//------------------------------// // The Trap // Story: Ninja Pikachu // by Raichu //------------------------------// “You saw it too so you have to believe me now!” Scootaloo said as Twilight paced the library. Twilight had seen Pikachu and unfortunately it seemed that Scootaloo was right. There was no denying that something saved Scootaloo no matter how much she wanted to. “I do.” Twilight replied unhappily. “What was that creature?” “I don’t know.” Twilight said as she levitated every book she had off the shelves. “I asked Fluttershy but she doesn’t know either. I explained the creature to her and she’d never heard of it.” “Huh.” Scootaloo said. “So it’s never been discovered before?” “Nope.” Twilight said. “We’re the first to see a creature other than an eel with the ability to electrify another creature. I wonder where the electricity comes from. I wonder where the creature comes from. I haven’t seen one of those before so it must be a long way from home. You said its name was Pikachu?” “Yeah.” Scootaloo sighed then shook her head as if she was coming out of a daze. Twilight hoped she wasn’t falling for the small creature. “A Pikachu. It’s really extraordinary and it can talk.” Twilight said. “I’d love to study it some more. Maybe get some fur samples. I bet there’s a whole race of undiscovered Pikachu’s out there! I wonder what their culture is like.” “Did it seem odd that it was wearing a ninja suit?” Scootaloo asked. “A ninja suit?” Twilight repeated. “Yeah, a ninja suit.” Scootaloo said. “And it ran into the Everfree Forest.” “The Everfree Forest is a mysterious place. Nopony thought explore it because of the dangers that it holds, but perhaps there were more mysteries to unlock than danger. The only things that seem to lure it out are when ponies are in trouble.” Twilight said. “So Scootaloo, do you mind if I use you as bait? We have to know more about it.” “Sure.” Scootaloo said as she imagined Pikachu coming to save her once again. She imagined them cuddling and drinking smoothies when Twilight’s raised eyebrows snapped her out of it. She looked up at Twilight with a grin. “I’d love to.” *** Scootaloo stood on top of a cloud. Twilight smiled from down below with all her scientific equipment that buzzed and growled underneath the cloud. It was high enough so that it might seem like Scootaloo had slipped off inside of deliberately falling. Her screams would be enough to signal the masked hero so Twilight could study it. “Now!” Twilight shouted. Scootaloo’s wings buzzed. She knew that was the signal. She jumped off the cloud and fell. “Help!” She yelled loudly. “Help me!” Suddenly Scootaloo stopped. She looked down. She was still above the ground but she wasn’t moving anymore. The ground was still far below her, but she wasn’t falling anymore. She wondered if she had jumped at the wrong moment and Twilight had caught her, but a call from Twilight told her that wasn’t it. “Scootaloo?” Twilight called. “What happened?” Scootaloo felt herself slowly float down and touch the ground. Once she was on the ground, Twilight came running over. “What was that?” She asked. Scootaloo was a little frightened herself. Perhaps Pikachu was a bit more than just an electric creature. Maybe it had psychic powers. “I don’t know.” Scootaloo said nervously. “Pika!” Standing a few feet away from them stood Pikachu and another creature both of which were in matching ninja outfits. “Pika Pi!” Pikachu said loudly. Twilight looked at Scootaloo then them. “Hello.” She said nicely. “My name is Twilight Sparkle and you must be Pikachu.” “Pikachu.” Pikachu said as Twilight came a little closer. “I wanted to thank you for saving Scootaloo.” Twilight said. “She’s really grateful.” “Pika Pika Pikachu. Pi Pika.” Pikachu said. Twilight paused. “Can you only say your own name?” Twilight asked with a slight frown. “Pi.” “Ok…” Pikachu turned around, but Twilight ran in front of it. “I was wondering, Pikachu, if you were from Equestria.” Twilight asked and levitated a clipboard and a quill into the air. Pikachu looked from the clipboard to Twilight’s smile. “Pi…Pika.” Pikachu said slowly. “Pikachu.” “Okay…” “Pika…chu.” “Um…” Twilight said. “Uh huh.” “Pi.” Pikachu made a movement with its paw. It drew an imaginary circle in the air then clapped its paws together. “Ka.” Then it did a spin. “Chu.” “Right.” Twilight said. “Could you repeat that?” Suddenly the other creature made a paw motion beside Pikachu. Its eyes glowed white and it turned to Twilight. “There.” It said in Twilight’s mind. “Now you can understand me. Right?” “Wow! Telepathy!” Twilight said and bent down so she could see the creature eye to eye. “Are you Pikachu’s friend?” “Yep. The name’s Tufts.” She said and patted Pikachu’s back. “This is my bud, Pikachu. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience, but we must get going.” “Wait! I was hoping that I could ask you a couple of questions.” Twilight said. Pikachu leaned its head to the side. “What kind of questions?” Asked Pikachu. Scootaloo slumped to the ground and groaned. Pikachu’s voice was like sweet as honey and deep. It made Pikachu seem even more attractive to Scootaloo. Wait. Attractive? Scootaloo didn’t like Pikachu. She wasn’t even sure what Pikachu was. She was supposed to be cool and being in love was not cool at all. Pikachu obviously wasn’t even a pony. She was not in love. Right? “Yes, well, we can’t stay.” Tufts said. Pikachu nodded. “Wait!” Scootaloo shouted and everybody looked at her. She blushed deeply from all the stares. “Why do you have to go now Pikachu?” “I… just do.” Pikachu said. “Bye.” “Tootles.” Tufts said and their image shimmered as they disappeared.