//------------------------------// // Special 2 // Story: The Sun of My Heart // by BlueSun52 //------------------------------// Love Finds A Way - Alternate Universe Post Equestria Girls Soul let out a yawn as he walked down the trail towards the school he goes to. Canterlot High. He stretched out his arms to get the cramps out of his body. As he was walking, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him. “Goodmorning, cuz,” Applejack greeted as she walked right next to him. Soul smiled at his cousin. “Morning Applejack,” he greeted. He looked around for a moment. “Hey, where’s-” Before he could finish, he was tackled from behind and was being grabbed by a little girl with red hair and a small pink bow on it. “Goodmorning, cousin!” Apple Bloom beamed. “Ah’m so happy to see ya again!” “I’m happy to see you too, little Bloom,” Soul said as he patted the top of Apple Bloom’s head. “So, Ah’ve been wondering about something,” Applejack inquired. “Have any plans for this upcoming Fall Formal?” “Not that I know of,” Soul replied. “I mean come on, who would go out with a guy like me?” “Oh don’t be like that,” Applejack said. “You’re a sweet guy even if you can be a bit of a smart mouth sometimes.” “Awww, you know me too well,” Soul commented. “Some of my friends would like to go out with you,” Apple Bloom said. “Umm, that’s flattering and all but I think it’s best that I don’t go out with a freshmen while I’m a junior,” Soul replied. “It might send the wrong message to a lot of folks.” Apple Bloom rubbed her chin. “Good point,” she said. “That properly wouldn’t have worked anyway.” “Anyways, there’s a ton of girls here that would be interested in ya,” Applejack said. “Well, maybe not all of them.” “Or none of them at all,” Soul commented. “Besides, I’m not that interested in the dance anyway. I’ve got other plans.” “Is it playing video games all night?” Applejack guessed. “See, you know me too well.” Applejack rolled her eyes. While the three were walking, a car in the parking lot pulled up and a girl with red hair with yellow streaks walked out of it. Every student that was near her panicked and tried to either run away or hide from her. She smirked at the sight of terror that surrounded her and went into the building after she passed two boys that saluted to her and followed her. Soul raised a brow at what had happened and notice that he was shaking. He looked down to see his little cousin hiding behind him as she closed her eyes. He looked over to Applejack. “Who was that?” he asked. Applejack raised a brow. “You're kidding me right?” she asked. Soul shook his head. “I’ve been here for a couple of weeks, remember?” he commented. “That was Sunset Shimmer!” “Who?” “One of the most nastyous varmints that ever walked on the face of the earth!” “I don’t know, she looked cute,” Soul commented. Applejack smacked herself in the forehead. “Ah never thought to hear that from any of my relatives,” she commented before looking back at Soul. “Okay short version, she’s mean as a wasp and she loves to make people miserable.” “Oh, so she’s a she-demon?” Soul asked. “Yes.” “Gotcha,” Soul said. “Well, Ah better head off,” Applejack said. “Me too,” Apple Bloom said before she hugged her cousin one last time. Soul returned the hug with his own and let Apple Bloom go. His cousins went into the building and followed suit into it as well. Soul walked down the hallways as he whistle a tune to himself. He got to his locker and unlocked it. He put his bag in and grabbed a few of his notes for his class before he closed it. Just as he was about to make his way around a corner, he accidentally bumped into someone and they fell over. Soul winced back. “I-I’m sorry, are you okay?” he asked concernedly. The person that was on the floor was a girl and when she looked up at him, Soul recognized who it was. Sunset Shimmer. She glared at him. “Watch where you’re going!” she yelled. “Are you blind or something.” Soul pursed his lips. “No, otherwise you would have been jabbed by a cane instead,” he joked. “What did you say to me!?” Sunset asked angrily. Soul shrugged off her angry glare. “Relax, I’m just kidding,” he said and offered her his hand. “Need help getting up?” Sunset slapped away his hand. “I don’t need any help from you,” she said as she got up and patted her skirt. Soul raised a brow at her comment and looked down to see her notes on the ground. He reached for them and stacked them together before he handed them over to her. “Here’s your-” “Whatever,” Sunset said as she snatched away the notes from Soul’s hand and walked passed him. Soul rubbed the back of his head as he watched her walked down the hallway. He let out a sigh and continued his way towards his class. It was now lunch time and every student at CHS was in the cafeteria. Soul was eating his mashed potatoes while he sat with his friends, Swift, Clyde, Rivet, Tyrone, Thunderlane and Night as they chatted with one another. “So Clyde, any chance with going out with this Rarity you talk about sometimes?” Rivet asked. “Doubt it, she’s like one of the most popular girls in school,” Clyde replied. “How would a guy like me go out with her?” “It wouldn’t hurt to ask,” Thunderlane said. “I mean, you don’t want to end