The tour of Trixie's magical magic train!

by Sir lightning blade

Crystal Empire Stage

Important note: this chapter is most likely going to be branded as non-Canon, due to most the about of political intrigue, and if were going to get the Griffin's again this season, a lot of fanfic case are going to be hit hard by that! Including this! As such here's a key detail that you might need to know, if you're a fan of Prince blueblood please go get your head checked first, and second do not read this story if you are a fan of him in the positive light. Because in this story he is technically a minor villain! That will be all you need to know about the story. Everything else will go into the author's notes.

The main cast: Trixie, ghost pepper, Miss direction, Princess Luna & Twilight/Luna golems
Guest stars: shining armor and Princess cadence, Prince douche bag(this is a request by the great and powerful Trixie to refer to Prince blueblood as this statement) the noble pack leader Geordie Laforge(A OC honor of my dear passed away dog, IS a diamond dog! Artists pay attention to the description I would love fanart!} King Arthur(well technically OC I highly doubt this is not going to be referenced in some form or another!) And the Griffin representative that is kept secret for obvious reasons!


Our story begins, in the crystal Empire, location build pony workshop! The great and powerful Trixie is struggling with a moral dilemma, even though she was given permission to do what ever she needs in order to complete her assignment, is still the moral contrary of willingly paying to buy a life-size version of Prince douche bag, even pointed out the whole edge and everything about Prince douche bags cutie Mark being the exact representation of the legendary blue Star metal, which was the second highest ranking metal next to a course the star swirled metal when it comes to magic! This was extremely frustrating, in order for her plan to work she had to have it! She was so she didn't have to steal any of Prince douche bags hair though!

“Well well well if it isn't the great Trixie Lulamoon?” Said a rather tall purple Dragon, just barely matching the height of your average pony though, he looked very familiar like a older version of Spike, when Trixie turned to notice him but he was wearing fabulous clothing! A jewel encrusted chest plate a variety of colors, a golden crown resting upon his head, and a small Scottish kilt. Standing next to him was a diamond dog, a very old diamond dog to be exact, and looks being a mixed breed to be exact as well, Trixie can easily tell which ones were the dominant breeds black lab, a little bit of Chow, blue tick and blue healer. Trixie was wondering how could this dog be any more of a complex it comes to psychology, three dominant breeds of water and one breed that will be obviously only terrified of water, one part of that breed that will instantly instinctively not go into the water to swim and yet everything else about the breed is capable of swimming. The old diamond dog was dressed quite well wearing a dark black vest very similar to Rover walking on a shiny crystal cane, and wearing crystal shorts? Is unusual for Trixie to see because, thought was why diamond dogs ever wear pants?

”Well I guess my reputation precedes Me! So who are you exactly?” Turning away from the portrait that was containing the massive amounts of Prince blueblood figures!

As the diamond dog began to speak”well Artie here!”
And was promptly interrupted by the Dragon!
“How many times do I have to tell you Geordie it's Arthur! NOt Artie, not Roddy, not Penn stone, it's Arthur Pendragon!” Getting rather frustrated with every new nickname that Geordie has come up with him for the past three days, and yet whenever he tries to refer to Geordie with a nickname it don't work!

Geordie”Right Penner, to continue is been looking for a plushy of the legendary heroes Spike!”
As one of the store manager showed up and said”I am so sorry but we are out, Spike keeps selling out every time we get new shipments, after all he is hero of our beautiful kingdom!”
Arthur was looking a bit depressed, after a few key words Geordie did negotiate the mansion negotiate a free plushy for Dragon, as well as reserving a spike the next shipment comes in! Ripping off a few bits into the saddlebag of the store owner.

Trixie gave a simple suggestion”Well if you're going for a spike I recommend you always pick up a rarity.” Referring to the elements of harmony section, which had to version of twilight sparkle one before wings at one with after and showing them massive price change, just adding the Wings cost the extra for 14 bits.

Arthur smiled almost acting like a baby dragon, and quickly picked up the plushy in question, it was a medium-size standard, roughly the size of your average fold! Trixie remembered some for studies from Philadelphia, dragons can also use special magics known as age magic, linking their age to something valuable, allowing them to decrease in size all increasing their lifespan or vice versa, the bigger they are the older they are acting. Of course that information is still limited, after all that's where she came up with the idea of using the age adjusting spell challenge twilight sparkle to a rematch, it didn't hurt that the amulet enhanced her abilities but also kept enhancing rage!

Arthur”And to help thank you for your notable influence, allow me to pick up any plushy you are desiring!”

Trixie smiled, I only when she not have the atrocity to give money away! Now she can all over the simple excuse that would come over her head!

“The great and powerful Trixie's picking a Prince blueblood for your friend Miss direction, that part of me just can't bring myself to pick up a douche bag.” She replied through mostly gritted teeth.

