//------------------------------// // Letters and Mysteries // Story: Anarchy // by Dragonrose Lovesong //------------------------------// It is a peaceful sunny morning in Ponyville with Derpy, the cross-eyed mailmare doing her daily routes. She hums a tune to herself as she flys, suddenly losing control and crashing into Rainbow Dash's cloudhouse. she was silently thankful for the soft material used to construct it. Hearing the crash Rainbow Dash looks through a window to find the cause. She sees the klutzy mailmare stuck in her wall. "Here, let me help you." she says flying out the window and pulling her out of the wall. "Sorry about that Rainbow Dash." she says with a sheepish grin. "No problem." she replies, brushing the wall with a wing causing it to bounce back to its original shape. "So, got any mail for me?" "Yeah." she searches through her bags and pulls out a mouth full of letters giving them to Rainbow Dash. "Thanks Derpy." Rainbow says accepting the letters, she places them inside through the open window. "See ya Derp." she says waving goodbye as the wall eyed mare leaves. Going back inside she looks at the stack of envelopes she had just received. She notices one addressed to Derpy and picks it up ready to return it, when she notices that it is already open. She pulls out the letter and begins to read. Dear Dizzy, do please give this letter to Rainbow when you're finished. Any who I was wondering if you girls wouldn't mind a little family reunion. It's been much too long since I've seen you. Ticket is in the envelope and your rooms are ready. Don't let me down. Sincerely yours, Mystery Rainbow Dash sighs and pulling the ticket out of the envelope and noting the date. She asked, but it's not like we really have a choice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a day of explaining that she will be out of town for a couple weeks without notice. Rainbow Dash felt a little bad when she had to look for an excuse when they asked why. She sighs as she packs her saddle bags with only what was needed for the journey. "Scarf, ticket, hat, ribbons. I've gotta start asking more questions when we walk to the house." Rainbow says as she finishes making sure that she didn't forget anything. Then she heard a knock on her door. Opening the door she sees Derpy waiting patiently. "Hi Rainbow." she greets, "Can I come in?" she asks. Stepping aside Rainbow motions for her to enter. "So you're finished packing?" she asks. "Yes mother." Rainbow replies with a scowl on her face. "Oh there are a couple things you have to bring since it's closer to winter than the last time you went." Derpy says as she wonders over to the bag Rainbow Dash had packed and looking over its contents. "Like what?" she asks genuinely wondering. "Like your cape, glasses and that cute little outfit your aunt gave you for your birthday." "Why would I need that?" "Because we're staying for a month and Tableau will get upset if you don't wear it at least once." she says arms crossed with a serious expression, which was very much spoiled by the crossing of her eyes. "Fine, but don't expect me to sing with you when uncle gets tired." She gives an annoyed expression. "Don't worry it will be fun. It's always fun." she adds as she leaves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Princess Celestia sits alone in her room staring blankly at the letter before her. How am I going to get myself out of this one?she thinks as she reads and reads again. it was easy to sneak away for about an hour... or ten, but that was when Luna wasn't expecting to see me in the middle of the night. If I tell her I risk it leaking out and if I don't she'll get upset at me when she does find out and then it'll go public even faster. she sighs to herself and puts down the letter. Just then Prince Blue Blood enters, unaccompanied. "Dear aunt, momm... I mean Princess Luna has asked me to call you." "I am your aunt you know. There is no need for you to be formal." "I'm not being formal." he answers confused. The princess of the day smiles and shrugs it off, saying, "I will be there in a minute, tell her that it won't be too long of a wait." He bows before leaving. She takes the time to hide the letter and put some things in order before heading to see her sister. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Making her way back to her room. Princess Celestia is a little annoyed that all her sister wanted to talk about was politics and matters of the state. She sighs looking for anything that could entertain her. She then notices a white feather in her door. Raising an eyebrow she pulls out the feather and examines it, She cautiously enters into the room not knowing what to expect. Nothing could prepare her for what she saw. A dark pink alicorn lays on her bed. Her midnight blue hair coming from neon green hair roots and partially covering her pastelish grey eyes. Her erotic pose was what had caused her jaw to drop. The other alicorn watched in amusement as she enjoyed making Celestia sweat. "Surprized to see me?" she asks getting into a sitting position. "Surprized is not the word." was her reply. "Though slightly confused." she closes the door behind her. "Oh, I kinda figured you would have a bit of trouble getting away since you're sister is back." she giggles slightly as she speaks. "How did you guess that?" "You don't change that often and when you do... it's not by much." "Well I could prob..." she is cut off when she holds a hoof up to her mouth. "Shhh." she says with a small smile as it turns into a drunken sounding stupor. "I wanted to tell your sister." "You... what?" confusion written clear on her face. "You will let me, won't you?" if her pleading voice didn't break the princess, then her puppy dog stare would finish her off. "Fine. Just be subtle." she says with her forelegs crossed. "Subtle? Do you know me?"