Beautiful Lies

by Filthy Blue Shades

Chap 4

The pretty girl with a diamond hair clip smiled curiously. Apple Jack shook her head.

"It's to work on our self esteem and understanding." The rainbow haired girl scoffed. Pinkie threw the ball in her direction. She dodged and gave a hard stare.

"Watch it! You almost hit me."
"Or maybe you almost hit it. Watch it Rainbow Dash your ass still owes me." The pink haired girl smiled in faux sweetness.

The door opened and two people walked in. One was scantily clad with orange and red hair lying loose around her waist. She looked around the room before she straddled a chair and started texting and chewing her gum loudly. The second girl had long white hair to the back of her knees. Her eyes reminded AJ of a sad puppy. She wore a white skirt and a grey shirt with a star in the middle. She sat on a table in the corner and stared down at her thumbs. A few minutes later the door opened again and a stout women with shiny little eyes came in.

"Hello girls. My name is Miss Storge. Please take a seat closer to me." The girls did as they were told. Pinkie sat leaning foreword her elbows resting on her thighs and the ball swirling between her fingertips. She studied all the faces in the room and smirked.

"This the best you got? Where's the girl who would cry if anyone told her she was cute? She slashed her wrists last year. I'm not that bad."

"I'm well aware of that. But this is a prevention." Pinkie sat back and stared at the lady amused. Twilight finally looked up. She brushed her hair out and sat up straight in her chair. She didn't smile at anyone. "Lets introduce ourselves shall we?" She hummed and nodded towards Pinkie who tossed the ball to her.

"We will use the ball and throw it towards any random one on the circle." She tossed it to Flutter Shy.

"Um.. My name is Flutter Shy."

"Nice to meet you. Tell us something you like?"

"I guess.. I really like to paint with oils." She smiled her eyes cast low. Pinkie stared, puddles could be a little deep. Flutter Shy tossed the blue ball towards Apple Jack.

"My names Apple Jack.. Ah really like studying the sunset. It ain't the same every time." She smiled awkwardly and tossed the ball to her left. The white haired girl looked scared.

"My names Trixie. I like to.. Make magic." Her eyes glowed with an eccentric spark ad she sat a little straighter. Flutter Shy seemed interested in magic. She tossed it randomly. A rough hand caught it and she crossed her legs before clearing her throat.

"They call me Rainbow Dash. I do all kinds of sports that's my thing." She lazily launches her ball towards Pinkie who grabbed it with ease before it flew over her head.

"I'm Pinkie Pie. That's all you need to know." She shot a look daring the lady to challenge her. She handed it to Twilight. Her heavily coated black eyes didn't register the scene but she reacted quick.

"I am Twilight Sparkle." Her voice was like water. "I like poetry." She threw her ball to the flame headed girl.

"Sunset Shimmer. I like sex and I have to say I'm pretty good at it." She laughed and tossed the ball across from her. Rarity caught it and held it in her lap.

"Mrs. Storge nodded and wrote down a few notes on her paper. Pinkie Pie looked around again a smirk on her lips. She shouldn't be here she should be with Blue Grass. She played with her pink basket ball shorts and adjusted her black tank top. Her white happy-sad sneakers had been replaced with black ones covered in marks. She looked towards Twilight and studied her unique get up. Her light blue dress and black stilettos, she really could pass for a model. Rarity was wearing a white top and black skirt with sandals. Her hair was down a diamond hair clip pulled her bangs from her face. Flutter Shy always looked good but Pinkie noticed something off. Something traveled up her leg and it looked like a cut. She stared wide eye'd before the small girl fixed her dress and turned away her eyes cast down again. Pinkie looked away and at Rainbow, black tights, sneakers and shirt. She'd see her later. Apple Jack looked rather nice today and wore her dorky hat. The country girl smiled and waved she waved back. Sunset Shimmer looked at her with mean eyes. She returned the look.

"What you looking, skank?"

"How's your Blue Grass?"

"Been getting tests since he fucked you, why you worried?" Pinkie smiled at her. Sunset Shimmer looked back at her phone and continued texting. The counsellor stared at the girls.

"Lets talk about you today Miss Pinkamena Diane Pie." The pink girl cocked her head hearing her full name.

"Shoot." She sat back. Rarity spun the ball in her hand looking a bit tired.

"What are you compensating for?"

My dick." She laughed.

"Pinkamena!" The woman was flustered.

