//------------------------------// // Rumors II // Story: A Happy Accident // by ScriptScrolls //------------------------------// Rumors II ~~~~~~~~~~ A Happy Accident by ScriptScrolls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aloe nodded in agreement as she slowed her pressing. “Yes, pleaze do tell us about your new coltfriend,” she pleaded with overjoyed eyes. Fluttershy’s smile became more of a grimace with the added attention. Rarity could see the distress in the pegasus’ facial expression and quickly ended the inquisition. “Now, now,” she said in a slightly patronizing tone, “Fluttershy’s interest in this stallion is still just that: an interest. We should make this easier for her by not overwhelming her with questions.” The two spa ponies nodded and apologized for intruding on the other mare’s privacy. Fluttershy smiled and mouthed a “Thank you,” to Rarity when both masseuses weren’t looking. The unicorn grinned widely, thinking to herself, ‘Of course that doesn’t mean I won’t be asking questions later. I am, after all, one of her best friends.’ For now, however, she was content to allow Fluttershy the relaxation she deserved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rarity, covered in seaweed, slowly sunk into the warm mudbath, sighing as she let the minerals do their magic. Fluttershy timidly stepped into the sludge one hoof at a time before allowing her torso to submerge. She too exhaled in delight at the viscous blanket of warmth that began to envelop her. Aloe and Lotus each placed a celery cocktail on the tile floor between the two rectangular mud pits, as per Rarity’s order, and left. Rarity proceeded to lift hers with magic and bring the straw to her mouth, allowing the fiery liquid to slide down her throat. “So Fluttershy...” Rarity began quietly, trying not to disturb the pegasus. “What in Equestria could have made you crash into that barn door this morning? My sources tell me you were very upset over something.” Fluttershy hid part of her face in shame; she knew what she had done was, regardless of the reasons, very careless. Knowing she couldn’t lie convincingly, the yellow mare decided to tell it to her straight. “Rarity I-I... I tried to crash into the barn!” she exclaimed in a rushed voice. Rarity began coughing as if her drink had suddenly turned to dust, hacking so loudly that Fluttershy had to wait before continuing although she was not permitted to. “Fluttershy! Why in Celestia’s name would you do such a thing?! What were you thinking? Your friends and I love you very much, dear, and that is not okay!” Fluttershy looked even more ashamed than before, staring at the mud in her bath instead of making eye contact with the disappointed unicorn. Rarity stayed silent long enough to calm herself down and allow the pegasus to glance up at her. “... I’m sorry my dear, but I was-am extremely worried about you. Attempted s-suicide is an extremely serious matter. You don’t still feel like that, do you?” Fluttershy shook her head. “N-no, no, I’m just... confused though. Sorry Rarity, I shouldn’t have let m-my emotions get so out of hoof.” Rarity furrowed her brow at “confused,” and determined there was a lot surrounding this situation she wasn’t aware of. “Fluttershy,” she said softly, “I think you should tell somepony what happened--the whole story--even if that pony isn’t me.” Fluttershy paused and then nodded. Perhaps Rarity could be of some help to her current predicament. The pegasus leaned to take a small sip of the cocktail and began to recount what had transpired earlier. ~ ~ ~ Rarity, still sipping her empty drink inattentively, nodded with understanding. “Hmm, you’re right, dear. That is certainly odd behavior for anypony. I mean it’s obvious he’s fallen head over hooves for you, but--” “You think he’s in love with me?!” Fluttershy interrupted with a greater volume than she intended. Rarity, although taken aback, responded in an even tone. “Well, yes in a way. Judging by what you’ve told me, he seems deeply infatuated with you.” Fluttershy smiled widely, a blush decorating both corners of her grin. After a few second, however, her happiness faded back into a depressed confusion. “... But why did he say that to me then? Why would he tell me n-not to care about him? Oh Rarity, this is so frustrating I could just hit something!” Fluttershy smacked the nearly full cocktail glass next to her, but it just wavered a bit before becoming still again. Rarity stifled a giggle and began to answer the downhearted mare. “I’m not sure why he said what he did, Fluttershy. The only real