How to be a school filly

by Party Pop

Walk like an Egyptian

If someone had asked Alex what he thought was in store for him on this particular Thursday, he probably wouldn't have guessed that his crush, Sarah Mellins, would come to school transformed into her pony OC. Even if they had said it was something completely out of the ordinary, he would probably never have figured it out. Not even paying him would have helped. But that was exactly what happened to him that day. He was minding his own business, sitting in a classroom, waiting for school to begin, and reading a Country Balls comic, when he heard his friend, Chuck, coming in. He smiled, and put away his laptop, getting up to talk to his friend.

"Hey, Chuck! What's up?" He asked, secretly hoping for some news about Sarah. She hadn't come to school for three days, and he was worried.

"Alex, I've got something to show you, but it's pretty shocking." Chuck said, looking, to tell the truth, a bit scared.

"What, your balls finally dropped?" Alex teased, trying to lighten his friend's mood. Chuck smirked and shoved him playfully.

"Pfft, no, it's not that." He replied, feeling a little better. But he soon sobered back up. "But this is really pretty serious. This is something that will change both of us forever."

"Well, show me." Alex said, by now getting concerned. Chuck looked his dead in the eyes.

"You have to promise not to scream." Chuck said, looking more serious than Alex had ever seen him before.

"Um... Sure, I guess." Alex said, now very confused. Chuck looked behind him, to the door.

"Ok, Sarah, you can come in now." He called out. Alex's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates and his jaw dropped when he saw Sarah's OC, Inky Cloud, walking in. A faint squealing noise started to come out of him from the shock. Chuck instantly covered up Alex's mouth with his hands.

"I said no screaming!!!" He said, annoyed with Alex.

"I'm not!" Alex said, muffled by the hands.

Sarah walked closer to him, looking up, and up some more, into his big brown eyes. She blushed a little, as she always did near him. He was enormous, towering over her, and even Chuck, who was a bit taller than her. She wondered if all middle eastern men were this tall, and stood before him, absorbing the sheer energy of his presence. As she always did, she wished she could stroke his soft, smooth, warm brown skin, and ruffle up his curly black hair as he pulled her closer, his soft, warm lips inching ever closer to her own as they-

"So, you're a pony now?" Alex said, interrupting her girly daydream. She blinked for a moment, recollecting herself.

"Yeah, I guess. I just woke up like this a few days ago. I don't think I'm changing back anytime soon." She said, embarrassed that she had slipped into fantasy mode in front of him yet again. Alex stood there momentarily, absorbing the situation. His crush had turned into a pony, possibly forever. Would he be able to explain this to his parents and have them understand? What would his sister think? Could ponies and humans make babies? Why the hell did he want to know the answer to that last question? He looked into Sarah's big, dark blue eyes. Finally, a smile spread across his face. He hugged Sarah tight, then played with her mane a bit.

"Well, at least you're an adorable one." He said, which felt like music to Sarah's ears.