//------------------------------// // 6: Death, Life, and Arguments [Rainbow's POV] // Story: Tirek's 5 Quests // by Short Stories 2 //------------------------------// It felt like we have been trudging through this Nether-desert for hours. Flava occasionally through us super-speed potions, but, it was still a bit exhausting. I tried to fly multiple times, but, my wing was far from healing. "Flava, why can't you just use healing potion on my wing?" I asked. "For the 100th time, I DON'T HAVE ANY LEFT!" She called back from AJ's head. "This well is in the center of the Nether. So is my little house. I'll get some when we get there." "And how long will that be?" "A week, at the shortest." "Then we can't go." I said. Applejack stopped in her tracks, and turned around so Flava could look at me without falling off. "Why do you say that?" She asked. "We have two days to finish these four quests. Otherwise, we get disintegrated." I explained. AJ nodded slightly. "Oh! Well, that's a problem..." "No, duh." "You do realize I have some potions of pision and Instant Harming as well, right?" Flava asked me snarkily. "I would watch that attitude of yours if I were you." I started to grumble in protest, but Applejack shot me a look and I stopped. "How do ya suggest we get water, then?" Applejack asked her; "Ya sure ya don't have any healing potion left? Rainbow can fly real fast and get it within an hour er two." I nodded proudly, waiting for an angry shout from the tiny thing. "Well..." she said instead, there was a pause, then a sigh. "I do know where to get some....I guess....." Applejack and I beamed, excited to get another stupid quest overwith. "Where?" We asked simutaniously. Flava sighed again. "I have a Ghast friend that's kind of....different...just like me...." "Why didn't you tell us about her bfore?!" I shout, "and I thought you said you were lonley! How can you be lonley if you have a friend by your side?!" Flava glared at me, reaching into her little sash. Applejack winced on my behlf and ran over to me, slapping her hoof across my mouth. "What she means is," Applejack said with a nervous chuckle, "where is this nice-soundin friend a yers?" Flava shrugged, jumping from AJ's head to mine. "Not sure." She said simply. "Haven't seen her in two years." I groaned, reciving another glare from Applejack and probably Flava as well. "Okay..." Applejack tried, "do ya remeber where ya last saw her?" "Him." Flava corrected. I felt her site down on my head, something smooth--probably paper--being spread out seconds later. "Do ya know where ya saw him last?" Applejack asked. "We don't have much time, ya know." Flava sighed. "I think I might have an idea." She said, "but we need a ton of diamonds." Applejack looked through her saddlebag and came up empty. I looked through mine and only found one. "It won't work." Flava said, sliding down me to get to the neatherrack, shaking her head with disapointment. There was something else in her tone, to. Joy, maybe? "Is there somethin' you ain't tellin us Flava?" Applejack asked. Flava shook her head again, facing away from the both of us. "Let me try again." Applejack huffed, "Is there somethin you ain't tellin us, Spark?" Flava immedinaly tensed up, then hopped from neather rack black to nether rack block until she was slightly above Applejack. "You did not just go there." She seethed. "Oh, ah did." Applejack smirked, showing no sign of fear. "And ah'd be happy to go there again. Lest ya tell us who an where yer freind is." "I already told you. I. Don't Know!" Flava screamed. Applejack remained unfazed, still having that smirk on her face. She was getting herself in trouble. She needed to stop. Now. "Oh, sure ya don't." She responded. I knew what was coming next; I was too slow to stop it. "Spark." "That's it!" Flava yelled, turning a new shade of red with each huff. "You asked for this!" She took out a shiny, black bottle from her sash. It was the normal shape of a potion; wasn't strangly shaped like a splash potion. I had an instant feeling of dred once I realized what she was plannin to do. She took the bottle and drank it all, having a supeior look on her face for a matter of momments. She soon felt the potions effects and fainted on the spot. Applejack somehow reached into her pouch and pulled out two red potions. She threw one to me and gave three drops to Flava, then put it in her saddlebag. Flava woke with a start, confused but still angry at my friend. "Ready to talk now?" Applejack asked with confidence. Flava did a mix of a groan, sigh, and scream. "Fine." She saif throuh it all, "I guess it's storytime. Again."