Arthur quickly grabbed it figure without any issue at the full-size doing exactly why she to pick them up, showing off that amazing Dragon strains by picking up a plushy that was completely out sizing him! As they went off to the counter to pay for both figure, a smile and a wave Trixie was happy!

“Geordie, I've never seen a diamond dog wear pants why are you wearing them?” She replied while she was walking away out of curiosity.

Diamond dog replied”I'm old I have a bad hip!” Only using his walking stick just to make sure he can keep moving, gray hairs lacking from his facial hair as the young Dragon King was walking with him.

A few hours later:

Inside the kitchen, was ghost pepper cooking up a strange concoction.

“Trixie, how did you get the blood of the changeling?” As the Pegasus that was destined to drink liquid was looking over the pictures in question.

“Well when I was in town for the royal wedding, I did my fair share of takedowns during the invasion. Not to mention also minuet paid me a whole bunch of bits, she got out of the caverns, or was it Colgate? I can never tell those two apart.” she was itching in the hairs to give the blueblood life, it acted slightly differently with the brown hairs in its head, thankfully psych out was very generous from the previous venture.

“Well I don't envy you direction, but boss why you making a golem of the most heated pony of yours, and not in the way you seem to hate twilight sparkle, when I'm making a formula that will allow direction to transform into a changeling and mimic their abilities for at least the time?”

”Well one we don't have a stallion here, and to technically the formula will fail rather quickly, at best you'll only get two transformations out of it, that would be able to slip past the guard.” Being sure to wear several microphone equipment, she really wanted to record the incident for posterity at several Crystal to record. NOT mentioned reveal possibly the secret that she always knew!

As the plan began:

Blueblood was talking with several of the pony guards!

Blueblood”So it's customary all Crystal ponies to learn crystal bending?” Sounding extremely intrigued at the concept, before the guards can answer they were hit hard with dark green laser beams, and left barely alive! Blueblood's horn began to glow bright red, clearly not matching his powder blue eyes, as he looked at subject with murderous intent, one Trixie Lulamoon! Three quick shots later, one of them a quick and easy dodge, avoiding the strange curses!

Trixie began to change, to Queen chrysalis! “Blueblood, I see you realize why I came”

Blueblood replied”Oh chrysalis, what brings you to this lovely kingdom? Vengeance? Or is it that crystal heart? Either one I would gladly like to donate if you help me with my plan's.” But rather is sure tone, still not living off the glow of his for now vibrant shades of a dark green spell, and very dark and evil's magic spell, only a sorcerer would ever dare use.

But chrysalis began to state”Vengeance, although I am surprised that you're willing to give it, after all I know that you sure it's your life more than anything.”

Meanwhile at the corner hiding behind a giant pillar was Trixie, and ghost pepper both of them looked rather shocked, but for different reasons Trixie was shocked that she was right, blood was earning his title again, BUT this time the blood that would be stinging crown be his!

“You got to admire directions commitment to acting, I would swear she would've screwed up by now when she heard blueblood's confession.”

Popping up from behind them was actually miss direction in a partial changeling design!

“Guys what's going on? Is the side effects of the farm was supposed to be this because I don't like my wings being green, and transparent, and why legs have holes?”

”Okay let's wait until after she murders him and then we'll go take care of business.” As her two assistants look directly at her, miss direction not completely clear on why Trixie wants to wait other than petty. Then she rolls her eyes and replies”fine, but direction you go first!”

As the newly branded half changeling pony flew into battle!

Blueblood began firing the beams in question, as each one of the fires missed, both ponies were dodging, but each missing beam causing crystals to shrivel up, instead of the usual shattering!

Chrysalis began firing her own weapons of retaliation, but each one of her own energy blasts were being blocked by miss,direction is one of directions unique spell tricks were coming into play, if given the opportunity she can activate a special trick that allows all spells to attack random targets instead of having direct accuracy! As direction use a variety of area effect spells instead to counteract her own ability trick, focusing the area where chrysalis was standing blueblood using this to his understanding, and promptly believes that he was being aided you from then on, suspecting that one the changelings that chrysalis has fallen for his feminine charms, and this changeling didn't look too bad maybe she would be quite useful later on!

Blueblood”Thank you but your spell that disables my accuracy needs to be removed, I have a spell at my pocket that could to stop her, but it requires precise aim!” DIRECTION QUICKLY DROPPED THE area effect she was giving off!

Prince Blueblood began the chance"Flay the flesh,Power of rot,lay bare the bone,what once was one now fly apart!" As his horn was engulfed with a dark black flame, firing directly at chrysalis, the changeling pony disappeared, leaving right and vulnerable a drone of to feel the full effect of the actual spell! It was horrifying, deafly great signs of dark magic, even if they were their mortal enemies direction would dare not see this Cape place. But blueblood turned weapon and began to charge it direction, but then he felt a powerful pain to the back of his skull, a pain that was very familiar, as he heard the final words from a familiar voice.