up like Swift here.” “Hey!” “Swift dawg, as cool as you can be at times, you still need to build up the guts to ask Pinkie out,” Tyrone said. “It’s been two years man!” “I know, I know, but she’s just so cute,” Swift said. “How can a guy like me ever be with a girl like her?” “I’m pretty sure you two are on the same level,” Rivet commented. “Like she’s the class clown and you became a clown.” “That was one time!” Swift said as he crossed his arms. “So how have you been doing, Soul?” Night asked. “Doing good,” Soul replied. “Though I did had a run in with Sunset.” “Dang and you lived?” Tyrone asked. “I’m guessing who ever does doesn’t come out unscratched,” Soul commented. “Pretty much, but I guess she was in a good mood if you survived,” Clyde said. “What with the Fall Formal coming up.” “I wouldn’t say good mood,” Soul commented. “But yeah, that might be why she’s-” “YOU’RE BREAKING UP WITH ME!?” Everyone in the room froze up and looked over to see Sunset angrily glaring down her boyfriend, Flash Sentry. “Look, I’m sorry but the way you act isn’t cool and I’ve had enough of it,” Flash said. “So, it’s over.” Sunset let out a growl as she turned away from Flash and stomped out of the cafeteria. The students in her way either hid behind they trays, hid underneath their tables or ran out the windows. Just as she went through the doors and was out of sight, everyone let out cheers. They were congratulating Flash for dumping her and saying he was better off without her. “Bout time,” Swift said as everyone else at the table looked at him. “What? He’s been one of my best pals, of course I would be glad for him.” “I’m with you on that, Swift,” Thunderlane said. “I just never understood why he would go out with one of the most evil woman in the world.” “Anyways, cheers for the dawg who’s now single and back on the market,” Tyrone said as he lifted his milk carton up. The others did the same and tapped each others before taking drinks out of them. Soul placed his milk carton back on his tray and looked up to the guys. “Hey, I’ve got go,” he said. “I need to take something out of my locker.” Soul got up and made his way towards the lockers. Soul walked down the hallways as he made his way towards his locker. Just as he turned around the corner, he once again bumped into someone and cursed himself from not learning from the first time. This time he tripped over and fell down with the person in his arms onto his back. Soul shook his and looked up. “Geez, I’m sorry,” he said. “I thought I was-” Soul’s eyes widen with surprise when he saw who was on top of him. It was Sunset as she was glaring at him once more but what surprised Soul wasn’t bumping into her again. But that she had tears in her eyes. “Seriously!? Are you really that stupid!?” Sunset yelled. She got up onto her feet and wiped away the tears from her eyes. “Look before you walk, idiot!” Soul rubbed the back of his head. “I’ll um remember that,” he said. Just as Sunset turned her back on him and she was walking away, Soul felt something nagging at him in the back of his head. Time slow downed for him as he saw the tears in her eyes and felt sad for her. Even what Applejack and everyone else said about her, he was concerned for her. Going against his better instincts, he inhaled what was possibly his last breath and spoke. “Are you okay?” he asked concernedly. Sunset stopped in her tracks and stood silent for a moment. Soul gulped as the sudden silent was making him nervous. He could hear her sniff a few times before she looked back at him. “Of course I’m not,” she hissed. “I’ve just got dumped in front of the whole school. Now I’ve got to work twice as hard to win this years Fall Formal Princess. *Sigh* Doesn’t matter anyway, everyone still fears me enough to know what would happen if any of them tries to step up.” “Does winning a meanless title in high school really that important?” Soul asked. “I mean, yeah that does sound cool right now but it’ll be useless when you have to go to college and find a job while-” “Would you shut up!” Sunset yelled. Soul winced back. “Why am I wasting time talking to you!?” Sunset asked. “You’re probably just some lonely dreeb that just like to play games, draws art or whatever the hell you do!” Soul raised a brow. “Have you been spying on me?” he asked. Sunset growled and walked away with a huff. The moment Sunset was out of sight, Soul let out a sigh of relieve. “Oh man, that was close,” he said to himself. “Note to self, never do something like that again.” It was near the end of school and everyone was leaving for their homes. Soul was almost the last person out as he walked down the hallway. He was at his locker and was placing his notes and other things into his locker before picking up his bag. Just as he was about to close his locker, looked to his right and yelped when he saw Sunset glaring at him. Soul gulped as she glared at him and gave out a weak smile. “H-Hey Sunset, what’s up?” he asked meekly. “I’ve got one question for you,” Sunset said. “Did you tell anyone else what had happened?” “Um, what at the cafeteria?” Soul asked. “It was kinda hard not talk about it since everyone-” “I meant when you bumped into me the second time!” Sunset angrily clarified. “You