A Pariah By Name, Another By Nature

by Blitz Habanera Tuscania


Trixie rolled around in her bed, doing her best to ignore the chirping of the birds outside telling her it was the time to wake up and pulled the blankets up over her head. As she yanked the blankets towards herself, something fell off the bed hitting her floor with a metal clang. What did she have in her bed that was metal?

Oh right it was her pan, she thought as she curled the blankets into a ball around herself. She brought it into her bed last night since that small creature followed her inside… and she fell asleep while it was inside…

With a start she kicked the covers off herself, and the frying pan was encased in her magic as it flew up beside her head, her eyes immediately looking to the door where it had fallen asleep last night. Exactly where it had fallen asleep last night, more or less, a slight snore coming off of the small creature as it had moved slightly to avoid blocking the door. She relaxed slightly and put the pan down, reassuring herself that it didn’t try to eat her last night, evidenced by all her body parts being there.

She hopped off her bed and the bundle of blankets and capes immediately went from lying on its side to sitting upright, looking at her. Or she thought guessing by the head shaped lump near the top. She stared at it while it stared back through the cape currently covering its head, and after a few moments of staring she slowly went to her cabinet and pulled out the one cape she had left in it.

After inspecting it and making sure it was perfectly fine she put it back inside, walking over to the bundle of her belongings in the corner currently looking at her. “Okay it’s time to give up Trixie’s things you… thingy.” She said before yanking the blanket off the little creature. And then paused as she realized that was the front of its head facing her, while the back of its torso was facing her too.

It’s head was on completely backwards, she realized. Just as it stood up and turned, letting its head snap back to the way it was, a slight crack sounding as it did. Now that it was directly next to her and she was staring, mainly because it just snapped its neck and seemed perfectly fine, she noticed how small the thing was. Not even shoulder height to her, but yet it still freaked her the buck out. There was a genuine small smile on its face as it looked up to her and shrugged off the blankets and capes, making a show of stretching and yawning.

Then it proceeded to the door just to its left and walked outside, not sparing another glance at her. Trixie meanwhile just stared from the pile of capes and blankets at her hooves to the door where that thing had just left. After breaking its own neck. “Okay… that didn’t just happen and Trixie is just tired.”

With that said she folded her blankets and capes that had been used by that thing and put them back in the dresser, away from the clean ones she had in there still. She’d wash them come next town, if she backtracked to the previous one she’d have to spend what little bits she had left on food seeing as how she just ate her last pieces of food the night before. Worse came to worse there was always that farm, she shivered at that thought, she had hated that place so much. Lifeless and grey.

Shutting the dresser she went to the door and walked outside, letting the harsh morning sun glare into her eyes as her morning ritual to wake up. Normally she would have stood there for a few minutes to let the drowsiness completely drain out of her, but the scare with the little kid more or less woke her the buck up. So she stretched and raised her rump into the air, head going near the grass as she cracked her back and let out a happy sigh, before straightening back up.

Smacking her lips she walked around to the front of her cart and grabbed ahold of the yoke in her magic and slipped it on past her head and down onto her shoulders. It would be a fun two days without eating and dragging her home behind her to the next town, maybe she’d get lucky and get something to snack on from the forests between here and there. Lend a helping hoof to some family in exchange for something to eat even.

She grinded her teeth and started to pull forward and noticed her carriage seemed to be a bit heavier than usual. Half-turning she noticed the creature sitting on top of her carriage looking at her, curiosity gleaming in its eyes while it kicked its legs back and forth. She narrowed her eyes at it while it did the same, the two locked in a silent staring contest as she waited for it to hop off her carriage.

“Get off Trixie’s house you little thingy.” She said. It mouthed her words back at her, not actually saying them…. it was mocking her wasn’t it? She wasn’t in the mood for this. Her horn lit up with her magic as her aura surrounded the creature, its eyes widening in surprise at the glowing field around its body. Her eyes on the other hoof widened for another reason, it was heavy as Tartarus for being smaller than her but yet twice as heavy!

Grunting with effort she lifted the minuscule boulder off of her cart and let him go as soon as he cleared her cart, the process practically making her pant with effort. He meanwhile landed on his feet and started poking various parts of his body as if to see where the magic came from.