“I hope Tartarus has a special place for you, personally I kind of wish that there was a physical hell for you like the diamond dogs preach!”


Twilight”Shy please tell me that the next room is going to be puzzles?” She said to her friend as Princess Luna, Tai and the Lord of chaos were looking over their charts, they were playing a game of Dungeons & Dragons, Spike was working on a new character sheet, as he was dying a lot to fluttershy encounters! The gang were starting to regret their decisions, and may be thinking it would been better to give discord the job of being the dungeon Master!

Celestia was wondering if she should've gone instead of assigning Prince blueblood, as she was a rookie to this fall Dungeons & Dragons, and with the role instituted she was were hoping to stick to having a bit more balance, it was just lucky that Dragon class character had durability on its side, all that was always a good sign considering spike had died three times by now, and all of his characters were dragons as well.

Within the crystal throne room:

Princess cadence”What is the meaning of throwing Prince blueblood into the dungeons, and breaking his horn?” Giving a stern look both Trixie and the still have changeling designed direction!

Trixie placed down the amulet, that she used to record the conversation, the crystal projected the entire conversation that blueblood had with chrysalis, cadence was already notified by her captain of the Royal guard flash's that they are double their patrols in added check words to all the Royal guards, and increased security around each one of the diplomats, even with the much despair see of the Griffin diplomats, she kept on calling them Lemos.

Cadence was easily distrust of, while she could feel love and emotions from every pony! feel Trixie's emotions, seeing the spectrum around her.

Cadence”Trixie you're enjoying this way too much, and since I don't know your magics ills how do I know you're not trying to deceive me and plot your own methods, have a history with blood and you have a history with twilight, your history with twilight leads me to wonder about your intentions? And with your assistant here clearly exhibiting changeling attributes I am very very suspicious!” It really didn't help matters thanks the new changeling attributes added to direction it was affecting cadence ability to sense her emotions!

But thankfully several guards did pipe up”We did see the corpse by them, but we don't know these magics that create the recording!”

“That's because there diamond dog based, when I was temporarily in charge of it diamond dog tribe I was given some of their knowledge of magic's, they use crystals a lot more ways than we do when it comes to spell work!” She replied hoping that they would be some issues to some would be resolved.

Cadence could see the change in her emotions, fear and dread that was looming around her even fueled cadences distrusts in Trixie's intentions but there was a simple way of solving this problem thankfully they had one of the tribal members standing the castle, as they quickly fetched Mr. Laforge.

Meanwhile waking up in the dungeons:

Was Prince blueblood, feeling that his horn had been removed! It would take about three years for his horn to grow to full power back after being removed underneath normal circumstances, but blueblood was not underneath normal circumstances, as he carefully removed from his tie a small vile and began to take a drink!

Back upstairs!

Laforge entering into the oil chambers and said”what brings me to the Bitches?” Which caused all the guards to freak out instantly, misdirection felt a little insulted, but both cadence and Trixie just really giggled!

Cadence replies”We need to know if Trixie is a lying Bitch, or honest Bitch?” Which caused the guards do a double take, and if Flash had access to drinking water he would've done the spec take! As one of the guards hand over the gem that Trixie used to make the recording, with one look Laforge was seen the recording play once again!

Laforge”well I can tell you one thing for sure this guy, is a bad pup! But if you're wondering if the wording is genuine it is, also this is a mighty fine work, are you sure your mare and not a Bitch?” Referring to Trixie, just simply giggled. And while everybody else was just still freaking out, only the Princess of love and the magician were not freaking out at the constant course language of the dog!

Cadence”Flash take a letter, dear sisters, it is a sad news that I must report that Prince blueblood is been a traitor, he has been responsible for the incident at the wedding, due to his confession at bring chrysalis we are also increasing security thanks to the investigation reports of Trixie Lulamoon we have discovered this information. Sign your dear sister and niece Cadence. Okay now go.” As flash disappeared in his namesake, temporarily leaving a after image, but the image did soon disappear itself.

“Now Trixie what were you doing in the first place?” Trixie reluctantly handed over the letter that was signed with twilight and Luna, detailing her actual mission!

'First off I am really really really really sorry giving her a book not cost any trouble possibly come from reading a book, aside from possibly getting trapped inside a mystical dungeon with a deadly shadow, but that would be a plus.' And the handwriting change promptly to reveal Princess Luna style over twilight sparkles which was written in the old language half the time so it was a testament For cadence to read it! 'Thou understand that we believe that thou enemy will covet the chance to steal the crystal heart, and drain even it's still only power of love, due to this we wish you to increase the security tests. During this you have permission to make whatever you need in order to accomplish your tests, as long as you the proper forms of paperwork which was accompanied with you on this subject. Sign your faithful teacher Princess Luna.'
Than twilight says inside the letter'also I know I will feel really really bad about this but please do not tell cadence until you actually completed your task, it will ruin the results Sign your friendly rival twilight sparkle.”

