Beautiful Lies

by Filthy Blue Shades

Chap 6

Trigger Warning. Suicide is an easy answer to a short question. It's never okay to think about taking yoUr own life. Value it, please. WARNING Please Read At Own Discretion.

Love yourselves.

"The girls are waiting by the statue." Her timid voice caught Pinkies attention. She looked at the girl who wore tights and a blue off shoulder top. People gushed over her but from afar. The lovely little doll and the big bad wolf of the school don't normally hang out or talk so casually. Flutter Shy trembled under the attention but Pinkie seemed almost in stitches by the mouth dropping stares. Their mouths fell even harder as they watched them approach the girls completing the rag-tag group. Pinkie was a little upset not to see Apple Jack. Had the country girl been detained once more? She looked around shifting her weight between her feet every now and then.

"So how was every body's morning?" She smiled a small but hopeful smile. Tuesday hadn't gone so well as two girls had left and the therapist seemed quite angered by those insightful events. Twilight stared glass eyes towards the expansive distance from her seat perched on the statue. Trixie just smiled and faced her giving a quiet 'Fine' before staring straight ahead at who it was hard to tell. Rainbow smiled and nodded tapping her feet to the music blasting from her headphones.

"My morning was fine darling. How was yours? Did you two bump in to each other?"

"That's nice to hear. Mine was fun and no.. Well kinda. It's a hard situation to explain."

"Are you two..?" Her eyes widened.

"What!?" Rainbow practically shouted catching a big enough group to surround them. She quickly sent them off feeling a bit embarrassed. Flutter Shy shook her head. Pinkie looked dazed and stared at the pale and blushing faces.

"Did I miss something?" She stuck her hands in to her pockets.

"They thought we were um.. An item." She smiled at her tiny feet.

"Best friends often seem that way. She stayed at my place last night." She quickly pushed out all thoughts of anything lewd with a quick look around. A young man approached them he stood tall but with a feminine stature. Behind him was head of a shiny black. Flutter Shy stared at Blue Grass with wide eyes her small heart shaped lips parted slightly and her fingers twiddled around each other a if trying to hide behind one another. The feminine boy called out her name and she turned slowly towards him. He engaged her in a less than boring speech about some indie rock band that his friend started. Rainbow Dash got caught up talking in the conversation the young girl extremely enthusiastic. Pinkie turned to Blue Grass who stared at Flutter Shy his eyes were actually softening as he stared. Pinkie looked to him then to her and back to him before a large smile came across her face. He jumped when the happy pink ball began bouncing around happily giggling and talking absolute nonsense. Needles to say, the boy was astonished.

"Pinkie that isn't like you."

"You like her?" She whispered while calming down.

"I guess." Her stare intensified.

"Okay! Yes!" He almost shouted covering his mouth an looking away as a blush danced on his cheeks.

"She likes you." The pink girl looked utterly serious. He couldn't help but laugh at her change from beyond ecstatic to the epitome of seriousness.

"Pinkie Pie you're so random." He smiled and she smiled back. They turned and watched as the small conversation became heated with Rainbow and the feminine boy bantered about who could play better and who plucked the worst notes. Rarity was to the side smiling while Twilight actually seemed to enjoy herself resting atop the statue. Her head hung off the side as she texted away at her phone. Apple Jack still wasn't here and it felt like she wouldn't be for a while. Needless to say her friend felt a little upset. Before she could think any further the bell rang and all the conversations moved inside the hall ways and class rooms. The girls rag tag group were escorted by the two boys to their destination.

"Ill wait out her for you." Blue Grass nodded at Pinkie as she stared at the smaller girl who found the floor to her liking. The others went in and a few minutes later a girl in leather approached the boys. She smiled at them.

"You know my scanties and bra are leather too. Just a thought." She walked past them and in through the door. Sunset Shimmer saw Twilight sitting with her legs crossed. Sunset Shimmer eyes the girls get up. It was plain today a rare occasion for that to happen. A skin tight black top and black skinny jeans. She walked up to the girl and sat staring at her hopefully. As the time passed by the girl never looked up from her phone and never started a conversation. She noticed Pinkie and Flutter Shy sitting with their chairs facing each other. The small girls legs were pulled up to her chest and Pinkie's rested on Flutter Shy's chair. They looked comfortable too bad Twilight never wanted to be that close.

"When did you two get so close." She sneered at the two pink haired girls. Neither gave her attention and she turned to look at Rarity and Rainbow Dash who completely ignored her to. She went back to quietly sitting as Trixie pulled open the window letting a breeze take every ones tension. Every one seemed more relax and small conversations started around the room. Miss Storge had been occupying the same spot for a bit and smiled at seeing how well the girls formed small strings to each other. She could see how ever Sunset Shimmer as Twilight Sparkle did not participate at all but sat out from the group. Both these girls really didn't even talk. She watched a bit longer seeing how Sunset glanced every few seconds at Twilight who still clicked away at her phone. She cleared her throat catching their attention and drawing all the girls to their respective seats.

