//------------------------------// // The Verse: Part 2 // Story: For Sonnets and Harmony // by The Wizard of Words //------------------------------// Octavia was beside herself. Not with worry or trepidation, thankfully. Those were the furthest feelings from her mind. She was amongst friends within the limits of a plot of land many would consider akin to paradise. The princesses were amongst their number, speaking easily and casually to the many ponies around her. More than that, she was not in hiding. Her top hat and heavy jacket were discarded, her wings and horn free to the open air around her. It was a liberating feeling. She found herself breathing in the open air of the Canterlot Garden, a private and personal shrubbery of flora in the possession of the Equastrian Diarchy. It was still home to as many wondrous flowers and trees as the last time Octavia visited, when she had been learning how to fly with Luna and Ditzy. The same rainbow hued-flowers from the northern regions, desert cactus from outside Dodge Junction, and yew trees of many open plains, were present but this time Octavia spied a curious rose, blue in color and shade. She was sure that, with the thorns pulled out, it would have been a delicacy to taste. There was peace in the garden that Octavia was hard pressed to say existed anywhere else. When she closed her eyes and relaxed her back, she could feel the wind softly flow about her, caressing her coat and combing her mane. It brought only the fragrance of the vegetation around her, mixing the many scents into a delightfully euphoric concoction. Her wings extended outwards, letting the soft breeze massage her stiff limbs. She cooed in appreciation. But while Octavia was previously here with only the company of the Lunar Princess and clumsy-yet-dexterous pegasus before, now she was here with many more of her friends. With a small turn of her head, she saw Fiddlesticks and Vinyl speaking to Princess Twilight, the youngest of the princesses wearing a bright smile as she talked to the pair. Though introductions were made before the… performance Discord had given, time for conversation was short. Another small twist and she saw both of the diarchs speaking to Ditzy Doo, the latter’s cheerful smile positively infectious. Both of the tall mares, crowned in their respective regalia, were smiling easily to the small pegasus, speaking of something Octavia couldn’t hear. Ditzy was easily the most animated of three, her wings fluttering with each motion she made, waving her hoofs as she doubtlessly told a story of her young foal. Celestia appeared enraptured with the story. Luna, by Octavia’s careful measure, looked as if she had heard the tale a dozen times before. That left her, the youngest of the alicorns, enjoying the warm sun and fresh greens of the garden. Following the display that Discord had left them with, it was quite possibly the perfect way to pass the time. She smiled at the thought of letting her eardrums rest, her mind wander, and nature take its proper course. She listened to a soft cello in her head, allowing it to guide her magic and coax the muscles in her legs to relax. The wind was taking care of her outstretched limbs. Yes, Octavia was relaxed, calm, in the rare sense of peace that usually only came with dreams. It was for that reason that she was beside herself. She was bitterly waiting for chaos amidst the sweet peace. Specifically, she was literally waiting for Discord to come swooping in -- which he promised he would -- bringing something insane and inane to surely twist the calm of the garden -- which he always would. Octavia let out a short sigh, not pleased with the idea. “So, um… a bit for your thoughts?” The question came from next to her, earning a turn of Octavia’s head. She saw Drifter, sitting on the ground in a clearly uncomfortable position. His stiff posture and raised chin made it almost painfully obvious he was trying to imitate a guard of some kind. It would have been cute… if he was about half his size and age. “Just lost in thought,” Octavia replied easily with an answer she knew was vague. “Just… thinking of what Discord plans to do to ruin this garden.” And like the ambiguity of her first answer, her next was clearly cynical. Those were not a good combination of words to have. Drifter, however, appeared undeterred. That, or he was simply unable to read the message. “D-Does he plan to do that? I-I mean… w-well yeah, he’s… not subtle, b-but I don’t know if he’s destructive. A-At least, he wasn’t earlier.” Drifter continued to stutter, or more specifically, ramble as he spoke. He was far from the first pony Octavia had met with the penchant for saying more than necessary, but it was rare for a pony to be so unsure of himself, yet continue to speak. It was to be marveled, if nothing else. “I did not mean to imply that I suspect a violent show,” Octavia clarified, silencing the single-winged pegasus. He was quick to focus his attention, another good point. “I merely know that he would not be so kind as to allow… the traditional sense of peace to last long.” Drifter chuckled at her words, nervously scratching the back of his mane with one hoof. He suddenly found a patch of grass oddly captivating. “Y-Yeah, well… you’re probably not wrong there.” Octavia allowed a small smile at his words. Ditzy was right again. Drifter really was a kind stallion. “B-But I mean… what do I mean… ah! I mean th-that he’s probably gonna surprise us, yeah, but, like, he’ll be cool about it. That means -- I mean -- he’ll just bring something that you wouldn’t think of, or you thought was impossible, n-not that you think much is impossible.” The gray alicorn felt a small chuckle rumble through her larynx at the statement. “Given the many things I have experienced as of late, it is hard for me to say much exists outside the realm of possibility.” She had admitted it before, if only within herself, but it felt different to admit the epiphany aloud. It was akin to playing a freshly crafted song for the first time. Refreshing, relieving, and simply satisfying. “Oh, Octavia! I never knew we agreed on so much!” And leave it Discord to dash all those feelings aside. The gray alicorn felt herself groan, her wings limp at her sides. The voice of the Spirit of Disharmony rumbled behind her. She could already see Drifter turning around. He was likely already too far out of breath to gasp, or perhaps scream, in shock. Octavia turned around to gaze at the figure she knew would be floating there, her own eyes drooping and mouth drawn into an unimpressed frown. And there indeed was Discord, floating in the air as if lying on a hammock and staring at the pair with an amused, twisted grin. “I’m almost disappointed,” Octavia spoke, hoping she could craft some form of barb to wound the draconequus. “I was expecting clouds of glass or a carriage made of bricks.” But rather than take offense to her words, the mad god only chuckled. Octavia tried not to imagine that he was simply entertained by her attempts. “Oh, I did both of those before. Caused quite the worry for the solar butts over there,” Discord spoke, waving his claw at the pair of princess. Both now recognizing his presence. Octavia took some amount of satisfaction in seeing that neither of them were any more celebratory regarding his presence than she was. However, upon seeing Vinyl’s clearly excited expression, she supposed it was even. “Repeat performances are such a dull drag, no matter what they are. Songs, films, the theatre. There simply isn’t anything that can change. Or worse, you hope it doesn’t change.” Octavia watched as the long snake-like form of Discord shivered at the idea, literal icicles falling from him at the chill of his own words. “I’ll take some comfort in knowing you’ll never attempt to surprise me on a train again,” Octavia noted, looking around long enough to see the rest of the ponies approaching. The princess all approached with varying looks of calm indifference. The scale was almost perfectly balanced in the gray alicorn’s mind, with Luna at the end of apathy and Celestia appearing calm as a windless lake. Twilight sat in between the two. It made sense, then, that her friends, hijacked and taken from the far reaches of Equestria, sat on a scale of uneasy awe. Fiddle was clearly the most unused to Discord’s presence; a small comfort for Octavia, seeing as their appearances differed only minimally. Vinyl, unfortunately, appeared more excitable than ever before. Perhaps it really did drain her to be inside a concert hall. Ditzy, the motherly mare, look more confused than anything else. Her wall-eyes did not help. “Discord,” Celestia the most authoritative of any pony throughout the land, spoke first. “I am pleased that you allowed us to enjoy our garden, but I trust that any acts you hope to perform next will not endanger the plants and wildlife that roam here. Even chaos must be wary of tipping a balance too far.” Octavia wasn’t sure if she ever heard a threat so easily hidden behind such warm words. “Oh, of course not,” Discord easily dismissed, his claw slicing through the air as if to cut the idea down. “I did that last millennium. It would simply be impolite to pull the same stunt twice. Octavia and I were just discussing this, though not in length. Would you care to join in?” “Heck no!” The gray alicorn was a bit surprised to hear Vinyl be the one to shoot down Discord’s idea. Her next words, however, clearly explained why. “We wanna see what sweet gig you’ got cookin’ up now. I mean, it takes a lot to get DJ-PON3 rockin to an orchestra, but dang it if you didn’t give me a few new ideas.” The idea of Vinyl garnering ideas from Discord was a horrifying one in itself. That, expectedly, pleased the draconequus immensely. “That’s wonderful!” The mad god exploded, once again in the most literal sense of the expression, into confetti. He popped back into existence not a moment later, hovering above the alabaster unicorn. An immensely unsettling twisted grin about his lips. Vinyl appeared to have one of her own, accented by her nearly-trademarked smirk and neon hair. “Oh, it always does my heart good to see ponies learning to love chaos. Tell me, what were you proposing? A bit of jazz with metal? Perhaps having a clown horn replace the tuba?” “Naw. That’s amateur stuff.” Vinyl was working with Discord’s antics and ideas too easily for Octavia’s preference. Again, it was horrifying in itself. “I’m thinkin more like creating a grand Symphony with some electrical wires. Lets the strings bounce more while giving the drums a new job other than carrying the rest of the song. Put the bass in the lead, ya know?” Octavia was wrong. It was horrifying to see Discord nodding at Vinyl’s ideas. “Oh, yes! Splendid!” He cheered for her again, wrapping about her until she was laying across his chest, staring up at him through her opaque shades. She took the sudden contact immensely well. Clubs likely prepared her for it. “I can see to arrange a few parts for the performance; maybe a few entertainers as