"I'm leaving. This place has the vibe of a punch line to a bad joke. See ya." She looks at Flutter Shy as she walked by and out the door. The counsellor sighed feeling frustrated and turned her attention to Sunset Shimmer.

"What was the problem?" She sounded on edge.

"Smex and teen violence. The usual business. I want to leave too." She got up and slinked out the door. The remaining 6 girls sat in silence. Trixie looked distraught and the others bored or agitated. The counsellor dismissed them.

"WednesdayMorning we have another meeting. Tell those two trouble makers." She waved them off.

Flutter Shy rushed to the bathroom and smiled at all her fans. Once she reached the door she let her facade crack and walked in. The door shut immediately behind her. She turned to see Pinkie leaning against the door. "What's with those scars."

Pinkie was never one to beat around the bush they'd known each other since kindergarten had come for play dates and sleep overs. That changed in Middle School though, the pink fluff gave up on school and passed merely by brownie points. Flutter Shy felt a familiar feeling tugging at her heart. It traveled towards her knees and she collapsed. As soon as her knees hit the ground she let out a choked sob. Pinkie looked down at the shaking girl. Had she looked so frail before? Like glass on the brink of shattering to a million pieces some of which wouldn't return if you tried to put it together. Maybe those pieces were already lost? How long had she been like this a mess on the inside? There was nothing they could do for each other. She brought up the girl who killed herself only because Flutter Shy jumped at the word cut. Playing with the emotionally distressed wasn't her style, the candle in the corner was for that girl.

The candle stick was halfway burnt when Flutter Shy pulled from the welcoming embrace. She had no idea when Pinkie had wrapped her arms around her or why she kept an arm around her still as they lay on the floor. She was on her back her long pink hair bundles beneath her, Flutter Shy knew what made her. The sun always hit her just right and brightened her eyes.

"Who knew puddles could be so deep..."


"Nothing." She turned slightly towards her and smiled a charming smile. They both laughed before Pinkie helped her up. As she washed her face the 5th bell rung.

"Lets go to lunch together, like we used to."

"Is.. That okay? It won't hurt your friends?"

"I'm known for being spontaneous." She combed her hair back. They walked out together and down the hall Pinkie carrying the other girls bag. They got a lot of weird stares. A group of girls walked up to them. The main girl looked at Flutter Shy.

"Is she bullying you? Why are you hanging out with her." Flutter Shy laughed and smiled. Only then did Pinkie notice how fake that sound was. That smile.. It isn't right.

"She's my friend from Middle School. We fixed out some misunderstandings and problems." The girls looked angry and surprised. She opened her mouth but Pinkie interjected.

"Your friends seem kind of controlling. Lets go I'm hungry." The small girl nodded and both walked away from the flustered group. As they stepped through the doors they found themselves in a corner table near the back door. Pinkie brought her a chicken salad and herself a sandwich. Apple Bloom walked over and smiled sheepishly.

"Hi Pinkie your friends with my older sister AJ. I just wanted to meet you she talked an awful lot about you. And your names Flutter Shy.. You're mighty pretty." Her smile was sweet and sad at the same time. Both girls smiled back.

"Yeah I'm Pinkie if you got any problems tell me ill make them disappear." The red head walked back in to the sea of people.

They sat in silence as the cafeteria emptied out. They knew the conversation that was about to take place and they both knew it needed to happen. Once the few stragglers left they both exhaled a breath they didn't know they held.

"I'm a self harmer.." She spoke soft like always. Pinkie didn't say anything. "I've been since we stopped talking in Middle School and you thought I'd changed. The truth is my mom ran off and my dad blames me. Whatever I didn't do to myself he did. There's cuts all over my body and a mask over my face. I smile but still deep down.." The small girl went quiet. Tears streaked down her face.

"Deep down I want to smile again. I want to smile the way I smiled with you all those years ago when I could have fun when my self value couldn't be gauged and my life was mine." She sobbed out the last words she collapses in to herself and cried out. Pinkie reached her hand out to her but before she could reach her the small girl stood up and grabbed her by the shoulders. And nearly shouted the next few words that the pink girl had wanted to hear for so long that caused them both to cry in joy and wrapped them in permanent happiness.

"I want to be with you again!"

When exile was their last hope and all the world had been burnt down by the fire that burned inside them. They danced on the cold ashes and sang their hearts out while rain that tasted like salt poured from the sky and they held each other again. The world has thrown them out but another pulled them in and this time it was only theirs. The storms overhead was steadily brewing.