//------------------------------// // A helping hoof // Story: Look for somepony else // by Jyxia //------------------------------// It was one ordinary day in Ponyville. The sun was shining and everypony seemed to do their daily duties. Rainbow Dash cleared the skies, Applejack worked at the farm. Fluttershy took care of her animals and Pinkie Pie was helping Mr. and Mrs. Cake at the Sugarcube corner. Princess Twilight had her duties and Rarity, she was rather depressed. Ever since she was a little filly, the fashionista has tried to get a stallion on her side. Not because she needed one, or, she did, but not necessarily. Rarity just wanted a stallion to take care of her as she would to him. Perhaps she was lucky to find the stallion of her dreams this instant. Of course Rarity's friends meant everything in the world to her, but where was this gentlecolt when you wanted some help? “Hello, dear friend!” A voice suddenly would call out from the hall, which startled the white mare. As she turned around to look at the entrance from her seat, the fashion pony could with relief see that the voice did belong to the creature that just had arrived. It was no one else than the prankster Discord. “How are y-” The draconequus' smile disappeared as he found his friend looking like she was sobbing. The unicorn was laying on the couch and gazed at the draconequus without showing more than the tears that appeared on her blue eyes. Discord rose his eyebrows for some moments, as he saw her dark blue eyes got filled with tears. He would then play restlessly, but carefully with his fingers while he used his magic to close the door. “Is something wrong?” Rarity gazed into his mismatched eyes and started to cry out weakly, but heart-breaking. She closed her eyes to face the cushion on her sofa, not wanting to be seen with her make up ruined. “Yes! Something is really wrong!” She would say and continue to cry and whine against the soft fabric that covered the cushion. Discord slowly walked in towards the mare with a concerned look. This was not what the creature wanted to see, her being hurt. What made him more worried was that Rarity have never told him about her dilemma. He headed to the living room and sat on the other side of the couch, right next to her. “What is the matter, Rarity? You never have been this... Sad as long as I've known you.” The draconequus asked with a lower, but a warming tone. Rarity turned around, seeing that the draconequus were only some feet from her. Without caring for her mascara that ran along her teardrops, the mare would sit up and gaze again on Discord. “Well... I am missing something in my life. Somepony, will say...” The draconequus raised an eyebrow and looked slightly confused on the mare in a few seconds, to then let out a sigh. “Really? Take a look around, missy.” Discord would say rather bored and gestured his talon from his right to the left. “You have everything you need to make your dresses. You have good friends, so who is this missing pony that makes a lady like you so depressed?” He asked and snapped his fingers to teleport in front of her, meeting her big blue eyes. The mare wiped away her tears with the napkin she held with her magic. “I want... A stallion, to love.” The creature's ears perked up when his friend mentioned love. “Rarity, there are many guys who would fight to get to be with you. I am sure you will find one soon.” Discord said calmly, but cheerfully, still hoping his friend could smile instead of making that sad frown. Rarity folded her hooves and turned around to look away from him. “Hmpf. What do you know about love, Discord?” She asked, but slightly in disbelief. The draconequus teleported again to appear sitting on the sofa. “Not much, actually, since I've never experienced to go further with a relationship to somepony. What I know is that you are the most generous mare a pony could ask for." Discord said, making the honest smile, which looked out of place for someone like him. "Trust me, there will be one day when you get married to the stallion you love.” As those words left from the draconequus himself, Rarity turned around once again to look into his red eyes with hope. What Discord noticed on the unicorn was the soft blush showing up on her cheeks, which made him unsure. 'No, she can't have a crush on me. I am hideous and I treated her so badly in the labyrinth for some years ago. Breath you idiot, she is just flattered.' Discord thought. “Really? Do you think so?” The mare asked, making the frown fade away to smile for the first time since Discord got in her home. Discord nodded and returned the smile to her. “I don't think so, I know so!” The draconequus would say cheerfully, hiding his wonders of the expressions Rarity recently made. 'I hope this filly don't take me too seriously, because if she did, I don't know how I would handle it. I don't know about how to "love". Friendship, yes, but love? No...' The draconequus thought. The unicorn smiled even more and reached out her hooves to hug Discord ever so gently. “Thank you Discord, I don't know what I would have done without a friend like you!” Rarity would say with a relieved and a happy warming voice. The creature's eyes went wide of the sudden hug. He gazed down on the unicorn, feeling an unlike heat flush appear on his face. 'Just keep calm, she is just hugging you...' Discord slowly wrapped his arms around Rarity and hugged the mare. “You're very welcome, my dear.” The draconequus said quietly and rubbed her back lightly, hoping she would feel better soon. “Would you like me to help you in the boutique?” The unicorn looked up on Discord now curiously, still keeping the smile on her face. “Oh, that would be splendid, darling! After my... Events, I would apprichiate a pon-, draconequus to lend me a... Paw.”