well. Myself included.” He chuckled darkly at the words. Either Vinyl didn’t hear it or she was enjoying it. “How ‘bout we get ta why we’re standin’ ‘round the pen?” Fiddle suddenly spoke up, her gleaming white hat tipped back to allow her a better view of the mad god. Octavia was joyed to see her doppelgänger taking charge. “Case ya’ll forgot, what with your whimy timy space jumpin’ thing, Ah got a whole orchard of apples ta task and manage, so time ain’t exactly a thing Ah can lick and spit.” Octavia could have done without that metaphor. “I agree with Fiddlesticks,” Princess Luna spoke next. She was standing at her tallest, making her only third in line behind her sister and Discord. Octavia found herself hoping she would extend her wings, but either temperance or control kept her from doing so. “We are glad you are wishing to aide us, Discord, but please recognize that this schedule sits on more than just your own time.” “I’m well aware of that, your dark grace,” Discord mocked with agreement, something that only he would have the courage to do. The growl that came from Luna was not unexpected. Rather, Octavia nearly felt herself copy the action. “In fact, the guest I found is likely the most aware of time’s constrictions and delays. Comes with his territory.” Him. That was something, at least. His occupation was unfortunately hidden by Discord’s careful words, but unless the pony he brought was beyond understanding, that wouldn’t be too difficult to deduce. To be aware of time meant some form of manager; perhaps a business head, or, more appropriately, a conductor. That thought made Octavia’s hopes, and even her wings, slightly rise. To have a conductor, and a true one at that, work with her through her meters would help immensely. She would speak no ill words of the good that had come from her playing with other instruments, but a conductor knew how to take the raw talent of a mare’s song and fine tune it into a melody worthy of sonnets. That would be wonderful. “Then where is he?” Vinyl spoke up with a question, slightly jarring Octavia from her musings. “I mean, kinda hard to play with someone if they’re not even here. Recordings don’t count. I know, I’ve tried.” Octavia had no doubt about that. Discord seemed only lightly amused by her words, as he was by near all things. The gray alicorn found herself wishing for some of Princess Celestia’s wisdom, so that she may be able to bring a scowl to that already twisted grin. “Oh, he’s on his way. Had to pop in and give him the means for travel, promise a few conditions, lightly imply that the fate of the world was at stake.” One of those three was not like the other. Fortunately, Princess Luna wasted no time. “You did what?” She dark alicorn asked with a surprisingly calm tone, though Octavia had the suspicion it was due more to surprise than actual serenity. It was with equal amounts of dread that she heard Discord’s laughter, telling her that he knew the same. “Did I not mention that?” He lightly asked, twisting in the air as if lying around a cloud. “He’s an awfully busy fellow, so the quickest way to bring him here was to make it a priority. So many things are so concerned with fate that it was honestly all too easy.” “Now that’s not very nice.” The cellist had a form of reserved joy in hearing Ditzy cajoling the draconequus. Somehow, she suspected the motherly mare would say what Discord wouldn’t expect. She had yet to see if that was for better or worse. “Ponies are awfully busy. It isn’t right to interrupt their schedule with a lie like that. You need to apologize to him when he gets here.” Judging by the draconequus’s laughter, definitely worse. “Please don’t misunderstand. I simply deplore lying. It’s either too predictable or simply boring, neither being qualities I enjoy.” Discord waved his paw in the air as he spoke. Octavia nearly missed the cloud he beat away at the gesture. She hoped it was his figurative thoughts. “Wait... so then… does that mean ya’ll are gonna… destroy the world, ‘er somethin’?” Fiddle, unfortunately, brought up a horrifying good point. It took only a glance to her side to see that Drifter was only a few words away from passing out. The princesses had similar thoughts, but with their horns alight and forms hunched, they were approaching the problem in a much more refined, and hopefully superior, manner. “Calm down, calm down,” Discord spoke through his own chuckles, claw waving towards the ground. “Your glares are so hot that I’m beginning to overheat.” As if to comically prove his point once more, Discord snaked one of the talons of his claw under the nape of his neck, between the junction of his fur and scales. Pulling on it, a cloud of steam rose from him. It seemed almost inappropriate, but Octavia couldn’t clearly identify why. Perhaps it was because it was Discord who made the action in the first place. “Then please,” Princess Celestia spoke, her tone bordering on discipline and amusement. It was a skill that Octavia was eager to learn. “Do enlighten us about the threat against the world.” “Oh, it’s not the world,” Discord spoke with a trace of his paw and claw in a circle, a mass of dirt and water forming as he spoke. It was rather easy to figure out what he was forming. But just as soon as it was made, he snapped his talons and banished the creation with a light bang. “It’s just someone’s world. Care to guess who?’” With his mismatched gaze, twisted smile, and knowing wink to his eyes, Octavia was sure she had never been caught more between wrath and embarrassment before. Even Vinyl had yet to sink to such depths. She feared what Discord’s influence would have upon their future conversations. She opened her mouth to say such to Discord, but was stopped by an unexpected sight. It was one she was slightly confident Discord’s magic was not behind, though do only to his lack of movement. Up above them, a small trail of light descended from a spot in the sky she could not identify, coloured like a rainbow and sparkling like stars. It reached the ground like lightning, though it brought with it nary a sound. Octavia averted her attention long enough to see Drifter staring at it with wonder, the lights reflecting adoringly in his eyes. The same effect was hidden through Vinyl’s shades, but with her usual wry smile. Even the princesses, of day, night, and friendship, were leaning towards the dancing stars, but without taking a step closer. Then, as unexpectedly as their arrival, they began to glow brighter. Octavia shielded her eyes with her wing, hoof raised as well through instinct. But, as quickly as Discord’s magic, the flash was gone. Octavia lowered her wing, preparing herself however she could for the new sight that she would behold. When the gray alicorn’s eyes laid on the new figure, she knew she was not prepared enough. She did not expect to see a pony, as such would be too predictable for Discord’s standards. She thought of a griffon, creatures more suited towards brash actions, a fitting choice for Discord to surprise her with. The idea of a crystal pony was not far out of reach either, as nothing would be more surprising than a musician from a thousand years ago. But what Octavia saw was like nothing she had ever seen throughout all of Equestria, in fictional tales or the memories of reality. Standing where the light once danced was a bipedal creature, legs straight as the trunk of a tree and dressed in clothes just as green. It towered over her, standing at a height easily double hers, and with a level of ease that dumbfounded the gray alicorn. Clothed in green as it was, it wore undergarments of white, covering what little its clothes did not. Dark brown boots were on its rear hooves, but golden ones were over its fore hooves, hooves that were digited not unlike Discord’s claw and paw. Octavia saw more than just the creatures size and color. She saw its facial features, smooth and shaped not far unlike her own, though with a face far flatter than her own. Its ears pointed out from the side of its head, not standing atop as was the norm. No, instead a long equally green hat was on its head, falling down to the nape of its neck, as least Octavia assumed that it was its neck, given how short it was. But what truly captivated the alicorn were the creature’s eyes. They were staring forward, blue as the sky and wide with curiosity, not fear, anger, or any other emotion she might have had disdain for. It appeared… confused, misplaced even. The latter of the two was more correct than she initially gave credit for. It was all so… alien. Only the smallest details of the creature assured Octavia that it was alive, perhaps intelligent, otherwise she had no more idea of what to think of thing before her. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see Fiddlesticks, her yellow doppleganger, looking likely as shocked as Octavia felt. The farm pony had pushed the brim of her white had back far enough to let it fall from her head, held on her neck by the string that tied it. Vinyl’s shades nearly mirrored the action, falling down the bridge of her snout until her eyes were as easy to see as her neon mane. A short thump received Octavia’s attention, rewarded with the sight of Drifter on the ground, his consciousness likely gone at this point. Octavia could not fault him in the slightest. She felt light on her hooves herself. “Well, I’m pleased to see you’ve arrived without a hitch.” Discord spoke an almost diabetically sweet voice. It earned the creature’s attention and, just barely, that of the other mares as well. Drifter was still adrift in his dreams. “And I do apologize if I gave the wrong impression about the world being in danger and all that. I was just being told how improper that was of me.” The draconequus wiped a tear from its eye. Octavia had to stare at it for a moment longer to realize that it was in the shape of a crocodile. “Wait, you mean there’s nothing wrong here!” The high pitched voice shook Octavia from any stupor she had. It did not belong to any of the ponies present, of that she was sure. Discord would not answer himself in such a manner, at least not without making a grand and superfluous show about it. But… did a creature as tall as this really possess a voice belonging to that of a filly? Octavia’s silent question was quickly answered when a ball of light flew out from behind the creature. There was little more that Octavia could use to describe it. It was literally a ball of light, shimmering like a bulb too bright with large insectial wings. It shook in the air in a manner not far different than Octavia imagined a clenched hoof to appear as. Was it… mad? No wait, was it what talked? She resisted the urge to ask if she saw a parasprite, for her instinctual concern of being offensive. There were too many questions and she was starting to loathe Discord’s love of them. “I wouldn’t say nothing is wrong. There is always something that needs repair, especially when you live in a dull and drab world.” Discord chuckled at his voice, eyes momentarily closing as he relished