“PS: is it true that you actually have to start giant replicas of myself as golems, how did you get past the idea of murdering ponies, also I know you probably just use them for target practice but they do have emotions be gentle with them, and now I'm slightly emotionally scarred about the fact that one of them died.”

Cadence to reread the letter three times just to be sure, that it was their signatures especially the PS part because she was wondering why twilight wasn't furious about having artificial clones of herself, and had really inclinations of understanding what Trixie was really doing with them because of her power of love, with each second glance she was looking back at Trixie.

“Golden Shield, Spike Shield your assignment is to go guard the crystal heart as quickly as possible but first off passwords?” As the two stallions made chuckles and referred their passwords, revealing that it was certainly them as they went off to guard the crystal heart.

”direction go with them, and don't try to flirt with them or anything you could accidentally feed and that's actually been a bad thing for you right now also try the use of those two transformations soon.”

With a quick nod miss direction flew off into a direction, the correct path to the crystal heart!

All of a sudden two other guards showed up each instantly announcing their passwords, and then said”blueblood has escaped, and What Shield and Spiky Blade are dead!” Which struck a chord with Princess Cadence, as she quickly whistled for her own pet, much like her own dear aunt her pet was of a otherworldly desire unlike her dear aunt though it wasn't just flying one as Mr. Laforge saw something he that struck him to the core and thankfully he commented!

“You're damn lucky that I have my own crystal heart, or else I would be needing to be resurrected!” Staring directly at a hell hound, it has a bright beautiful pink ribbon around its neck, and instead of the usual signature markings of a of the hound in question there were tiny little hearts! As all three ran straight towards the dungeons!

The dungeons!(The game)

Iron peak(twilight sparkle)” these poor guards, what evil could've performed them.”

Dungeon Master”while one looked like it could've been mauled by a simple bear, it wasn't for the minor's notions that the claw marks are too precise, the other Earth pony had just a blank and blank stare. Arcane checks please. If you don't mind.”

The great and powerful Trixie(actually Luna at this time because we are doing the dungeon Master section, but this is actually a good reference point for what's going on in the real dungeons!) After making a whopping critical Roll on her arcane check knowledge, which flutters proceed to whisper carefully into Luna's ear

“The first one looks like wrath of hell hound, not to be excused with the fact that there are possibilities that the to be summoned I'd doubt this is actually work in a real hell hound somepony has managed to perfect the spell that simulates the possibilities of one. The second spell is one Avada Kedavra, after understanding the base abilities of a changeling reformatted to only draining Lifeforce, instead of the emotional energy that would fuel one's life, no chance of recovery no resurrections, and if cast correctly can also increase one's lifespan while decreasing their opponents, this one was cast perfectly so be forewarned we will be doing with someone much stronger in health.”

Meanwhile in the actual dungeon Trixie's diagnosis:

“Okay the first victim is not at the fault of, you can't be serious for the name really”

Princess cadence”fuzzy-wuzzy never do anything so cruel and mean what you might Dear fuzzy-wuzzy woodsy bosoZ” smothering the hell hound little face which considering that normally would not be visible unless you're given a special enchantment around the creature it was quite unsettling.

“Okay and also blueblood did the unforgivable, and probably has increases pastorally lifespan again, but they also both show signs of being in made torture's juror before hoof do not touch.” Warning the guards not to remove the bodies.” As there was a black scorch mark where Prince blueblood was laid chain.

As fuzzy-wuzzy started getting the sense of blueblood, and then disappeared into the invisibility that only the ribbon could actually show signs that there was a dog there, and proceeded to run straight through the wall.

Cadence”don't worry fuzzy-wuzzy was train by shining, those two love playing fetch with each other although shining constantly needs a first aid kit after playing fetch.”

Meanwhile in the Griffin quarters:

Gilda”great now I'm being watched with even more limo ponies, Can a Griffin girl get some privacy, or do I need to break you stallions in half, and not in a good way.” As the guards to stand out the door. A vibrant green light was popping up into the room.

The end!!!

Prince blueblood:HexLock LV:3,Secretkeeper LV:5
Spells he cast during the actual chapter:
Sorcerer spells:
Avada Kedavra: A instant death spell! That counters most blocking magics, if it's critical all revival magic is useless!
Crucio: Is constant pain without reducing your opponents HP
Wrath of the hell hounds: causes the invisible hounds of hell to rip apart their targets!
Blood sacrifice: sacrificing something else of equal value to recover what has been lost.
Blue mage:
Essence of demons!
Celestia hammers