Where are you taking me? (A Cutie Mark tale)

by Dusty Hooves

Hard choices

Chapter one: On his way!

The Canterlot Medical Academy, or CMA as it's more commonly referred to, is quite the institution.
It is the premier and coincidentally, the only university that teaches the medical sciences in Equestria.

Just as with the other prestigious schools situated in the capitol, entrance to the school was not straightforward. There were always more applicants than places for them.

The CMA was a large school. It had many different buildings, each one dedicated to a different discipline. The largest building housed classes in basic pony biology, the smaller buildings held classes for optic, dental, pediatric and other specialities including one for pony psychology.

While not in high demand, there was still a need for therapists in Equestria. Believe it or not, even the usually happy ponies of Equestria got depressed from time to time or had relationship issues that required professional help.


Soft Touch was a young earth pony stallion living in the small town of Appleloosa. He sported a dark blue coat with a messy looking, slate grey mane and tail. His cutie mark was a notepad and pencil.
Soft Touch always had a talent for understanding other ponies feelings. He was always polite and helpful and so naturally, when he got his cutie mark, he was sure his talent was to help ponies with there emotional problems.

While he was happy with his cutie mark, his family was not so thrilled.

His family built carts. All kinds of different carts. Apple carts, utility carts and even small, mobile homes that were... Built on carts (these were very popular among traveling sales ponies and magicians).
His mother built carts, his brother built carts and his father delivered the carts to all the towns in Equestria.

His family of course, expected that Soft Touch would also find his talent in some way associated with carts. When he got his cutie mark, you can imagine their disappointment.
From then on, he was sort of an outcast in his family. Yes, they still loved him and spoke with him but you could tell he was now an outsider. The talk around the supper table was almost always related in some way to carts and he was never interested or included in the conversation.

Later, in high school, Soft Touch was an average student. Nowhere near exceptional enough to be noticed by his teachers. That, unfortunately also had the side affect of ensuring he would not be recommended for placement in any higher education.

Soft touch did not have a talent for bucking apples or any desire to build or pull a cart for a living. He was certain he was destined for other things. Appleloosa was a small town, there was not a lot of opportunity there for a pony with higher aspirations.

When Soft Touch graduated high school, he gathered what small possessions he had and left Appleloosa.
His family barely noticed when he said his goodbyes.
I'm all alone now, he thought, and it's time I start getting used to it.


Soft Touch had been in Canterlot for a week now. He came here seeking the education he needed to pursue his career.

The CMA could only accept a certain number of students each semester. The students wanting to attend this school always exceeded the number of spaces available. Therefore, prospective students were evaluated in a series of comprehensive exams, each one harder than the previous. Between these exams, students were given one weeks time to prepare for the next series.
Of course, some students had preferential placement because they had recommendations by their high school teachers and, it was rumored, some sons and daughters of influential families had their scores altered to ensure there seats in the school.

Because of the popularity of this school and others in Canterlot, a number of prep schools were formed to instruct students in their chosen field of study between exams. Preparing them for the next battery of tests. These schools were not free however. Only those ponies with the bits could attend these prep schools and gain an advantage.

Soft Touch had spent all the bits he had managed to save over the years just getting to the capitol and renting a small room. He did not have any to spare for prep school let alone food.
I have to get a job, he thought.
After trying a few different places without success, his tummy started growling... In his focused attempt to find work, he had forgotten to eat!
Way to go Soft Touch, he said to himself with more than a little sarcasm, how can you expect to do well in your exams if you can't even take care of yourself.
Now throughly disgusted with himself, his head held low, he stopped into a nearby cafe and took a seat.

"Welcome to the Saddle Brand Cafe!" said a voice next to him. Soft Touch, obsessing over the stress of today, was startled back to reality by the voice.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," said the same soft yet confident female voice.
Soft Touch looked up to see a pretty peach colored unicorn mare with an orange mane and tail, highlighted with yellow accents, looking down at him with brilliant green apologetic eyes that reminded him of an alpine meadow in springtime. Her normally wavy mane was tied up in a bun and she was wearing a stained apron. On her flank was an image of a barrel cactus with three small orange flowers growing out of it. She held a menu in her magic aura.
"Here's what we have to offer," she said. Placing the menu before him. "I'm sorry I can't stick around but I'm really busy so look it over and I'll be back to take your order in a minute, ok?"