his humorless joke. But when he opened them, he focused his mismatched gaze on the floating ball, leaning in until the difference in their stature was more than evident, like comparing a grain of rice to a racket ball. “I simply required your assistance, and who better to help out a few princesses than the Hero of Time?” Discord quite physically threw out his arms at the statement. They flew off of him and around the tall creature. Octavia watched as said creature took a defensive stance, hunching over and reaching for something along its back, crystal blue eyes darting in surprise. She could not blame him. It only got worse when Discord’s flying limbs exploded. The creature let out a gasp as it turned, facing the direction where the two explosions came from, only to be showered by colorful confetti. As the creature looked up at the floating display, the mares present got a better look at him, or more specifically his back. It was hard to see before, him facing them with a confused look and obvious curiosity, but along its back was a broad shield and sword, the latter contained neatly in its sheath. While the sword was hidden away, the shield was plain to see, detailing a coat of arms that Octavia and the princess, by the apparently confused looks, were not aware of. “That is not funny!” The same high pitched voice shouted. Octavia turned towards the ball of light… looking twice to see it bouncing off of Discord’s goat-like face with an apparent anger. “We came here to help you cause you said there was a princess in trouble! All I see are a bunch of colorful ponies!” “Oh do calm down, Tatl. Anger simply doesn’t suit you.” By the chiming of the ball of light, Octavia could only assume Discord was poking its buttons. That, and the gray alicorn was already used to the draconequus’s antics. But Tatl, that was the thing’s name. It was interesting, but still good to know. “Oooh no, anger suits me just fine. Especially when something like you shows up and starts putting people like us on wild goose chases!” The ball of light continued to reprimand the mad god, and Octavia felt her respect for the creature increasing with every word. Then she saw the taller creature, the one who had appeared first from the light. It was facing the two, its fore limbs held upwards in an almost pleading gesture. Octavia was oddly familiar with the look, as she herself had adopted it amongst the many introductions she had in Vinyl’s company. It was made to make clear that the actions of her friend were not to be taken at face value. Perhaps they meant much the same to the green clothed figure. “Excuse me,” Octavia heard Luna’s voice, mixed between authority and politeness. She was sure it was well-practiced from many royal meetings. She did not need to look far to see the dark alicorn approaching the green figure, her statue tall and regal, though still slightly smaller than that of the new guest. By Octavia’s eyes, Luna made up for it with a slight extension of her wings. Not fully, no, but enough to make it obvious that they were there, their size was large, and she was not to be ignored. The creature looked back at her, blinking once before turning to face her. “My name is Princess Luna, Princess of the Night and Diarch of Equestria.” The title felt heavily practiced to Octavia’s perked ears. It took only a moment longer before her sister moved next to her, equal in height to the creature though taller than Luna herself. “And I am Princess Celestia, Princess of the Day and fellow Diarch of Equestria.” The creature stared at the two for a moment, likely debating what action to take. Silence was kept at bay only by the small ball of light’s, Tatl’s, verbal assault on Discord. None had a mind to stop it. But then the creature wore a relaxed expression, facing the members of royalty. Easily as a hoofshake, the creature performed the familiar expression across all kingdoms, a bow. He bent at its assumed waist, lowering itself in honor of the two. Octavia could hear a breath of relief, and it took her a moment to realize it was her own. “I apologize on behalf of Discord for his deceitful manners. It is unfortunately not alien of him to act in such a way, but you deserved no part in his game.” The creature started to wave its forelimbs again, back and forth as if denying the princess’s words. He then pointed to himself, the rest of his digits enclosing as he did so, before pointing towards Tatl, the small ball of light still reprimanding Discord. He spoke not a word. “I… apologize, but I do not understand.” Luna admitted to the creature. “May you perhaps speak of what you mean? I assure you there are no needs for proper etiquette. You are a surprise guest within our land.” Octavia watched as the creature raised its hands again, making small gestures that the alicorn, and apparently none of the mares, recognized. “Sorry, he doesn’t talk a lot.” The little ball of light spoke casually, very casually, to the princesses. It floated around the creature’s head, stopping only when it was above him, like the bulb of a grand idea. “Might not look it, but he’s a shy guy. I handle most of the talking for him.” Octavia was simultaneously intrigued and horrified by the idea, namely because she could not imagine a mare such as Vinyl speaking on her behalf. “So introductions,” Tatl let out before dropping slightly, flying agilely around the creature’s head again. “This is Link, Hero of Time and Knight of Hyrule.” The creature, Link as he was now named, bent at its legs. It was a bow, of course, Octavia recognized the action, but it was different than the one he made earlier. “And, just cause I know where the next questions are gonna be going, we’re not from around here, likely anywhere around here. We’re in the middle of looking for one Link’s old adventuring companions, so going to new places and seeing new faces, or bodies, isn’t too outside the norm for us.” That explained his ease around their presence, simultaneously explaining their own. “We are honored to meet you both, Link and Tatl,” Luna spoke again, her voice both royal and kind, full of authority and charm. Octavia could not help the wandering thought that Luna was used to meeting creatures of such strange origins. Her thoughts turned, however, when she saw the dark alicorn turn her gaze to the grinning draconequus. “Now Discord, pray tell why you have manipulated the arrival of our guests.” There was no question in her command. “Would you believe I asked him to slay a dragon?” Octavia heard a surprised gasp come from Princess Twilight, and it took her just as long to remember the young dragon in her care. The heated glares on the twisted creature only made him chuckle. “Don’t joke like that, Discord.” The gray alicorn had to turn head in minor surprise, unused to hearing such venom from the words of the youngest of the princesses. The furrowed brow and lit horn did nothing but add to an impressively threatening visage. However, Octavia noticed that Link appeared unperturbed, looking from the various mares with only passive curiosity, not looking to take any action. He even had his forelegs folded over his chest, appearing comfortable with the position, a mute line over his lips. Then his eyes fell on her, and she could see he was taking note of her. It was an odd feeling, so quickly being put on the opposite end of what she was just doing. “How about I introduce you two?” A flash of light was all the warning Octavia had before she felt a claw place itself over her head. She felt a scowl immediately turn her on her lips. She should have known better than putting her attention anywhere else than the mad god. “This is Octavia Melody, a master cellist and a freshly made alicorn, hot out of the oven if memory serves.” The gray alicorn felt her cheeks rush with heat at the statement. She saw one of Link’s brows raise, Tatl ringing lightly as she flew in quick waves through the air. “Alright big guy, time to take a step back,” the fairy spoke with confidence to the mad god, whose figure was large enough to dwarf her in size. “Put your paw up and eyes elsewhere, or else Link here might really start showing off his skills.” Octavia could not help but imagine Tatl with Vinyl’s shades. The two were identical in more ways than she could have thought. But if that was true… then… wait… “Discord,” Octavia spoke lowly, a tone she hoped came off as threatening. She was pleasantly surprised to feel the weight of the draconequus lift from her head, allowing the gray alicorn to adjust her mane briefly before turning head towards him. He was floating upside down in the air, eyes staring at her with their mismatched gaze, blue sky behind him. She debated quickly about saying nothing more, about allowing the mad god to continue to spin and weave his own little game with the mares and newly arrived guest, but she thought better of it. Instead, she decided to play Discord’s game against him. He could turn assumptions back on the questioner, make reality his toy. It was best to not ask questions about him, but about others. Octavia knew the perfect one. “Is Link like me?” Her sentence brought a silence to the garden, interrupted only by the light breeze. Like statutes of the garden, all were frozen; the plants have more motion than the ponies present. The tree leaves rustled above them, the calls of small animals ignorant of the words spoken, but the mares and draconequus present filled with varying levels of confusion and surprise. She could see her yellow-coated double raising brows and the brim of her hat, Vinyl next to her lowering her shades. Both were more easily confused, appearing to have heard gibberish come from Octavia. Twilight and Ditzy, however, both had their eyes slightly wide, the latter with hooves over her mouth and falling to her rump. The princesses both exchanged glances, sharing a quick and silent conversation before turning eyes to Discord, awaiting his answer in kind. Drifter was still unconscious on the ground. She noticed that Link had raised his brows, blinking in either confusion or misunderstanding. Tatl, meanwhile, rang out brightly, likely an expression of her flustered state. No words escaped her at least. Discord, however, only began to chuckle darkly, lower than his usual jovial self, though he lacked nothing in mirth. “Oh Octavia, will you ever cease to bring me joy?” Octavia believed she understood the meaning behind the words, but she tried not to dwell on them, afraid of what other answer may be. “Look at you, a mare known only for her cello a few months ago, and now wings, horn, and a bit of wisdom to boot.” Somehow he was now holding a boot. If it was anyone else, Octavia would have been confused. “I know you well enough to know there is a method to your… chaos,” Octavia chose the word carefully. Discord did love his chaos. The sparkling of his mismatched red eyes was more than indication. “And how you do!” Discord let out with clear delight, throwing the boot over his shoulder as he did so. Octavia watched as it fell into the sky, disappearing out