Daddy's Girl

by Party Pop

Feeling small

Rarity paced on the carpet of her home, completely stressed and worried. Her husband, Spike, the love of her life, her knight in scaly armor, had not taken the news of their upcoming bundle of joy the way she had expected. Yes, he wasn't the biological father, but that didn't mean he wouldn't be the baby's daddy. She had expected they would have an evening of happiness together, possibly ending in snuggle time with Spike and Pinkie, besides herself. Instead, he had looked very confused, and walked out of the room into some other part of the house. Pinkie was perky and oblivious to the situation, instead bouncing around the room, squealing in excitement. Her mouth was going a mile a minute, as if it would never stop.
"Oh my gosh, isn't this exciting? We're going to have our first baby together as a family! I can't wait to tell all our friends the good news! And there's so many baby-related parties we can throw! We can have a naming party, a "Congratulations on your upcoming baby" party, a baby shower, an "It's a girl" or "It's a boy" party, and then there's so many birthday parties and congratulatory parties after the baby's born! This is the best thing ever! Don't you think so too, Spike?" She said, looking over her shoulder. Only then did she notice that Spike had left. A small frown came over her face. "Spike?..."

"Spike walked out five minutes ago, Pinkie." Rarity said flatly. Pinkie's hair almost visibly deflated as her spirits fell.

"But why? Isn't he excited about the baby? He's going to be a daddy!" She asked, stunned that he wasn't as excited as they were.

"I don't know, Pinkie. He looked heartbroken when he walked out." Rarity replied, seeming rather depressed herself. She had been hoping he would be excited about their new baby, like she was. Then, out of the blue, Pinkie said the last thing Rarity had expected.

"Maybe he thinks it's just our baby?" She said, looking over at Rarity. Rarity's eyes shot wide open. Of course! That had to be it! He wasn't the biological father, so maybe he didn't think of himself as the father at all! He must have taken the news as a rejection, not a happy occurance for him too! Rarity ran for the door of the room, desperate to soothe the injured feelings of the dragon she loved so dearly.

"Wait! Where are you going, Rarity?" Pinkie called out, reaching a hoof out to her love. Rarity looked over her shoulder as she dashed out.

"To Spike, of course!" She said, slightly aggravated. Pinkie watched her go, then shrugged and got to work. She had a lot of parties to plan.