didn’t tell anyone I cried did you?” “N-No, I swear!” Soul pleaded. “Good,” Sunset said before she grabbed around Soul’s shirt collar. “Because if you do, I will make your life a living hell.” Sunset shoved Soul back and he was beginning to trip. Soul reached out to Sunset and grabbed her by her jacket and the two fell into his locker and the door was shut. Sunset’s eyes widen with fear and she turned around and pushed against the door. Her attempts to get out failed as the locker was shut tight. “Great! Look what you did!” Sunset shouted. “Now we’re stuck in here.” “Me? You were the one that pushed me!” Soul countered. “Yeah well…. Shut up!” Sunset said. “Good come back,” Soul commented. “I am literally an inch from your face, I can punch that mouth right off,” Sunset said. “Good point.” “How the hell are we going to get out of here?” Sunset asked. “Don’t you have your cellphone?” Soul asked. “It’s in my purse,” Sunset replied. “What about yours?” “I have mine but its out of power.” “What? How is your phone out of power?” Sunset asked. “What have you been doing with it?” “I just forgot to recharge it yesterday and… well… I had to survive chemistry class so I watched a few videos to help me out with it.” “So, you cheated then?” “Look, I did not hear the teacher say we couldn’t use our phones to help us…. and yes,” Soul replied. “Great, now we have to wait for someone to pass by,” Sunset said. “So, what are we going to do until then to kill the time?” Soul asked. “What I’m going to be doing is thinking of ways to kill you when I get out of here,” Sunset said. “And if it takes too long, I’ll go ahead and kill you anyway.” “Wow, I am questioning how you even had a boyfriend in the first place,” Soul said. “I only used Flash just so I can be more popular,” Sunset explained. “That’s lame,” Soul commented. “Shut up!” “Hey, is someone in there?” a voice from outside asked. Sunset turned around to see that someone was there. “Oh thank god, quick get me out of here!” Sunset pleaded. “I don’t want to be with this idiot for another minute.” “I have a name you know,” Soul said. “Wait, is that Sunset Shimmer I hear in there?” the voice asked before letting out a laugh. “HAHAHAHA! Oh, this is too good!” “Rainbow Dash!? What are you doing here?” Sunset asked. “Well duh, I came to get some of stuff out of my locker,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Who’s in there with you?” “Um hi, my name is Soul,” Soul greeted. “My cousin is Applejack. You may have heard of her.” “Oh, I’ve heard of her,” Rainbow Dash said. “I know she’s a backstabbing liar.” “What?” “You know this is good,” Rainbow Dash said. “I can get back at her by leaving her cousin locked up in here since she left me and the other Wonder Colts hanging after the stunt she pulled over us.” “What about me!?” Sunset asked. “I just plain hate you,” Rainbow Dash said bluntly. “Now if you would excuse me, I have a school to leave. Have a nice night.” “Rainbow Dash, get back here!?” Sunset yelled as she heard laughter slowly lowering until she couldn’t hear it anymore. She let out a growl before slamming her head against the locker. “Great, one of my best plans turned against me.” “What are you talking about?” Soul asked. “And what did she mean by my cousin being a backstabbing liar? She’s never been any of those. But she is a front puncher though.” “I got them to believe that they were doing something the other was doing and tricked them to bring their groups into something that other was going to do but it never happened,” Sunset explained. “In short, I ruined their friendship.” “You did what!?” Soul asked. “You ruined my cousin’s friendship?” “Yeah, so what of it?” It was Soul’s turned to glare down angrily at Sunset and she was getting nervous. “Listen up and listen good,” Soul threatened. “You can do whatever the hell you want to me, but if you dare try to hurt my cousin or her friends or our family, I’ll be the one giving you a reason to run for the hills.” Sunset gulped. “G-Got it.” “After we’re out of here, I’ll be the one to tell her what you did and pray that she’s in a good mood,” Soul said before leaning up against the wall and looking away from Sunset. Sunset give out a sigh of relief when Soul backed away from her and looked away from him as well. The two remained silent as time went by. Sunset was feeling her legs begin to tire from standing and was beginning to feel warm in her jacket. She looked over to Soul for a moment remembering their conversation. She feared to ask anything to him but her tired legs were begging her otherwise. Sunset let out a sigh. “Um, Soul is it? Do you mind if we just sit down?” she asked. “I’m getting tired of standing up like this.” Soul looked over to her with a blank expression before letting out a sigh. “Yeah, that sounds like an idea,” he said. “I’m kinda surprised to see that we got plenty of room in here…. Wow, these things must be really well funded.” Soul sat down first before Sunset sat on his lap. Sunset blushed as she sat on him and while she did, she felt something poking at her. She glared over to him and Soul blushed. “I’m sorry,” Soul said as he reached down into his pocket and pulled out his pen. “Forgot I had this on me.” Sunset raised a