of sight. She hoped it stayed up there. “I was expecting inquires about my mindset or thoughts, as if those could ever get a straight answer out of me.” “What about you is straight?” Octavia couldn’t hide the coy grin as she heard Vinyl’s voice make a jab at the draconequus. It was a welcome change from the playful talk the two had been exchanging before. “You know how to have fun while goin’ down and dirty.” Maybe she was going too far now. That was before she heard Discord fire back with his own comment. “If only ponies were as open to change as you were, young Vinyl. Then we could all enjoy a little roll in the mud.” It was as if Tatl’s ringing was a sign for how hot Octavia felt her cheeks grow. It only took a sideways glance to see that Link was faring little better, his dull talons about his face as if to hide himself. Alike indeed. “Okay, no, stop!” The fairy let out before she flew up to Discord again, bouncing harmlessly off of his forehead. “You’re nothing but a rude snob that sent Link and I on almost exact definition of a wild goose chase all for you to throw out a few crude jokes!” Octavia felt Tatl would have made a great friend at parties. “Give us one good reason, just one, why we should not pick up our things and be on our way!” Octavia was not surprised to see the coy twisted smile about Discord’s lips, just as she was not surprised to hear him start to chuckle in a knowing manner. She only took in a slow breath of air, doing her utmost to prepare herself for whatever the mad god had planned. “Because I want to see what happens when two forms of musical magic collide.” She was not prepared for that. Judging by the sudden motion Link took, neither was he. “Wait, whose music is magic now?” Fiddle asked curiously, looking from Link to Discord with a squint in one of her eyes. “Ain’t no secret between us that Octavia’s got some magical flare to her music, but what’s this bare-coat minotaur got? The same thing?” While crudely asked, it was a question that Octavia was curious of. Her eyes turned to Link, and it was clear she was not alone in the action. The green garbed creature looked between them, though not with any sense of embarrassment or unease. He was far from absorbed with the attention, his eyes still looking amongst them with a blank face, but he didn’t show any signs Octavia would have assumed of a stranger in strange lands. No nervous twitch, no glances for exits, no rambling, though with an excuse for him. He was, in a word, very brave. “Link, do you possess magic through music?” It was a very blunt question, if ever Octavia heard one, but it was more surprising with who spoke it. Luna, no less regal in appearance than anytime before, walking forward with strength in her gait. The creature looked back at her, silent as the moment he appeared. “I ask this question because a dear friend of mine has found her own magic through music, and is now seeking guidance to master it.” Octavia would be hard pressed to tell another what the princess had said. She stopped listening after she was referred to as a dear... friend. She could already feel a warm blush run across her cheeks, wings lightly twitching with the desire to rise. Even her mouth felt dry, forcing her to lick her lips, head angled down to hide the otherwise improper gesture. There were no illusions to her that she and the princess were anything but close, being one of a few mares allowed to enter her court unperturbed and have council in her private chambers. But like a pair of lovers confirming their feelings with words spoken aloud, it carried a different kind of weight, one where the words were not empty notes in a grand symphony, but the bridge that connected was once was to what is. The elaborate metaphor only made Octavia’s blush warmer. “I’m gonna shoot in the ever vibrant dark and say that Octavia is the dear friend, right?” Tatl’s words were nothing if not blunt, and nothing if not what Vinyl would say. Perhaps the two were soulmates of different worlds. “She is, but she has been thrown into circumstances beyond her control, for reasons we do not know.” There was no doubt that Luna had venom for their lack of knowledge. It was a feeling mutually shared amongst many in the group of mares. “But we are doing all that we can to teach her of the new gifts that she has been given, and it was only in that training we found her magic to be of the soul, music, and bringing others together.” There was just as much doubt that Luna had pride in those words. “Huh, that does sound a little like you, Link.” The comment made Octavia stare at the green clothed creature, looking back at the fairy with a sad knowing smile. “Yeah, a kid tasked with ridding the land of evil, spending years looking for a lost friend, finding yourself along the way. Kinda rings a few bells.” As if to emphasize the point, the fairy run herself in the air, lightly bouncing as she did so. It made Link laugh. Hearing him laugh was something Octavia did not expect. She thought him a mute, unable to speak due to a defect at birth or injury thereafter. It was not unheard, though pitiful as it was. But to hear him laugh at his companion’s words, a sad laugh at that, banished those assumptions. So why then, did he not speak? “So, magic music, huh?” Octavia’s thoughts were derailed as the fairy flew up to her, stopping only when she was at the bridge of her snout. The light was nearly blinding. “So what do ya do? Can’t imagine you can play a lot with just your hooves. Unless it’s the drums, do you play the drums?” Octavia felt herself fluster at the words. “I will have you know that I play the cello for the Canterlot Orchestra, first chair and rising star amongst the Melody Family.” She could hear Vinyl stifling a chuckle, that or a comment. She was glad her friend held either in. “Yeah, and she’s really good, too.” Octavia and Tatl turned to see Ditzy approaching, a blissful smile upon her lips, just beneath her walled-eyes. “She can play her cello and make a bunch of amazing things happen. Or she can just listen to songs, and make them do a lot of cool things too.” “That’s… really descriptive.” Ditzy beamed at the obvious slight to her words. “So... what kinda cool things happen?” “Oh oh! She can make the music come to life! Make it dance around the room and move like a ballet!” Ditzy seemed wholly more excited explaining her magic than Octavia thought she would. She hadn’t thought her friends had anything more than a passive interest in her abilities, perhaps aside from Vinyl. It was… nice to know that they were equally energized by it. “That’s pretty sweet,” Tatl replied, lightly bobbing in the air, bit by bit toward Ditzy. She may have only been a ball of light, but Octavia knew a confident trot when she saw it, or flight in this case. The little fairy was going to say some form of achievement on Link’s party, something that would either be grand or unexpected. She turned to see the green clothed creature looking tiredly at the ground, utterly done with his friends antics. Perhaps he was her double in another world, like Tatl to Vinyl. It was holding an unacceptably large amount of sense. “But can she travel through time?” Wait, what? “Beg yer pardon?” “Whoa, through time?” “Oh my stars.” “Oh my sun.” “Oh my gosh!” The collective voices of her friends all spoke their own phrases of disbelief. She would have joined in as well, uttering the impossibilities, were she not focused on Link. He gave not a tell nor indication of lie. Only the appearance that he wished what was being said to be a secret. She could safely assume that was difficult with a friend named Tatl. She only hoped there were few tales that came with her. “I can vouch for the little lady,” Discord spoke up next, popping up next to Tatl and Link with his own flash of light. He leaned against the tall creature swiftly, forcing Link to raise hands to the limb resting on him. “Link here uses magic through music like our dearest Octavia, but with a bit of a catch. He doesn’t get music through magic. He uses music to cast magic!” There was a loud gasping noise that echoed through the gardens, making Octavia momentarily jump. It took her that long to see the sudden crowd of Discords again arranged around them, all wearing expressions of disbelief. They vanished in puffs of smoke soon after, to her small relief. “How can you do that?” Princess Twilight asked next. Octavia could not miss the seemingly predatory glint in her eyes. “Time traveling theory states that it is impossible to access time’s travel more than once per individual due to the paradoxes created and tendency for time to favor the initial path of commitment, started by-” She was silenced by a golden-clad hoof across her lips. It took only a glance upwards to see Princess Celestia beside her, a kind but knowing smile looking down on her former protegee. “What we meant to ask,” the princess began. “Is how you are able to do this, as time travel is something that requires a great deal of magic and training.” “Funny you should ask,” Tatl spoke up again, literally buzzing with what Octavia assumed excitement. That, or pride. “He can also call friends across worlds, warp across lands, and raise or lower the sun.” That last one hit a snag. A dark and suddenly insulted snag with a powerful wing span. Said snag made its presence rather clear as it glared darkly at Link. “You,” Luna began, staring at the green clothed creature who had yet to do more than blink or tilt his head towards the conversation, “can manipulate our moon and sun?” He didn’t respond. Not immediately. Instead, he looked into the sky, up to the sun that sat proudly above them. It glowed across the blue sky, no cloud yet between them and it, letting the warm blanket of its touch wash over them. A gust of wind passed by them, offsetting any great warmth they felt with a pleasant chill. Octavia watched as Link took in a deep breath of air, clearly enjoying the sensation. Then, looking back towards the princess, he nodded with a confident, somewhat child-like smile. “But how?” The princess spoke again. There was no snarl or venom to her tone, not as far as Octavia could hear. Only a pressing curiosity, one she was sure the others shared. Except perhaps the draconequus who likely pulled all the strings necessary to make this happen. Link, however, appeared no more disturbed or worried before the princesses than Discord did. That courage was only emphasized when he reached behind him, into his bag, and pulled out a small hoof-sized object. It was small and blue, oval in shape, fitting neatly across the brown leather of Link’s gloves. It had a shine to it not much different than the finish Octavia was used to seeing in professionally crafted instruments, but aside from that it was alien to her. It was too short to be a flute, angled too greatly to be a recorder, and too simple in shape to belong to any section of brass, let alone its apparent design being made of wood. It had a symbol upon what Octavia believed to be the windpipe, jutting out from the otherwise