
by gamer52599

Day thirteen

8 Snowfall ‘04 EoH

“Still nothing?”

“Yeah…” Twilight said, starting to doubt this plan.

“If only we could communicate with our new friend.”

“Wait, thats it!” And with that, Twilight out of the room and came back with a book.

“Now my dearest princess, clearly this is no time to be reading.”

“This isn’t just any ordinary book Discord, it’s a book that allows me to communicate with Sunset Shimmer, and if I could copy the spell from here into an empty journal, then link it to a journal here, then we can communicate using the book.”

But before she could put said action into place, Discord snatched the book out of her magic grasp. “Now Twilight, don’t be impatient, if you send any more magic tricks, you may end up confusing them. I’m quite sure that the letter we sent is more than enough to keep them on the right path.”

“But-” But Twilight was cut off by Discord.

“If what I think is happening, is happening, then we should be perfectly fine.”

This was the second time Discord has stopped her from using a shortcut of sorts in the week following the sending of the letter, the first was Discord forcibly wiping her mind of the time travel spell.

For once it was Twilight who was being uncooperative and impatient.

She wanted this fixed now, she has the ability to easily fix this entire problem, but Discord is telling her to trust these new friends… This is really unorthodox!

After realizing this Twilight thought she was going insane, but kept it together, there are more important things to be concerned about than Discord being the one to remember friendship.

“I guess this means you want to wait it out then?”

“Why yes actually.” He said as he summoned ten chocolate sundaes.

January 18 2015


Atlanta, Georgia

After Derrick went to bed, I found myself unable to sleep, so I decided to explore past an open vent cover and see what there is to see.

In the span of a night I actually mapped the entire ventilation I have access to, which was odd because before I never had this good a memory, did the change give me a new name and a photographic memory?

Anyway, I found myself feeling confined again so I decided to leave, but not before leaving a letter.

Unfortunately, my hoof writing is now terrible and I found it hard to hold the pen in anything but my mouth, but that’s ok since I found I’m just bad again, not terrible like I was long, long ago.

But I was able to make it readable, so that's good. The reason for the letter is because Derrick is still asleep, which is what I expect from the kid who slept through class and bell because he was used to waking up at noon.

After a while I found the vent cover I was looking for, one that was looking toward the vast open sky, and after bucking the vent off I went flying away from the sunrise.

I decided to follow the letter from the pen fighting pair, so I landed on a cloud, to find out which way to go to find them.

"The needles pointing West." I said as looked at the letter.

After two and a half hour flight I found myself back home, literally, the compass lead me back to my house,yellow police tape and all.

Unfortunately, I left the house locked when I left and I didn't take my keys with me when I left and even if I did, I can't hold them anymore so how am I supposed to get in?

I could try the window, but that would set off the alarm, or I could try to find Mr. Paranoids shack, yes I know that’s not his real name but I haven't found miss Rose Tyler, I heard from someone she disappeared with a bunch of ghost in London, before this I would have said that they were mad to say such a thing, but now I’m a candy colored pegasus, I think I will believe anything now.

I decided to not do this until I remember where the key is, and I’ve finally recovered so I decided to explore the world.

It will be a long trip, but I’ll make the most of it.

January 18 2015


Atlanta, Georgia

When I woke up I found no Allen in the vicinity, like she left in the middle of the night.

Wondering where she went, I looked around for her until I found the note, the handwriting is terrible, but she has hooves, what do you expect, at the very least it was readable.

Dear Derrick

While I’d love to stay I can’t help but feel confined, so I’m leaving through the vents to find out where the letter I got will take me, don’t worry I will be back soon.

Signed Patient Zero

Looking it over I found myself uncertain about something. “When did Allen start hating small spaces?”

Whatever happened, I got to get this fever down before I can think about it much.