//------------------------------// // 4) I Don't Want To Know // Story: Pink & Blue // by TheVulpineHero1 //------------------------------// I Don't Want To Know Laughter is like helium. It escapes you, like air from a balloon; makes you feel lighter. But it can't support you. Not unless you're empty inside. They need to talk, she says, uncharacteristically quiet. About what happens when the laughter dries up. Rainbow Dash looks at her sleepily, one eye bleary, half-closed. No, they don't, she yawns. “But-” “Nope. Doesn't matter. I'm not about to leave because the giggles are gone. You'll still be you. So, I don't wanna know,” she says simply. Pinkie's quiet. Then, with relief and something more, she throws back her head and laughs.