//------------------------------// // Chapter 7-Livin' It Big // Story: Not On Earth Anymore // by Jack Jester //------------------------------// "Jadec" A voice called. "Who is there?" I called to it. "Jadec" "What? Whose calling me?" "Jadec" The world was black. Nothing. "Jadec" A dim purple light shone in the distance. Twilight? Why was she here? "Jadec" "Twilight go away! I ran for a reason!" I stomped my foot. The noise echoed as the light intensified. The light died. Everything was black again. Then as quickly as it stopped, the ground began to quake. Pillars of giant crystals shot from the ground and formed coming towards me. "Jadec. Jadec. Jadec! JADEC!!!" "AH!" I jumped up from the ground. It was early morning; the sun had just begun to rise. It illuminated the area around me. Lion things, or what was left of them, lay everywhere. My pants were torn to shreds and scraps of flesh were scattered around me. ...Mine? My legs were fine though. As I stood, I noticed I was a distance away from the Scorpiliogon that I fell on. A trail of dried blood created a path. I was dragged here. Wait. I had fallen. I fell through a tail. I was alive. I rubbed my hands all over my stomach and back looking for a hole, a scratch, a bump, anything. I was fine. Not even a scar. I slowly walked back over to the corpses and looked at them. Broken bones, eaten meat, liquefied brains; everything I should have been. I lifted one of the animal's arms and put my own to its claw. A quick pull and a fairly large gash began to bleed. Ow! Ow! Bad idea! Stupid brain! I curled up next to a rock waiting for adrenaline to kick in and lessen the pain. More than lessen it though, the pain stopped entirely within a matter of minutes. I wiped the blood off my arm on what was left of my pants. "What the..." My eyes widened. The wound was gone! Not a trace! I looked at the animal and followed the blood trail to where I had been, then to my arm. The chase in POnyville ran through my head. How I had run so fast and so far like a machine. How I had torn through Twilight's wooden table with ease. 2 and 2 make 7, right? "Oh my raptor. I...I must be...A SUPER HERO! HA!" I leaped up and danced around the mauled beast, pointing and laughing. "Suckitsuckitsuckitsuckitsuckitsuckitsuckitsuckit!" The cliff face stood behind me. After my lel-fest, I turned to them. "Rocks! This is your day of reckoning! Bow to me now, and I will spare you!" Nothing. "Oh really? Well maybe this will teach you!" I punched it as hard as I could. That will show them! 5 Minutes Later Once the disintegrated bones in my hand healed, I began to climb the cliff out of there. "Stupid rocks. Stupid minerals. Always being...stupid. Dont look at me like that! Yeah...thats what I thought." Finally I reached the top and looked on. The castle was so close I could taste it in all it's dusty glory. And they said I would never amount to anything back home. Girl, I got a CASTLE! Stay happy in your filthy mansion. With butlers.... And fully stocked fridges.... And pools...and a garage full of cars...and maid--SHUT UP I HAVE A CASTLE!