advice I can give you is to not give up on this.” Fluttershy sighed, resting her head against the tile edge of the bath. “I’m sorry, Rarity. I assumed because you know so much about dating and stuff--” She was cut short by incessant giggling coming from the pool next to hers. “--Hehe, I’m sorry, Fluttershy. It’s just funny that you think I have so much experience in these matters. To be honest dear, I haven’t even had a proper date since I was a schoolfilly!” Fluttershy looked at the unicorn with astonishment. “But you always talk about your dream stallion and how you two are going to get married and have foals!” she protested. Rarity sighed and shook her head. “Fluttershy, there’s--nevermind.” Rarity turned her head away from fluttershy and closed her eyes. ‘I can’t tell her. I promised myself I would never tell anypony!’ she thought to herself. By the look Fluttershy gave her, the unicorn knew it was already too late. “Rarity, is there something you want to talk about?” Her eyes remained fixed on Rarity. The white mare gazed into those gentle, compassionate irises which pacified her urge to preserve a secret she had guarded for over a decade. “... Yes. I’ve never told anypony this, Fluttershy, so please excuse my behavior.” Fluttershy began to panic slightly at the gravity of the current conversation. “O-oh! Rarity, if it’s too personal we don’t have to--” “No,” Rarity said sternly, “it’s about time I told the truth. Applejack may be the Element of Honesty, but it doesn’t mean I should hide myself from my friends. ~ Flashback ~ BRRRRRIIIIIIINNNNNGGG!!! Eager to head home, fillies and colts of various sizes galloped and flew out the large front doors of the school. Among these was Rarity who stopped a few hundred hoofs down the dirt road that led home before turning around to scan the students passing through the doors. She spotted a mint green unicorn with a pale cyan mane and waved frantically to her. The filly smiled widely and galloped at full speed towards Rarity, rushing into a passionate hug with the purple-maned mare. Giggling, they broke the embrace, a light blush gracing both faces. “Hello to you too, Lyra!” Rarity teased, still laughing slightly. “Oh shut up; you know I missed you!” the other young mare replied in an unapologetic but sincere tone, eliciting a laugh and nuzzle from her companion. “Yes, it is simply dreadful that we do not share any classes this year!” Lyra nodded at this, her grin now all but gone. “But at least we get to hang after school, right?” she said, nudging the white filly. Rarity smiled and began laughing once more. “Yes, and a good thing too!” The two young mares trotted slowly towards Ponyville Park, exchanging tales about their day in the only way fillies can: with dramatic hoof motions and giggling. In what seemed no time whatsoever, the duo reached the park and trotted under the archway of branches. After a short walk they came across a small wooden bench just large enough to accommodate two adult ponies. For the two small fillies, however, it was more than roomy enough. The both sat down and turned towards each other in silence--not an uncomfortable silence which often intrudes in the midst of social interactions--but a serene gap, filled with the chirping of birds and rustling of leaves by the West wind. Lyra was the first to break the fragile quiet, but only after a short while of enjoying it. “Hey, check this out! I started playing this a few months ago, and I think I’m getting pretty good.” The teal pony opened her saddlebag and pulled out a golden lyre. “I found this in my attic. Grandpa said it was his when he was a colt, but he never really got the hang of it. I’m not too good at reading music yet, but I... uh... wrote something.” “Ooh! Can I hear it? Pretty please, Lyra!” Rarity begged, giving her friend puppy-dog eyes. Lyra blushed quite intensely, her more self-conscious side now revealing itself. “Well I-I... uh... did write it for you, hehe...” Rarity’s jaw dropped. Lyra pretended to ignore it and began to magically tune and test her lyre, playing a major scale to ensure its readiness. Confident she had done everything necessary for her performance, the green filly took a deep breath and began. ~ Wait for song to finish before continuing ~ Lyra, eyes still closed, placed the lyre gently next to her on the bench. She opened her eyes and cautiously shifted her gaze to the filly next to her who just stared back the same way she had been for the past few minutes. Neither said anything until the mint-green unicorn couldn’t stand the silence any longer. “S-so... what