
by gamer52599

Day Seven

January 13 2015

7:00:00:00 since first infection

Dallas, Texas

Just my luck!

Just two day’s ago, almost one percent of the DFW area had been infected by my mystery disease.

But, luckily the biologist had got a hold on me, on the substance. It's the source of the virus.

Then Derick got a hold of me saying he’s going to Atlanta to inform the CDC about this virus and before he left I told him what the biologist had told me, and it was problematic for sure, but that's not what worries me.

Derick said that if this virus did come from that tube, then it may not be something we can fight, or at least not easily.

So today is my first day in a self admitted quarantine, too bad this is not going to be an easy thing with what’s about to happen.

I was working on one of my jobs(a bug fix.) When it happened.

It felt weird, not really painful, not really enjoyable either.

But what it felt like was my hearing suddenly blacked out and then it felt like water running up my head.

When my hearing came back, it was much clearer. But coming from the wrong point on my head.

When I felt for where my ears should have been. I found just a flat area of my head like I never had ears in the first place.

I ran to the bathroom to find out where my ears are…

What I saw made me blink, and then again. I could not believe what I was seeing.

The ears on the side of my head were gone, and on the top of my head were cat-like ears, but unlike the ones on my cat, these were a bright orange.

I leapt towards my phone. Only one person knew about my self quarantine. So only Derick could come to see this possible symptom of the virus.

“Allen… Is anything wrong? You don’t normally call me when I’m at Atlanta unless it’s important.”

“I think I’ve found a possible new symptom of the disease.”

“... Tell me… Is it lethal?”

“Non-lethal but very visible.”

“I’m coming over.”

When he got here he knocked on the door, I looked through the peephole to make sure it was him, and to make sure he was wearing a face mask. Both of which were a yes, so I let him in.

“So whats this new symptom?”

“You're looking at it.” I said, holding my hair up in such a way it shows where my ears were, as well as where my ears are now.

“What the f:yay:ck!”

“I know, Its wierd.”

“What are they?”

“No idea! They look like cat ears don’t they?”

“They are orange. They are very unnaturally colored.” He said. “Whatever they are, lets keep an eye on this.”

“So you’re staying with me?”

“No, we’re going to Atlanta.”

“But I can’t leave here! Not without infecting the rest of the city!”

“Then lets do a check up system, call me if another change happens.”


January 13 2015

7:10:00:00 since first infection

Atlanta, Georgia

Once I was back in Atlanta I immediately went to the CDC to inform them of this new development, bringing pictures along so they will believe me.

“If you told me this with or without proof I would probably have laughed at you. Would say you fell a prank, but this is clearly no prank, according to your report on the patient.”

“Not only that, he is the index case of this disease.”

“Well then he’s doing our job for us then. But we still need to do an official isolation.”

“That should be easy just leave him be and mark his house as isolated.”

“It’s not that simple. You see we need to make sure he does not come out. That's why we will be locking it down as well.”

“You can’t be kidding me! He already is staying indoors!”

“We can’t give privileges in this sort of work Mr. Kenderson. If we give Mr. Woods more freedom for obedience than others who don’t deserve, it may ask for it.”

To say I was angry would be an understatement. I was downright furious! But I can’t overrule the second in command. So I had to go with it.

“In other news the disease has had an outbreak spreading to the area's around the DFW area."

“This fire is still small, think we can stop this thing before it gets any worse?”

“Not everyone went to the hospital when their symptoms showed they were spreading an epidemic. There may be some of the disease moving around that we don’t know about.”

I knew where he was going with this, if there are those who will travel even when showing signs of a disease. We may have a bigger problem on our hands.

This day has ended, but virus’ never sleep!