perfectly carved pearl shape. A metal band wrapped around it, gold in color and etched with fine lines. It had another symbol across the center, of three golden triangles, positioned in a row of one then two. “Okay, looks cool,” Vinyl said simply, adjusting her glasses as she eyed it. “But what, does it summon some super mare to spin the world around and turn time?” “What kind of question is that?” Tatl immediately shot back at the unicorn. With one’s dark shades and the others bright light, Octavia couldn’t tell if they were staring at each other or not. “This is the Ocarina of Time, a great and magical tool blessed by the goddess of time. It can play songs of power, letting Link form any kind of magic he wants with the music. Do you have too much gel in your hair to be able to think straight about it?” Insults, great… Octavia groaned as she knew where this was going. Her perked ears picked up a similar sound come from Link. “At least I can see straight enough to know that three of the most powerful mares in all of Equestria don’t recognize that thing. I bet you're too blind with an ego to see that. You’re literally glowing about yourself.” Octavia had to admit, that was a more thoughtful insult than she would have given her friend credit for, though poorly delivered. “Hey, hey!” Fiddlesticks, to Octavia’s modest surprise, walked in between the bickering pony and fairy. “There ain’t no reason ta start spittin’ names like that. We’re all just a little lost in the orchard ‘bout this business here is all, alright?” The farm pony directed her gaze towards Vinyl, who only snorted away a stray hair of her neon mane. Fiddlesticks turned to Tatl, only to have the fairy ring and turn her wings toward the pair. “This reminds me of one of Dinky’s friends.” The whisper drew Octavia’s attention, turning to see Ditzy leaning in close to her; close enough that she herself was nearly leaning away. She was unsurprised, though slightly offset, by the sudden intrusion to her personal space. “We always say that opposites attract, so by that logic, identicals must repel.” And once again, Octavia was offset by the wisdom of Dinky’s words, though slightly harmed in the delivery. “Oh, come now, you two,” Discord, even more surprisingly, interrupted the pair. Dressed in the black and white garb of a referee, he pushed the mare and fairy away from one another, standing between with his tall stature. Octavia immediately wanted to know what he wanted to gain by ending a fight. “If you two keep this up, we may never get to hear the musicians play.” Ah, so that was it. Octavia felt eyes fall on her, though only briefly. Just as quickly they turned to Link, standing still in his green garb and ocarina in his dull claw. He seemed no more surprised by the sight of Tatl fighting than Octavia did Vinyl. She opened her mouth to say as much, but was stopped by a loud pop from behind her. The flash that accompanied it told her all that she needed to. She whirled, ready to tell Discord to stop his magical antics about her, only to see that he had brought something with him this time, something she implicitly knew. Sitting the crux of his arm, held in a surprisingly careful state, was her cello. It was the midnight cello, the one gifted to her by the princess of the night. Though they were in the garden amongst a mid-summer’s heat, it still looked cold to the touch, absorbing the light of the sun and leaving only the cool blanket of the night. The stars that dotted and littered the canvas sparkled beneath the rays, giving it a beauty she did not recognize in an enclosed room. The mad god set it down before her, letting holding its neck properly. He bowed to her, silent as stone, and held out his other paw to her. In it was her bow, strung accordingly and taunt in preparation. Octavia glanced at it momentarily, unsure if she should so easily take an offer from a deity that had fun with tricks and misconceptions. But as her hoof touched it, feeling the same strength in the wood as before, she saw the draconequus snap none of talons or offer any mischievous grins. Octavia shot a glance at Link. The stage was theirs. She took the bow in hoof, pulling the cello to herself as well. It was comfortable, that much she easily and readily understood. Comfortable here in the midst of a garden, full of life and wonder, even compared to the scenery of her room or stage. She felt… peaceful, right even. “So, I was thinking,” Discord began to speak again, in a voice Octavia assumed he was trying to make… well, non-trying. “If we had two musicians specialized in casting magic with their music, what would we get? I don’t even want to imagine the possibilities. I want to sit back, put up my tail and wings, and watch whatever magic they make takeover.” That did seem like a Discord sort of plan. But… it was one that Octavia felt oddly curious about herself. She looked at Link, who gazed back at her. They had spoke not a word to one another so far, their conversations being led by those around them, friends all alike. Yet, they were the ones meant to carry this forward. Octavia’s magic, granted by a force they had not yet devised. Link’s ocarina, gifted by a goddess and containing power that Tatl spoke of as if legend. Octavia watched him for a moment longer, and it was in that moment that he smiled at her, letting a light sound of approval swim from his lips. He nodded his head, waving his golden bangs as he did so. It was his admission, his approval, for the activity. Octavia felt her own grin pull at her lips, not one to turn away a chance to play with a master. She stood to her tallest, letting her wings adjust to the light breeze of the garden, taking on the familiar posture aside her cello, her new cello. The bow fell across the strings, lightly bouncing on their lengths before settling. Her eyes fluttered, ready to slide shut and let the music rule her again, but she stopped. Octavia refocused her gaze, hesitating to play before the guest. She saw Vinyl and Luna watching her, one having the slightest amount of excitement upon her features, the other covered in it. Both of their eyes were on her, but they were the only ones. Fiddlesticks, Ditzy Doo, Princess Celestia, and Princess Twilight had their eyes on Link and his fairy companion. Octavia stared at him as well. He had the oddly shaped instrument to his lips, the protruding element stuck between them. Just as she so often played, his eyes were shut, and his tall body swaying back and forth. No sound yet came from him, not song that Octavia could hear, but it was just as easy for her to tell why. He was not dancing in place for a song, he was setting a rhythm, a beat, a track to keep himself on pace, like a silent metronome. Then he began to play. BEGIN It was a hollow sound, as Octavia expected of a wooden instrument, yet one that carried above the wind with ease. Much like a whistle, it rose in volume as it did pitch, each not louder than the next. But there were only three notes. It was much faster than the gray alicorn expected, as well as majority of the other mares present. Though not insultingly so. A three fourths time measure, two eighth notes followed by a half note, a note that hung in the air above the gentle breeze. But the song quickly grew. It carried the same measure, the same beat, quick notes followed by long ones, each as important as the one before it, but never dimming in repetition. If anything, the frequency of it made it all the more appealing. But… something began to change. It was not her magic acting, of that much she knew. There were no thoughts that traveled through her mind, thoughts that so easily became reality with the wave of music’s wand. Even then, her horn was unlit. It was hard for Octavia to put her hoof on, especially with a bow in her hand and cello wrapped up in her wings, but she knew something was different, changing. She looked over to see Discord only grinning madly, chomping on a bucket full of glass. She saw the Ditzy waving her head, enjoying the song like a foal’s recital, Vinyl bobbing her head in much the same manner. Fiddle had adopted to lower her head, relaxing to the song as the gray alicorn suspected you were supposed to. Even the princesses didn’t seem any more perturbed than Octavia felt. Twilight had, at some point, taken to lying on the ground, enjoying the song as Link echoed it across the garden. Her head waved as if being lulled. Celestia was just beside her, the alabaster alicorn’s larger carriage nearly wrapping about the smaller princess. Luna, however, had her eyes elsewhere. There were not trained on the green garbed creature, playing a simple and simply captivating song. They were to the sky, with a furrowed brow near hidden beneath her dark mane. Octavia stared at her, mildly confused. Then she mimicked the princess, turning her gaze skywards. It was easy to tell then why she felt something was different. The clouds above were not the peaceful white, but a foreboding gray. There was no sun to lightly warm their coats, hidden now by the blanket that near covered the sky. It wasn’t even long before the breeze began to change, turning from a simple relief of heat to a chilling wind. The thunder that rolled above them made it clear what had changed. A storm was here. END BEGIN ANEW! “Whoa!” Octavia had no surprise that Vinyl was the first to scream. “Whoa whoa whoa! It’s raining! It’s freaking raining!” A clap of thunder echoed above the mare, bringing a small shirking shriek from the group. Octavia assumed it was Ditzy, hoping the mare was faring well. “And thunder too! Like holy ghosts and alicorn wings, what did you do?!” The alabaster mare finished pointing towards Link. The adventure said nothing in turn, as Octavia suspected, instead only smiling through the dampness that began to collect over him. He looked oddly peaceful in the rain. Almost as if it didn’t bother him. Not even his small fairy friend, a creature that should have doubtlessly seen the downpour as torment of sorts, floated through it with ease, oddly silent given Vinyl’s near challenging words. Though… now that she thought of it… Octavia didn’t mind the rain either. It was ruining her long mane and coat, destroying the careful treatment she usually prided in having for her coat and strands. The untreated water landed upon her, running and pilfering any conditioner or sweet shampoo that she had lathered through herself before, turning it all into naught but puddles on the ground. Even her cello, she knew, was in danger of the rain. Though near immaculately carved and painted, by the princess’s commands no less, it was still wood, and therefore, still able to warp and rot. And yet, it seemed as unbothered by the waterfall as she was. It pattered across the smooth surface, rolling away as easily as it had landed, as if knowing it was not meant to bring harm. Thunder rolled above them, a gentle rumble that Octavia felt vibrate through her, dissipating as it traveled through her wings. She expanded them, lifting off of her dark cello as she did so, all