She took the opportunity to catch her breath, making a mental note to not let the thing back inside her carriage. At least she knew how he tipped her carriage last night, freaky little bugger. Speaking of which he started to walk towards her and stopped next to her, his baby-fat filled face peering at her, eyes looking at her horn.

She briefly looked up to it then back down to the creature who was now staring intently at it, almost as if he wanted it. She watched him as he leaned in slightly, before shrugging and rocking back on his heels and backed up slightly, his eyes now roaming over their surroundings instead. A breath she didn’t she had been holding in escaped from her lips and she resumed her pulling on her carriage.

Humming to herself she trotted forward, her carriage following suit behind her, cracking sounds coming from the rocks underneath her home’s wheels. Another crisp crunch sound came from her side, off the road and so she turned again to see the little creature following behind her slowly, not even paying attention to her, but yet following her. Shrugging she just ignored it as she thought of how it would probably leave her after a while, seeing as how all she was doing was walking her home to another town.

So a few silent minutes passed with nothing said or done by either of the two as she walked to a new town and it followed her for… no apparent reason. Trixie forgot about the creature following her after ten minutes passed and had begun focusing on what new tricks to unveil for the new town.

Then she was reminded of the creature as the yoke for the cart suddenly stopped pulling as hard as it did on her shoulders, instead being very light all of a sudden. Continuing to walk forward she saw something that made no sense. It had one hand on the yoke and was busy staring off into the forest to their right, no muscles or strain evident in its arm, but very obviously helping her to pull the cart forward.

So not only was it way heavier than her and had no right to be, it was also a lot stronger than it had a right to be. Even some of those that were stronger would show some type of strain in pulling the cart, but this thing was brushing it off like it was lifting a feather. With nothing to say she looked back forward and kept looking forward as it apparently repaid her favor last night with its own favor.

She briefly considered saying thank you after another ten minutes but decided against it as it hadn’t shown any type of understanding of Equish last night, or earlier.

So the duo kept walking towing her home where she was going, kicking over individual rocks as they went. The creature eventually leaned down a few times, as she could see out of the corner of her eye, and picked up a few rocks tossing them into the air idly and catching them, practically juggling with only one hand.

Again she said nothing, starting to grow wary of the creature that was following her around. Juggling five stones in the air with one hand because it was bored, tugging on her cart making it so she was basically a rudder and it was the pull, and was immensely heavier than her. Not everything that meets the eye apparently.

Giving a little sigh she kept her eyes forward and kept trotting, now going a lot faster and easier with the little thing helping her. What would have taken thirty minutes took only three and she still had her breath, a lively hop in her steps.

“BAKAWK!” Screeched something to her right from the forest, both her and the creature’s heads snapping towards it, the one behind her ceasing its juggling of rocks as it instead rolling one rock in between its fingers The two kept looking towards the forest where the weird sounding chicken-like sound came from, peering so intently neither noticed the green scaly creature coming up behind them.

Up until the point it hissed at Trixie from right behind her and she jumped as much as the yoke allowed her too. She immediately turned towards it and regretted it as soon as she turned around, eyes locked on the red eyes of hate, the green serpentine tail swishing in the air behind it, green wings tucked against its sides and the menacing chicken head completing one of the deadliest things she ever heard of. A cockatrice who was staring at her.

She immediately made to move her legs, but they didn’t move. It was stoning her! She whimpered as she felt her chest deaden slightly and the cockatrice kept staring at her.

Until it lost its head and in the distance the ground exploded as something smashed into it. She also noticed how an odd whistling sound sounded off right before the cocaktrice’s head exploded, from where the little biped creature was. She turned yet again towards it and saw it posed in a throwing position, the arm that had been holding the rock stretched outwards, standing on one leg its other leg slightly kicked up for balance, and a slight frown on its face.

It slowly resumed its normal walking position and looked at her, down at her legs that were slowly returning to normal and waited until she felt all her body again. Then it tugged forward on the cart and resumed its juggling of stones.

She paid it no mind and went back to staring forward, hoping to actually wake up soon.