//------------------------------// // Ch.4 "Pagery Within My Court" // Story: The Tale of Draknirv // by Draknirv (Sortos) //------------------------------// ஜ۩۞۩ஜ His left eye began to glow with a green shimmer as the skulls of his former brethren began to fade unto dust. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ A lose patch of dirt billowed into very short haze of dust as Etrosk's body made impact! Etrosk attempted to rise from the fall, but swiftly received a sharp impact to the chin, knocking him back onto the rough and unforgiving ground. "Enough... I yield..." Was all Etrosk could mutter as he struggled to pick himself up. A dark black hoof reached out to help him up. Yealtev only smiled as he assisted our brother. Yealtev may have been a lot thinner than the rest of us, but he was definitely a lot quicker to the punch. He definitely gave proof of that taking down Etrosk at the time. "These... bog forsaken blades... aren't any good... for swinging at all!" Said Etrosk coughing and sputtering as he recovered from his defeat. "Quite yer' gripin and get up!" Said Hornswurth as he strolled over to assess the situation. "No I mean it!" Said Etrosk as he dusted himself off. "If I were to swing this thing at somepony, I'd be beaten down in a heartbeat!" Hornswurth stood there moling over the concept for a spare moment. "Then what do you suggest you little plyker!?" He finally retorted as he shot Etrosk a glazed look. "Erm... well... actually..." Said Etrosk whom was more than a little surprised at the question. "Ahem... what if there were... curved blades... attached to the sides of the holster?" Hornswurth continued glaring at him for several seconds and then looked towards the horizon. "That's...." He tilted his head slightly and stared at the ground. "That could potentially... triple the efficiency." Said Hornswurth in a shocked manner. "Huh?" Many of us said in unison, having been enthralled in the discussion. "What is going on here!"Said a bellowing voice from the gates. "Why have you stopped training!?" We could hardly believe our eyes as the very stallion who swept us from our home, armor and all, stepped onto the training field. "Hornswurth!" He shouted. "What is so disruptive to interrupt your training of our recruits!?" This stallion was intimidatingly larger than Hornswurth and was clearly using that to his advantage. His coat was a light beige color, his eyes were of a dark blue, his horns were straight until the end where they curved downwards, and his general bulk was benignly impressive! "Well?!" he continued commandingly. "Well..." Hornswurth stuttered. "It's this trainee here, he just thought of a way to potentially triple the noz's effectiveness!" "Oh is that so?" He replied as he approached Etrosk menacingly. "Praytell, what is this idea you have welp!?" "Uh..." Etrosk stuttered nervously. "Hornswurth!... What was this idiots idea?" Hornswurth precedingly straightened his form up and announced proudly. "To include an extra set of blades onto the sides the holster of the noz, Sir!" "And just what prolonged effect would this have?" The Stallion said skeptically. "It would theoretically triple the effectiveness of the noz by providing a better swinging leverage, Sir!" "Hmmm..." The large Gazelle rubbed his chin and pondered for a moment. He walked up to Etrosk and towered over him "Well then... I guess its your Lucky Day!" "W-what?" Etrosk replied weakly. "Good Colt, stand up straight and address your betters properly!" The imposing Stallion boomed. "You are within the presence of "Ataman' Aluchi Arnhoof, Lord of Riva"!" Whilst saying this a disgruntled Arnhoof proceeded to forcibly straighten Etrosk's posture. "Now then..." Aluchi continued. "I have a proposition for you." "Y-you do?!" Said Etrosk in a surprised manner. "Indeed I do!" Replied the conformed Stallion. "How would you, my new associate, misuir..." "E-Etrosk.... sir." He replied in amazement at the situation. "Well then "Etrosk"." Continued Aluchi. "How would you like to be taken on as a strana' under the Arnhoof house?" "W-wait what?" Etrosk retorted alarmingly. "You heard me, you shall be taken on as pagery within my court!" The Stallion stated in a triumphant manner. ___________________________________ "Of course, we were all shocked beyond belief at the occurrence." Said Draknirv topping off his drink. "Just imagine... First day of training... a common soldier... heck, a trainee, becoming a member of pagery." "It's funny how life can turn out." Draknirv continued. "One minute you can be at the top of the social ladder... and the next you could be laying in a ditch with a hole carved in your stomach." ___________________________________ "Uhm... well then, what would I be doing as a "strana'", exactly?" Said Etrosk regaining some composure. "Oh, simple tasks ranging from simply fetching a belonging to dealing with... those whom remain unruly under my watch." Stated Arnhoof in reply. "You will also be subjected to learning the arts of proper combat, as essential to all proper strana'. You'd be much better off in court than amidst the common soldiery... Wouldn't you agree?" "I... I suppose your right..." Agreed Etrosk in a reluctant demeanor. "But, my brothers here... I can't just abandon them to live such a life." ___________________________________ "Etrosk never really had much of a moral compass..." Said Draknirv in a notably dry tone. "Back then we both thought it was a foregone emotion to him... However if I were to guess of it now I'd think he was acting in such a way to gain an immediate gentry status with Arnhoof." He spat the name in a disgusted manner, As if the very word held a foul taste in his mouth. ___________________________________ "Hrrm..." Arnhoof pondered. "Whom among these rabble are they?" "Theee one with the dark green coat and the one standing next to him, with the mask pattern upon his face." Answered Etrosk. "I've seen the green one fight... he would make an excellent strana'... the other one however..." Aluchi rubbed his chin before turning to Hornswurth. "Hornswurth" He boomed. "I trust solemnly in your judgement... what do you think." "He would make a good Plastun'." Replied Hornswurth solemnly. Aluchi stood there pondering for what felt like ages before coming to a conclusion. "Very well." He said. "I'll take them... But... I expect a good performance from all of you." With that me and Yealtev both stepped up to join our brother. "So, the three of you all wish to leave the life of common soldier and become Strana?" Questioned Aluchi. "Definitely so." Assured Etrosk. Yealtev and I exchanged a quick glance and simply nodded. "Very well then... the three of you, follow me to the keep." He replied. "We have much to discuss."