in a fluid natural motion. A soft hum came from beside her, and she turned to see Luna mimicking the action, save for one key difference. There was a serene smile across her face. Not the excited grin she adorned when Octavia made small progress, nor the civilized smirk she brought so often to conversations the gray alicorn swore were practiced. It was, calm, peaceful, upon her lips for no reason other than to express her peace. With wings folded out, mane dampened enough to no longer flow ethereally, and head raised into the air, Octavia knew she felt the same peace in the mane as she did. “This is… w-wow.” The cellist heard the words just above the rain, turning head lightly enough to see Princess Twilight Sparkle staring into the sky, either ignorant or enjoying the water that fell upon her gaze. “Th-The sudden condensation of the air in conjunction with frictional elements… I… I-I don’t even know where the water supply came from, m-maybe evaporation of small bodies, b-but it doesn’t… it…” Octavia proceeded to watch with non-malicious amusement as Twilight Sparkle, the supposed most well-read of all the princesses, rambled in the rain. Princess Celestia, however, was still upon the ground, her actions near mimicking her younger sister, with wings wide and head held high. “Not what you expected, is it?” Octavia almost felt the peace leave her when she heard Discord’s voice whisper above her, almost. She turned her head up, near enjoying the rain that fell across her muzzle as she did so. Another roll of thunder from above brought another quiver to her wings, and with the quiver came the return of her peace. It was probably the only thing that kept her control at the sight that she beheld. She still saw Discord, still floating the air as jovially as a foal in a dream. She still saw the horns on his head, his donkey-long face, his mismatched eyes, and his long protruding tooth. But we saw as well, so surprising and so unlike what she expected, was the calm grin across his features. Calm, peaceful, dare she think… harmonious. “It’s far from a secret that this rain is more than shower,” he continued to speak, smiling down at her with a truly sincere grin Octavia thought him incapable of holding. “A song that brings misery of the heavens to wash away the imperfections of the land. A gentle rain with calming thunder.” He was speaking answers to questions she never asked. Answers, not questions, and far from riddles. Was Octavia’s mind not being lulled by the rain’s soft touch, she might have pinched herself to awaken from the dream. “Like a spring shower in a summer’s heat,” Fiddle’s voice came, sounding like she was ready to drift off to sleep. Octavia turned to see the mare almost ready to do just that. She was lying on her back, alabaster hat sitting on her undercarriage, hoof resting atop of it. She had her head on the ground, lone blue mane sprayed out about her, floating lightly in the few puddles the storm had brought. Octavia stared at her doppelganger, almost wishing to join her on the ground. She looked ready to fall asleep. It took her that long to notice the other pony already slumped against the yellow farm mare. Ditzy Doo, specifically, curled up against the more muscled pony peacefully. There were yellow strands of her mane sticking to her coat, splitting at ends and ruining the usual golden mane she had. But, Octavia could see with eyes wet with rain that she was having peaceful dreams. By the small giggles she made, funny ones too. “Hey, looks like the rain can raise the dead.” Octavia knew Vinyl’s voice even through a small storm of rain and thunder. What she didn’t know was what her friend was talking about. A change of vision later, and she saw her neon maned friend looking at the only stallion present the garden, passed since before the rain began to fall. Except, he was beginning to rise. Drifter, as it was, murmuring slowly as the rain continued to lightly pelt him, like tiny flicks of a pegasus’s feathers. It was rousing, that much was clear, but the near content tone to his groans told that it was doing so in a way he agreed with. Octavia lightly related it akin to being awoken by a sonnet’s opening. It took little time before he began to rise to his haunches, hooves lightly splashing at the water collected on the ground. His one wing shook lightly, either out of a desire to stretch or the collective need to feel the rain; it was impossible to tell which. His eyes blinked lazily, again, uncertain if they were fighting off the remains of sleep or the water that trickled down his muzzle. It was when Octavia looked into his eyes that she saw the change, the same kind of change she saw had taken over near all of them. Drifter was relaxed, calm, appearing more at peace now than when he had preceding the meeting. There was no dilation in his eyes, no wide gaze to show his unease. If anything, he appeared as he did while on stage, strumming his guitar with only the care for music on his mind. The subtle smile he wore only cemented the idea. Octavia turned her gaze back to Link, back to the foreign creature that had created such an ethereal downpour. Thunder rolled above them again, like a mother ruffling a foal’s pillow as they prepared for sleep. She found him gazing back at her, smiling with his coatless face, inviting her without words. Octavia looked at her bow in hand, appearing just as well and able to play in the rain as it was without. She felt her wings wrap around the cello leaning against her frame, almost savoring the feel of it leaning against her, damp with magic and rain. This was a feeling she had had before, nothing so new or foreign that it surprised her. Now her amazement came only from the method that it was achieved. But she wanted to play now, to draw her bow across the strings and let the droplets of water dance across her cello. She wanted to hear how her music would perform in this rain, to try for the first time to play outside of a studio or her home, to play where she had not before. She wanted to see how the others would listen, either in captivation like an audience in a concert hall, or asleep across the wet grass like listening to a lullaby. More than anything, Octavia wanted to see what her magic would do. She smiled in turn to Link, his own growing until the whites of his teeth shown. He lightly held up his blue ocarina, unblemished by the rainfall. Octavia mimicked the action with her bow, lightly placing it across the strings of her cello. It bounced lightly, the rain running across the strings jumping away at the action, speckling across the dark painted wood. Link raised his ocarina to his lips, lightly waving as he had before, making a metronome of his actions as he prepared to play. Octavia shut her eyes, preparing herself in a way Link did, in a way she always did. There were much alike, of that she was sure of. Now she wanted to see how alike their magic was, magic in music. Without waiting another moment, she began to play. BEGIN She played a few soft notes, letting them ring through the rain. Similar to the start of many songs, it was slow, tempered with spaces that hung as well as the strings themselves. Each note made the rain dance, the small water droplets clinging to the wires flick off simultaneously. But each strum her bow made, quick as they were, echoed through the storm. In a beat that matched Link’s song from before, she played notes that hung for chords, then two others that came in quick succession. A pattern that was easy to discern, unimpressive if written on paper, but all together captivating when played amongst the healing shower. Octavia heard something else begin to play with her, a ringing through the rain. Her cello’s pace had not changed, and the sound was far different than any winded instrument, but it was there nonetheless. It was a ringing sound, like the ring of bells lightly being tapped upon their stand, or taunt piece of metal being flicked. It took that long for Octavia to realize it was the rain. The rain played along with her, dancing alongside her. Droplets of rain were landing on objects Octavia couldn’t see, not with her eyes closed, adding to the song she so softly played. She was still the base, the carrier of the sound, but the rain added more than merely peaceful thoughts. Then, with a rumble of thunder from above, Link began to play. It was the same song he had played before, the same three notes, short then long. They were the same notes, played in the same order, and carried upon the same volume as well. But now, he was not alone. He didn’t play notes that carried themselves, notes that held every part of the song. He played notes that were carried by strings, dancing through rain. Octavia could feel the same feelings flow over her as he continued to play, the same peace in the rain. She continued to feel at ease whilst being doused with a natural force that usually signed danger. It was that ease that allowed her to continue to play, to pluck the same strings that let the rain dance, to direct the rain that beat upon objects unseen. And as their collective songs played, changing ever so slightly in volume and pitch, Octavia began to see with her eyes closed, once again. She saw a boy standing amongst a forest of trees, dwarfing him with their size. She saw him playing with a friend his size. Then she saw him double in size, staring at the same friend in the same forest of giants. The later of the two were unchanged. But they were still smiling, the boy now a man and his still youthful friend. But she could tell, by the sights and sounds alone, this was not his home, it was no longer his home. He was a stranger visiting a friend, an outsider in a land not his own. But he was happy, being happy, acting happy, for a friend who still cared for him. With nearly a start, she realized what it meant. He had forgiven the past. Then she saw the boy again, playing with a child of straw and shadows. They played on instruments much their own, the boy on an ocarina and the straw child on a flute. They played a song that was both familiar and alien. But then the boy grew again, much taller than before. The boy changed from green to white, from a child to a warrior, from unblemished to warrior painted, but the straw child remain unchanged. Still the child looked up at the warrior, holding the same flute he had played before. And the warrior smiled down at him. But she could tell, by the feeling and memories, that this was not a land where he was remembered. He had helped a hundred people, with a dozen different faces. He was remembered by names not his own, faces not his, and everything belonging to someone else. His courage forgotten, his sacrifices unspoken, but he was happy, happy for those that he had helped. He forgave the past. Then Octavia saw herself. She saw a small earth pony, coat gray and mane black, listening to her father play a cello three sizes her own size. She listened to the bow being pulled across the strings, swaying her head to and fro, matching the rhythm of the beat. She