//------------------------------// // Day Nine // Story: H1P1 // by gamer52599 //------------------------------// January 15 2015 8:18:00 since first infection Unknown location I don’t know how long I was in that tunnel for, but I knew that I was close now, I could feel it. Why did I think that? Probably the light at the end of the tunnel, and if I know anything that either means I’m about to reach the surface, or I’m dead and I don’t want to be going into that light. I’m going to assume it's the former, as there is nothing in this tunnel that could possibly kill me. Upon reaching the light I pushed open the wooden doors that held the outside world away from me to open up to the outside world. "Freedom!" I said at the top of my lungs. Looking around, I came to find I was in a clearing in what looked like a forest, and there was some sort of large shack. This is where the paranoid man's been hiding all this time, or he was, but it’s clear that the shack has been abandoned as long as I’ve owned my house. There is rot everywhere. I look up to see that the sun is barely over the horizon from my vantage point in this area. “Was I really walking through that tunnel all night?” I said to myself. I had no time to ponder that when I felt an itch on my back. I went to scratch it moving my hand through my feathers to… Wait feathers? I took my hand out of my shirt and took off said shirt to reveal to my eyes, just barely in my vision, a pair of wings the same color as my ears. I then started digging through my pockets for my cell phone, but it was not there. “Crud, I left my phone back at the house.” Looking back toward the tunnel, I felt that same instinct from before making me fear it, so I looked away to focus on other things. First off, I need shelter, but that shack looks like it’s just waiting for a reason to completely collapse. Second, I am going to need food, but this looks like a forest, and unless I was a squirrel or a deer, I can’t live off the forest much. Third, I need to know why a green flame flew in front of me and turned into a scroll with a wax seal. No idea what the six point star on the seal means. Picking it up from the ground I removed the wax seal and opened it. To whomever gets this letter. I would like to express my humble apologies on behalf of my friend who accidently sent a vial of disease to your world. Well it wasn't my fault that something interfered with my magic. As I was saying, we need your help on stabilizing the portal between our worlds. Without it, we cannot help in any way. Just follow the magic compass picture underneath this letter, before Twilight tries to fix this by traveling back in time and destroying the space time continuum by causing a paradox. Yours sincerely, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Yours chaotically, Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony. After that there was a very detailed picture of a compass that was pointing back the way I came. Looking back, I felt that instinct hit me again, But not as powerful as it was before. Looking back at the letter I found myself wondering what this meant. Who were these two that seem to be fighting over the pen? Could their vial of disease be the tube that fell onto my kitchen floor? And why does this Discord fellow remind me of John De Lancie? I also wondered what this all meant, but couldn't come to any real answers, but the fact was that the compass pointed back the way I came, and I need to let that urge die down first. I decided to give these wings a try, so I tried moving them first to find them responding quite well to my commands, so I tried flying. The first problem I found was while I can control these things very well, I have no idea how to fly like a bird. The second problem I found was that I am very heavy for someone who is bare bones, granted I have been doing well to try to stay healthy, but I’m still not much more than bones. Third...I think one sprained ankle is enough reason to stop. But I found the pain subsiding faster than It should have, like my body is now better at healing than it was before. With that in mind, I went to start making a shelter, this could take a while. January 15 2015 9:00:00:00 since first infection Atlanta, Georgia I was working on deciphering what Pestis Incognitus had to do with the transformation of some of my new patients we obtained from isolation in Dallas, as I’ve finally have new subjects who were showing the higher symptoms, even if just the ears. Of course I had to make room for them, but that was taken care of by giving each one a room filling thirteen rooms in total. After that was all said and done, I found myself looking at my PC to find a massage from a higher up To: Doctor Darrick Kenderson From: Tom Frieden, CDC director Subject: In regards to Pestis Incognitus and name suggestion H1P1. This is astonishing findings on the mysteries of the now named H1P1, yet we need more information on Pestis Incognitus, so we will be pushing all funding available for finding out the extent of its capabilities. We hope you can lead the research on these mystery antigens. I now felt even more motivated to start testing, since now almost all of the CDC’s resources were being directed to my research. I’d be able to basically do anything as long as it furthered my research in some way. And so I had them hire the best chemist, physicians, and biologist in America to help me find out the chemical makeup of the Pestis Incognitus antigens. But that is just a coverup for my real plans, for which I will use this funding to start experimenting with the virus. I hop into the elevator and head to the floor marked B66, where my lab is situated, once there I made my way through past the infected tissue samples to where I’m keeping the patients, or should I say test subject’s. The thirteen test subjects were in a big, airtight, climate controlled room with airlocks at each entrance and exit, no matter how small they are. After sending a few food trays into the food tray airlock for them, I started to work on getting a few more ‘pets’. At the moment all I have is a few lab rats that I leave in a little cubby where I expose them to the disease, but with my new funding I can get birds and swine to see what it infects. I got started ordering everything from the parakeet to red tailed hawk, as well as a pig for animal testing. After that I started to work on my tissue samples as I thought about where I’m going to put all these animals, so I decided to order some more fiberglass for the animal testing lab. I’ve found out through living tissue samples why the virus causes transformation in humans. First, the virus can’t kill cells, nor can the immune system kill it, but the immune system tries its hardest and starts doing what it does when there’s an infection, it tries to get it out. Second, due to these things the virus is forced into specific places that cause it to start changing its environment, causing the transformation, and the reason symptoms die down a little after the changes start. Unfortunately, due to the nature of living tissue samples I can’t use them to predict the transformation, thus why I need living test subjects. With their help I will be the name that people will think of when they think of whom stopped this pandemic.