon in the distance. "It is possible. If I needed a moon I would probably ask Terra." he suggested. Celestia and Luna give thanks to Glacies for his hospitality, even though Luna's thanks was more of an insult. They needed to ask this Terra person to create...or probably get a moon for them. So it shouldn't be that hard, heck, Terra might even be their next visitor! Out of nowhere a door appears, opened to a dark place too abysmal to make out anything from their side. However thanks to their confidence within each other the darkness seems only temporary and stride into the door with no fear nor idea of what will happen. The moment the two enter the door closes on itself and vanishes like it was never there. And in the breezy silence the collie starts to sing to himself. "Love is an open doooorrr...." Then Genesis was seen smacking the poor doggie over and over. "YOU SON OF A-" "Okay I'll stop!" Darkness...that was all they saw. Even Luna with her night vision couldn't see a thing, just black. Then something touched her. And she shrieked. The sound of something shattering catches their ears. "Well there goes my China collection." utters a quiet voice. Seventh Guardian is 56% complete. Good. What is the progress for the princesses? They are currently with the Third Guardian. Shall I also get you food from McDonald's? Give me the usual...and no Happy Meal this time! Understood....Happy Meal has been requested and ordered. Damn you!