watched herself from years past enjoy a song she knew by heart. Then she was older, taller, wiser, playing the same cello her father had. Now he watched her, unchanged and no different, but smiling as she played the cello as he had before. But there were no friends to join around her, no one but family and tradition to be thankful for her progress. Auditions attended by her parents, polite applause given by colleagues. No friends to take the day to cheer for her, not even acquaintances to give her advice through the nightly hours of practice. She forgave the past. Octavia felt it. She felt the memory of her past life and she felt the memories of Link’s own. She felt what once was and watched it wash away to reveal what then became. Letting go of the past to allow the future to shine, cleaning the slate to let a new story stat. Turning what was a dream of the past to a goal of the future. Now she understood. Link played the Song of Storms upon Octavia’s Sonnet of Healing. With a light blow of his ocarina, Link let the song conclude. [END The storm above them roared in applause, thunder cracking the sky as it shook the clouds above. Octavia took it as a standing ovation, unfurling her wings and letting the rain continue to dampen her feathers and coat. It was a heavenly feeling, of that she couldn’tt deny. She took in a deep breath, tasting the rain as she savored its scent. It smelled alluring, like a freshly bloomed flower among a field, eager to be sought out. Were her eyes not already closed, she would have let them flutter shut. For now, all she did was sigh contently. For the first time in what honestly felt like ages, she felt nothing but relief. There was no bearing stress of her sudden ascension, no unspoken need for her to learn the craft of her new heritage, not even the music she played. There was only her joy, the rain, and the sense of peace that came when both were united. Octavia savored it, and the thunder above roared in agreement. She slowly opened her eyes, expecting to see her magic at work. She was not disappointed, though she was curious. There were no notes in the air, nor chords of water dancing. There was no sudden vibrancy to the garden, no light in the dark cloud covered sky. Nothing sparkled, nothing shined, nothing appeared much different than anything else, until Octavia looked down. She gazed not at the grass, at the puddles, or even at the mud that formed as the two combined. She gazed at the mess of gray pooling at her hooves. It was only the rain’s sense of peace that kept smile present, her mind at ease. Gray water was about her, appearing no different than if dye had been spilt about her. It didn’t cling to her like clay, nor did it stick to her like mud. It was water, a liquid, just colored differently, more alien than she was used to. But again, the rain kept any thoughts or ill feelings away. Or more likely, it washed them away. Octavia felt only humor as she washed in the thought. At her hooves were her worries and fears, cleansed from her like dirt in a wash, free from her returning to the earth. The thought made her coat feel lighter, her wings thinner, and her heart lighter, light enough to take flight, to fly through the rain and thunder. She settled for merely spreading them wide, letting another low rumble of thunder shake them as it did the ground beneath her. She looked up again, seeing Link across from her. He pointed his face to the sky, enjoying the rain in a way that appeared only slightly different from before. Colors pooled about him too, but not the green that Octavia half suspected would be. It was a mixture of colors, in truth. Green as his clothes, gold as his hair, tan as his skin, and blue as his eyes, and likely, his heart. Octavia could only see it with the clarity of the rain. The storm had brought tears to his eyes. And those tears too washed the pain of the past away. “And so the rain of tears will wash away the regret of the past.” Octavia heard Tatl say, or quote, more likely. She was far more subdued, likely under the same influence of the rain as the rest of them. “No different than Flat and Sharp.” She didn’t know those names, but Octavia honestly cared little. She instead watched as the fairy floated about her, as caress of the rain as every other pony, hero, or draconequus present. She just made out the softness of splashing, through the downpour and thunder. It took only a small refocus on Link to see him walking towards her, easily balanced on his two hind legs. An easy smile sat on his lips, looking down at her as she smiled back up at him. He stopped when he was only a few hoof lengths away from her. He knelt, and in doing so, matched the gray alicorn’s height. Normally, Octavia would have felt perturbed in some way, having a stranger so easily approach her and so readily enter her space. But be it the rain or her trust for the creature with which she shared many similarities, she felt only peace. She looked into his blue eyes and he looked back into her own lavender orbs. Slowly, he lifted a rain drenched hand, pointing a single dull digit into the air. Octavia looked at it, watching as it slowly extended towards her, stopping when its tip was aimed at her. You, is what the action meant. Octavia knew it was only conjecture, but she was confident in its meaning. The same appendage changed shape, the digit curling into Link’s palm as his angled digit pointed towards himself. And me, is what that meant. Again, simple for her to understand. Then he made a final action, twisting the same digit in the air. It stopped when it was parallel to the damp ground, water dripping off if it like a railing. Of the small digits, only two were extended outwards, as parallel to one another as his arm was with the ground. Though it wasn’t simple, Octavia understood the symbol. “The same,” she finished, her smile never faltering. “You and I are the same,” Octavia spoke through the rain, finding herself enjoying the admittance aloud, to a creature she knew so little of, and yet shared so much with. Link smiled back at her, childish enough for his eyes to shut at the action, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. Octavia felt herself doing the same, though careful not to let her head fall, as it would only invite her long damp mane to fall across her vision, a problem during any kind of storm. She noticed Link actually perform the action, pushing blonde locks out of his gaze. She wanted to giggle at the irony. Instead, however, she decided to take another action. She knew it was bold, an action she would normally see Vinyl doing as a casual greeting, or perhaps that of long time friends seeing each other again. It was not an action she was keen to do often. And yet… without the weight of her duties upon her lifted, or more appropriately drowned, in the rain, she felt it appropriate. The action showed trust, faith, thanks, and even praise. She felt, or she knew, that Link deserved as much. Reaching forward with her forehooves, Octavia pulled the kneeling Link into a tight hug. The storm continued to pour around them, choosing not to silence itself as Octavia performed the rare action. It still drenched the pair, turnings one’s coat a mess of sticky hairs and the other for his clothes to stick to his skin. The soft breeze lightly chilled and the thunder above did not silence. Octavia remembered mocking many a romance scene that had couples dancing in the rain, even more that portrayed it as a wonderful event. But now she saw the truth of it. It was not that the storm did not matter, not that it was simply too small compared to their great feelings. Rather, it was just the opposite. The force of the storm made the embrace of others more desirable, and all the better. The warmth brighter, the peace greater, and even the already-lessened ambitions forgotten. Truly, a hug in the storm was a grand thing. And as Link wrapped his own long forelegs around Octavia, she knew she had made the right decision. She knew he would enjoy this embrace as she did. She knew that he made contact as little as she normally did. But, above all else, she knew how much he needed this… as she did all the same. She had seen his memories, and he had seen hers. They had each exchanged facets of their past, moments that mirrored one another, times that seemed to be the cornerstone of who they were. Her father and her cello, his friend and his ocarina. Their friends. Their family. Their history. It was a brief exchange, but it was one they good not ignore. It was only the sense of peace that allowed Octavia to admit that. “Thank you,” she spoke to him softly, rubbing the ends of her hooves up and down his back. “Thank you for helping in this way. I am glad to have met you.” She felt his hold tighten on her, for a moment alone, but long enough for her to notice. He leaned off of her, any tears he had hidden by the rain above, but his smile just as present as before. He raised his hand, again, his left arm beginning to make motions once more. Octavia translated every motion he made. Link pounded his balled claw against his chest, lightly bounding like the thunder above. Be strong. Link unclenched his hand, tapping one of his dull digits to the side of his head, where the end of his hat met the gold of his locks. Be wise. Finally, Link unfolded his dull claw once more, reaching towards Octavia. She did not jerk nor move away as it lightly touched her snout, stopping only when a pair of his dull digits pointed towards her eyes, one for each. He lightly rapped on her muzzle. Keep your eyes open. Then he swept his foreleg up, letting it motion across the dark clouded sky, to the rain pouring ceiling, to the booming thunder, and finally down the water-logged garden. He had a bright smile as he made the action. Octavia understood the meaning well. Enjoy all the world has. “So that I may have joy even in times of sorrow.” Octavia wasn’t sure if he was going to make a motion for that. She would have, so it was likely he would as well. She also couldn’t say how she knew where his train of thought was going, but again, it felt like words she would say, and not just because she was the one to make them. The bright smile that Link gave her, complete with a nod of his head, told her she was right. “I will,” Octavia promised, never one to go against her word. Link let out another soft laugh, either pleased or satisfied by Octavia’s response. She knew that she would have been, were their situations reversed. She looked down again, at the puddle of gray and spots of black. It still should have disturbed her, how her emotions were literally pooling at her hooves, shed from her body like the dirt from a tumble was lost in the shower. Cleaned is what the literary minded would call the sensation, freed from what was holding her down. Forgiven is what the more holy of ponies might say, her mistakes and fears being laid to rest. But Octavia saw it as something else, attributing it to what she felt and more than what she saw. She was relieved. Nearly everything that had