The tour of Trixie's magical magic train!

by Sir lightning blade

The Griffin technology: A World Building chapter!

Mindset note: this is important because you have to understand my mindset here, the other notes will fill in the world building stuff, but I highly doubt this is going to be explored the real universe of the show because, well DAX does not explore Griffin. And I can't place this on Gilda. As let's face it it's been several seasons and we have not gotten that much represent others give us something it's not going to come to be what this is! Second political plots are not going to be well brought up in any format, if anything that Star Wars episode one taught us people hate C-SPAN, despite that was actually the best part of the actual episode one, and NASCAR was the boring part of it! But here's the thing if I were to tell you that Prince Charles's wedding was interrupted by a alien invasion, and at the end Prince Charles and his wife managed to stop the alien invasion, a mystical blast of explosive energy and sent them hurtling across the ocean what would be your first thought. If your first thought was, oh that's damn lucky that Prince Charles had a laserbeam power, or else we would have to go take care the aliens, then congratulations your smart person! And now we are seeing that the Griffin's have basically done, this in the context of the show, they've let the ponies take care of their problems twice now and both of them, like that they had a last-minute save, by convenience sake! Now we know that the rainbow power, and cadences love beam are not A do ex machina, but think if the Griffin's new about the story arcs, they would feel the exact same thing we do, odds are they don't. So yeah political aspect is coming up in the next chapter but you have to deal with some of the issues here as well! And let's get into the world building section:

Griffin technology historical growth military: long ago the Griffin's discovered a ancient power source, a finding amazing power source, and used it to create awesome technology! The first part of their technology that they created was the Forge!

The forge is a technology system that requires the sacrifice of certain energies in order to create a better energy, at the end of the forge will create a mystical stone, with various colors depending on the contributing factors, then the stone is placed in a object namely the weapons that belonged to the soldiers. What happens if you're not deemed healthy enough to be a soldier during the war times, no problem with the forge, became shatter way that pesky weak frail horribly mangled body ravaged by the factors time and disease, and give you a brand-new body made of the finest steels, and becoming a Golem!

Not to mention the program is really good for rehabilitating those horrible degenerates! And useless members to society!!

But what if you're not that far down, still good and useful but you've lost a limb to battle, not to worry our magic technology can instill fix you up, and nothing like those stupid pony technologies that make it pretty much unnoticeable to anyone who is not paying attention. Ours are covered in random gears and spikes!

And we can even inlay the technology weapons into your prosthetics, instead of wearing a fancy Talon ring and once a while taking off your ring to keep your emotions in check, as have the attached to your arm or that leg, and be able to form that leg the way you want it, or that arm! And it comes in such variety of colors, Red, green, orange, yellow! And black!

But what if you're all brains and no muscle, not to worry you can still wear a Golem! Just like our commander-in-chief, King.... As twilight sparkle close the book feeling slightly horrified but she knew she had to still do research, but at least now she got grasp of what she could do with making the character that she needed to make, the making character from the society may give her a better grasp of making friendships with the Griffin kingdom!