//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Resurrection confusion. // Story: The Return of a Fallen Ally // by Autumn Lightsky //------------------------------// Twilight Twilight was in Canterlot Castle's library studying a spell on resurrection. She had lived in ponyville for about two years now. She loved it there. She loved her friends, especially Spike, who was like a son to her. However, she had this feeling like she was supposed to be here. Like she was meant to find a certain spell. Yet, she had no idea what for. "Come on... There has to be something in this tome about resurrection." The purple unicorn wanted to curse at it, but she didn't feel like it was the place to do so. She sighed and put the tome in her saddlebag. She then walked out to the gardens. When she was a filly the gardens always seemed to clear her head when she was stressed. She then came across a familiar yet confusing statue. ~The strange creature who served Equestria till the end~ "Does thou still have a sense of confusion when seeing him young Twilight?" A regal voice asked. A little startled, Twilight turned around to see Princess Luna standing behind her. "Princess? What are you doing here?" Twilight stammered "Why, looking at the statues, same as you. Dost my eyes play tricks and thou motives different?" "N-no! Of course not Princess. I was just looking at this one in particular. I was wondering if there was some way I could bring him to life so I could talk to him." Luna then gave Twilight a shocked look. "What is it Princess?" "Quickly, come with me." Luna teleported Twilight with her magic to her royal quarters. "Tell me, have you been looking through the castle library to find a resurrection spell?" "Y-yes I have been.. And why aren't you talking in your normal way Princess?" She was surprised at the sudden interest, but also perplexed at how Luna could talk like normal ponies. "Those books hold no useful information on the matter. Come with me. I shall give you the journal of a necromancer's. It shall allow you to learn a proper resurrection spell." Luna pulled one of the books of her bookshelf and it moved to reveal a pedestal with a lone, tattered, book laying on it. "Necromancer? Why do you have this journal Princess? And why are you so eager on letting me have it?" Twilight asked, her sense of uncomfort clear in her voice. She stared at the journal, curious as to what the contents were. Luna levitated the journal and set it into Twilight's saddlebags. "I have seen potential in you Twilight Sparkle. You have the greatest untapped power of magic that has ever existed. If anyone can help our fallen friend return, it is you." Twilight stood there in shock. She couldn't surmise the words to respond to what Luna had just said. "I-I'll get right on it Princess." She bowed and quickly retreated back to her quarters. "How am I going to do this?"