//------------------------------// // Chap 5 // Story: Beautiful Lies // by Filthy Blue Shades //------------------------------// Was it tears or rain? She didn't know it only tasted like salt. Twilight had changed into shorts and a top and left her home to go for a walk. She had frequent walks at different times when the urge couldn't be contained. She heard people laughing heard people talking heard people arguing and once crying some where deep in the dark wooded are of their medium sized town. Why couldn't she feel those emotions or better yet why couldn't she at least crack a smile or giggle. Why was she so robotic? She looked up and noticed how empty the world was around her. She felt like she was the only one here and the only one that would be here. It was kind of like her depression honestly. It was hers to carry and would be nobody else's burden. She cut through the same thick forage but instead of climbing the gate she nestled up against it and studied the lights and stars. She could point out every constellation and figure out any problem but she couldn't find the need to make a friend. I mean she had a friend before but.. Kindergarten was an ugly place. "Twili!" Shining Armor and Cadence waved to her. Their smiles turned to frowns when they saw the bruises on her arm. "They hurt you again didn't they?" "Twilight you can talk to me?" She looked up at her baby sitter tears threatening to overflow. She nodded at Shining Armour who walked over to the teacher and began talking. Cadence cleared her throat. "What's happened?" "They said I was their friend Cadence I don't get it." "Sometimes kids can be cruel." "Maybe I should be cruel." "That's not the way to go Twilight." She sounded firm but gentle. "Yes Cadence. Ill find another way to make it by. Thanks." They sat in silence while her brother talked over the situation. Once he finished he smiled at them both and gestured to go home. "Alright kids recess!" The teacher called out. All the small children filed out and Twilight stood not sure what to do. The teacher ushered her out and shut the door leaving her alone to face them. Three faces smiled at her. "Want to play a game?" A boy grabbed her arm and pulled her behind the trailer. The girls held two balls and aimed them for her face. While this happened the boy started to pull up her purple dress and a shock traveled up her spine she was frozen, paralyzed. She stared scared at first but something in her head felt guilt. Guilt that consumed her every night for making her big brother and baby sitter worry about her everyday. Something snapped in her. She bit the boy holding her and attacked the two other bully's. Children screamed and the teacher came out a few minutes after. Twilight had blood on her tiny fists and the two girls lay sobbing holding their noses. She stopped showing emotion at her new school and as the years went by her brother moved away leaving her utterly alone. And now here she is laying in the dirt unsure of what life is suppose to mean of what she's suppose to do or where she suppose to find a friend or really how. It was silent in her mind and all around her before a steady buzzing drew her from her mind. A bit surprised she opened her phone and checked her messages. 'hey it's Sunset Shimmer from that morning meeting' 'What do you want?' 'Lets be friend Twili' She closed her phone. This girl had been messaging her tirelessly for a few months asking the same thing trying to make her spill her secrets. It got to the point she harassed her at school and left notes in her locker. Maybe she was a stalker or something. Or just a bully. She felt her phone buzz again deciding to ignore it she climbed the fence and crossed the empty street staring at the idle flowers that bloomed by her door. As she unlocked the door she was greeted by nobody. Her mother left the hallway light on for her during her walks to let her know they were home and waiting for her. "Twilight. Come in here." It was her mother. "Yes mom?" "I think we should take you to see a therapist. We just wanted to know your thoughts on it." She was blank she was robotic. "Ok. Is that all? I'm going to bed. Good night." She left her parents in the living room and in the quiet of the night soaked her drying pillow before nodding off to sleep. Pinkie sat up in her bed thinking about the day she had. How the morning before they had been two different people and now she was on her bed again with her childhood best friend next to her. She remembered those nights when Flutter Shy would be scared shitless by something moving in the dark and some how miraculously play with a wild rat. She turned to face the small lump and felt a sense of peace from her sleepy smile. She clutched one of her old bears and snuggles against her small chest. Pinkie laid down getting as comfortable as possible before dozing off to sleep. Rarity was up again but this time it was different. She was staring at the wall paralyzed by the screaming that went on in the next room. She forced herself up and quietly tip-toed out of her room. She could hear her mother and father arguing about the same thing over and over again. Money, cheating, or about Rarity. Her parents were young to have a 16 year old daughter. Her mother had gotten pregnant at 15 by her father. They thought it was love they thought it would last forever. That was until Rarity would wake up to them with different people. Her room was the room the used to sleep with other people. It would keep her awake at night and she would later develop insomnia that her parents refused to deal with. She stood in her nightie before walking back to her bed upon seeing her parents leaving their room. Both looked at her back flustered and red. They went out for the night leaving her alone in the cold expansive building. What was tomorrow suppose to bring? Was the thought that echoed through all their sleepy minds as their eyes shut tight bringing them into a deeper darkness that they would never be able to fathom. The morning sun sent vibrations with a rhythm that danced on its waves through every window and on every sleeping face. Trixie was already up and was combing her long thick hair. She stared at her reflection and studied her large eyes. She gave up being the Great and Powerful long ago when a certain video was spread through the school. She became nothing less than a ghost. Her friends would talk to her in secret but never stand up for her when she became of the victim of bullying. She got up and left her home stepping out into the warm air and breathed in the morning and exhaled her poison. She walked down the block towards her school tension slowly returning to her body. Flutter Shy was already up and making pancakes when Pinkie made her way to the bathroom. She had turned to say good morning but turned back flustered at the sight of Pinkies get up. "Do you always sleep like that?" she twirled her fingers gesturing at her close-to-nothing sleepwear. "At least i'm wearing a tank-top normally its just underwear." Flutter Shy's face was red and her hands shook as she flipped the pancakes. "I'm gonna go shower wait up for me." She set about her morning routine combing out her hair and washing herself throughly. She strode into the hall naked and down the hall to her bedroom. Pinkie felt extra special today for some reason and was tempted to wear a dress. She opted for her short short's and t-shirt. Flutter Shy was setting her plate down when the pink girl entered and grabbed a cup of orange juice that had been previously set out. They ate in silence and almost couldn't look at each other due to the tension from last night. Pinkie had asked her to live with her. "I'll wait for an answer Flutter Shy." She spoke out of the blue as if reading the small girls thoughts. "I want to stay.." She mumbled hiding behind her hair. "What was that?" She stared over her eggs. "Let me stay.. Please." "If you promise to cook breakfast everyday. Though i much prefer bacon." She spoke simply but their hearts were set ablaze. Both smiled and went about their morning rituals and getting ready to take the bus to school.