brow. “Wait, I thought…. Never mind,” she said. The two remained silent for a long while before Soul spoke up. “Hey I’ve got a question,” Soul said. “What is it?” “Why do you care whether or not you win the Fall Formal?” Soul asked. “From what I’ve been told, you’re the top of every class in the school and can be really smart. So, why do you care so much about a title?” Sunset let out a sigh. “You’ll never believe me,” she replied. “I could surprise you,” Soul commented. Sunset looked back at him for a moment before she let out a sigh. “Fine, here goes,” she started. “..... I’m actually a pony from another world.” “.... Wait, what?” Sunset started telling Soul her whole story about her life back in Equestria. She told him how she was the most gifted unicorn at her school and that she was the apprentice of the most powerful leader of all of her country. She later on explained that she felt like her master was holding her back and that she wanted to be a princess just like her. Her master had told her that her studies were finished and that she was no longer her apprentice. In her anger, Sunset seized an opportunity to use a magic mirror to come to this world and every since she had heard about the Fall Formal and the title it gives, it made her feel like she was a real princess. Sunset finished her story and looked back Soul. “And that’s why I want to win the Fall Formal so bad,” she finished. Soul had a blank expression on him as he was trying to comprehend what he had just heard. He bluck a few times before speaking up. “Wow, that is… Wow, I don’t know how to reply to that,” Soul said. “That’s because you don’t believe me,” Sunset said. “What? No, I didn’t say that!” Soul pleaded. “I mean, how often does someone hear something like that everyday? Maybe in a anime or video game but that’s about it.” “Just shut up,” Sunset said. “You don’t have to pretend that you believe me.” “Look, I never said you were lying,” Soul said. “If you say that you were a pony from another world, then who am I to judge a cute girl?” Sunset blushed and raised a brow at him. “Did you just call me cute?” “Um eehhh, no,” Soul lied with his face scrunched up. ‘I’m doing that face again! I hate you, Applejack!’ The next thing Soul never expected to hear in his entire life was hearing Sunset giggle. He felt at first uncomfortable hearing her laugh but after a moment, it was making him smile and his heart felt warm from hearing it. Sunset turned her body around and looked at Soul’s eyes. “Tell me the truth, do you believe me?” Sunset asked softly. “I want to know.” Soul gazed into her eyes as he felt a bit lost in them. He never noticed them before every time he saw her but for the first time, he was staring at them and they were very beautiful to him. He then smiled and nodded. “I do,” he answered. “I really do believe you.” Sunset smiled as tears swelled up in her eyes. “Thank you,” she said. Soul couldn’t help but feel warm inside when he saw Sunset’s smile. After a moment of gazing into each others eyes, the locker opened and the two looked up to see a woman with shining blue hair stood in front of them. She gasped and looked at the two with concern. “Oh my goodness, are you okay?” the woman asked concernedly. “How did you two get trapped in here?” Sunset gulped. “Well, you see-” “We tripped!” Soul cut Sunset. “Yep, I totally forgot to tie my shoes correctly and I bumped into her and we both fell into the locker.” “Are you two alright?” the woman asked. “Yes, we’re okay,” Soul replied. Both Sunset and Soul got out of the locker and they stretched for a moment. The woman let out a sigh of relief and looked to the two. “Well, I hope that this teaches you to tie your shoes better,” she said. “You two should head on home now.” “Will do, Miss Luna,” Sunset said. “Have a safe trip back,” Luna said before made her leave as she left the two alone. When Luna was out of sight, Sunset looked over to Soul with a confused look. “Why didn’t you tell her what I did?” she asked. “Or let me tell her what really happened?” “What and leave my friend high and dry?” Soul replied. “I wouldn’t do that.” Sunset’s eyes widen. “Freind? You would really consider me as one?” she asked in a shocked tone. “Why not? We got along well in the locker,” Soul said. “I wouldn’t have called it that,” Sunset commented. “And I did say a lot of things to you.” “Don’t worry about it, I’ll live,” Soul said. There was a moment of awkward silence between the two until he spoke up again. “Ssooo, I’ll um, see you tomorrow?” Sunset looked at Soul and remained silent for a moment before looking back at him with a smile. “Yeah, tomorrow,” she said. Soul smiled and started to leave with Sunset walking by him. The two left the building together and when they were walking by the parking lot, Sunset leaned over to Soul and kissed him on the cheek. Soul blushed when she did and looked to see that she winked at him. Soul watched as she walked away from him and after she got in her and car and pulled it out of her spot, she waved goodbye to him as he did the same. Soul smiled and continued to walk on as he felt something warm in his heart while his thoughts were only on a certain girl that he was beginning to think he was in love with.