"Oh, sure... thanks," Soft Touch replied as he watched the waitress trot back through a swinging half door he assumed led to the kitchen.
He dug through his saddlebags looking to see how many bits he had left. He was sure there were not many.

Reading through the menu, he was looking to see what the measly remaining bits he had would buy him. He settled on a simple salad and some tea. This isn't really enough to satisfy me but it's all I can afford, he thought.
As he waited for the waitress to return, he noticed there were a few other ponies also eating here as well. This place is fairly busy, he thought. The cafe itself was clean and quite inviting with a warm, country style he had not seen since he left Appleloosa.

When the waitress returned, he told her what he wanted. She gave him a questioning glance and asked, "Is that all? A stallion your size will starve without more food than that."

While of average size for an earth pony, he admittedly was slightly stockier than most unicorns who made up the majority of the population of Canterlot.
Embarrassed and starting to turn a shade of red deep enough to be seen through even his dark coat, he looked at the ground and replied, "I've come a long way to attend school here and I'm afraid I can't afford more."

Now a little embarrassed herself, the waitress said: "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be nosy. Let me go get your order." And with that, she quickly returned to the kitchen.
She returned a short time later and set down in front of him not only the salad he requested but also a fat hayburger with two slices of cheese, all the fixings and a side of fries.

"Miss," Soft Touch said, "You brought me more than I ordered. I can't possibly afford it."

Not wanting to meet his gaze, she replied, her cheeks flushing and scratching at the floor with her hoof, "Don't worry about it sweetie, the owner won't mind. And you look like you could use it." And with that she quickly turned away and trotted back to the kitchen.

After finishing his now substantial and tasty meal, Soft Touch got up and went to where he saw the waitress disappear to after she brought out his food.
Passing through the swinging half door that separated the dining area from the kitchen, Soft Touch was startled to find the waitress was the only pony back there.
Hearing him enter, she looked up from the food she was preparing. "Was everything ok?" she asked as she set down the knife she was chopping vegetables with and wiped her hooves on her apron.

"No, I-I mean yes," he stammered, "everything was absolutely delicious, the best meal I've had in a really long time. I just wanted to pay my bill and thank the owner for her kindness. I'm guessing that's you since you seem to be the only pony back here," Soft Touch said as he glanced about the small but efficient kitchen.

"Yep," she replied with an amused smile. "I'm Cactus Flower and this my cafe." She turned to face Soft Touch as she said. "I'm short staffed at the moment. My waiter quit yesterday and I haven't found a replacement yet so I'm having to prepare the orders and wait on the tables all by myself."

"O-oh," Soft Touch stammered. He was mesmerized by her smile. She was, in his opinion, the prettiest mare he had ever seen.

"Hehe," Cactus Flower giggled. "Say, not to be presumptuous but you mentioned you were low on bits. Would you happen to be looking for work? I can't pay you a lot but I need a new waiter quite desperately and besides the pay, I can offer you three meals per day." Cactus Flower looked him up and down as if she were appraising him somehow, "within reason of course," she said with a smile.

Soft touch could not believe his good luck! Here he was, down to his last few bits and out of the blue, he happens to find a job and free food!
Besides... That smile... He would work here for free if it meant seeing Cactus Flower smile like that every day.
Without hesitation Soft Touch replied, "Yes, I am looking for work." My name is Soft Touch."

"Great!" Cactus Flower exclaimed. "You can start right now." And she handed over her pad and pencil. "Have a look at the menu and familiarize yourself with what we have to offer. Besides taking and delivering orders, you'll also be responsible for cleaning up after the customers and setting the tables." She then rummaged around the counter and came up with another apron and handed it to Soft Touch. "And put this on," she added. Soft Touch hesitated, looking at the offered apron. "Don't worry, it's clean." Cactus Flower giggled, adding; "but I don't think it's going to stay that way for long."

Taking the pad, pencil and apron from her he said: "Thank you for the opportunity Cactus Flower, I'll do my best."