been weighing down on her, rules of the past and events of the present, were truly nothing more than drops of mud. There were no eyes following her, watching her movements to keep her poise. No judgment being reserved for her, should she slip and make a mistake in her decorum. There were no consequences to her sudden ascension, no need to spend more than a noticed moment to her wings or horn. They were there, and hers to do with as she saw fit. Nothing more. She knew this was what she felt, and how to describe it, because it was what she felt when she saw Link’s own thoughts, his memories. Relief that a friend of old was still a friend of new, time changing little; relief that an unfortunate mistake cost little more than time’s delay for another; relief that despite all that he had endured, he was still alive; relief that in spite of losing so much, he was still willing to take so little. Octavia watched Link, a short time stranger garbed in green, stand to his tallest. He had ocarina in hoof, his smile just as present as before. She knew what he was going to do, knew it as she knew he was supposed to. Where she still looking for her own friend, she would do the same. “Go,” she spoke softly in the rain, likely heard only by his pointed ears. “Find your friend, and thank them for me.” She let out a small chuckle at the words. “We’ll do that,” Tatl finally spoke up, Octavia almost forgetting about her for a moment. “And take care of yourself. Can’t always expect someone else to help you. Some time soon, you’re going to have to take care of yourself.” Were there not a storm keeping such words away, Octavia might of felt her heart drop at the statement. Instead, she only found herself nodding, thankful for their wisdom. “I will,” she returned. “Thank you again.” Link nodded once to her, smiling as he had done so far. He raised the blue ocarina to his lips, lightly wrapping the tip in his mouth, shutting his eyes and letting his body sway at the metronome he used it to be. He played six notes again, but six notes of greater measure than before. Six notes that ran both independently and congregationally through the rain. He played them only once, never opening his eyes as he did so. The didn’t bring another storm, part the sky for any sun, or bring to life any part of the garden. Instead, they swept up Link in another dazzle of green light, taking him away and far into the sky. In but a brief moment, Link was gone. Octavia watched the light fade, knowing that he was safe, thankful for his coming, and thinking now only of the words that they had exchanged, both by mouth and hoof. She sighed, the thunder above rumbling as she did so. She continued to stand in the rain, letting it ruin her coat and mane as it lifted from her the worries of the past. She breathed in deep the musk of the water, letting the thunder above continue to tremor her wings, like the skies attempt to lull her to sleep. It was doing a phenomenal job. The gray alicorn turned to the other mares about her, watching as they enjoyed the rain in ways near similar to her own. She watched her doppelganger and neon-maned friend lay down in it, very literally sleeping under the rain. She saw Ditzy Doo and Princess Twilight extended their wings and flap them lightly, every so often, to let the water gently beat against them. She saw Drifter, still awake following the song, silent and calm within the storm. Even Celestia, heavenly regent of Canterlot, shut her eyes upon the storm, letting it bathe her in a way Octavia suspected she yearned for. Then she saw Luna. The dark alicorn was little different in appearance then how Octavia had come to know her. She had the same dark coat, the same sparkling mane, and the same imposing figure with her wings extended outwards. But she was far different than the rest of the ponies present. She did not have a look of relief upon her features, nor the calming grace of one preparing for a night’s slumber. As Octavia stared at the princess, she saw tears falling from the diarch’s eyes. Tears in the rain, little different than Link’s, floating across her muzzle and disappearing into the dark pool at her hooves, made up of washed away regret and worry. Octavia spared no thoughts as she trotted over to the elder mare, her heart calm and form full of grace. Her hooves splashed in the puddles beneath them, long mane dripping with water as her tail dragged across the ground. She cared little for either. “Luna?” She spoke the princess’s name when she was close enough. The dark alicorn turned gaze to her when she did. Her expression hardly changed. Octavia’s, however, adopted a more empathetic appearance, lips turned down and eyes slightly widened. “Is everything alright? Did the storm… perhaps… harm you in some way?” Octavia expected words from her mentor, as she was often so keen to share. Words that usually portrayed a wise message she very rarely missed, wrapped in instructions for what to do. If not words then perhaps the motion to indicate an item or activity of interest. She had done so before, for the dark cello Octavia now possessed or a musical piece she believed the younger alicorn may appreciate. Those were common between the two, show and tell. What she did not expect was the younger diarch suddenly enveloping her in a tight hug. Octavia would not say Luna made the motion hastily, quite the contrary. The princess of dreams was very deliberate about the embracing, turning and wrapping her forehooves about Octavia long neck with patience… or perhaps hesitance. Octavia couldn’t tell, too focused on the firmness of the embrace she was now wrapped in. It was only a moment longer before wings joined the hooves. The young cellist found herself only momentarily surprised, but quickly returning the sign of affection, wrapping her own hooves about the Luna’s damp coat. Like old friends comforting one another, Octavia and Luna embraced each other, the former unaware of the reason. The hug was released faster than Octavia thought it would, but again, was not done so out of haste or embarrassment. Rather, Luna slid from the embrace, her wings almost regretful of leaving Octavia’s side. “Thank you, Octavia,” she finally heard the princess speak, not a whisper but not her normal speech. “I… apologize for my display. I only felt the need to be reminded physically of what I have gained.” The implication of the words was painfully obvious, painful if the storm above was not wiping such things away. “Please don’t think much of it,” Octavia returned easily, in a tone she knew she had yet to use with the princess. Far from condescending, but far more comforting than she was used to using. “We are friends, and just as you’ve helped me, I feel nothing but joy for being able to do the same.” Octavia did not miss the princess’s reddening muzzle. It was hard to miss in the cool rain, steam nearly forming around her due to the heat. “You are… very relaxed,” Luna spoke almost dumbly, searching for the right word and choosing an acceptable replacement. A small smile pulled at her lips. “I am grateful we have finally reached such ground. Truly, I am.” “As am I,” Octavia sincerely replied, believing they had reached it before, but now appreciating the equality they found with one another. It felt as if she were talking to Vinyl, though with fewer headaches and half-spoken teases. “So I must also thank you, Luna, while this rain continues to work its magic over me.” She did not stop to allow Luna to inquire upon her meaning. “While I will not pretend even now to know the formalities of royalty, even with myself being raised as a mare of high class, I know that it was no usual decision to take such care of me. You personally set aside much of your time to see to my progress, volunteered your own comfort to answer my questions while easing my fears.” Now Octavia took rest, smiling in the rain as Luna gazed back at her. Neither thought much of the dampness of their coats, their slick manes, or the thunderous applause from above. If anything, they only encouraged the young gray alicorn to speak on. “You have offered me more than I never thought you would, as I came to you seeking only your aide. You have given me more than that, so much more. You have given me colleagues to speak to, a mentor I can listen to, dreams I adore to explore in …” she took in a deep breath before she spoke on. “And a friend that I can trust my every word to.” They let the rain speak for a time. Luna stood silent in that time. She only watched Octavia, showing nothing but empathy and patience in her gaze. It was a look Octavia had come to recognize and appreciate. “Octavia,” Luna finally began. “I am… most pleased to hear that my actions have been to your benefit, as your fruition is what I hope to see. You are still a young mare, no older that Twilight Sparkle, but gifted in much the same way.” She turned her gaze away from Octavia, to the younger mare following her. They looked to the lavender alicorn, her wings still fully extended and lightly shaking with each wave of thunder that passed above them. It was almost odd to Octavia, to see the princess so still. In nearly any other circumstance, she would be looking into, researching, or at least asking questions about the clear magic that rained down upon them. Instead, she stood still and savored it, letting peace rule her for a time. “I had believed for a time that no other mare of this age would compare to her; a student of the utmost practice, dedicated to her studies as well as their application. She earned favor with my sister quickly, and for reasons I quickly understood upon my own return. I truly had thought that no other mare… would compare.” Octavia found it hard to disagree with the lunar princess. It was hard for any pony to be on par, let alone a peer, to the Princess of Friendship. “But then I met you.” Octavia turned back to the princess, her parted lips the only sign of her surprise. “You, who walked into my court wearing a coat twice your size; hiding your appearance for a faux sense of shame. A humble mare that needed her friend’s helping hoof to seek my aide before.” Luna softly chuckled, the rain shaking free of her mane at the gesture. “You showed much through your actions alone the dedication you hold to your craft, the empathy you have for others, and the commitment to move forward in places where many others would wish for a return to their normalcy. But more than any of that, you gave me something that I have not yet had in this time.” Her gentle smile, upon her dark lips, showed nothing but honesty as they curled, lightly, upwards. “You have given me a friend to whom I would entrust the secret of my dreams.” Octavia felt her chest warm at the words. She felt her wings, twitching before, lightly spread apart. But more apparent than any of that, her lips curled into a smile, eyes half-lidded with equal amounts of glee. This time, the youngest of the alicorns initiated the embrace. The elder alicorn was swift to return it. “So now, Octavia Melody, what now do you plan to do?”