A New World, a Fearful Way

by Votederpycausemufins

ch. 41 Bluegrass

“No! Don’t let him leave! Can someone use Vine Whip?” Matrix was trying to give orders in the chaos they were now faced with. After a rather calm day since Angela had left, Quarry had finally decided to turn on them. But in a way, it seemed unnatural.
“HE SAID VINE WHIP!” Cacturne yelled at a nearby ivysaur. The pokemon quickly did as he was told and held down Quarry.
“I don’t get it. Why would Quarry decide to attack us now instead of when he first got here? And why did he want to be tied up?” Midnight asked.
Cacturne smirked. “I guess he’s strong for a pony. Never seen anyone last that long before the aftershock of the chip came in.”
“Aftershock?” Caddi asked. “What do you mean?”
“Well, the one problem with using the chips is that the personality of the one using it to control others kinda rubs off on them. When it’s been used on you a bunch, the effect doesn’t really last that long, like for me. But on pokemon, or in this case, ponies who haven’t had it done that much, the effect is more prominent at can last for a little while. The exact time depends on how much they were controlled and for how long.”
Matrix’s eyes widened. “Is that why Angela’s been acting so weird lately? She had probably gotten used to it before when she was still on your team, but it’s been a few years and she probably lost her resistance to it.”
“That might be it. Serves her right.” Cacturne replied.
“No it doesn’t!” Kya said, joining the conversation as she jumped on Cacturne. “She’s trying to help her family! Would you like it if you were trying to do that but something like this happened to you?!”
“I-I guess not.” He replied, not liking the fire type positioned on top of him.
“That’s what I thought!”
After the group has finally gotten Quarry into a position that he wouldn’t be able to easily escape from, the group started to settle down to sleep for the night. Kya was the only one who wouldn’t go to sleep.
“Hey, are you alright?” Citrus asked. She had decided to stay the night in case anything happened, as she would know immediately.
“I just really miss my mommy, and now I’m scared that something might happen to Angela.”
“Well, don’t worry. Even though we’re stationed here, there are other ponies and pokemon looking for your mom. Maybe later I can introduce you to one of the ones I’ve met.”
“Oooo! What’s their name?”
“Her name’s Bluegrass. She comes to visit here sometimes to see how the berries that are being grown on the roof are doing. It makes sense since she runs a gardening shop.”
“I don’t know if she’ll like me.” Kya’s fire went out as the ears drooped a little. “Since she likes plants, Bluegrass might not like a fire type.”
“Well I think that she’ll still like you as long as you don’t do anything bad. Are there any plant and fire type pokemon?”
“Well, first, it’s called grass, not plant. Second, no, there’s not.”
“Really? Nothing like a pokemon that resembles a pepper or something.”
“No, nothing like that.”
“Seriously? I heard that there was a pokemon that looked like a keyring, but there’s not a pepper pokemon?”
“Well that’s weird. Anyway, I think Bluegrass will still like you. She’s really friendly and tries to help everypony. Well, in your case it would be everybody.”
“What do you think she’s doing now?” Kya asked.
“Well, while she’s helping us look for your mom, Bluegrass also has her shop to run. But at this point in the day, she might be closing up, though she does have a few last minute customers. I’d guess that she’ll be out looking for your mom in a few minutes time if she’s not a;ready.”
“That’s good.” Kya replied before starting to curl up near Citrus.

“Excuse me? Is there anyone here? Your sign said you were still open and I wanted to speak to the owner.”
Bluegrass stepped out from the backroom. “Hey there! Need some help or somethin’? Ah was just ‘bout ta close for the night, but ah guess ah can help you before that.” Bluegrass went to the front and flipped the sign in the front window. “Now, whatcha need?”
The umbreon that had entered walked closer to Bluegrass. “I heard you know about a pony named Rage Spell, who I’m trying to find. Do you know where-”
“Wait! Can ya stop for a moment? Ah can’t understand what you’re sayin’. Maybe you can write down what ya need and then ah can help.”
The umbreon eventually was able to very messily write ‘RAGE SPELL?’ so that she could get a response from Bluegrass.
“You’re that pokemon that Lea’s friends told me ‘bout! The one lookin’ for her! Ah’m sorry, but ah don’t like talkin’ ‘bout her.”
“Please! I really want to find her!”
“Tryin’ ta convince me isn’t gonna do much for ya. Ah’ve got mind mind set and- Watch out there!”
The umbreon had been walking around, not looking where she was going and walked right into a display of flowers with caution signs around it. One of the legs broke, and all the flowers toppled over and fell, covering the eeveelution.
“Here, let me help ya up. We should get that cleaned up ‘fore-”
The umbreon didn’t let her finish. “You already said you wouldn’t help. Why would you offer now? I… I’ll find out about Rage Spell somewhere else.”
She bolted out of the shop before Bluegrass could stop her. “Great! Well, ah bet she’ll be back later, but now ah need ta figure out how ah’m gonna clean these flowers up.” Bluegrass said to herself looking at the pile of blue flowers on the ground. “Well, ah think ah got the stuff ah need for an antidote. If it weren’t for the ponies that use it in potions an’ such, ah probably wouldn’t even sell poison joke here.”
Bluegrass started to clean up the mess before she started to wonder again. ‘Why in Equestria would that pokemon want to know about Rage Spell. And how does she even know about that mare?
Finally Bluegrass finished cleaning up, so she packed the ingredients she needed in her saddlebags and headed off for home. She and her pokemon friends agreed that they could stay in the shop if they protected it from any thieves (not that there were any) and didn’t destroy anything. So far, they had actually done a better job of that than Bluegrass had herself.
The earth mare was wondering what they might be doing when she ran into a pony who had been walking the streets. “Oh! Sorry ‘bout that. Ah wasn’t lookin’ where ah was going.” Bluegrass told the mare she had run into while she tried to get up from the ground. She had landed in an awkward position and was having trouble to stand back up. A yellow hoof was extended towards her from the mare.
“Thanks for helping me up mi-” Bluegrass froze. The pony standing in front of her was a face she recognized. From the indigo eyes, to the greyish, cornflower blue hair, Bluegrass recognized the mare as her cousin.
“What are ya doin’ in town?” Bluegrass asked. “Ponies might be looking for ya!”
“I know there are ponies looking for me! Pokemon too! The thing is, no one seems to remember the old me, just the new me And the new me is who they’re searching for.”
“How long have ya been in town?” Bluegrass questioned.
“I never left! I remember the day you moved back to Hoofington and set up your shop. I even came to visit. It seems that mane dye can fool even what little family I have left. Seems fitting since you decided to leave me!” Bluegrass’ cousin explained.
“Now ya know ah didn’t have a choice there. Mah parents decided to leave.”
“But they knew that I was all alone. They knew it was a mistake, but they left me here. Do you have any idea what I’ve gone through trying to live here?”
“Ah can’t say that ah do…”
“Of course not!”
“R- Spell… you know ah-”
“That’s not my name anymore!” Spell yelled at Bluegrass. Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s a pokemon I need to find.”
“I think she’s tryin’ to find you,” Bluegrass said to Spell as she went out of earshot. “and ah hope neither of ya do for her sake.”