did you think?” Lyra rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof, unsure just how to take Rarity’s reaction (or lack thereof). Her mesmerized friend gradually leaned in closer and closer, closing the gap between their faces. She could feel Rarity’s hot breath on her nose, and the sensation gave her goosebumps everywhere. Lyra closed her eyes, instinctively knowing what came next and what to do in spite of her now idle consciousness. Rarity did the same and leaned slowly forward once more, leaving the gap and all doubts behind. Lyra allowed the other filly’s lips to tug at her own--the wet tenderness of her mouth causing the green mare’s stomach to do backflips. She was too shocked to move and notice Rarity was trembling with anxiety. Just as Lyra began to melt into the embrace, her companion pulled away, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I-I... oh my gosh, Lyra, I-I’m so sorry! I just *sniff* don’t know what c-came over me--I just--your song and...” Rarity mumbled, her speech diving into complete incoherence as the sobs invaded her throat. She turned away from Lyra in reproach, doing her best to hide her piteous condition. Still shaken by Rarity’s kiss, the teal filly instinctively slid over towards her friend and placed a hoof around her, hugging her tightly. “Rarity,” Lyra spoke quietly, “please don’t cry! I-I liked it; I really did! The truth is... I've been having these kinds of feelings for you for a while now.” Rarity sniffed and looked up at the mare holding her. “Y-you have?” Rarity’s typically gorgeous eyes were now red and puffy from tears. Lyra smiled at her and moved the purple mane out of her face, all the while inching her nose closer. Rarity closed her tear-filled eyes as she felt the filly’s cool, minty breath begin to dry the wet trails on her face. Lyra slowly pressed her lips forward to meet Rarity’s once more. All of the things she had missed in the first kiss’ confusion suddenly caught her notice. The subtle taste of vanilla on Rarity’s lips perfectly complemented the scent of her mane and coat. Lyra listened as her breathing became more rapid, putting more force into the kiss until she could hear Rarity make near-silent whimpers. Finally, the callow unicorn ran out of breath and broke Lyra’s hold, gasping dramatically for air. “That answer your question?” she whispered in Rarity’s ear. While the white filly continued catching her breath, Lyra giggled. “I thought so.” “Lyra!” Rarity yelled, causing her partner to jump. “Look, you have your cutie mark!” Lyra jumped off the bench to inspect her flank, seeing it now adorned with a golden lyre. “Wow! We must’ve missed that on account of--uh... distractions,” she said with a wink to Rarity. “In fact, why were you looking at my flank in the first place?” A smirk spread widely across Lyra’s face, but it did not last long. Far better equipped for seduction (both mentally and physically) Rarity shot her schoolmate a sultry look and crawled off the bench. “Oh, was I? My apologies; it just looked so... toned.” She stepped leisurely past Lyra, sliding her tail across the entranced mare’s face provocatively. Even with her back turned, Rarity noticed Lyra’s massive blush from the sudden increase in temperature. “Hehe... I, uh--” “You are so adorable, when you’re embarrassed, Lyra,” Rarity teased, giggling. She trotted back to her companion and nuzzled her affectionately. “I have to go home; my mother is probably worried sick. Same time tomorrow?” “You know it, babe!” Lyra exclaimed, eliciting an eye-roll from her new fillyfriend. After Rarity was out of sight, she took another glance at her cutie mark and smiled. ‘Best day EVER!’ ~ ~ ~ BRRRRRIIIIIIINNNNNGGG!!! The fillies and colts previously wandering the halls began cantering to their first class of the new day. Most of them trotted groggily, heads down and backs hunched with the weight of their saddlebags. Rarity, however, was practically skipping into the classroom. Dreams of her new fillyfriend had left her well rested this morning, and she simply couldn’t contain her own excitement. She quickly seated herself at her group’s table and beamed at her friends, trying her best not to yell the news out to the world. After Mrs. Chalk finished addressing the class and handing out the day’s worksheet, Rarity began talking to Berry Punch. “Berry,” she said, practically squealing, “you’ll never guess what happened yesterday, I--” She stopped mid-sentence, noticing the dark pink mare wasn’t paying the slightest bit of attention to her... In fact, she seemed to be deliberately