//------------------------------// // Day Eleven // Story: H1P1 // by gamer52599 //------------------------------// January 17 2015 10:20:00:00 Since first infection Unknown location I woke up like I would any morning except I’m stuck in a forest, and feeling a lot more hair on my legs. With that in mind I took off my pants (don’t ask me how I did with hooves, even I don’t know) to see… Fur, and lots of it. Orange fur to be exact, but besides that I can’t get my pants back on. “Come on!... Wait what happened to my voice!” I said in a oddly higher pitch. Looking down I noticed a distinct lack of bulge in… That area. They say curiosity killed the cat, well in that case… Geronimo! Taking off the underpants I find… From the depths of my mind, I hoist up my inner Vader to say. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” And with that, the final standing pillar in mr. paranoids shack fell, yes I know it’s not his real name but the neighbors couldn’t tell me anything about him besides he’s a doctor, but I heard he lived with someone, maybe I could ask around for Rose Tyler. Anyway without much else to do, I decide to start work on preparing for travel, Getting the letter and storing it somewhere safe, where it won’t fall out, and taking a look at my new legs. I noticed that I have a pair of hocks, like a horse, and my legs are much smaller, it’s also harder to stand up straight now, not to mention painful, so I started walking on fours. Now with nothing but the letter and the shirt on my back I went off to find civilization. January 17 2015 11:00:00:00 Atlanta, Georgia After telling the other scientist that we shouldn’t name any Pestis Incognitus yet, since we have no idea what they could do inside, or outside virology, I went back to floor B66. To find chaos. First, all my test subjects no longer have a order in which their changes follow, each one has a different change upon them. One has wings, another has hooves, one of them has genderswapped! Its a mess, but that's nothing compared to the animal testing lab where the animals seem to have become sapient, opening the doors and using the elevator and escaping into Atlanta, all while I was upstairs! And worst of all the management is looking at the open door to the animal testing lab. “Is this your lab?” Asked a higher up who looked unhappy about hiding all this under their noses. “Uhh… Yes.” I said, worried. The Higher up smiled. “Alright I’ll let this slide as long as these patients are given proper food and are treated properly, alright.” “*Sigh*... Alright.” “Now I suggest if you’re going to do any more animal testing with this virus to treat them like patients, alright.” “Ugh… Alright.” “Good, now we have some things to do since your animals escaped from your lab and into the city and will possibly spread H1P1.” After they left I found myself entering the animal testing lab and looking at what happened. A red tailed hawk had opened his cage and then opened the others as well, then they opened the main door and escaped through the elevator. *Cough* *cough*... “Crap!” This can’t be good.