"Good morning every one." They all murmured and she went about pulling out a board game. "Today will play a game that gives us topic questions. Will roll this dice and move spaces and whatever we land on we take that card. The two decks are scenarios and experiences." She dumped a few player pieces on the vacant chair and they each picked one. Pinkie was to roll first seeing as her birth month was early in the year. She landed on scenarios. Taking the card she read out loud the words printed on it.

"You see your friend getting bullied and you're also friends with the person doing the bullying. What would you do?" She flipped the card on the ground under the chair for safe keeping.

"I'd beat the crap out of the bully and scold the victim before sitting them down as having a calm rational Pinkie Pie discussion."

"I think it'd be best to remove the victim from the scene and talk to them first but not name a full judgement until you get the other persons reasons." Flutter Shy added quietly looking at her tiny feet. Pinkie smiled at the girls friendly attitude and precise form of action.

"Or maybe taking them to the principal or guidance office for help?" Rarity added shyly. The group therapist smiled at the progress they made. Slowly but surely everyone would talk without poison words. Sunset Shimmer squirmed trying to form the right words. Instead these came out.

"I got bullied. No one ever stood up for me." All the girls looked at her before Flutter Shy rested her hand on other girls arm.

"Tell us about it?" She felt reassured by the small doll. She didn't know what came over her but she lost herself talking in the now mostly one sides conversation. The girls had moves closer and took turns consoling her when she was crying. She didn't know though at the moment she just wanted to talk and share her heavy lonely burden. She must have been worse then previously realised because even Twilight Sparkle shared in her pain. Se didn't say anything or have any emotion away on her face but dropped her headphones on her ears completely shutting out the outer sounds of the world. She didn't se could find so much joy in a simple song. Her tears dried on her face and she was smiling while Twilight replaced Flutter Shy and played song after song to calm her down. Miss Storge stared a little longer before finally smiling. They had made an impressive amount of progress in two days. She began picking up her things before turning to the girl and telling them they have the rest of the time free.

"Use it wisely. Go out for some tea." She patted Sunset on the back sympathetically as walked out. The seven girls decided to lay on the ground with their heads propped on a bag. They talked lightly about trivial things. And even some boys. Flutter Shy had an immense blush across her face. Rainbow thought it best to stock up on tissue paper now that she'd be around Blue Grass a whole lot more. This girl was prone to nose bleeds as a child and use to get them a lot if she ever exerted herself. She turned to see Rainbow Dash looking out a window. Slowly she grabbed a ball and still laying down kicked it at her head. The rainbow haired girl grinned. She pegged Pinkie and everything erupted in to a small but happy battle. Three girls sat out and watched the battle of CHS expand.

Flutter Shy sat up straight and her hands rested on her lap. Her serene eyes watching over such trivial of battles. Twilight stared at her and did the only thing she could think of. She gingerly put her elegant fingertips on top the girls head before slowly resting it on her. Flutter Shy stared up at her and saw the tall girl blushing and staring away. This is the most emotion she's seen all day or ever. It even stopped Pinkie and Rainbow from fighting. The pink girls foot on Rainbows cheek and the latter trying to grab her. A silent storm began to calm and it dropped as a rich quiet laughter escaped a pair of lips that never smiled . Tears welled from an overflow of happiness in usually analytical eyes. Lips turned up at corners that seemed unnatural but pleasant at the same times. All the girls lost the tension and went their separate ways in the halls. A smile on every ones faces. Except one.

Trixie sat on the edge her fingertips twirling a pair of heavy duty scissors as she stared up at the ceiling. She felt numb her body felt cold she felt everything hit her at once and at the same time she felt empty. She didn't like this not one bit. No one had noticed her slip out during the commotion the therapist probably didn't notice either all she did was simply nod at her request while watching the girls. She had come back during the finale and sat out tossing the ball to the frightful girls. Twilights laugh only made her fall deeper in to her pit. It's not like she wasn't struggling enough climbing out. They departed in the hall way and she walked as fast as she could to remain inconspicuous. Kept a poker face to avoid confrontation. Finally she reached her destination in the theatre. She was a thespian at heart and loved being in the welcoming dome she climbed up the ladder and entered a back hallway and found a door leading in to the wall.

There she sat in the darkness her sweater put to the side neatly and her skirt folded up to give her space. She sobbed as she began to carve her skin full of words. Those same words that littered every inch of her room some big some small some neat some scribbled with anger. She did her best popping strong pain killers to finish her work effectively. Nearing her final black out she put aside the bloody scissors and stared at her cut fingers and arms. She only had one place left to deface. She pulled out a mirror and put on make up the way she'd seen her "friends" do. She wanted to look beautiful when they found her. If they ever found her. She couldn't move after severing her own heel tendons. Painful work but she never left things unfinished. That was her. That was Trixie the Great and Powerful. Yes that was her.. The brightest lights get snuffed the fastest. Fast has never been quite so painful.