ignoring the white filly. Rarity huffed and turned to face her other friends at the table... only to observe that none of them were making eye contact with her. Hidden within the typical chatter of her calssmates, two words caught the unicorn’s attention: her own name and “filly-fooler.” Listening closer to the conversation, Rarity could pick out the other foals’ remarks. “... yeah... in the park... Lyra...” “ugh... in public?... whorse...” “... heathen... be burned at the stake.” Rarity’s eyes began to fill with tears as they wandered over the faces of her so-called friends. Not a single one would return her gaze; not a single one would defend her. Resolved not to let the ponies behind her hear evidence of her pain, Rarity held in the sobs--silent tears rolling down her cheeks. ~ ~ ~ BRRRRRIIIIIIINNNNNGGG!!! Once again, the school foals rushed out of the building, eager to get back home. All except one, that is. The puffy-eyed unicorn trotted aimlessly down the steps, taking no notice of anything besides the ground beneath her hooves. “Hey, Rarity!” Lyra called to her from a short distance. The white filly glanced up, and instantly her fillyfriend began to panic at the sight. “Oh my gosh! Rarity! Are you okay? What happened?” Rarity did not respond immediately, her energy depleted by the high emotional stress that she had incurred long past her first class of the day. Eventually, she found the will to speak. “Lyra, *sniff* they were... horrible. Even my friends! They all hate me now!” The light teal unicorn looked with melancholy at her oldest friend. “Oh Rarity, I’m so sorry! Don’t listen to them,” Lyra placed a hoof under her fillyfriend’s chin, lifting it to look into her still shimmering eyes. “All we need is eachother.” Rarity smiled, wiping away her tears with a hoof. “I *sniff* fully agree w-with you. I don’t care what those other fillies say; I love you, and nothing is wrong with that!” The two fillies enjoyed a passionate embrace, caring not in the least who was watching. ~ ~ ~ BRRRRRIIIIIIINNNNNGGG!!! After enduring another nightmarish class period, Rarity mindlessly trotted her way to lunch. There she looked upon her one solace of the day: a dark grey colt just a year her senior. She smiled to him as she took her seat at the table, glad he was back. “Hey, Thunderlane! How was Stalliongrad?” Rarity, despite her love of travel, had never visited anywhere east of Canterlot. ‘That lucky colt,’ she thought to herself. “S’alright,” he said nonchalantly. Rarity giggled at his indifferent attitude, knowing he only did it to impress her. Although she had full awareness of her sexual orientation (by this point, at any rate) it didn’t stop her from actively attracting attention from any gender. “I’m so glad you’re back... You wouldn’t believe what I’ve been dealing with,” she said dramatically, shaking her head. “Yeah, I think I have a pretty good idea, Rarity,” he said harshly, adding a snort. Rarity couldn’t quite grab his meaning. “What are you talking about?” she asked politely. She could feel Thunderlane’s displeasure hiding behind his veil of apathy. “Nothing,” the colt responded coldly. Rarity was already stressed, and this was testing her patience. “What. Is. It?” Rarity glared at him with utmost ferocity. The pegasus looked right back. “Noth-ing,” he articulated, giving each syllable time to fully penetrate the mare’s ears. Rarity, realizing her aggression didn’t suit the situation, formed a pitiful pout on her face. “Thunderlane... pleeeease tell me?” She forced out her upper lip and sniffed slightly. Then, Rarity put her eyes to good use, opening them as wide as possible to the young stallion. “Don’t you try that on me!” he snapped. The colt stood up from his seat and slammed his hooves onto the table. “I saw that little performance as I passed the school yesterday.” Rarity stared in utter disbelief at the pegasus. He was perhaps her best friend aside from Lyra, and now she had lost him along with all the others. Her eyes followed as he trotted away to the lunch line. The unicorn began to stammer, tears once again flooding her eyes and blurring her vision. ‘How many more friends am I going to lose?’ ~ ~ ~ BRRRRRIIIIIIINNNNNGGG!!! Foals once more hurried out the doors of Ponyville Elementary, eager to begin their afternoon activities. Rarity, however, trotted out in the same idle fashion she had yesterday. Lyra’s heart sank at the sight; she had hoped the worst of it had been over, but her fillyfriend’s demeanor reealed otherwise. “Another bad day?” she inquired gently. Rarity scoffed. “Yeah, you could say that.” Lyra didn’t even need ask to know that Rarity’s classmates were the cause of her condition. “Rarity, please... don’t let them get to you. There were people saying things behind my back all day yesterday. Who cares what they think?” Lyra asked rhetorically. Rarity glared at the unicorn, tears now rushing out of her eyes. “I do! I have to! My special talent is fashion, and fashion is all about image! What’s going to happen when nobody will buy anything from me because I’m a... heathen?!” The white unicorn was fuming, letting all of the emotion pent up during her tortuous day gush out. “I’ll tell you what’s going to happen; I’ll be ruined!... I’m sorry, Lyra, but this can’t work.” “W-what do you mean?” Lyra asked, tears coming to her eyes now. “It’s... over,” Rarity replied flatly, feeling completely empty after the words left her lips. “W-wait, Rarity please! We can work this out! I’m here for you. Please, don’t give in to them. I-I love you!” Rarity didn’t make eye contact. She just shook her head, staring at the ground. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “Just like th-that, huh? *sniff* Well, I hope you’ll be happy having your shallow friends back. Seems they’re a g-g-good match for you.” With that, Lyran galloped away, water streaming down her cheeks and sobs choking her shortened breaths. Rarity turned and trotted home with her nose almost dragging in the dirt. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. ~ Return ~ “... Not a day goes by that I don’t regret what I did, Fluttershy. I placed my own image above what could have been a beautiful relationship. I tried to fool myself: say it’s because that type of relationship would have ruined my career. Now I can see my own selfishness... so much for Element of Generosity, huh?” It was Fluttershy’s turn to stare as she tried to wrap her head around the tale Rarity had just told. “Rarity... s-so you’re--?” “Yes,” the illustrious mare admitted, nodding her head, “I am very much homosexual.” “Then what about Prince Blueblood? You said he was the stallion of your dreams,” Fluttershy reminded her. Rarity gave a rather unladylike snort. “That animal? Honestly dear, I wouldn’t be caught dead with him.” “But that was after you met him. If you don’t even like stallions, why were you so attracted to him in the first place?” Fluttershy’s head was spinning with confusion or perhaps as a result of her earlier concussion--likely both. Rarity chuckled slightly. “I guess my acting skills are still worth something. To be perfectly honest, I had heard rumors that Prince Blueblood was gay as well. As you know, homosexuality is considered very scandalous by most nobility. I thought a fake marriage might suit us both, but...” “But?” “Well it turns out the reason he doesn’t sleep with mares isn’t because he’s gay. It’s because no female can stand his company. I tell you, when he grabbed my flank...” “I don’t remember that part of the story,” the pegasus mused, hoping to elicit a continuation. “Perhaps another time, dear. The last thing I want to think about is that pitiful excuse for a colt.” Rarity threw back the last of her cocktail as if the mere image of the stallion was driving her to alcoholism. Fluttershy nodded with understanding. “Umm... Rarity, you n-never um...” Fluttershy blushed, too petrified to continue her question. “Never what, Fluttershy?” Rarity asked. “You never, um... were attracted t-to, uh--” “Was I ever attracted to you? Well, Fluttershy you’re a very pretty mare and all, but--” “Nonono!” Fluttershy interrupted, “I didn’t mean me specifically; I meant a-any of our friends as well.” Fluttershy gazed inquisitively at the unicorn, awaiting some form of response. Rarity, however, made the mistake of pausing and then the mistake of overcompensating for said pause. “Oh! I--no! No; I’ve never had those sort of feelings for them... or for you,” she slowed, presenting an artificial smile. Fluttershy didn’t need Applejack’s element to see through Rarity’s facade. “It’s okay, Rarity. I won’t tell anypony; I promise... Is it Applejack?” she asked innocently. “Wha--no! Fluttershy, I’m not attracted to any of our friends!” Rarity said curtly. “Okay okay... Twilight?” Fluttershy knew she was pushing her luck, but the more curious part of her mind wouldn’t let this go. “No! Fluttershy, for the last time--” “Rainbow Dash?” “My word, Fluttershy! What makes you think I could ever like Rainbow?” Fluttershy formed the best sly grin she could manage and explained, “Well for one, you answered with a question. Two, Lyra seems to have a similar personality from what you told me. Three, you’re um... blushing quite a bit.” Rarity stared at her, positively shocked. ‘Damn.’ “I--but--ugh!” Rarity sighed and admitted, “You’re right, unfortunately...” Rarity stared despondently into space, no doubt picturing the cyan mare. “What do you mean by that, Rarity?” Fluttershy inquired, bringing her friend out of her trance. “... Rainbow would never date a mare like me, if she even goes for--” “She does,” Fluttershy interrupted before giving a small ‘eep!’ and putting a hoof in her mouth. Rarity gave the pegasus a perplexed look. “Fluttershy,” she began slowly, “is there something you aren’t telling me?” Fluttershy removed the hoof from her mouth and sighed. “I-I really shouldn’t tell you this, but... Rainbow does like mares.” “How do you know?” Rarity asked, tilting her head slightly. “A few ways, actually. For one, I always catch her staring at my flank even though she doesn’t notice. Also... at flight camp, some fillies brought Smirhoof into the dorms. Rainbow had a bit too much to drink one night and u-uh...” Fluttershy paused, incredibly uncomfortable telling the story. Rarity motioned for her to continue, and she complied. “She kissed me.” Rarity laughed patronizingly. “Darling, a drunken mare trying to kiss you doesn’t make her gay. Believe me; I figured that out in college.” Fluttershy shook her head. “No, Rarity. I mean she kissed me. I had taken a few shots myself, so I kinda... went along with it,” she said with a blush, trying to ignore Rarity’s open-mouthed stare. “Sh-she... tried to, uh, get me--” “Into bed?!” the unicorn gasped, extremely surprised and... somewhat aroused. Fluttershy looked away and nodded. “Well, that must make things... awkward between the two of you.” The pegasus froze, knowing that Rarity’s reaction to her next statement would likely be anything besides clam. “Uhm, Dash doesn’t really remember... Like I said, she was very, very drunk.” Rarity’s jaw dropped. If not already soaking in a tub, she certainly would have collapsed onto the floor at this stage, the weight of current events finally bringing her to her knees. Rarity stumbled over her own words before managing to take deep breaths and collect the fragmented pieces of her mind. “Y-you didn’t tell her?! Fluttershy! This whole time she’s been ogling at you, and you never thought to mention her affections are unwanted. Not only that, but you have kept a very serious event involving you both hidden from your oldest friend!” She halted her censure when she saw a tear escape Fluttershy’s closed eyelids. “I-I’m sorry for yelling again, Fluttershy... but you need to tell her!” “Don’t tell me what I need to do!” the pegasus snapped back. “You don’t know Dash like I do. Behind that egoism is the most insecure mare I’ve ever met. Me telling her something like this could break her. I-I don’t want to lose her friendship,” she said, beginning to calm herself. “Th-that’s why I never told her. I w-wanted things to be the same.” Rarity looked with great sympathy at Fluttershy. While Dash’s predicament was unfortunate, she did not have to shoulder the burden of such a secret nor make the doubtlessly difficult decision of whether to reveal such a story. “I understand, Fluttershy, but you’re only delaying the inevitable.” Fluttershy shook her head. “No,” she said firmly, “Dash doesn’t have to know.” The two spa ponies entered from across the room, trotted towards their customers, and helped them out of the mud baths. Rarity and Fluttershy made their way to the rinsing tubs and hopped in, the warm water working quickly to dissolve any mud still trapped in their coats. After a few minutes of continued rinsing, the pair stepped out of the baths and into some plush robes similar to the ones from the steam room. Fluttershy and Rarity trotted back to the lobby, where Aloe was waiting patiently behind the counter. Fluttershy, as usual, attempted to pick up at least half of the bill, but Rarity would hear none of it. “Consider this my way of thanking you for taking care of Opal,” she said, waving the pegasus away from the counter. “Now, run along; I’m sure those adorable creatures are missing you terribly.” Fluttershy nodded and floated out the door, leaving Rarity to sign the bill. After leaving her mark, Rarity trotted out the door, turning and making her way towards the library. ‘Celestia, Twilight is going to need a drink for all this,’ she thought, keeping in mind there were some things she couldn’t disclose, even if she wanted to. ‘A promise is a promise,’ Rarity reminded herself, ‘regardless of the situation.’